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# On Input System Event Float node
> [!NOTE]
> The On Input System Event Float node [!include[nodes-note-package](./snippets/input-system/nodes-note-package.md)]
The On Input System Event Float node lists for a specific Input Action from a Player Input component. The node can output a single float value.
Use this node when you want to read user input and return a single value, such as an axis value or input from a trigger on a controller.

## Fuzzy finder category
The On Input System Event Float node is in the **Events** > **Input** category in the fuzzy finder.
## Inputs
The On Input System Event Float [!include[nodes-inputs](./snippets/nodes-inputs.md)]
## Controls
The On Input System Event Float [!include[nodes-controls](./snippets/nodes-controls.md)]
You can also set this control from the [Graph Inspector](vs-interface-overview.md#the-graph-inspector).
## Additional node settings
The On Input System Event Float [!include[nodes-additional-settings](./snippets/nodes-additional-settings.md)]
## Outputs
The On Input System Event Float [!include[nodes-outputs](./snippets/nodes-outputs.md)]
<td><strong>Float Value</strong></td>
<td>A float output port. <br/>Visual Scripting uses your chosen Input Action and its configuration in your Input Actions asset to determine the float value returned by this port. See the <a href="#example-graph-usage">Example graph usage</a> section for an example. <br/>For more information about how to configure Input Action settings and use an Input Action asset, see <a href="(https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@latest/index.html?subfolder=/manual/ActionAssets.html)">Input Action Assets</a> in the Input System package documentation.</td>
## Example graph usage
In the following example, an On Input System Event Float node uses the bindings assigned to the **Lift** Input Action. When a user presses any key from the **Lift** binding, Visual Scripting takes the float value it receives from the Input System and sends it as an input to the Vector 3 Create node's **Y** input port. At the same time, Visual Scripting triggers the Transform Set Position node and uses the output from the Vector 3 Create node to set a new position for the Script Machine's GameObject.

For this example, **Lift** uses a Right Trigger from a Gamepad input device as a binding. When a user presses the Right Trigger, the **Y** value of the GameObject's transform increases, which makes the GameObject move upwards in the scene.
## Related nodes
[!include[vs-nodes-related](./snippets/nodes-related.md)] On Input System Event Float node:
- [On Input System Event Button node](vs-nodes-events-input-system-button.md)
- [On Input System Event Vector 2 node](vs-nodes-events-input-system-vector2.md) |