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2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.DataBuilders;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.HostingServices;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings.GroupSchemas;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Util;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using static UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings.AddressablesFileEnumeration;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Unity.Services.Ccd.Management;
using Unity.Services.Ccd.Management.Models;
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
/// <summary>
/// Contains editor data for the addressables system.
/// </summary>
public class AddressableAssetSettings : ScriptableObject
internal class Cache<T1, T2>
private AddressableAssetSettings m_Settings;
private Hash128 m_CurrentCacheVersion;
private Dictionary<T1, T2> m_TargetInfoCache = new Dictionary<T1, T2>();
public Cache(AddressableAssetSettings settings)
m_Settings = settings;
public bool TryGetCached(T1 key, out T2 result)
if (IsValid() && m_TargetInfoCache.TryGetValue(key, out result))
return true;
result = default;
return false;
public void Add(T1 key, T2 value)
if (!IsValid())
m_CurrentCacheVersion = m_Settings.currentHash;
m_TargetInfoCache.Add(key, value);
private bool IsValid()
if (m_TargetInfoCache.Count > 0)
if (!m_CurrentCacheVersion.isValid || m_CurrentCacheVersion.Equals(m_Settings.currentHash) == false)
m_CurrentCacheVersion = default;
return false;
return true;
return false;
private Cache<string, AddressableAssetEntry> m_FindAssetEntryCache = null;
static void RegisterWithAssetPostProcessor()
//if the Library folder has been deleted, this will be null and it will have to be set on the first access of the settings object
if (AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings != null)
AddressablesAssetPostProcessor.OnPostProcess.Register(AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings.OnPostprocessAllAssets, 0);
EditorApplication.update += TryAddAssetPostprocessorOnNextUpdate;
static void CheckCCDStatus()
if (AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings != null && AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings.CCDEnabled)
AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings.CCDEnabled = false;
Debug.LogError("This version of Addressables no longer supports integration with the current installed version of the CCD package. " +
"Please upgrade the CCD package to continue using the integration. Or, re-enable the Enable CCD Integration toggle in the AddressableAssetSettings.");
private static void TryAddAssetPostprocessorOnNextUpdate()
if (AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings != null)
AddressablesAssetPostProcessor.OnPostProcess.Register(AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings.OnPostprocessAllAssets, 0);
EditorApplication.update -= TryAddAssetPostprocessorOnNextUpdate;
/// <summary>
/// Default bundle version.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Used when generating the catalog name. When using the default, the version will be evaluated from the version set in Player Settings.
/// </remarks>
internal const string kDefaultPlayerVersion = "[UnityEditor.PlayerSettings.bundleVersion]";
/// <summary>
/// Build Path Name
/// </summary>
public const string kBuildPath = "BuildPath";
/// <summary>
/// Load Path Name
/// </summary>
public const string kLoadPath = "LoadPath";
/// <summary>
/// Default name of a newly created group.
/// </summary>
public const string kNewGroupName = "New Group";
/// <summary>
/// Default name of local build path.
/// </summary>
public const string kLocalBuildPath = "Local.BuildPath";
/// <summary>
/// Default name of local load path.
/// </summary>
public const string kLocalLoadPath = "Local.LoadPath";
/// <summary>
/// Default name of remote build path.
/// </summary>
public const string kRemoteBuildPath = "Remote.BuildPath";
/// <summary>
/// Default name of remote load path.
/// </summary>
public const string kRemoteLoadPath = "Remote.LoadPath";
private const string kLocalGroupTypePrefix = "Built-In";
internal static string LocalGroupTypePrefix => kLocalGroupTypePrefix;
/// <summary>
/// Default value of local build path.
/// </summary>
public const string kLocalBuildPathValue = "[UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.Addressables.BuildPath]/[BuildTarget]";
/// <summary>
/// Default value of local load path.
/// </summary>
public const string kLocalLoadPathValue = "{UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.Addressables.RuntimePath}/[BuildTarget]";
private const string kEditorHostedGroupTypePrefix = "Editor Hosted";
internal static string EditorHostedGroupTypePrefix => kEditorHostedGroupTypePrefix;
private const string kCcdManagerGroupTypePrefix = "Automatic";
internal static string CcdManagerGroupTypePrefix = kCcdManagerGroupTypePrefix;
/// <summary>
/// Default value of remote build path.
/// </summary>
public const string kRemoteBuildPathValue = "ServerData/[BuildTarget]";
/// <summary>
/// Default value of remote load path.
/// </summary>
public const string kRemoteLoadPathValue = "http://localhost/[BuildTarget]";
internal static string RemoteLoadPathValue
// Fix for case ADDR-2314. kRemoteLoadPathValue is incorrect, "http://localhost/[BuildTarget]" does not work with local hosting service
return "http://[PrivateIpAddress]:[HostingServicePort]";
// kRemoteLoadPathValue will be fixed to the correct path in Addressables 1.20.0
/// <summary>
/// Default path of build assets that are uploaded to Ccd.
/// </summary>
public const string kCCDBuildDataPath = "CCDBuildData";
/// <summary>
/// CCD Package Name
/// </summary>
public const string kCCDPackageName = "com.unity.services.ccd.management";
private const string kImportAssetEntryCollectionOptOutKey = "com.unity.addressables.importAssetEntryCollections.optOut";
internal bool DenyEntryCollectionPermission { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Options for building Addressables when building a player.
/// </summary>
public enum PlayerBuildOption
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that the global settings (stored in preferences) will determine if building a player will also build Addressables.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that building a player will also build Addressables.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that building a player won't build Addressables.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Options for labeling all the different generated events.
/// </summary>
public enum ModificationEvent
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a group was added to the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a group was removed from the the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a group in the settings object was renamed.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a schema was added to a group.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a schema was removed from a group.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a schema was modified.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a group template was added to the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a group template was removed from the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a schema was added to a group template.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a schema was removed from a group template.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that an asset entry was created.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that an asset entry was added to a group.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that an asset entry moved from one group to another.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that an asset entry was removed from a group.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that an asset label was added to the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that an asset label was removed from the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a profile was added to the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a profile was removed from the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a profile was modified.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a profile has been set as the active profile.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that an asset entry was modified.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that the build settings object was modified.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a new build script is being used as the active build script.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a new data builder script was added to the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a data builder script was removed from the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate a new initialization object was added to the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate a initialization object was removed from the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a new script is being used as the active playmode data builder.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a batch of asset entries was modified. Note that the posted object will be null.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that the hosting services manager was modified.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a group changed its order placement within the list of groups in the settings object.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Use to indicate that a new certificate handler is being used for the initialization object provider.
/// </summary>
private string m_CachedAssetPath;
/// <summary>
/// The path of the settings asset.
/// </summary>
public string AssetPath
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CachedAssetPath))
string guid;
long localId;
if (!AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(this, out guid, out localId))
throw new Exception($"{nameof(AddressableAssetSettings)} is not persisted. Unable to determine AssetPath.");
m_CachedAssetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CachedAssetPath))
throw new Exception($"{nameof(AddressableAssetSettings)} - Unable to determine AssetPath from guid {guid}.");
return m_CachedAssetPath;
private string m_CachedConfigFolder;
/// <summary>
/// The folder of the settings asset.
/// </summary>
public string ConfigFolder
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_CachedConfigFolder))
m_CachedConfigFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(AssetPath);
return m_CachedConfigFolder;
/// <summary>
/// The folder for the group assets.
/// </summary>
public string GroupFolder
get { return ConfigFolder + "/AssetGroups"; }
/// <summary>
/// The folder for the script assets.
/// </summary>
public string DataBuilderFolder
get { return ConfigFolder + "/DataBuilders"; }
/// <summary>
/// The folder for the asset group schema assets.
/// </summary>
public string GroupSchemaFolder
get { return GroupFolder + "/Schemas"; }
/// <summary>
/// The default folder for the group template assets.
/// </summary>
public string GroupTemplateFolder
get { return ConfigFolder + "/AssetGroupTemplates"; }
/// <summary>
/// Event for handling settings changes. The object passed depends on the event type.
/// </summary>
public Action<AddressableAssetSettings, ModificationEvent, object> OnModification { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Event for handling settings changes on all instances of AddressableAssetSettings. The object passed depends on the event type.
/// </summary>
public static event Action<AddressableAssetSettings, ModificationEvent, object> OnModificationGlobal;
/// <summary>
/// Event for handling the result of a DataBuilder.Build call.
/// </summary>
public Action<AddressableAssetSettings, IDataBuilder, IDataBuilderResult> OnDataBuilderComplete { get; set; }
string m_DefaultGroup;
Hash128 m_currentHash;
Hash128 m_selfHash;
bool m_IsTemporary;
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether this settings object is persisted to an asset.
/// </summary>
public bool IsPersisted
get { return !m_IsTemporary; }
bool m_OptimizeCatalogSize = false;
bool m_BuildRemoteCatalog = false;
bool m_BundleLocalCatalog = false;
int m_CatalogRequestsTimeout = 0;
bool m_DisableCatalogUpdateOnStart = false;
bool m_IgnoreUnsupportedFilesInBuild = false;
bool m_UniqueBundleIds = false;
#if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
bool m_NonRecursiveBuilding = true;
bool m_NonRecursiveBuilding = false;
#if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
bool m_CCDEnabled = false;
bool m_CCDEnabled = true;
public bool CCDEnabled
get { return m_CCDEnabled; }
set { m_CCDEnabled = value; }
int m_maxConcurrentWebRequests = 3;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum time to download hash and json catalog files before a timeout error.
/// </summary>
public int CatalogRequestsTimeout
get { return m_CatalogRequestsTimeout; }
set { m_CatalogRequestsTimeout = value < 0 ? 0 : value; }
/// <summary>
/// The maximum number of concurrent web requests. This value will be clamped from 1 to 1024.
/// </summary>
public int MaxConcurrentWebRequests
get { return m_maxConcurrentWebRequests; }
set { m_maxConcurrentWebRequests = Mathf.Clamp(value, 1, 1024); }
/// <summary>
/// Set this to true to ensure unique bundle ids. Set to false to allow duplicate bundle ids.
/// </summary>
public bool UniqueBundleIds
get { return m_UniqueBundleIds; }
set { m_UniqueBundleIds = value; }
#if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
bool m_ContiguousBundles = true;
bool m_ContiguousBundles = false;
/// <summary>
/// If set, packs assets in bundles contiguously based on the ordering of the source asset which results in improved asset loading times. Disable this if you've built bundles with a version of Addressables older than 1.12.1 and you want to minimize bundle changes.
/// </summary>
public bool ContiguousBundles
get { return m_ContiguousBundles; }
set { m_ContiguousBundles = value; }
/// <summary>
/// If set, Calculates and build asset bundles using Non-Recursive Dependency calculation methods. This approach helps reduce asset bundle rebuilds and runtime memory consumption.
/// </summary>
public bool NonRecursiveBuilding
get { return m_NonRecursiveBuilding; }
set { m_NonRecursiveBuilding = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Enables size optimization of content catalogs. This may increase the cpu usage of loading the catalog.
/// </summary>
public bool OptimizeCatalogSize
get { return m_OptimizeCatalogSize; }
set { m_OptimizeCatalogSize = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Determine if a remote catalog should be built-for and loaded-by the app.
/// </summary>
public bool BuildRemoteCatalog
get { return m_BuildRemoteCatalog; }
set { m_BuildRemoteCatalog = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether the local catalog should be serialized in an asset bundle or as json.
/// </summary>
public bool BundleLocalCatalog
get { return m_BundleLocalCatalog; }
set { m_BundleLocalCatalog = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Tells Addressables if it should check for a Content Catalog Update during the initialization step.
/// </summary>
public bool DisableCatalogUpdateOnStartup
get { return m_DisableCatalogUpdateOnStart; }
set { m_DisableCatalogUpdateOnStart = value; }
bool m_StripUnityVersionFromBundleBuild = false;
/// <summary>
/// If true, this option will strip the Unity Editor Version from the header of the AssetBundle during a build.
/// </summary>
internal bool StripUnityVersionFromBundleBuild
get { return m_StripUnityVersionFromBundleBuild; }
set { m_StripUnityVersionFromBundleBuild = value; }
bool m_DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations = false;
/// <summary>
/// If true, the build will assume that sub Assets have no visible asset representations (are not visible in the Project view) which results in improved build times.
/// However sub assets in the built bundles cannot be accessed by AssetBundle.LoadAsset&lt;T&gt; or AssetBundle.LoadAllAssets&lt;T&gt;.
/// </summary>
public bool DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations
get { return m_DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations; }
set { m_DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Whether unsupported files during build should be ignored or treated as an error.
/// </summary>
public bool IgnoreUnsupportedFilesInBuild
get { return m_IgnoreUnsupportedFilesInBuild; }
set { m_IgnoreUnsupportedFilesInBuild = value; }
ShaderBundleNaming m_ShaderBundleNaming = ShaderBundleNaming.ProjectName;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the naming convention used for the Unity built in shader bundle at build time.
/// The recommended setting is Project Name.
/// </summary>
public ShaderBundleNaming ShaderBundleNaming
get { return m_ShaderBundleNaming; }
set { m_ShaderBundleNaming = value; }
string m_ShaderBundleCustomNaming = "";
/// <summary>
/// Custom Unity built in shader bundle prefix that is used if AddressableAssetSettings.ShaderBundleNaming is set to ShaderBundleNaming.Custom.
/// </summary>
public string ShaderBundleCustomNaming
get { return m_ShaderBundleCustomNaming; }
set { m_ShaderBundleCustomNaming = value; }
MonoScriptBundleNaming m_MonoScriptBundleNaming = MonoScriptBundleNaming.Disabled;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the naming convention used for the MonoScript bundle at build time. Or disabled MonoScript bundle generation.
/// The recommended setting is Project Name.
/// </summary>
public MonoScriptBundleNaming MonoScriptBundleNaming
get { return m_MonoScriptBundleNaming; }
set { m_MonoScriptBundleNaming = value; }
CheckForContentUpdateRestrictionsOptions m_CheckForContentUpdateRestrictionsOption = CheckForContentUpdateRestrictionsOptions.ListUpdatedAssetsWithRestrictions;
/// <summary>
/// Informs the Addressable system how to handle checking for Content Update Restrictions during a Content Update build.
/// During this check, assets are flagged that have changed, yet are contained in a Group that has the Cannot Change Post Release option set.
/// </summary>
public CheckForContentUpdateRestrictionsOptions CheckForContentUpdateRestrictionsOption
get { return m_CheckForContentUpdateRestrictionsOption; }
set { m_CheckForContentUpdateRestrictionsOption = value; }
BuildAndReleaseContentStateBehavior m_BuildAndReleaseBinFileOption = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Informs the Addressable system how to handle checking for Content Update Restrictions during a Content Update build.
/// During this check, assets are flagged that have changed, yet are contained in a Group that has the Cannot Change Post Release option set.
/// </summary>
public BuildAndReleaseContentStateBehavior BuildAndReleaseBinFileOption
get { return m_BuildAndReleaseBinFileOption; }
set { m_BuildAndReleaseBinFileOption = value; }
string m_MonoScriptBundleCustomNaming = "";
/// <summary>
/// Custom MonoScript bundle prefix that is used if AddressableAssetSettings.MonoScriptBundleNaming is set to MonoScriptBundleNaming.Custom.
/// </summary>
public string MonoScriptBundleCustomNaming
get { return m_MonoScriptBundleCustomNaming; }
set { m_MonoScriptBundleCustomNaming = value; }
ProfileValueReference m_RemoteCatalogBuildPath;
/// <summary>
/// The path to place a copy of the content catalog for online retrieval. To do any content updates
/// to an existing built app, there must be a remote catalog. Overwriting the catalog is how the app
/// gets informed of the updated content.
/// </summary>
public ProfileValueReference RemoteCatalogBuildPath
if (m_RemoteCatalogBuildPath.Id == null)
m_RemoteCatalogBuildPath = new ProfileValueReference();
m_RemoteCatalogBuildPath.SetVariableByName(this, kRemoteBuildPath);
return m_RemoteCatalogBuildPath;
set { m_RemoteCatalogBuildPath = value; }
ProfileValueReference m_RemoteCatalogLoadPath;
/// <summary>
/// The path to load the remote content catalog from. This is the location the app will check to
/// look for updated catalogs, which is the only indication the app has for updated content.
/// </summary>
public ProfileValueReference RemoteCatalogLoadPath
if (m_RemoteCatalogLoadPath.Id == null)
m_RemoteCatalogLoadPath = new ProfileValueReference();
m_RemoteCatalogLoadPath.SetVariableByName(this, kRemoteLoadPath);
return m_RemoteCatalogLoadPath;
set { m_RemoteCatalogLoadPath = value; }
internal string m_ContentStateBuildPathProfileVariableName = "";
internal string m_CustomContentStateBuildPath = "";
internal string m_ContentStateBuildPath = "";
/// <summary>
/// The path used for saving the addressables_content_state.bin file. If empty, this will be the addressable settings config folder in your project.
/// </summary>
public string ContentStateBuildPath
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ContentStateBuildPath))
return m_ContentStateBuildPath;
else if (m_ContentStateBuildPathProfileVariableName == AddressableAssetProfileSettings.customEntryString)
return m_CustomContentStateBuildPath;
else if (m_ContentStateBuildPathProfileVariableName == AddressableAssetProfileSettings.defaultSettingsPathString)
return $"{AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.kDefaultConfigFolder}/{PlatformMappingService.GetPlatformPathSubFolder()}";
return profileSettings.GetValueByName(activeProfileId, m_ContentStateBuildPathProfileVariableName);
m_ContentStateBuildPath = value;
m_CustomContentStateBuildPath = value;
private PlayerBuildOption m_BuildAddressablesWithPlayerBuild = PlayerBuildOption.DoNotBuildWithPlayer;
/// <summary>
/// Defines if Addressables content will be built along with a Player build. (Requires 2021.2 or above)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Build with Player, will build Addressables with a Player build, this overrides preferences value.
/// Do not Build with Player, will not build Addressables with a Player build, this overrides preferences value.
/// Preferences value, will build with the Player dependant on is the user preferences value for "Build Addressables on Player build" is set.
/// </remarks>
public PlayerBuildOption BuildAddressablesWithPlayerBuild
get { return m_BuildAddressablesWithPlayerBuild; }
set { m_BuildAddressablesWithPlayerBuild = value; }
internal string GetContentStateBuildPath()
string p = ConfigFolder;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ContentStateBuildPath))
p = m_ContentStateBuildPath;
p = Path.Combine(p, PlatformMappingService.GetPlatformPathSubFolder());
return p;
Hash128 selfHash
if (!m_selfHash.isValid)
return m_selfHash;
Hash128 m_GroupsHash;
Hash128 groupsHash
if (!m_GroupsHash.isValid)
int count = 0;
foreach (var g in m_GroupAssets)
// this ignores both null values and deleted managed objects
if (g != null)
count += 1;
var gah = g.currentHash;
m_GroupsHash.Append(ref gah);
m_GroupsHash.Append(ref count);
return m_GroupsHash;
/// <summary>
/// Hash of the current settings. This value is recomputed if anything changes.
/// </summary>
public Hash128 currentHash
if (!m_currentHash.isValid)
var subHashes = new Hash128[]
return m_currentHash;
internal void DataBuilderCompleted(IDataBuilder builder, IDataBuilderResult result)
if (OnDataBuilderComplete != null)
OnDataBuilderComplete(this, builder, result);
/// <summary>
/// Create an AssetReference object. If the asset is not already addressable, it will be added.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guid">The guid of the asset reference.</param>
/// <returns>Returns the newly created AssetReference.</returns>
public AssetReference CreateAssetReference(string guid)
CreateOrMoveEntry(guid, DefaultGroup);
return new AssetReference(guid);
string m_overridePlayerVersion = "";
/// <summary>
/// Allows for overriding the player version used to generated catalog names.
/// </summary>
public string OverridePlayerVersion
get { return m_overridePlayerVersion; }
set { m_overridePlayerVersion = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The version of the player build. This is implemented as a timestamp int UTC of the form string.Format("{0:D4}.{1:D2}.{2:D2}.{3:D2}.{4:D2}.{5:D2}", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second).
/// </summary>
public string PlayerBuildVersion
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_overridePlayerVersion))
return profileSettings.EvaluateString(activeProfileId, m_overridePlayerVersion);
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
return string.Format("{0:D4}.{1:D2}.{2:D2}.{3:D2}.{4:D2}.{5:D2}", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second);
List<AddressableAssetGroup> m_GroupAssets = new List<AddressableAssetGroup>();
/// <summary>
/// List of asset groups.
/// </summary>
public List<AddressableAssetGroup> groups
get { return m_GroupAssets; }
AddressableAssetBuildSettings m_BuildSettings = new AddressableAssetBuildSettings();
/// <summary>
/// Build settings object.
/// </summary>
public AddressableAssetBuildSettings buildSettings
get { return m_BuildSettings; }
AddressableAssetProfileSettings m_ProfileSettings = new AddressableAssetProfileSettings();
/// <summary>
/// Profile settings object.
/// </summary>
public AddressableAssetProfileSettings profileSettings
get { return m_ProfileSettings; }
LabelTable m_LabelTable = new LabelTable();
/// <summary>
/// LabelTable object.
/// </summary>
internal LabelTable labelTable
get { return m_LabelTable; }
List<AddressableAssetGroupSchemaTemplate> m_SchemaTemplates = new List<AddressableAssetGroupSchemaTemplate>();
/// <summary>
/// Remove the schema at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to remove at.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the schema was removed.</returns>
[Obsolete("GroupSchemaTemplates are deprecated, use GroupTemplateObjects")]
public bool RemoveSchemaTemplate(int index, bool postEvent = true)
Debug.LogError("GroupSchemaTemplates are deprecated, use GroupTemplateObjects");
return false;
List<ScriptableObject> m_GroupTemplateObjects = new List<ScriptableObject>();
/// <summary>
/// List of ScriptableObjects that implement the IGroupTemplate interface for providing new templates.
/// For use in the AddressableAssetsWindow to display new groups to create
/// </summary>
public List<ScriptableObject> GroupTemplateObjects
get { return m_GroupTemplateObjects; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the IGroupTemplate at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the template object.</param>
/// <returns>The AddressableAssetGroupTemplate object at the specified index.</returns>
public IGroupTemplate GetGroupTemplateObject(int index)
if (m_GroupTemplateObjects.Count == 0)
return null;
if (index < 0 || index >= m_GroupTemplateObjects.Count)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Invalid index for group template: {0}.", index);
return null;
return m_GroupTemplateObjects[Mathf.Clamp(index, 0, m_GroupTemplateObjects.Count)] as IGroupTemplate;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a AddressableAssetsGroupTemplate object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="templateObject">The AddressableAssetGroupTemplate object to add.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the initialization object was added.</returns>
public bool AddGroupTemplateObject(IGroupTemplate templateObject, bool postEvent = true)
if (templateObject == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add null IGroupTemplate");
return false;
var so = templateObject as ScriptableObject;
if (so == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Group Template objects must inherit from ScriptableObject.");
return false;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.GroupTemplateAdded, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the AddressableAssetGroupTemplate object at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to remove.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an event should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the initialization object was removed.</returns>
public bool RemoveGroupTemplateObject(int index, bool postEvent = true)
if (m_GroupTemplateObjects.Count <= index)
return false;
var so = m_GroupTemplateObjects[index];
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.GroupTemplateRemoved, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the initialization object at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to set the initialization object.</param>
/// <param name="templateObject">The rroup template object to set. This must be a valid scriptable object that implements the IGroupTemplate interface.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the initialization object was set, false otherwise.</returns>
public bool SetGroupTemplateObjectAtIndex(int index, IGroupTemplate templateObject, bool postEvent = true)
if (m_GroupTemplateObjects.Count <= index)
return false;
if (templateObject == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot set null IGroupTemplate");
return false;
var so = templateObject as ScriptableObject;
if (so == null)
Debug.LogWarning("AddressableAssetGroupTemplate objects must inherit from ScriptableObject.");
return false;
m_GroupTemplateObjects[index] = so;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.GroupTemplateAdded, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
List<ScriptableObject> m_InitializationObjects = new List<ScriptableObject>();
/// <summary>
/// List of ScriptableObjects that implement the IObjectInitializationDataProvider interface for providing runtime initialization.
/// </summary>
public List<ScriptableObject> InitializationObjects
get { return m_InitializationObjects; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the IObjectInitializationDataProvider at a specifc index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the initialization object.</param>
/// <returns>The initialization object at the specified index.</returns>
public IObjectInitializationDataProvider GetInitializationObject(int index)
if (m_InitializationObjects.Count == 0)
return null;
if (index < 0 || index >= m_InitializationObjects.Count)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Invalid index for data builder: {0}.", index);
return null;
return m_InitializationObjects[Mathf.Clamp(index, 0, m_InitializationObjects.Count)] as IObjectInitializationDataProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an initialization object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initObject">The initialization object to add.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the initialization object was added.</returns>
public bool AddInitializationObject(IObjectInitializationDataProvider initObject, bool postEvent = true)
if (initObject == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add null IObjectInitializationDataProvider");
return false;
var so = initObject as ScriptableObject;
if (so == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Initialization objects must inherit from ScriptableObject.");
return false;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.InitializationObjectAdded, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the initialization object at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to remove.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the initialization object was removed.</returns>
public bool RemoveInitializationObject(int index, bool postEvent = true)
if (m_InitializationObjects.Count <= index)
return false;
var so = m_InitializationObjects[index];
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.InitializationObjectRemoved, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the initialization object at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to set the initialization object.</param>
/// <param name="initObject">The initialization object to set. This must be a valid scriptable object that implements the IInitializationObject interface.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the initialization object was set, false otherwise.</returns>
public bool SetInitializationObjectAtIndex(int index, IObjectInitializationDataProvider initObject, bool postEvent = true)
if (m_InitializationObjects.Count <= index)
return false;
if (initObject == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add null IObjectInitializationDataProvider");
return false;
var so = initObject as ScriptableObject;
if (so == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Initialization objects must inherit from ScriptableObject.");
return false;
m_InitializationObjects[index] = so;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.InitializationObjectAdded, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
[SerializedTypeRestriction(type = typeof(UnityEngine.Networking.CertificateHandler))]
SerializedType m_CertificateHandlerType;
/// <summary>
/// The type of CertificateHandler to use for this provider.
/// </summary>
public Type CertificateHandlerType
get { return m_CertificateHandlerType.Value; }
m_CertificateHandlerType.Value = value;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.CertificateHandlerChanged, value, true, true);
int m_ActivePlayerDataBuilderIndex = 3;
List<ScriptableObject> m_DataBuilders = new List<ScriptableObject>();
/// <summary>
/// List of ScriptableObjects that implement the IDataBuilder interface. These are used to create data for editor play mode and for player builds.
/// </summary>
public List<ScriptableObject> DataBuilders
get { return m_DataBuilders; }
/// <summary>
/// Get The data builder at a specifc index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the builder.</param>
/// <returns>The data builder at the specified index.</returns>
public IDataBuilder GetDataBuilder(int index)
if (m_DataBuilders.Count == 0)
return null;
if (index < 0 || index >= m_DataBuilders.Count)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Invalid index for data builder: {0}.", index);
return null;
return m_DataBuilders[Mathf.Clamp(index, 0, m_DataBuilders.Count)] as IDataBuilder;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a data builder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The data builder to add.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the data builder was added.</returns>
public bool AddDataBuilder(IDataBuilder builder, bool postEvent = true)
if (builder == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add null IDataBuilder");
return false;
var so = builder as ScriptableObject;
if (so == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Data builders must inherit from ScriptableObject.");
return false;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.DataBuilderAdded, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the data builder at the sprcified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to remove.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the builder was removed.</returns>
public bool RemoveDataBuilder(int index, bool postEvent = true)
if (m_DataBuilders.Count <= index)
return false;
var so = m_DataBuilders[index];
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.DataBuilderRemoved, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the data builder at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index to set the builder.</param>
/// <param name="builder">The builder to set. This must be a valid scriptable object that implements the IDataBuilder interface.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Indicates if an even should be posted to the Addressables event system for this change.</param>
/// <returns>True if the builder was set, false otherwise.</returns>
public bool SetDataBuilderAtIndex(int index, IDataBuilder builder, bool postEvent = true)
if (m_DataBuilders.Count <= index)
return false;
if (builder == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot add null IDataBuilder");
return false;
var so = builder as ScriptableObject;
if (so == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Data builders must inherit from ScriptableObject.");
return false;
m_DataBuilders[index] = so;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.DataBuilderAdded, so, postEvent, true);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Get the active data builder for player data.
/// </summary>
public IDataBuilder ActivePlayerDataBuilder
get { return GetDataBuilder(m_ActivePlayerDataBuilderIndex); }
/// <summary>
/// Get the active data builder for editor play mode data.
/// </summary>
public IDataBuilder ActivePlayModeDataBuilder
get { return GetDataBuilder(ProjectConfigData.ActivePlayModeIndex); }
/// <summary>
/// Get the index of the active player data builder.
/// </summary>
public int ActivePlayerDataBuilderIndex
get { return m_ActivePlayerDataBuilderIndex; }
if (m_ActivePlayerDataBuilderIndex != value)
m_ActivePlayerDataBuilderIndex = value;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.ActiveBuildScriptChanged, ActivePlayerDataBuilder, true, true);
/// <summary>
/// Get the index of the active play mode data builder.
/// </summary>
public int ActivePlayModeDataBuilderIndex
get { return ProjectConfigData.ActivePlayModeIndex; }
ProjectConfigData.ActivePlayModeIndex = value;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.ActivePlayModeScriptChanged, ActivePlayModeDataBuilder, true, false);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the list of all defined labels.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns a list of all defined labels.</returns>
public List<string> GetLabels()
return m_LabelTable.labelNames.ToList();
/// <summary>
/// Add a new label.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="label">The label name.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modification event.</param>
public void AddLabel(string label, bool postEvent = true)
if (m_LabelTable.AddLabelName(label))
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.LabelAdded, label, postEvent, true);
internal void RenameLabel(string oldLabelName, string newLabelName, bool postEvent = true)
int index = m_LabelTable.GetIndexOfLabel(oldLabelName);
if (index < 0)
if (!m_LabelTable.AddLabelName(newLabelName, index))
if (postEvent)
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.LabelAdded, newLabelName, postEvent, true);
foreach (var group in groups)
foreach (var entry in group.entries)
if (entry.labels.Contains(oldLabelName))
entry.SetLabel(newLabelName, true);
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.LabelRemoved, oldLabelName, postEvent, true);
/// <summary>
/// Remove a label by name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="label">The label name.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modification event.</param>
public void RemoveLabel(string label, bool postEvent = true)
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.LabelRemoved, label, postEvent, true);
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Label \"{0}\" removed. If you re-add the label before building, it will be restored in entries that had it. " +
"Building Addressables content will clear this label from all entries. That action cannot be undone.", label);
/// <summary>
/// Removes all labels that are not in use by an entry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modification event.</param>
internal void RemoveUnusedLabels(bool postEvent = true)
HashSet<string> usedLabels = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (AddressableAssetGroup assetGroup in groups)
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry entry in assetGroup.entries)
foreach (string label in entry.labels)
HashSet<string> unused = new HashSet<string>(m_LabelTable.labelNames);
unused.RemoveWhere(l => usedLabels.Contains(l));
if (unused.Count > 0)
foreach (string s in unused)
RemoveLabel(s, postEvent);
string m_ActiveProfileId;
/// <summary>
/// The active profile id.
/// </summary>
public string activeProfileId
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ActiveProfileId))
m_ActiveProfileId = m_ProfileSettings.CreateDefaultProfile();
return m_ActiveProfileId;
var oldVal = m_ActiveProfileId;
m_ActiveProfileId = value;
if (oldVal != value)
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.ActiveProfileSet, value, true, true);
HostingServicesManager m_HostingServicesManager;
/// <summary>
/// Get the HostingServicesManager object.
/// </summary>
public HostingServicesManager HostingServicesManager
if (m_HostingServicesManager == null)
m_HostingServicesManager = new HostingServicesManager();
if (!m_HostingServicesManager.IsInitialized)
return m_HostingServicesManager;
// For unit tests
internal set { m_HostingServicesManager = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Stores the CcdManager data in the ResourceManagerRuntimeData to set.
/// </summary>
internal CcdManagedData m_CcdManagedData = new CcdManagedData();
/// <summary>
/// Gets all asset entries from all groups.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="assets">The list of asset entries.</param>
/// <param name="includeSubObjects">Determines if sub objects such as sprites should be included.</param>
/// <param name="groupFilter">A method to filter groups. Groups will be processed if filter is null, or it returns TRUE</param>
/// <param name="entryFilter">A method to filter entries. Entries will be processed if filter is null, or it returns TRUE</param>
public void GetAllAssets(List<AddressableAssetEntry> assets, bool includeSubObjects, Func<AddressableAssetGroup, bool> groupFilter = null, Func<AddressableAssetEntry, bool> entryFilter = null)
using (var cache = new AddressablesFileEnumerationCache(this, false, null))
foreach (var g in groups)
if (g != null && (groupFilter == null || groupFilter(g)))
g.GatherAllAssets(assets, true, true, includeSubObjects, entryFilter);
internal void GatherAllAssetReferenceDrawableEntries(List<IReferenceEntryData> assets)
HashSet<string> processed = new HashSet<string>();
// gather all direct asset reference data
foreach (var g in groups)
if (g != null)
g.GatherAllDirectAssetReferenceEntryData(assets, processed);
// gather all folders
foreach (var g in groups)
if (g != null)
g.GatherAllFolderSubAssetReferenceEntryData(assets, processed);
// gather all collections
foreach (var g in groups)
if (g != null)
g.GatherAllAssetCollectionAssetReferenceEntryData(assets, processed);
/// <summary>
/// Remove an asset entry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guid">The guid of the asset.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modifcation event.</param>
/// <returns>True if the entry was found and removed.</returns>
public bool RemoveAssetEntry(string guid, bool postEvent = true)
=> RemoveAssetEntry(FindAssetEntry(guid), postEvent);
/// <summary>
/// Remove an asset entry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entry">The entry to remove.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modifcation event.</param>
/// <returns>True if the entry was found and removed.</returns>
internal bool RemoveAssetEntry(AddressableAssetEntry entry, bool postEvent = true)
if (entry == null)
return false;
if (entry.parentGroup != null)
entry.parentGroup.RemoveAssetEntry(entry, postEvent);
return true;
void Awake()
void OnEnable()
void OnDisable()
private string m_DefaultGroupTemplateName = "Packed Assets";
private static Type PackedModeType = typeof(BuildScriptPackedMode);
private static Type FastModeType = typeof(BuildScriptFastMode);
void Validate()
// Begin update any SchemaTemplate to GroupTemplateObjects
if (m_SchemaTemplates != null && m_SchemaTemplates.Count > 0)
Debug.LogError("Updating from GroupSchema version that is too old, deleting schemas");
m_SchemaTemplates = null;
if (m_GroupTemplateObjects.Count == 0)
// End update of SchemaTemplate to GroupTemplates
if (m_BuildSettings == null)
m_BuildSettings = new AddressableAssetBuildSettings();
if (m_ProfileSettings == null)
m_ProfileSettings = new AddressableAssetProfileSettings();
if (m_LabelTable == null)
m_LabelTable = new LabelTable();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ActiveProfileId))
m_ActiveProfileId = m_ProfileSettings.CreateDefaultProfile();
if (m_DataBuilders == null || m_DataBuilders.Count == 0)
m_DataBuilders = new List<ScriptableObject>();
if (ActivePlayerDataBuilder != null && !ActivePlayerDataBuilder.CanBuildData<AddressablesPlayerBuildResult>())
ActivePlayerDataBuilderIndex = m_DataBuilders.IndexOf(m_DataBuilders.Find(s => s.GetType() == PackedModeType));
if (ActivePlayModeDataBuilder != null && !ActivePlayModeDataBuilder.CanBuildData<AddressablesPlayModeBuildResult>())
ActivePlayModeDataBuilderIndex = m_DataBuilders.IndexOf(m_DataBuilders.Find(s => s.GetType() == FastModeType));
internal T CreateScriptAsset<T>() where T : ScriptableObject
var script = CreateInstance<T>();
if (!Directory.Exists(DataBuilderFolder))
var path = DataBuilderFolder + "/" + typeof(T).Name + ".asset";
if (!File.Exists(path))
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(script, path);
return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<T>(path);
/// <summary>
/// The default name of the built in player data AddressableAssetGroup
/// </summary>
public const string PlayerDataGroupName = "Built In Data";
/// <summary>
/// The default name of the local data AddressableAsssetGroup
/// </summary>
public const string DefaultLocalGroupName = "Default Local Group";
/// <summary>
/// Create a new AddressableAssetSettings object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="configFolder">The folder to store the settings object.</param>
/// <param name="configName">The name of the settings object.</param>
/// <param name="createDefaultGroups">If true, create groups for player data and local packed content.</param>
/// <param name="isPersisted">If true, assets are created.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static AddressableAssetSettings Create(string configFolder, string configName, bool createDefaultGroups, bool isPersisted)
AddressableAssetSettings aa;
var path = configFolder + "/" + configName + ".asset";
aa = isPersisted ? AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AddressableAssetSettings>(path) : null;
if (aa == null)
aa = CreateInstance<AddressableAssetSettings>();
aa.m_IsTemporary = !isPersisted;
aa.activeProfileId = aa.profileSettings.Reset();
aa.name = configName;
// TODO: Uncomment after initial opt-in testing period
//aa.ContiguousBundles = true;
aa.BuildAddressablesWithPlayerBuild = PlayerBuildOption.PreferencesValue;
aa.OverridePlayerVersion = kDefaultPlayerVersion;
if (isPersisted)
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(aa, path);
aa = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AddressableAssetSettings>(path);
if (createDefaultGroups)
if (isPersisted)
return aa;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new AddressableAssetGroupTemplate Object with the set of schema types with default settings for use in the editor GUI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="displayName">The display name of the template.</param>
/// <param name="description">Description text use with the template.</param>
/// <param name="types">The schema types for the template.</param>
/// <returns>True if the template was added, false otherwise.</returns>
public bool CreateAndAddGroupTemplate(string displayName, string description, params Type[] types)
string assetPath = GroupTemplateFolder + "/" + displayName + ".asset";
if (!CanCreateGroupTemplate(displayName, assetPath, types))
return false;
if (!Directory.Exists(GroupTemplateFolder))
AddressableAssetGroupTemplate newAssetGroupTemplate = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<AddressableAssetGroupTemplate>();
newAssetGroupTemplate.Description = description;
newAssetGroupTemplate.Settings = this;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newAssetGroupTemplate, assetPath);
foreach (Type type in types)
return true;
private bool CanCreateGroupTemplate(string displayName, string assetPath, Type[] types)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName))
Debug.LogWarningFormat("CreateAndAddGroupTemplate - Group template must have a valid name.");
return false;
if (types.Length == 0)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("CreateAndAddGroupTemplate - Group template {0} must contain at least 1 schema type.", displayName);
return false;
bool typesAreValid = true;
for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++)
var t = types[i];
if (t == null)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("CreateAndAddGroupTemplate - Group template {0} schema type at index {1} is null.", displayName, i);
typesAreValid = false;
else if (!typeof(AddressableAssetGroupSchema).IsAssignableFrom(t))
Debug.LogWarningFormat("CreateAndAddGroupTemplate - Group template {0} schema type at index {1} must inherit from AddressableAssetGroupSchema. Specified type was {2}.",
displayName, i, t.FullName);
typesAreValid = false;
if (!typesAreValid)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("CreateAndAddGroupTemplate - Group template {0} must contains at least 1 invalid schema type.", displayName);
return false;
if (File.Exists(assetPath))
Debug.LogWarningFormat("CreateAndAddGroupTemplate - Group template {0} already exists at location {1}.", displayName, assetPath);
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Find asset group by functor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="func">The functor to call on each group. The first group that evaluates to true is returned.</param>
/// <returns>The group found or null.</returns>
public AddressableAssetGroup FindGroup(Func<AddressableAssetGroup, bool> func)
return groups.Find(g => g != null && func(g));
/// <summary>
/// Find asset group by name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="groupName">The name of the group.</param>
/// <returns>The group found or null.</returns>
public AddressableAssetGroup FindGroup(string groupName)
return FindGroup(g => g != null && g.Name == groupName);
/// <summary>
/// The default group. This group is used when marking assets as addressable via the inspector.
/// </summary>
public AddressableAssetGroup DefaultGroup
AddressableAssetGroup group = null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_DefaultGroup))
group = groups.FirstOrDefault(s => s != null && s.CanBeSetAsDefault());
group = groups.FirstOrDefault(x => x != null && x.Guid == m_DefaultGroup);
if (group == null || !group.CanBeSetAsDefault())
group = groups.FirstOrDefault(s => s != null && s.CanBeSetAsDefault());
if (group != null)
m_DefaultGroup = group.Guid;
if (group == null)
Addressables.LogWarning("A valid default group could not be found. One will be created.");
group = CreateDefaultGroup(this);
return group;
if (value == null)
Addressables.LogError("Unable to set null as the Default Group. Default Groups must not be ReadOnly.");
else if (!value.CanBeSetAsDefault())
Addressables.LogError("Unable to set " + value.Name + " as the Default Group. Default Groups must not be ReadOnly.");
else if (m_DefaultGroup != value.Guid)
m_DefaultGroup = value.Guid;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.BatchModification, null, false, true);
internal static AddressableAssetGroup CreateBuiltInData(AddressableAssetSettings aa)
var playerData = aa.CreateGroup(PlayerDataGroupName, false, true, false, null, typeof(PlayerDataGroupSchema));
var resourceEntry = aa.CreateOrMoveEntry(AddressableAssetEntry.ResourcesName, playerData, false, false);
resourceEntry.IsInResources = true;
aa.CreateOrMoveEntry(AddressableAssetEntry.EditorSceneListName, playerData, false, false);
return playerData;
private static AddressableAssetGroup CreateDefaultGroup(AddressableAssetSettings aa)
var localGroup = aa.CreateGroup(DefaultLocalGroupName, true, false, false, null, typeof(ContentUpdateGroupSchema), typeof(BundledAssetGroupSchema));
var schema = localGroup.GetSchema<BundledAssetGroupSchema>();
schema.BuildPath.SetVariableByName(aa, kLocalBuildPath);
schema.LoadPath.SetVariableByName(aa, kLocalLoadPath);
schema.BundleMode = BundledAssetGroupSchema.BundlePackingMode.PackTogether;
aa.m_DefaultGroup = localGroup.Guid;
return localGroup;
private static bool CreateDefaultGroupTemplate(AddressableAssetSettings aa)
string assetPath = aa.GroupTemplateFolder + "/" + aa.m_DefaultGroupTemplateName + ".asset";
if (File.Exists(assetPath))
return LoadGroupTemplateObject(aa, assetPath);
return aa.CreateAndAddGroupTemplate(aa.m_DefaultGroupTemplateName, "Pack assets into asset bundles.", typeof(BundledAssetGroupSchema), typeof(ContentUpdateGroupSchema));
private static bool LoadGroupTemplateObject(AddressableAssetSettings aa, string assetPath)
return aa.AddGroupTemplateObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as IGroupTemplate);
internal AddressableAssetEntry CreateEntry(string guid, string address, AddressableAssetGroup parent, bool readOnly, bool postEvent = true)
AddressableAssetEntry entry = parent.GetAssetEntry(guid);
if (entry == null)
entry = new AddressableAssetEntry(guid, address, parent, readOnly);
if (!readOnly)
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.EntryCreated, entry, postEvent, false);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// Marks the object as modified.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modificationEvent">The event type that is changed.</param>
/// <param name="eventData">The object data that corresponds to the event.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">If true, the event is propagated to callbacks.</param>
/// <param name="settingsModified">If true, the settings asset will be marked as dirty.</param>
public void SetDirty(ModificationEvent modificationEvent, object eventData, bool postEvent, bool settingsModified = false)
if (modificationEvent == ModificationEvent.ProfileRemoved && eventData as string == activeProfileId)
activeProfileId = null;
if (this != null)
if (postEvent)
if (OnModificationGlobal != null)
OnModificationGlobal(this, modificationEvent, eventData);
if (OnModification != null)
OnModification(this, modificationEvent, eventData);
if (settingsModified && IsPersisted)
if (settingsModified)
m_selfHash = default;
m_GroupsHash = default;
m_currentHash = default;
private bool EventAffectsGroups(ModificationEvent modificationEvent)
switch (modificationEvent)
case ModificationEvent.BatchModification:
case ModificationEvent.EntryAdded:
case ModificationEvent.EntryCreated:
case ModificationEvent.EntryModified:
case ModificationEvent.EntryMoved:
case ModificationEvent.EntryRemoved:
case ModificationEvent.GroupAdded:
case ModificationEvent.GroupMoved:
case ModificationEvent.GroupRemoved:
case ModificationEvent.GroupRenamed:
case ModificationEvent.GroupSchemaModified:
case ModificationEvent.GroupSchemaRemoved:
return true;
return false;
internal bool RemoveMissingGroupReferences()
List<int> missingGroupsIndices = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; i++)
var g = groups[i];
if (g == null)
if (missingGroupsIndices.Count > 0)
Debug.Log("Addressable settings contains " + missingGroupsIndices.Count + " group reference(s) that are no longer there. Removing reference(s).");
for (int i = missingGroupsIndices.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Find and asset entry by guid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guid">The asset guid.</param>
/// <returns>The found entry or null.</returns>
public AddressableAssetEntry FindAssetEntry(string guid)
return FindAssetEntry(guid, false);
/// <summary>
/// Find and asset entry by guid.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guid">The asset guid.</param>
/// <param name="includeImplicit">Whether or not to include implicit asset entries in the search.</param>
/// <returns>The found entry or null.</returns>
public AddressableAssetEntry FindAssetEntry(string guid, bool includeImplicit)
AddressableAssetEntry foundEntry = null;
if (m_FindAssetEntryCache != null)
if (m_FindAssetEntryCache.TryGetCached(guid, out foundEntry))
return foundEntry;
m_FindAssetEntryCache = new Cache<string, AddressableAssetEntry>(this);
if (includeImplicit)
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; ++i)
if (groups[i] == null)
if (groups[i].EntryMap.TryGetValue(guid, out foundEntry))
m_FindAssetEntryCache.Add(guid, foundEntry);
return foundEntry;
if (groups[i].AssetCollectionEntries.Count > 0)
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry addressableAssetEntry in groups[i].AssetCollectionEntries)
foundEntry = addressableAssetEntry.GetAssetCollectionSubEntry(guid);
if (foundEntry != null)
m_FindAssetEntryCache.Add(guid, foundEntry);
return foundEntry;
string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
if (!AddressableAssetUtility.IsPathValidForEntry(path))
return null;
// find an explicit parent folder entry within groups
string directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);
while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory))
string folderGuid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(directory);
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; ++i)
if (groups[i] == null)
if (groups[i].EntryMap.TryGetValue(folderGuid, out foundEntry))
foundEntry = foundEntry.GetFolderSubEntry(guid, path);
if (foundEntry != null)
m_FindAssetEntryCache.Add(guid, foundEntry);
return foundEntry;
Debug.LogError($"Explicit AssetEntry for {directory} unable to find subEntry {path}");
return null;
directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(directory);
m_FindAssetEntryCache.Add(guid, null);
for (int i = 0; i < groups.Count; ++i)
if (groups[i] == null)
foundEntry = groups[i].GetAssetEntry(guid);
if (foundEntry != null)
m_FindAssetEntryCache.Add(guid, foundEntry);
return foundEntry;
return null;
internal bool IsAssetPathInAddressableDirectory(string assetPath, out string assetName)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath);
while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dir))
var dirEntry = FindAssetEntry(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(dir));
if (dirEntry != null)
assetName = dirEntry.address + assetPath.Remove(0, dir.Length);
return true;
dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(dir);
assetName = "";
return false;
internal void MoveAssetsFromResources(Dictionary<string, string> guidToNewPath, AddressableAssetGroup targetParent)
if (guidToNewPath == null || targetParent == null)
var entries = new List<AddressableAssetEntry>();
var createdDirs = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in guidToNewPath)
var dirInfo = new FileInfo(item.Value).Directory;
if (dirInfo != null && !dirInfo.Exists)
var oldPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(item.Key);
var errorStr = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(oldPath, item.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorStr))
Addressables.LogError("Error moving asset: " + errorStr);
AddressableAssetEntry e = FindAssetEntry(item.Key);
if (e != null)
e.IsInResources = false;
var newEntry = CreateOrMoveEntry(item.Key, targetParent, false, false);
var index = oldPath.LastIndexOf("resources/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
if (index >= 0)
var newAddress = oldPath.Substring(index + 10);
if (Path.HasExtension(newAddress))
newAddress = newAddress.Replace(Path.GetExtension(oldPath), "");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newAddress))
newEntry.SetAddress(newAddress, false);
foreach (var dir in createdDirs)
DirectoryUtility.DeleteDirectory(dir, onlyIfEmpty: true);
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.EntryMoved, entries, true, true);
/// <summary>
/// Move an existing entry to a group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entries">The entries to move.</param>
/// <param name="targetParent">The group to add the entries to.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Should the entries be read only.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modification event.</param>
public void MoveEntries(List<AddressableAssetEntry> entries, AddressableAssetGroup targetParent, bool readOnly = false, bool postEvent = true)
if (entries != null)
foreach (var entry in entries)
MoveEntry(entry, targetParent, readOnly, false);
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.EntryMoved, entries, postEvent, false);
/// <summary>
/// Move an existing entry to a group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="entry">The entry to move.</param>
/// <param name="targetParent">The group to add the entry to.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Should the entry be read only.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modification event.</param>
public void MoveEntry(AddressableAssetEntry entry, AddressableAssetGroup targetParent, bool readOnly = false, bool postEvent = true)
if (targetParent == null || entry == null)
if (entry.parentGroup != null && entry.parentGroup != targetParent)
entry.parentGroup.RemoveAssetEntry(entry, postEvent);
targetParent.AddAssetEntry(entry, postEvent);
entry.ReadOnly = readOnly;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new entry, or if one exists in a different group, move it into the new group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guid">The asset guid.</param>
/// <param name="targetParent">The group to add the entry to.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Is the new entry read only.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modification event.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public AddressableAssetEntry CreateOrMoveEntry(string guid, AddressableAssetGroup targetParent, bool readOnly = false, bool postEvent = true)
if (targetParent == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
return null;
AddressableAssetEntry entry = FindAssetEntry(guid);
if (entry != null) //move entry to where it should go...
//no need to do anything if already done...
if (entry.parentGroup == targetParent && entry.ReadOnly == readOnly && !postEvent)
return entry;
MoveEntry(entry, targetParent, readOnly, postEvent);
else //create entry
entry = CreateAndAddEntryToGroup(guid, targetParent, readOnly, postEvent);
return entry;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new entries for each asset, or if one exists in a different group, move it into the targetParent group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guids">The asset guid's to move.</param>
/// <param name="targetParent">The group to add the entries to.</param>
/// <param name="createdEntries">List to add new entries to. If null, the list will be ignored.</param>
/// <param name="movedEntries">List to add moved entries to. If null, the list will be ignored.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Is the new entry read only.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Send modification event.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"></exception>
internal void CreateOrMoveEntries(IEnumerable<string> guids,
AddressableAssetGroup targetParent,
List<AddressableAssetEntry> createdEntries = null,
List<AddressableAssetEntry> movedEntries = null,
bool readOnly = false,
bool postEvent = true)
if (targetParent == null)
throw new ArgumentException("targetParent must not be null");
foreach (string guid in guids)
AddressableAssetEntry entry = FindAssetEntry(guid);
if (entry != null)
MoveEntry(entry, targetParent, readOnly, false);
if(movedEntries != null)
entry = CreateAndAddEntryToGroup(guid, targetParent, readOnly, false);
if (entry != null && createdEntries != null)
if (postEvent)
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.BatchModification, guids, true, true);
private AddressableAssetEntry CreateAndAddEntryToGroup(string guid, AddressableAssetGroup targetParent, bool readOnly = false, bool postEvent = true)
AddressableAssetEntry entry = null;
var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
if (AddressableAssetUtility.IsPathValidForEntry(path))
entry = CreateEntry(guid, path, targetParent, readOnly, postEvent);
if (AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(path) != null && BuildUtility.IsEditorAssembly(AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(path).Assembly))
return null;
entry = CreateEntry(guid, guid, targetParent, true, postEvent);
targetParent.AddAssetEntry(entry, postEvent);
return entry;
internal AddressableAssetEntry CreateSubEntryIfUnique(string guid, string address, AddressableAssetEntry parentEntry)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
return null;
AddressableAssetEntry entry = FindAssetEntry(guid);
if (entry == null)
entry = new AddressableAssetEntry(guid, address, parentEntry.parentGroup, true);
entry.IsSubAsset = true;
entry.ParentEntry = parentEntry;
entry.BundleFileId = parentEntry.BundleFileId;
return entry;
//if the sub-entry already exists update it's info. This mainly covers the case of dragging folders around.
if (entry.IsSubAsset)
entry.parentGroup = parentEntry.parentGroup;
entry.IsInResources = parentEntry.IsInResources;
entry.address = address;
entry.ReadOnly = true;
entry.BundleFileId = parentEntry.BundleFileId;
return entry;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new asset group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="groupName">The group name.</param>
/// <param name="setAsDefaultGroup">Set the new group as the default group.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Is the new group read only.</param>
/// <param name="postEvent">Post modification event.</param>
/// <param name="schemasToCopy">Schema set to copy from.</param>
/// <param name="types">Types of schemas to add.</param>
/// <returns>The newly created group.</returns>
public AddressableAssetGroup CreateGroup(string groupName, bool setAsDefaultGroup, bool readOnly, bool postEvent, List<AddressableAssetGroupSchema> schemasToCopy, params Type[] types)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName))
groupName = kNewGroupName;
string validName = FindUniqueGroupName(groupName);
var group = CreateInstance<AddressableAssetGroup>();
group.Initialize(this, validName, GUID.Generate().ToString(), readOnly);
if (IsPersisted)
if (!Directory.Exists(GroupFolder))
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(group, GroupFolder + "/" + group.Name + ".asset");
if (schemasToCopy != null)
foreach (var s in schemasToCopy)
group.AddSchema(s, false);
foreach (var t in types)
if (!m_GroupAssets.Contains(group))
if (setAsDefaultGroup)
DefaultGroup = group;
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.GroupAdded, group, postEvent, true);
return group;
internal string FindUniqueGroupName(string potentialName)
var cleanedName = potentialName.Replace('/', '-');
cleanedName = cleanedName.Replace('\\', '-');
if (cleanedName != potentialName)
Addressables.Log("Group names cannot include '\\' or '/'. Replacing with '-'. " + cleanedName);
var validName = cleanedName;
int index = 1;
bool foundExisting = true;
while (foundExisting)
if (index > 1000)
Addressables.LogError("Unable to create valid name for new Addressable Assets group.");
return cleanedName;
foundExisting = IsNotUniqueGroupName(validName);
if (foundExisting)
validName = cleanedName + index;
return validName;
internal bool IsNotUniqueGroupName(string groupName)
bool foundExisting = false;
foreach (var g in groups)
if (g != null && g.Name == groupName)
foundExisting = true;
return foundExisting;
/// <summary>
/// Remove an asset group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="g"></param>
public void RemoveGroup(AddressableAssetGroup g)
RemoveGroupInternal(g, true, true);
internal void RemoveGroupInternal(AddressableAssetGroup g, bool deleteAsset, bool postEvent)
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.GroupRemoved, g, postEvent, true);
if (g != null && deleteAsset)
string guidOfGroup;
long localId;
if (AssetDatabase.TryGetGUIDAndLocalFileIdentifier(g, out guidOfGroup, out localId))
var groupPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guidOfGroup);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupPath))
internal void SetLabelValueForEntries(List<AddressableAssetEntry> entries, string label, bool value, bool postEvent = true)
var addedNewLabel = value && m_LabelTable.AddLabelName(label);
foreach (var e in entries)
e.SetLabel(label, value, false, false);
SetDirty(ModificationEvent.EntryModified, entries, postEvent, addedNewLabel);
internal void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)
List<string> assetEntryCollections = new List<string>();
var aa = this;
bool relatedAssetChanged = false;
bool settingsChanged = false;
foreach (string str in importedAssets)
var assetType = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(str);
if (typeof(AddressableAssetSettings).IsAssignableFrom(assetType))
var settings = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AddressableAssetSettings>(str);
if (settings != null)
if (typeof(AddressableAssetGroup).IsAssignableFrom(assetType))
AddressableAssetGroup group = aa.FindGroup(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str));
if (group == null)
var foundGroup = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AddressableAssetGroup>(str);
if (!aa.groups.Contains(foundGroup))
group = aa.FindGroup(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str));
relatedAssetChanged = true;
settingsChanged = true;
if (group != null)
#pragma warning disable 0618
if (typeof(AddressableAssetEntryCollection).IsAssignableFrom(assetType))
#pragma warning restore 0618
var guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(str);
if (aa.FindAssetEntry(guid) != null)
relatedAssetChanged = true;
if (AddressableAssetUtility.IsInResources(str))
relatedAssetChanged = true;
if (assetEntryCollections.Count > 0)
relatedAssetChanged = ConvertAssetEntryCollectionsWithPermissionRequest(assetEntryCollections) || relatedAssetChanged;
if (deletedAssets.Length > 0)
// if any directly referenced assets were deleted while Unity was closed, the path isn't useful, so Remove(null) is our only option
// this can lead to orphaned schema files.
if (groups.Remove(null) ||
DataBuilders.Remove(null) ||
GroupTemplateObjects.Remove(null) ||
relatedAssetChanged = true;
foreach (string str in deletedAssets)
if (AddressableAssetUtility.IsInResources(str))
relatedAssetChanged = true;
if (CheckForGroupDataDeletion(str))
relatedAssetChanged = true;
settingsChanged = true;
var guidOfDeletedAsset = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(str);
if (aa.RemoveAssetEntry(guidOfDeletedAsset))
relatedAssetChanged = true;
for (int i = 0; i < movedAssets.Length; i++)
var str = movedAssets[i];
var assetType = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(str);
if (typeof(AddressableAssetGroup).IsAssignableFrom(assetType))
var oldGroupName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(movedFromAssetPaths[i]);
var group = aa.FindGroup(oldGroupName);
if (group != null)
var newGroupName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str);
group.Name = newGroupName;
relatedAssetChanged = true;
var guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(str);
AddressableAssetEntry entry = aa.FindAssetEntry(guid);
bool isAlreadyAddressable = entry != null;
bool startedInResources = AddressableAssetUtility.IsInResources(movedFromAssetPaths[i]);
bool endedInResources = AddressableAssetUtility.IsInResources(str);
bool inEditorSceneList = BuiltinSceneCache.Contains(new GUID(guid));
//update entry cached path
//move to Resources
if (isAlreadyAddressable && endedInResources)
var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(str);
Addressables.Log("You have moved addressable asset " + fileName +
" into a Resources directory. It has been unmarked as addressable, but can still be loaded via the Addressables API via its Resources path.");
aa.RemoveAssetEntry(guid, false);
else if (inEditorSceneList)
//any addressables move or resources move (even resources to within resources) needs to refresh the UI.
relatedAssetChanged = isAlreadyAddressable || startedInResources || endedInResources || inEditorSceneList;
if (relatedAssetChanged || settingsChanged)
aa.SetDirty(ModificationEvent.BatchModification, null, true, settingsChanged);
#pragma warning disable 0618
internal bool ConvertAssetEntryCollectionsWithPermissionRequest(List<string> assetEntryCollections)
if (assetEntryCollections == null || assetEntryCollections.Count == 0 || DenyEntryCollectionPermission)
return false;
bool allowConvertCollectionToEntries = EditorUtility.GetDialogOptOutDecision(DialogOptOutDecisionType.ForThisMachine, kImportAssetEntryCollectionOptOutKey);
if (!allowConvertCollectionToEntries)
allowConvertCollectionToEntries = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("AssetEntryCollection Found",
"AssetEntryCollection is obsolete, do you want create AddressableAssetEntries from the AssetEntryCollection in the Default Group and remove the AssetEntryCollection from the project?",
"Yes", "No",
DialogOptOutDecisionType.ForThisMachine, kImportAssetEntryCollectionOptOutKey);
return allowConvertCollectionToEntries ? ConvertAssetEntryCollections(assetEntryCollections) : false;
internal bool ConvertAssetEntryCollections(List<string> assetEntryCollections)
if (assetEntryCollections == null || assetEntryCollections.Count == 0)
return false;
bool changesMade = false;
foreach (string collectionPath in assetEntryCollections)
var collection = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<AddressableAssetEntryCollection>(collectionPath);
if (collection == null)
Debug.LogError("Could not load and convert AssetEntryCollection at " + collectionPath);
if (!AddressableAssetEntryCollection.ConvertEntryCollectionToEntries(collection, this))
Debug.LogError("Failed to convert AssetEntryCollection to AddressableAssetEntries at " + collectionPath);
if (collectionPath.StartsWith("Assets", StringComparison.Ordinal))
if (!AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(collectionPath))
Debug.LogError("Failed to Delete AssetEntryCollection at " + collectionPath);
Debug.LogWarning($"Imported AssetEntryCollection is in a Package, deletion of Asset at {collectionPath} aborted.");
changesMade = true;
return changesMade;
#pragma warning restore 0618
internal bool CheckForGroupDataDeletion(string str)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return false;
bool modified = false;
AddressableAssetGroup groupToDelete = null;
bool deleteGroup = false;
foreach (var group in groups)
if (group != null)
if (AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(group.Guid) == str)
groupToDelete = group;
deleteGroup = true;
if (group.Schemas.Remove(null))
modified = true;
if (deleteGroup)
RemoveGroupInternal(groupToDelete, false, true);
modified = true;
return modified;
/// <summary>
/// Runs the active player data build script to create runtime data.
/// See the [BuildPlayerContent](xref:addressables-api-build-player-content) documentation for more details.
/// </summary>
public static void BuildPlayerContent()
BuildPlayerContent(out AddressablesPlayerBuildResult rst);
/// <summary>
/// Runs the active player data build script to create runtime data.
/// Any groups referencing CCD group type will have the produced bundles uploaded to the specified non-promotion only bucket.
/// See the [BuildPlayerContent](xref:addressables-api-build-player-content) documentation for more details.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<AddressableAssetBuildResult> BuildAndReleasePlayerContent()
return await BuildAndReleasePlayerContent(false);
/// <summary>
/// Runs the active player data build script to create runtime data.
/// Any groups referencing CCD group type will have the produced bundles uploaded and updated to the specified non-promotion only bucket.
/// See the [BuildPlayerContent](xref:addressables-api-build-player-content) documentation for more details.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<AddressableAssetBuildResult> UpdateAndReleasePlayerContent()
return await BuildAndReleasePlayerContent(true);
internal static async Task<AddressableAssetBuildResult> BuildAndReleasePlayerContent(bool isUpdate)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar($"CCD", "Prebuild", 0.3f);
var settings = AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings;
var builderInput = new AddressablesDataBuilderInput(settings);
var continueBuild = await CcdBuildEvents.Instance.OnPreEvent(isUpdate, builderInput);
if (!continueBuild)
throw new Exception("CCD content pre-build failure");
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar($"CCD", "Building", 0.6f);
BuildPlayerContent(out AddressablesPlayerBuildResult rst, builderInput);
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar($"CCD", "Postbuild", 0.9f);
continueBuild = await CcdBuildEvents.Instance.OnPostEvent(isUpdate, builderInput, rst);
if (!continueBuild)
throw new Exception("CCD content post-build failure");
return rst;
/// <summary>
/// Runs the active player data build script to create runtime data.
/// See the [BuildPlayerContent](xref:addressables-api-build-player-content) documentation for more details.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">Results from running the active player data build script.</param>
public static void BuildPlayerContent(out AddressablesPlayerBuildResult result)
BuildPlayerContent(out result, null);
internal static void BuildPlayerContent(out AddressablesPlayerBuildResult result, AddressablesDataBuilderInput input)
var settings = input != null ? input.AddressableSettings : AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings;
if (settings == null)
string error;
if (EditorApplication.isUpdating)
error = "Addressable Asset Settings does not exist. EditorApplication.isUpdating was true.";
else if (EditorApplication.isCompiling)
error = "Addressable Asset Settings does not exist. EditorApplication.isCompiling was true.";
error = "Addressable Asset Settings does not exist. Failed to create.";
result = new AddressablesPlayerBuildResult();
result.Error = error;
result = settings.BuildPlayerContentImpl(input);
internal static void NullifyBundleFileIds(AddressableAssetSettings settings)
foreach (AddressableAssetGroup group in settings.groups)
internal static void NullifyBundleFileIds(AddressableAssetGroup group)
if (group == null)
foreach (AddressableAssetEntry entry in group.entries)
entry.BundleFileId = null;
internal AddressablesPlayerBuildResult BuildPlayerContentImpl(AddressablesDataBuilderInput buildContext = null, bool buildAndRelease = false)
if (Directory.Exists(Addressables.BuildPath))
Directory.Delete(Addressables.BuildPath, true);
catch (Exception e)
if (buildContext == null)
buildContext = new AddressablesDataBuilderInput(this);
buildContext.IsBuildAndRelease = buildAndRelease;
var result = ActivePlayerDataBuilder.BuildData<AddressablesPlayerBuildResult>(buildContext);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Error))
Debug.LogError($"Addressable content build failure (duration : {TimeSpan.FromSeconds(result.Duration).ToString("g")})");
Debug.Log($"Addressable content successfully built (duration : {TimeSpan.FromSeconds(result.Duration).ToString("g")})");
if (BuildScript.buildCompleted != null)
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Deletes all created runtime data for the active player data builder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="builder">The builder to call ClearCachedData on. If null, all builders will be cleaned</param>
public static void CleanPlayerContent(IDataBuilder builder = null)
var settings = AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings;
if (settings == null)
if (EditorApplication.isUpdating)
Debug.LogError("Addressable Asset Settings does not exist. EditorApplication.isUpdating was true.");
else if (EditorApplication.isCompiling)
Debug.LogError("Addressable Asset Settings does not exist. EditorApplication.isCompiling was true.");
Debug.LogError("Addressable Asset Settings does not exist. Failed to create.");
internal void CleanPlayerContentImpl(IDataBuilder builder = null)
if (builder != null)
for (int i = 0; i < DataBuilders.Count; i++)
var m = GetDataBuilder(i);
internal AsyncOperationHandle<IResourceLocator> CreatePlayModeInitializationOperation(AddressablesImpl addressables)
return addressables.ResourceManager.StartOperation(new FastModeInitializationOperation(addressables, this), default);
static Dictionary<string, Action<IEnumerable<AddressableAssetEntry>>> s_CustomAssetEntryCommands = new Dictionary<string, Action<IEnumerable<AddressableAssetEntry>>>();
/// <summary>
/// Register a custom command to process asset entries. These commands will be shown in the context menu of the groups window.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdId">The id of the command. This will be used for the display name of the context menu item.</param>
/// <param name="cmdFunc">The command handler function.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the command was registered.</returns>
public static bool RegisterCustomAssetEntryCommand(string cmdId, Action<IEnumerable<AddressableAssetEntry>> cmdFunc)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdId))
Debug.LogError("RegisterCustomAssetEntryCommand - invalid command id.");
return false;
if (cmdFunc == null)
Debug.LogError($"RegisterCustomAssetEntryCommand - command functor for id '{cmdId}'.");
return false;
s_CustomAssetEntryCommands[cmdId] = cmdFunc;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a registered custom entry command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdId">The command id.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the command was removed.</returns>
public static bool UnregisterCustomAssetEntryCommand(string cmdId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdId))
Debug.LogError("UnregisterCustomAssetEntryCommand - invalid command id.");
return false;
if (!s_CustomAssetEntryCommands.Remove(cmdId))
Debug.LogError($"UnregisterCustomAssetEntryCommand - command id '{cmdId}' is not registered.");
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Invoke a registered command for a set of entries.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdId">The id of the command.</param>
/// <param name="entries">The entries to run the command on.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the command was executed without exceptions.</returns>
public static bool InvokeAssetEntryCommand(string cmdId, IEnumerable<AddressableAssetEntry> entries)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdId) || !s_CustomAssetEntryCommands.ContainsKey(cmdId))
Debug.LogError($"Asset Entry Command '{cmdId}' not found. Ensure that it is registered by calling RegisterCustomAssetEntryCommand.");
return false;
if (entries == null)
Debug.LogError($"Asset Entry Command '{cmdId}' called with null entry collection.");
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"Encountered exception when running Asset Entry Command '{cmdId}': {e.Message}");
return false;
/// <summary>
/// The ids of the registered commands.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<string> CustomAssetEntryCommands => s_CustomAssetEntryCommands.Keys;
static Dictionary<string, Action<IEnumerable<AddressableAssetGroup>>> s_CustomAssetGroupCommands = new Dictionary<string, Action<IEnumerable<AddressableAssetGroup>>>();
/// <summary>
/// Register a custom command to process asset groups. These commands will be shown in the context menu of the groups window.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdId">The id of the command. This will be used for the display name of the context menu item.</param>
/// <param name="cmdFunc">The command handler function.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the command was registered.</returns>
public static bool RegisterCustomAssetGroupCommand(string cmdId, Action<IEnumerable<AddressableAssetGroup>> cmdFunc)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdId))
Debug.LogError("RegisterCustomAssetGroupCommand - invalid command id.");
return false;
if (cmdFunc == null)
Debug.LogError($"RegisterCustomAssetGroupCommand - command functor for id '{cmdId}'.");
return false;
s_CustomAssetGroupCommands[cmdId] = cmdFunc;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Removes a registered custom group command.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdId">The command id.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the command was removed.</returns>
public static bool UnregisterCustomAssetGroupCommand(string cmdId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdId))
Debug.LogError("UnregisterCustomAssetGroupCommand - invalid command id.");
return false;
if (!s_CustomAssetGroupCommands.Remove(cmdId))
Debug.LogError($"UnregisterCustomAssetGroupCommand - command id '{cmdId}' is not registered.");
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Invoke a registered command for a set of groups.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmdId">The id of the command.</param>
/// <param name="groups">The groups to run the command on.</param>
/// <returns>Returns true if the command was invoked successfully.</returns>
public static bool InvokeAssetGroupCommand(string cmdId, IEnumerable<AddressableAssetGroup> groups)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdId) || !s_CustomAssetGroupCommands.ContainsKey(cmdId))
Debug.LogError($"Asset Group Command '{cmdId}' not found. Ensure that it is registered by calling RegisterCustomAssetGroupCommand.");
return false;
if (groups == null)
Debug.LogError($"Asset Group Command '{cmdId}' called with null group collection.");
return false;
return true;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"Encountered exception when running Asset Group Command '{cmdId}': {e.Message}");
return false;
/// <summary>
/// The ids of the registered commands.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<string> CustomAssetGroupCommands => s_CustomAssetGroupCommands.Keys;