71 lines
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71 lines
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using System;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Splines;
namespace Unity.Splines.Examples
public class DisplayCurvatureOnSplineEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
void OnSceneGUI()
var displayScript = ( (DisplayCurvatureOnSpline)target );
var curvatureTimes = displayScript.m_CurvatureTimes;
var container = displayScript.container;
if(container.Spline == null || Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)
using var nativeSpline = new NativeSpline(container.Spline, container.transform.localToWorldMatrix);
foreach(var config in curvatureTimes)
var t = math.clamp(config.time, 0f, 1f);
if(container.transform.lossyScale != Vector3.one)
//Convert t to be the same for the spline and the spline data in case
//a scale is applied on the SplineContainer GameObject
var curveIndex = container.Spline.SplineToCurveT(t, out float curveT);
t = nativeSpline.CurveToSplineT(curveIndex + curveT);
//Compute Spline Position in World Space
var nativeSplinePos = nativeSpline.EvaluatePosition(t);
//Compute Curvature at t, Curvature k = 1/radius
var curvature = nativeSpline.EvaluateCurvature(t);
//Compute the curvature center = i.e the center point of the tangent circle at the spline at t
var curvatureCenter = nativeSpline.EvaluateCurvatureCenter(t);
//Computing signed curvature :
//Evaluate on which side of the spline is the curvature bending
var up = nativeSpline.EvaluateUpVector(t);
var velocity = nativeSpline.EvaluateTangent(t);
var acceleration = nativeSpline.EvaluateAcceleration(t);
var curvatureUp = math.normalize(math.cross(acceleration, velocity));
var c = curvature * math.sign(math.dot(up, curvatureUp));
c = math.clamp(5f* c, -1f, 1f);
var curvatureColor = new Color(
c < 0 ? c + 1 : 1,
c < 0 ? 1 : 1 - c);
using(new Handles.DrawingScope(curvatureColor))
Handles.DrawSolidDisc(curvatureCenter, curvatureUp, math.length(curvatureCenter - nativeSplinePos));
using(new Handles.DrawingScope(Color.black))
Handles.SphereHandleCap(-1, nativeSplinePos, Quaternion.identity, 0.15f * HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(nativeSplinePos), EventType.Repaint);