107 lines
4.2 KiB
107 lines
4.2 KiB
//#define PERF_PROFILE
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Timeline;
namespace UnityEditor.Timeline
[CustomEditor(typeof(GroupTrack)), CanEditMultipleObjects]
class GroupTrackInspector : TrackAssetInspector
static class Styles
public static readonly GUIContent GroupSubTrackHeaderName = L10n.TextContent("Name");
public static readonly GUIContent GroupSubTrackHeaderType = L10n.TextContent("Type");
public static readonly GUIContent GroupSubTrackHeaderDuration = L10n.TextContent("Duration");
public static readonly GUIContent GroupSubTrackHeaderFrames = L10n.TextContent("Frames");
public static readonly GUIContent GroupInvalidTrack = L10n.TextContent("Invalid Track");
ReorderableList m_SubTracks;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
foreach (var group in targets)
var groupTrack = group as GroupTrack;
if (groupTrack == null) return;
var childrenTracks = groupTrack.GetChildTracks();
var groupTrackName = groupTrack.name;
GUILayout.Label(childrenTracks.Count() > 0
? groupTrackName + " (" + childrenTracks.Count() + ")"
: groupTrackName, EditorStyles.boldLabel);
// the subTrackObjects is used because it's the internal list
m_SubTracks.list = groupTrack.subTracksObjects;
m_SubTracks.index = -1;
public override void OnEnable()
m_SubTracks = new ReorderableList(new string[] { }, typeof(string), false, true, false, false)
drawElementCallback = OnDrawSubTrack,
drawHeaderCallback = OnDrawHeader,
showDefaultBackground = true,
index = 0,
elementHeight = 20
static void OnDrawHeader(Rect rect)
int sections = 4;
float sectionWidth = rect.width / sections;
rect.width = sectionWidth;
GUI.Label(rect, Styles.GroupSubTrackHeaderName, EditorStyles.label);
rect.x += sectionWidth;
GUI.Label(rect, Styles.GroupSubTrackHeaderType, EditorStyles.label);
rect.x += sectionWidth;
GUI.Label(rect, Styles.GroupSubTrackHeaderDuration, EditorStyles.label);
rect.x += sectionWidth;
GUI.Label(rect, Styles.GroupSubTrackHeaderFrames, EditorStyles.label);
void OnDrawSubTrack(Rect rect, int index, bool selected, bool focused)
int sections = 4;
float sectionWidth = rect.width / sections;
var childrenTrack = m_SubTracks.list[index] as TrackAsset;
if (childrenTrack == null)
object o = m_SubTracks.list[index];
rect.width = sectionWidth;
if (o != null) // track is loaded, but has broken script
string name = ((UnityEngine.Object)m_SubTracks.list[index]).name;
GUI.Label(rect, name, EditorStyles.label);
rect.x += sectionWidth;
using (new GUIColorOverride(DirectorStyles.kClipErrorColor))
GUI.Label(rect, Styles.GroupInvalidTrack.text, EditorStyles.label);
rect.width = sectionWidth;
GUI.Label(rect, childrenTrack.name, EditorStyles.label);
rect.x += sectionWidth;
GUI.Label(rect, childrenTrack.GetType().Name, EditorStyles.label);
rect.x += sectionWidth;
GUI.Label(rect, childrenTrack.duration.ToString(), EditorStyles.label);
rect.x += sectionWidth;
double exactFrames = TimeUtility.ToExactFrames(childrenTrack.duration, TimelineWindow.instance.state.referenceSequence.frameRate);
GUI.Label(rect, exactFrames.ToString(), EditorStyles.label);