190 lines
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190 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Interfaces;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Utilities;
using UnityEditor.Build.Utilities;
using UnityEditor.Modules;
namespace UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline
/// <summary>
/// Static class containing the main content building entry points into the Scriptable Build Pipeline.
/// </summary>
public static class ContentPipeline
/// <summary>
/// Default temporary path used for building content data.
/// </summary>
public const string kTempBuildPath = "Temp/ContentBuildData";
/// <summary>
/// Default temporary path used for building script data.
/// </summary>
public const string kScriptBuildPath = "Library/PlayerScriptAssemblies";
/// <summary>
/// Default callback implementation.
/// </summary>
public static BuildCallbacks BuildCallbacks = new BuildCallbacks();
/// <summary>
/// Default implementation of generating Asset Bundles using the Scriptable Build Pipeline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Set of parameters used for building asset bundles.</param>
/// <param name="content">Set of content and explicit asset bundle layout to build.</param>
/// <param name="result">Results from building the content and explicit asset bundle layout.</param>
/// <returns>Return code with status information about success or failure causes.</returns>
public static ReturnCode BuildAssetBundles(IBundleBuildParameters parameters, IBundleBuildContent content, out IBundleBuildResults result)
var taskList = DefaultBuildTasks.Create(DefaultBuildTasks.Preset.AssetBundleCompatible);
return BuildAssetBundles(parameters, content, out result, taskList);
/// <summary>
/// Default implementation of generating Asset Bundles using the Scriptable Build Pipeline.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters">Set of parameters used for building asset bundles.</param>
/// <param name="content">Set of content and explicit asset bundle layout to build.</param>
/// <param name="result">Results from building the content and explicit asset bundle layout.</param>
/// <param name="taskList">Custom task list for building asset bundles.</param>
/// <param name="contextObjects">Additional context objects to make available to the build.</param>
/// <returns>Return code with status information about success or failure causes.</returns>
public static ReturnCode BuildAssetBundles(IBundleBuildParameters parameters, IBundleBuildContent content, out IBundleBuildResults result, IList<IBuildTask> taskList, params IContextObject[] contextObjects)
if (BuildPipeline.isBuildingPlayer)
result = null;
BuildLogger.LogException(new InvalidOperationException("Cannot build asset bundles while a build is in progress"));
return ReturnCode.Exception;
// Avoid throwing exceptions in here as we don't want them bubbling up to calling user code
if (parameters == null)
result = null;
BuildLogger.LogException(new ArgumentNullException("parameters"));
return ReturnCode.Exception;
// Avoid throwing exceptions in here as we don't want them bubbling up to calling user code
if (taskList.IsNullOrEmpty())
result = null;
BuildLogger.LogException(new ArgumentException("Argument cannot be null or empty.", "taskList"));
return ReturnCode.Exception;
var contentBuildSettings = parameters.GetContentBuildSettings();
if (!CanBuildPlayer(contentBuildSettings.target, contentBuildSettings.group))
result = null;
BuildLogger.LogException(new InvalidOperationException("Unable to build with the current configuration, please check the Build Settings."));
return ReturnCode.Exception;
// Don't run if there are unsaved changes
if (ValidationMethods.HasDirtyScenes())
result = null;
return ReturnCode.UnsavedChanges;
BuildContext buildContext = new BuildContext(contextObjects);
BuildLog buildLog = null;
IBuildLogger logger;
if (!buildContext.TryGetContextObject<IBuildLogger>(out logger))
logger = buildLog = new BuildLog();
using (logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "AssetDatabase.SaveAssets"))
ReturnCode exitCode;
result = new BundleBuildResults();
using (new SceneStateCleanup())
using (var progressTracker = new ProgressTracker())
using (var progressTracker = new ProgressLoggingTracker())
using (new AutoBuildCacheUtility())
using (var interfacesWrapper = new BuildInterfacesWrapper())
using (var buildCache = new BuildCache(parameters.CacheServerHost, parameters.CacheServerPort))
// If IDeterministicIdentifiers was passed in with contextObjects, don't add the default
if (!buildContext.ContainsContextObject(typeof(IDeterministicIdentifiers)))
buildContext.SetContextObject(parameters.ContiguousBundles ? new PrefabPackedIdentifiers() : (IDeterministicIdentifiers)new Unity5PackedIdentifiers());
buildContext.SetContextObject(new BuildDependencyData());
buildContext.SetContextObject(new ObjectDependencyData());
buildContext.SetContextObject(new BundleWriteData());
catch (Exception e)
// Avoid throwing exceptions in here as we don't want them bubbling up to calling user code
result = null;
return ReturnCode.Exception;
exitCode = BuildTasksRunner.Validate(taskList, buildContext);
if (exitCode >= ReturnCode.Success)
exitCode = BuildTasksRunner.RunProfiled(taskList, buildContext);
exitCode = BuildTasksRunner.Run(taskList, buildContext);
if (Directory.Exists(parameters.TempOutputFolder))
Directory.Delete(parameters.TempOutputFolder, true);
if (buildLog != null)
string buildLogPath = parameters.GetOutputFilePathForIdentifier("buildlogtep.json");
File.WriteAllText(parameters.GetOutputFilePathForIdentifier("buildlogtep.json"), buildLog.FormatForTraceEventProfiler());
long maximumCacheSize = ScriptableBuildPipeline.maximumCacheSize * BuildCache.k_BytesToGigaBytes;
return exitCode;
//Functionality has been removed due to issues with APV in yamato for package release (https://jira.unity3d.com/browse/BPSBP-735)
private static bool CanBuildPlayer(BuildTarget target, BuildTargetGroup targetGroup)
// The Editor APIs we need only exist in 2021.3 and later. For earlier versions, assume we can build.
//#if UNITY_2021_3_OR_NEWER
// var module = ModuleManager.GetTargetStringFrom(targetGroup, target);
// var buildWindowExtension = ModuleManager.GetBuildWindowExtension(module);
// return buildWindowExtension != null ? buildWindowExtension.EnabledBuildButton() : false;
return true;