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<ui:Label display-tooltip-when-elided="true" text="The Event Actuator reads a signal from the Input circuit or Node and fires events based on the value. <br> - <i>Input Updated</i> is an expensive listener and should be used with caution because all listener callbacks will be fired every time the Input value changes. <br> - <i>Input Rose</i> triggers its events when the input signal meets or exceeds the High Threshold. <br> - <i>Input Held</i> triggers its events while the input signal is sustained at or above the High Threshold. <br> - <i>Input Fell</i> triggers its events when the input signal equals or falls below the Low Threshold. <br> - <i>Input Rose OneShot</i> triggers its events only the very first time the input signal meets or exceeds the High Threshold. <br>" name="eventActuatorInfo" style="white-space: normal; font-size: 12px;" />
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