2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00

419 lines
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Api;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models.Structures;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.UserInterface;
using Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Utilities;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
namespace Unity.Cloud.Collaborate.Models
internal class ChangesModel : IChangesModel
protected readonly ISourceControlProvider m_Provider;
/// <inheritdoc />
public event Action UpdatedChangeList;
/// <inheritdoc />
public event Action OnUpdatedSelectedChanges;
/// <inheritdoc />
public event Action<bool> BusyStatusUpdated;
/// <inheritdoc />
public event Action StateChanged;
internal Dictionary<string, IChangeEntryData> entryData;
internal Dictionary<string, bool> toggledEntries;
IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntryData> m_Conflicted;
readonly ChangeEntryData m_AllItem;
readonly HashSet<string> m_Requests;
const string k_RequestNewList = "request-new-list";
/// <inheritdoc />
public string SavedRevisionSummary { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public string SavedSearchQuery { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public int ToggledCount { get; private set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public int TotalCount { get; private set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public int ConflictedCount => m_Conflicted.Count;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Conflicted => m_Provider.GetConflictedState();
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Busy => m_Requests.Count != 0;
public ChangesModel(ISourceControlProvider provider)
m_Provider = provider;
m_Requests = new HashSet<string>();
m_AllItem = new ChangeEntryData { Entry = new ChangeEntry(string.Empty), All = true };
entryData = new Dictionary<string, IChangeEntryData>();
m_Conflicted = new List<IChangeEntryData>();
toggledEntries = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
SavedSearchQuery = string.Empty;
SavedRevisionSummary = string.Empty;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnStart()
// Setup events.
m_Provider.UpdatedChangeList += OnUpdatedChangeList;
m_Provider.UpdatedSelectedChangeList += OnUpdatedSelectedChangesList;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void OnStop()
// Clean up.
m_Provider.UpdatedChangeList -= OnUpdatedChangeList;
m_Provider.UpdatedSelectedChangeList -= OnUpdatedSelectedChangesList;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RestoreState(IWindowCache cache)
// Populate data from cache.
SavedRevisionSummary = cache.RevisionSummary;
SavedSearchQuery = cache.ChangesSearchValue;
toggledEntries = cache.SimpleSelectedItems ?? new Dictionary<string, bool>();
/// <inheritdoc />
public void SaveState(IWindowCache cache)
// Save data.
cache.RevisionSummary = SavedRevisionSummary;
cache.ChangesSearchValue = SavedSearchQuery;
cache.SimpleSelectedItems = new SelectedItemsDictionary(toggledEntries);
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for when the source control provider receives an updated history list.
/// </summary>
void OnUpdatedChangeList()
// Only one request at a time.
if (!AddRequest(k_RequestNewList)) return;
void OnUpdatedSelectedChangesList(IReadOnlyList<string> list)
foreach (var path in list)
UpdateEntryToggle(path, true);
/// <summary>
/// Event handler to receive changes from the provider.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">Change list received.</param>
void OnReceivedChangeList([CanBeNull] IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntry> list)
if (list != null)
Debug.LogError("Failed to fetch latest change list.");
/// <summary>
/// Convert and cache new list of changes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">New list of changes.</param>
internal virtual void UpdateChangeList([NotNull] IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntry> list)
TotalCount = list.Count;
// Create a new set of containers.
var newEntryData = new Dictionary<string, IChangeEntryData> { [string.Empty] = m_AllItem };
var newToggledEntries = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
var conflicted = new List<IChangeEntryData>();
var all = m_AllItem.Toggled;
var toggledCount = 0;
foreach (var entry in list)
// Transfer toggled state from old lookup into new.
toggledEntries.TryGetValue(entry.Path, out var toggled);
toggled = toggled || all || entry.Staged;
newToggledEntries[entry.Path] = toggled;
// Create a new data item for the entry.
var item = new ChangeEntryData { Entry = entry, Toggled = toggled };
newEntryData.Add(entry.Path, item);
// Update counts.
if (toggled)
if (entry.Unmerged)
// Store the new containers.
entryData = newEntryData;
toggledEntries = newToggledEntries;
ToggledCount = toggledCount;
m_Conflicted = conflicted;
/// <inheritdoc />
public virtual bool UpdateEntryToggle(string path, bool toggled)
var entry = (ChangeEntryData)entryData[path];
// Toggle all items if needed.
if (entry.All)
return ToggleAllEntries(toggled);
// Update the toggled count.
if (entry.Toggled && !toggled)
else if (!entry.Toggled && toggled)
// Store the value in the dictionary and data item.
toggledEntries[entry.Entry.Path] = toggled;
entry.Toggled = toggled;
// Update the "All" option if needed.
return UpdateAllItemToggle();
/// <inheritdoc />
public IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntryData> GetToggledEntries(string query = null)
// Filter items by search query
query = StringUtility.TrimAndToLower(query);
return entryData.Values.Where(e => !e.All && e.Toggled && e.Entry.Path.ToLower().Contains(query)).ToList();
/// <inheritdoc />
public IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntryData> GetUntoggledEntries(string query = null)
// Filter items by search query
query = StringUtility.TrimAndToLower(query);
return entryData.Values.Where(e => !e.All && !e.Toggled && e.Entry.Path.ToLower().Contains(query)).ToList();
/// <inheritdoc />
public IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntryData> GetAllEntries(string query = null)
// Filter items by search query
query = StringUtility.TrimAndToLower(query);
return entryData.Values.Where(e => e.Entry.Path.ToLower().Contains(query)).ToList();
/// <inheritdoc />
public IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntryData> GetConflictedEntries(string query = null)
// Filter items by search query
query = StringUtility.TrimAndToLower(query);
return entryData.Values.Where(e => !e.All && e.Conflicted && e.Entry.Path.ToLower().Contains(query))
/// <summary>
/// Update the state of the "All" entry. If all entries are toggled, then "All" should be toggled too;
/// otherwise, "All" should be untoggled.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True if the "All" entry was modified.</returns>
bool UpdateAllItemToggle()
// Update state of the "All" option
var allItemToggled = m_AllItem.Toggled;
if (entryData.Count == 0) return false;
if (ToggledCount == entryData.Count - 1)
// If every entry is toggled, then set AllItem as toggled.
toggledEntries[m_AllItem.Entry.Path] = true;
m_AllItem.Toggled = true;
return !allItemToggled;
// Otherwise, set AllItem as not toggled.
toggledEntries[m_AllItem.Entry.Path] = false;
m_AllItem.Toggled = false;
return allItemToggled;
/// <summary>
/// Toggle on or off all entries in the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="toggled">Whether to toggle off or on.</param>
/// <returns>True if the list has been modified.</returns>
bool ToggleAllEntries(bool toggled)
// Update all values in the dictionary.
toggledEntries.Keys.ToList().ForEach(x => toggledEntries[x] = toggled);
// Compute the number of toggled items (excluding the single All).
if (toggled)
ToggledCount = entryData.Count - 1;
ToggledCount = 0;
// Update all values in the list.
foreach (var kv in entryData)
((ChangeEntryData)kv.Value).Toggled = toggled;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Add a started request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requestId">Id of the request to add.</param>
/// <returns>False if the request already exists.</returns>
bool AddRequest(string requestId)
if (m_Requests.Contains(requestId)) return false;
// Signal background activity if this is the only thing running.
if (m_Requests.Count == 1)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Remove a finished request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requestId">Id of the request to remove.</param>
void RemoveRequest(string requestId)
Assert.IsTrue(m_Requests.Contains(requestId), $"Expects request to have first been made for it to have been finished: {requestId}");
// Signal no background activity if no requests in progress
if (m_Requests.Count == 0)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestInitialData()
// Only one request at a time.
if (!AddRequest(k_RequestNewList)) return;
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestDiffChanges(string path)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestDiscard(IChangeEntry entry)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestBulkDiscard(IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntry> entries)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestPublish(string message, IReadOnlyList<IChangeEntry> changes)
m_Provider.RequestPublish(message, changes);
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestShowConflictedDifferences(string path)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestChooseMerge(string path)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestChooseMine(string[] paths)
/// <inheritdoc />
public void RequestChooseRemote(string[] paths)
/// <summary>
/// Implementation of IChangeEntryData with each field given a setter so that the data can be updated.
/// </summary>
class ChangeEntryData : IChangeEntryData
/// <inheritdoc />
public IChangeEntry Entry { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Toggled { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool All { get; set; }
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool ToggleReadOnly => Entry.Staged;
/// <inheritdoc />
public bool Conflicted => Entry.Unmerged;