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About the Cache Server Client
Use the Cache Server Client to upload and download files to any Unity Cache Server. The Cache Server Client is used to communicate with a Unity Cache Server to store and retrieve incremental artifacts of the SBP build process, so that contents of the SBP build cache can be reused by multiple machines that are using the same project.
Warning: The Unity Cache Server has some performance limitations when dealing with a high volume of small cache entries. That can occur when performing large builds. The Cache Server is no longer under active development, as the Asset Import Pipeline now uses the Unity Accelerator. The Scriptable Build Pipeline retains the support to cache build artifacts through the Cache Server, as documented here, but this is not a recommended configuration.
The Unity Accelerator can speed up the Asset Import process when the same project is opened on different machines. But it does not support sharing artifacts stored in the local SBP build cache.
To install this package, follow the instructions in the Package Manager documentation.
API Examples
This following example shows how to share build artifacts between team members or multiple machines to achieve faster build times.
- A Cache Server instance dedicated to build artifacts. In addition you may run an Accelerator to speed up Asset Imports.
- High Reliability mode turned off on the Build Cache Server instance. The build cache uses dynamic dependencies which is incompatible with high reliability mode.
- The build code must use the
method. BundleBuildParameters.UseCache
is set to true.BundleBuildParameters.CacheServerHost
are set to the cache server instance host or IP address and port respectively.
Example code:
public static class BuildAssetBundlesExample
public static bool BuildAssetBundles(string outputPath, bool useChunkBasedCompression, BuildTarget buildTarget, BuildTargetGroup buildGroup)
var buildContent = new BundleBuildContent(ContentBuildInterface.GenerateAssetBundleBuilds());
var buildParams = new BundleBuildParameters(buildTarget, buildGroup, outputPath);
// Set build parameters for connecting to the Cache Server
buildParams.UseCache = true;
buildParams.CacheServerHost = "buildcache.unitygames.com";
buildParams.CacheServerPort = 8126;
if (useChunkBasedCompression)
buildParams.BundleCompression = BuildCompression.DefaultLZ4;
IBundleBuildResults results;
ReturnCode exitCode = ContentPipeline.BuildAssetBundles(buildParams, buildContent, out results);
return exitCode == ReturnCode.Success;
Upload a file
const string guidStr = "f7950ee725f9d47c7b90b02224b4534f";
const string hashStr = "5082668810f105d565e2da3f8bf394ee";
var fileId = FileId.From(guidStr, hashStr);
var client = new Client("localhost", 8126);
using(var stream = new FileStream())
client.Upload(FileType.Asset, stream);
Download a file
const string guidStr = "f7950ee725f9d47c7b90b02224b4534f";
const string hashStr = "5082668810f105d565e2da3f8bf394ee";
var fileId = FileId.From(guidStr, hashStr);
var filePath = "/target/filename";
var client = new Client("localhost", 8126);
// FileDownloadItem implements IDownloadItem
var downloadItem = new FileDownloadItem(fileId, FileType.Asset, filePath);
client.DownloadFinished += (object sender, DownloadFinishedEventArgs args) =>
DownloadResult result = args.Result;
long size = args.Size;
long queueLength = args.DownloadQueueLength;
client.ResetDownloadFinishedEventHandler(); // cleanup
Implement IDownloadItem
to download vai WriteStream to a custom location.
Upload All Assets
Quickly seed a local or remote cache server with the current project's imported assets.
- From the Unity Editor toolbar, select
Assets -> Cache Server -> Upload All Assets
- Input the destination Cache Server. The currently configured global Unity Editor setting will be used by default.
- Press Upload - for large projects, a progress dialog will display during the upload.
Or frome the Command Line:
Unity -projectPath [projectPath] -ExecuteMethod Unity.CacheServer.CacheServerUploader.UploadAllFilesToCacheServer -batchmode -quit
Technical details
This version of the Cache Server Client is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Editor:
- 2017.1 and later (recommended)
- 5.6 and earlier may work but are untested
This Cache Server Client is compatible with the following versions of the Unity Cache Server:
- v5.x and later (recommended)
- Other Cache Server versions shipped with Unity 5.x and later