124 lines
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124 lines
6.8 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.Build.Content;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Injector;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Interfaces;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Utilities;
namespace UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Tasks
/// <summary>
/// Generates reference maps and usage sets for asset bundles.
/// </summary>
public class GenerateBundleMaps : IBuildTask
/// <inheritdoc />
public int Version { get { return 1; } }
#pragma warning disable 649
IDependencyData m_DependencyData;
IBundleWriteData m_WriteData;
[InjectContext(ContextUsage.In, true)]
IBuildLogger m_Log;
#pragma warning restore 649
/// <inheritdoc />
public ReturnCode Run()
Dictionary<string, WriteCommand> fileToCommand;
Dictionary<string, HashSet<ObjectIdentifier>> forwardObjectDependencies;
Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> forwardFileDependencies;
Dictionary<string, HashSet<GUID>> reverseAssetDependencies;
// BuildReferenceMap details what objects exist in other bundles that objects in a source bundle depend upon (forward dependencies)
// BuildUsageTagSet details the conditional data needed to be written by objects in a source bundle that is in used by objects in other bundles (reverse dependencies)
using (m_Log.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, $"Temporary Map Creations"))
fileToCommand = m_WriteData.WriteOperations.ToDictionary(x => x.Command.internalName, x => x.Command);
forwardObjectDependencies = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<ObjectIdentifier>>();
forwardFileDependencies = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();
reverseAssetDependencies = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<GUID>>();
foreach (var pair in m_WriteData.AssetToFiles)
GUID asset = pair.Key;
List<string> files = pair.Value;
// The includes for an asset live in the first file, references could live in any file
forwardObjectDependencies.GetOrAdd(files[0], out HashSet<ObjectIdentifier> objectDependencies);
forwardFileDependencies.GetOrAdd(files[0], out HashSet<string> fileDependencies);
// Grab the list of object references for the asset or scene and add them to the forward dependencies hash set for this file (write command)
if (m_DependencyData.AssetInfo.TryGetValue(asset, out AssetLoadInfo assetInfo))
if (m_DependencyData.SceneInfo.TryGetValue(asset, out SceneDependencyInfo sceneInfo))
// Grab the list of file references for the asset or scene and add them to the forward dependencies hash set for this file (write command)
// While doing so, also add the asset to the reverse dependencies hash set for all the other files it depends upon.
// We already ensure BuildReferenceMap & BuildUsageTagSet contain the objects in this write command in GenerateBundleCommands. So skip over the first file (self)
for (int i = 1; i < files.Count; i++)
reverseAssetDependencies.GetOrAdd(files[i], out HashSet<GUID> reverseDependencies);
// Using the previously generated forward dependency maps, update the BuildReferenceMap per WriteCommand to contain just the references that we care about
using (m_Log.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, $"Populate BuildReferenceMaps"))
foreach (var operation in m_WriteData.WriteOperations)
var internalName = operation.Command.internalName;
BuildReferenceMap referenceMap = m_WriteData.FileToReferenceMap[internalName];
if (!forwardObjectDependencies.TryGetValue(internalName, out var objectDependencies))
continue; // this bundle has no external dependencies
if (!forwardFileDependencies.TryGetValue(internalName, out var fileDependencies))
continue; // this bundle has no external dependencies
foreach (string file in fileDependencies)
WriteCommand dependentCommand = fileToCommand[file];
foreach (var serializedObject in dependentCommand.serializeObjects)
// Only add objects we are referencing. This ensures that new/removed objects to files we depend upon will not cause a rebuild
// of this file, unless are referencing the new/removed objects.
if (!objectDependencies.Contains(serializedObject.serializationObject))
referenceMap.AddMapping(file, serializedObject.serializationIndex, serializedObject.serializationObject);
// Using the previously generate reverse dependency map, create the BuildUsageTagSet per WriteCommand to contain just the data that we care about
using (m_Log.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, $"Populate BuildUsageTagSet"))
foreach (var operation in m_WriteData.WriteOperations)
var internalName = operation.Command.internalName;
BuildUsageTagSet fileUsage = m_WriteData.FileToUsageSet[internalName];
if (reverseAssetDependencies.TryGetValue(internalName, out var assetDependencies))
foreach (GUID asset in assetDependencies)
if (m_DependencyData.AssetUsage.TryGetValue(asset, out var assetUsage))
if (m_DependencyData.SceneUsage.TryGetValue(asset, out var sceneUsage))
if (ReflectionExtensions.SupportsFilterToSubset)
return ReturnCode.Success;