2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00

2109 lines
83 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using Unity.Burst;
using UnityEngine;
using static Unity.Baselib.LowLevel.Binding;
#pragma warning disable 618 // disable obsolete warnings
namespace Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe
/// <summary>
/// An unmanaged, untyped, resizable list, without any thread safety check features.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("Length = {Length}, Capacity = {Capacity}, IsCreated = {IsCreated}, IsEmpty = {IsEmpty}")]
[Obsolete("Untyped UnsafeList is deprecated, please use UnsafeList<T> instead. (RemovedAfter 2021-05-18)", false)]
public unsafe struct UnsafeList
: INativeDisposable
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public void* Ptr;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int Length;
public readonly int unused;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int Capacity;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle Allocator;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new container with type of memory allocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="allocator">A member of the
/// [Unity.Collections.Allocator](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Collections.Allocator.html) enumeration.</param>
/// <remarks>The list initially has a capacity of one. To avoid reallocating memory for the list, specify
/// sufficient capacity up front.</remarks>
public UnsafeList(Allocator allocator) : this()
Ptr = null;
Length = 0;
Capacity = 0;
Allocator = allocator;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs container as view into memory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">Pointer to data.</param>
/// <param name="length">Lenght of data in bytes.</param>
public UnsafeList(void* ptr, int length) : this()
Ptr = ptr;
Length = length;
Capacity = length;
Allocator = Collections.Allocator.None;
internal void Initialize<U>(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int initialCapacity, ref U allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) where U : unmanaged, AllocatorManager.IAllocator
Allocator = allocator.Handle;
Ptr = null;
Length = 0;
Capacity = 0;
if (initialCapacity != 0)
SetCapacity(ref allocator, sizeOf, alignOf, initialCapacity);
if (options == NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory
&& Ptr != null)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(Ptr, Capacity * sizeOf);
internal static UnsafeList New<U>(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int initialCapacity, ref U allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) where U : unmanaged, AllocatorManager.IAllocator
var temp = new UnsafeList();
temp.Initialize(sizeOf, alignOf, initialCapacity, ref allocator, options);
return temp;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new container with the specified initial capacity and type of memory allocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sizeOf">Size of element.</param>
/// <param name="alignOf">Alignment of element.</param>
/// <param name="initialCapacity">The initial capacity of the list. If the list grows larger than its capacity,
/// the internal array is copied to a new, larger array.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">A member of the
/// [Unity.Collections.Allocator](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Collections.Allocator.html) enumeration.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
public UnsafeList(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int initialCapacity, AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) : this()
this = default;
Initialize(sizeOf, alignOf, initialCapacity, ref allocator, options);
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new container with the specified initial capacity and type of memory allocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sizeOf">Size of element.</param>
/// <param name="alignOf">Alignment of element.</param>
/// <param name="initialCapacity">The initial capacity of the list. If the list grows larger than its capacity,
/// the internal array is copied to a new, larger array.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">A member of the
/// [Unity.Collections.Allocator](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Collections.Allocator.html) enumeration.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
public UnsafeList(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int initialCapacity, Allocator allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) : this()
Allocator = allocator;
Ptr = null;
Length = 0;
Capacity = 0;
if (initialCapacity != 0)
SetCapacity(sizeOf, alignOf, initialCapacity);
if (options == NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory
&& Ptr != null)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(Ptr, Capacity * sizeOf);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new container with the specified initial capacity and type of memory allocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sizeOf">Size of element.</param>
/// <param name="alignOf">Alignment of element.</param>
/// <param name="initialCapacity">The initial capacity of the list. If the list grows larger than its capacity,
/// the internal array is copied to a new, larger array.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">A member of the
/// [Unity.Collections.Allocator](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Collections.Allocator.html) enumeration.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
/// <returns>New initialized container.</returns>
public static UnsafeList* Create(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int initialCapacity, Allocator allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory)
var handle = (AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle)allocator;
UnsafeList* listData = AllocatorManager.Allocate<UnsafeList>(handle);
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(listData, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<UnsafeList>());
listData->Allocator = allocator;
if (initialCapacity != 0)
listData->SetCapacity(sizeOf, alignOf, initialCapacity);
if (options == NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory
&& listData->Ptr != null)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(listData->Ptr, listData->Capacity * sizeOf);
return listData;
internal static UnsafeList* Create<U>(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int initialCapacity, ref U allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) where U : unmanaged, AllocatorManager.IAllocator
UnsafeList* listData = allocator.Allocate(default(UnsafeList), 1);
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(listData, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<UnsafeList>());
listData->Allocator = allocator.Handle;
if (initialCapacity != 0)
listData->SetCapacity(ref allocator, sizeOf, alignOf, initialCapacity);
if (options == NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory
&& listData->Ptr != null)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(listData->Ptr, listData->Capacity * sizeOf);
return listData;
internal static void Destroy<U>(UnsafeList* listData, ref U allocator, int sizeOf, int alignOf) where U : unmanaged, AllocatorManager.IAllocator
listData->Dispose(ref allocator, sizeOf, alignOf);
allocator.Free(listData, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<UnsafeList>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<UnsafeList>(), 1);
/// <summary>
/// Destroys container.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listData">Container to destroy.</param>
public static void Destroy(UnsafeList* listData)
var allocator = listData->Allocator;
AllocatorManager.Free(allocator, listData);
/// <summary>
/// Reports whether container is empty.
/// </summary>
/// <value>True if this string has no characters or if the container has not been constructed.</value>
public bool IsEmpty => !IsCreated || Length == 0;
/// <summary>
/// Reports whether memory for the container is allocated.
/// </summary>
/// <value>True if this container object's internal storage has been allocated.</value>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that the container storage is not created if you use the default constructor. You must specify
/// at least an allocation type to construct a usable container.
/// *Warning:* the `IsCreated` property can't be used to determine whether a copy of a container is still valid.
/// If you dispose any copy of the container, the container storage is deallocated. However, the properties of
/// the other copies of the container (including the original) are not updated. As a result the `IsCreated` property
/// of the copies still return `true` even though the container storage has been deallocated.
/// </remarks>
public bool IsCreated => Ptr != null;
/// <summary>
/// Disposes of this container and deallocates its memory immediately.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (CollectionHelper.ShouldDeallocate(Allocator))
AllocatorManager.Free(Allocator, Ptr);
Allocator = AllocatorManager.Invalid;
Ptr = null;
Length = 0;
Capacity = 0;
internal void Dispose<U>(ref U allocator, int sizeOf, int alignOf) where U : unmanaged, AllocatorManager.IAllocator
allocator.Free(Ptr, sizeOf, alignOf, Length);
Ptr = null;
Length = 0;
Capacity = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Safely disposes of this container and deallocates its memory when the jobs that use it have completed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>You can call this function dispose of the container immediately after scheduling the job. Pass
/// the [JobHandle](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Jobs.JobHandle.html) returned by
/// the [Job.Schedule](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Jobs.IJobExtensions.Schedule.html)
/// method using the `jobHandle` parameter so the job scheduler can dispose the container after all jobs
/// using it have run.</remarks>
/// <param name="inputDeps">The job handle or handles for any scheduled jobs that use this container.</param>
/// <returns>A new job handle containing the prior handles as well as the handle for the job that deletes
/// the container.</returns>
[NotBurstCompatible /* This is not burst compatible because of IJob's use of a static IntPtr. Should switch to IJobBurstSchedulable in the future */]
public JobHandle Dispose(JobHandle inputDeps)
if (CollectionHelper.ShouldDeallocate(Allocator))
var jobHandle = new UnsafeDisposeJob { Ptr = Ptr, Allocator = (Allocator)Allocator.Value }.Schedule(inputDeps);
Ptr = null;
Allocator = AllocatorManager.Invalid;
return jobHandle;
Ptr = null;
return inputDeps;
/// <summary>
/// Clears the container.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The container capacity remains unchanged.</remarks>
public void Clear()
Length = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Changes the list length, resizing if necessary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sizeOf">Size of element.</param>
/// <param name="alignOf">Alignment of element.</param>
/// <param name="length">The new length of the list.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
public void Resize(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int length, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory)
var oldLength = Length;
if (length > Capacity)
SetCapacity(sizeOf, alignOf, length);
Length = length;
if (options == NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory
&& oldLength < length)
var num = length - oldLength;
byte* ptr = (byte*)Ptr;
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(ptr + oldLength * sizeOf, num * sizeOf);
/// <summary>
/// Changes the list length, resizing if necessary.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="length">The new length of the list.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
public void Resize<T>(int length, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) where T : struct
Resize(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), length, options);
void Realloc<U>(ref U allocator, int sizeOf, int alignOf, int capacity) where U : unmanaged, AllocatorManager.IAllocator
void* newPointer = null;
if (capacity > 0)
newPointer = allocator.Allocate(sizeOf, alignOf, capacity);
if (Capacity > 0)
var itemsToCopy = math.min(capacity, Capacity);
var bytesToCopy = itemsToCopy * sizeOf;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(newPointer, Ptr, bytesToCopy);
allocator.Free(Ptr, sizeOf, alignOf, Capacity);
Ptr = newPointer;
Capacity = capacity;
Length = math.min(Length, capacity);
void Realloc(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int capacity)
Realloc(ref Allocator, sizeOf, alignOf, capacity);
void SetCapacity<U>(ref U allocator, int sizeOf, int alignOf, int capacity) where U : unmanaged, AllocatorManager.IAllocator
var newCapacity = math.max(capacity, 64 / sizeOf);
newCapacity = math.ceilpow2(newCapacity);
if (newCapacity == Capacity)
Realloc(ref allocator, sizeOf, alignOf, newCapacity);
void SetCapacity(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int capacity)
SetCapacity(ref Allocator, sizeOf, alignOf, capacity);
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of items that can fit in the container.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="capacity">The number of items that the container can hold before it resizes its internal storage.</param>
public void SetCapacity<T>(int capacity) where T : struct
SetCapacity(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), capacity);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements in the container.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
public void TrimExcess<T>() where T : struct
if (Capacity != Length)
Realloc(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), Length);
/// <summary>
/// Searches for the specified element in list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence element if found, otherwise returns -1.</returns>
public int IndexOf<T>(T value) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>
return NativeArrayExtensions.IndexOf<T, T>(Ptr, Length, value);
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether an element is in the list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns>True, if element is found.</returns>
public bool Contains<T>(T value) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>
return IndexOf(value) != -1;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an element to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="value">The value to be added at the end of the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddNoResize<T>(T value) where T : struct
UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(Ptr, Length, value);
Length += 1;
void AddRangeNoResize(int sizeOf, void* ptr, int length)
void* dst = (byte*)Ptr + Length * sizeOf;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dst, ptr, length * sizeOf);
Length += length;
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a buffer to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="ptr">A pointer to the buffer.</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of elements to add to the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize<T>(void* ptr, int length) where T : struct
AddRangeNoResize(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), ptr, length);
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a list to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="list">Other container to copy elements from.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize<T>(UnsafeList list) where T : struct
AddRangeNoResize(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), list.Ptr, CollectionHelper.AssumePositive(list.Length));
/// <summary>
/// Adds an element to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="value">The value to be added at the end of the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, it copies the original, internal array to
/// a new, larger array, and then deallocates the original.
/// </remarks>
public void Add<T>(T value) where T : struct
var idx = Length;
if (Length + 1 > Capacity)
Resize<T>(idx + 1);
Length += 1;
UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(Ptr, idx, value);
void AddRange(int sizeOf, int alignOf, void* ptr, int length)
var idx = Length;
if (Length + length > Capacity)
Resize(sizeOf, alignOf, Length + length);
Length += length;
void* dst = (byte*)Ptr + idx * sizeOf;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dst, ptr, length * sizeOf);
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a buffer to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="ptr">A pointer to the buffer.</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of elements to add to the list.</param>
public void AddRange<T>(void* ptr, int length) where T : struct
AddRange(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), ptr, length);
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a list to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, it copies the original, internal array to
/// a new, larger array, and then deallocates the original.
/// </remarks>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="list">Other container to copy elements from.</param>
public void AddRange<T>(UnsafeList list) where T : struct
AddRange(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), list.Ptr, list.Length);
void InsertRangeWithBeginEnd(int sizeOf, int alignOf, int begin, int end)
CheckBeginEnd(begin, end);
int items = end - begin;
if (items < 1)
var oldLength = Length;
if (Length + items > Capacity)
Resize(sizeOf, alignOf, Length + items);
Length += items;
var itemsToCopy = oldLength - begin;
if (itemsToCopy < 1)
var bytesToCopy = itemsToCopy * sizeOf;
byte* ptr = (byte*)Ptr;
byte* dest = ptr + end * sizeOf;
byte* src = ptr + begin * sizeOf;
UnsafeUtility.MemMove(dest, src, bytesToCopy);
/// <summary>
/// Inserts a number of items into a container at a specified zero-based index.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="begin">The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted.</param>
/// <param name="end">The zero-based index just after where the elements should be removed.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if end argument is less than begin argument.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if begin or end arguments are not positive or out of bounds.</exception>
public void InsertRangeWithBeginEnd<T>(int begin, int end) where T : struct
InsertRangeWithBeginEnd(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), begin, end);
void RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd(int sizeOf, int begin, int end)
CheckBeginEnd(begin, end);
int itemsToRemove = end - begin;
if (itemsToRemove > 0)
int copyFrom = math.max(Length - itemsToRemove, end);
void* dst = (byte*)Ptr + begin * sizeOf;
void* src = (byte*)Ptr + copyFrom * sizeOf;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dst, src, (Length - copyFrom) * sizeOf);
Length -= itemsToRemove;
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by replacing the item at the specified index with the last item in the list. The list
/// is shortened by one.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="index">The index of the item to delete.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if end argument is less than begin argument.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if begin or end arguments are not positive or out of bounds.</exception>
public void RemoveAtSwapBack<T>(int index) where T : struct
RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd<T>(index, index + 1);
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by replacing the item at the specified index range with the items from the end the list. The list
/// is shortened by number of elements in range.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="begin">The first index of the item to remove.</param>
/// <param name="end">The index past-the-last item to remove.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if end argument is less than begin argument.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if begin or end arguments are not positive or out of bounds.</exception>
public void RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd<T>(int begin, int end) where T : struct
RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), begin, end);
void RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd(int sizeOf, int begin, int end)
CheckBeginEnd(begin, end);
int itemsToRemove = end - begin;
if (itemsToRemove > 0)
int copyFrom = math.min(begin + itemsToRemove, Length);
void* dst = (byte*)Ptr + begin * sizeOf;
void* src = (byte*)Ptr + copyFrom * sizeOf;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dst, src, (Length - copyFrom) * sizeOf);
Length -= itemsToRemove;
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by removing the item at the specified index, and shifting all remaining items to replace removed item. The list
/// is shortened by one.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="index">The index of the item to delete.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method of removing item is useful only in case when list is ordered and user wants to preserve order
/// in list after removal In majority of cases is not important and user should use more performant `RemoveAtSwapBack`.
/// </remarks>
public void RemoveAt<T>(int index) where T : struct
RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd<T>(index, index + 1);
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by removing the items at the specified index range, and shifting all remaining items to replace removed items. The list
/// is shortened by number of elements in range.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="begin">The first index of the item to remove.</param>
/// <param name="end">The index past-the-last item to remove.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method of removing item(s) is useful only in case when list is ordered and user wants to preserve order
/// in list after removal In majority of cases is not important and user should use more performant `RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd`.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if end argument is less than begin argument.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if begin or end arguments are not positive or out of bounds.</exception>
public void RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd<T>(int begin, int end) where T : struct
RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), begin, end);
/// <summary>
/// Returns parallel reader instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Parallel reader instance.</returns>
public ParallelReader AsParallelReader()
return new ParallelReader(Ptr, Length);
/// <summary>
/// Implements parallel reader. Use AsParallelReader to obtain it from container.
/// </summary>
public unsafe struct ParallelReader
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly void* Ptr;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly int Length;
internal ParallelReader(void* ptr, int length)
Ptr = ptr;
Length = length;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int IndexOf<T>(T value) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>
return NativeArrayExtensions.IndexOf<T, T>(Ptr, Length, value);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Contains<T>(T value) where T : struct, IEquatable<T>
return IndexOf(value) != -1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns parallel writer instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Parallel writer instance.</returns>
public ParallelWriter AsParallelWriter()
return new ParallelWriter(Ptr, (UnsafeList*)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref this));
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public unsafe struct ParallelWriter
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly void* Ptr;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public UnsafeList* ListData;
internal unsafe ParallelWriter(void* ptr, UnsafeList* listData)
Ptr = ptr;
ListData = listData;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an element to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="value">The value to be added at the end of the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddNoResize<T>(T value) where T : struct
var idx = Interlocked.Increment(ref ListData->Length) - 1;
ListData->CheckNoResizeHasEnoughCapacity(idx, 1);
UnsafeUtility.WriteArrayElement(Ptr, idx, value);
void AddRangeNoResize(int sizeOf, int alignOf, void* ptr, int length)
var idx = Interlocked.Add(ref ListData->Length, length) - length;
ListData->CheckNoResizeHasEnoughCapacity(idx, length);
void* dst = (byte*)Ptr + idx * sizeOf;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dst, ptr, length * sizeOf);
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a buffer to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="ptr">A pointer to the buffer.</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of elements to add to the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize<T>(void* ptr, int length) where T : struct
AddRangeNoResize(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), ptr, length);
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a list to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="list">Other container to copy elements from.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize<T>(UnsafeList list) where T : struct
AddRangeNoResize(UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<T>(), UnsafeUtility.AlignOf<T>(), list.Ptr, list.Length);
internal static void CheckNull(void* listData)
if (listData == null)
throw new Exception("UnsafeList has yet to be created or has been destroyed!");
static void CheckAllocator(Allocator a)
if (!CollectionHelper.ShouldDeallocate(a))
throw new Exception("UnsafeList is not initialized, it must be initialized with allocator before use.");
static void CheckAllocator(AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle a)
if (!CollectionHelper.ShouldDeallocate(a))
throw new Exception("UnsafeList is not initialized, it must be initialized with allocator before use.");
void CheckBeginEnd(int begin, int end)
if (begin > end)
throw new ArgumentException($"Value for begin {begin} index must less or equal to end {end}.");
if (begin < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Value for begin {begin} must be positive.");
if (begin > Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Value for begin {begin} is out of bounds.");
if (end > Length)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Value for end {end} is out of bounds.");
void CheckNoResizeHasEnoughCapacity(int length)
CheckNoResizeHasEnoughCapacity(length, Length);
void CheckNoResizeHasEnoughCapacity(int length, int index)
if (Capacity < index + length)
throw new Exception($"AddNoResize assumes that list capacity is sufficient (Capacity {Capacity}, Length {Length}), requested length {length}!");
/// <summary>
/// Provides extension methods for UnsafeList.
/// </summary>
public static class UnsafeListExtension
[BurstCompatible(GenericTypeArguments = new[] { typeof(int) })]
internal static ref UnsafeList ListData<T>(ref this UnsafeList<T> from) where T : unmanaged => ref UnsafeUtility.As<UnsafeList<T>, UnsafeList>(ref from);
/// <summary>
/// Sorts a list in ascending order.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="list">List to perform sort.</param>
public unsafe static void Sort<T>(this UnsafeList list) where T : unmanaged, IComparable<T>
list.Sort<T, NativeSortExtension.DefaultComparer<T>>(new NativeSortExtension.DefaultComparer<T>());
/// <summary>
/// Sorts a list using a custom comparison function.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="U">The comparer type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="list">List to perform sort.</param>
/// <param name="comp">A comparison function that indicates whether one element in the array is less than, equal to, or greater than another element.</param>
public unsafe static void Sort<T, U>(this UnsafeList list, U comp) where T : unmanaged where U : IComparer<T>
NativeSortExtension.IntroSort<T, U>(list.Ptr, list.Length, comp);
/// <summary>
/// Sorts the container in ascending order.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="container">The container to perform sort.</param>
/// <param name="inputDeps">The job handle or handles for any scheduled jobs that use this container.</param>
/// <returns>A new job handle containing the prior handles as well as the handle for the job that sorts
/// the container.</returns>
[NotBurstCompatible /* This is not burst compatible because of IJob's use of a static IntPtr. Should switch to IJobBurstSchedulable in the future */]
[Obsolete("Instead call SortJob(this UnsafeList).Schedule(JobHandle). (RemovedAfter 2021-06-20)", false)]
public unsafe static JobHandle Sort<T>(this UnsafeList container, JobHandle inputDeps)
where T : unmanaged, IComparable<T>
return container.Sort<T, NativeSortExtension.DefaultComparer<T>>(new NativeSortExtension.DefaultComparer<T>(), inputDeps);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a job that will sort a list in ascending order.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="list">List to sort.</param>
/// <returns>The job that will sort the list. Scheduling the job is left to the user.</returns>
public unsafe static SortJob<T, NativeSortExtension.DefaultComparer<T>> SortJob<T>(this UnsafeList list)
where T : unmanaged, IComparable<T>
return NativeSortExtension.SortJob((T*)list.Ptr, list.Length, new NativeSortExtension.DefaultComparer<T>());
/// <summary>
/// Sorts the container using a custom comparison function.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="U">The comparer type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="container">The container to perform sort.</param>
/// <param name="comp">A comparison function that indicates whether one element in the array is less than, equal to, or greater than another element.</param>
/// <param name="inputDeps">The job handle or handles for any scheduled jobs that use this container.</param>
/// <returns>A new job handle containing the prior handles as well as the handle for the job that sorts
/// the container.</returns>
[NotBurstCompatible /* This is not burst compatible because of IJob's use of a static IntPtr. Should switch to IJobBurstSchedulable in the future */]
[Obsolete("Instead call SortJob(this UnsafeList, U).Schedule(JobHandle). (RemovedAfter 2021-06-20)", false)]
public unsafe static JobHandle Sort<T, U>(this UnsafeList container, U comp, JobHandle inputDeps)
where T : unmanaged
where U : IComparer<T>
return NativeSortExtension.Sort((T*)container.Ptr, container.Length, comp, inputDeps);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a job that will sort a list using a comparison function.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="U">The comparer type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="list">List to sort.</param>
/// <param name="comp">A comparison function that indicates whether one element in the array is less than, equal to, or greater than another element.</param>
/// <returns>The job that will sort the list. Scheduling the job is left to the user.</returns>
public unsafe static SortJob<T, U> SortJob<T, U>(this UnsafeList list, U comp)
where T : unmanaged
where U : IComparer<T>
return NativeSortExtension.SortJob((T*)list.Ptr, list.Length, comp);
/// <summary>
/// Binary search for the value in the sorted container.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <param name="container">The container to perform search.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to search for.</param>
/// <returns>Positive index of the specified value if value is found. Otherwise bitwise complement of index of first greater value.</returns>
/// <remarks>Array must be sorted, otherwise value searched might not be found even when it is in array. IComparer corresponds to IComparer used by sort.</remarks>
public static int BinarySearch<T>(this UnsafeList container, T value)
where T : unmanaged, IComparable<T>
return container.BinarySearch(value, new NativeSortExtension.DefaultComparer<T>());
/// <summary>
/// Binary search for the value in the sorted container.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Source type of elements</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="U">The comparer type.</typeparam>
/// <param name="container">The container to perform search.</param>
/// <param name="value">The value to search for.</param>
/// <param name="comp">A comparison function that indicates whether one element in the array is less than, equal to, or greater than another element.</param>
/// <returns>Positive index of the specified value if value is found. Otherwise bitwise complement of index of first greater value.</returns>
/// <remarks>Array must be sorted, otherwise value searched might not be found even when it is in array. IComparer corresponds to IComparer used by sort.</remarks>
public unsafe static int BinarySearch<T, U>(this UnsafeList container, T value, U comp)
where T : unmanaged
where U : IComparer<T>
return NativeSortExtension.BinarySearch((T*)container.Ptr, container.Length, value, comp);
/// <summary>
/// An unmanaged, resizable list, without any thread safety check features.
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("Length = {Length}, Capacity = {Capacity}, IsCreated = {IsCreated}, IsEmpty = {IsEmpty}")]
[Obsolete("Untyped UnsafePtrList is deprecated, please use UnsafePtrList<T> instead. (RemovedAfter 2021-05-18)", false)]
public unsafe struct UnsafePtrList
: INativeDisposable
, INativeList<IntPtr>
, IEnumerable<IntPtr> // Used by collection initializers.
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly void** Ptr;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly int length;
public readonly int unused;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly int capacity;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle Allocator;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int Length { get { return length; } set { } }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int Capacity { get { return capacity; } set { } }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IntPtr this[int index]
get { return new IntPtr(Ptr[index]); }
set { Ptr[index] = (void*)value; }
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ref IntPtr ElementAt(int index)
return ref ((IntPtr*)Ptr)[index];
/// <summary>
/// Constructs list as view into memory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr"></param>
/// <param name="length"></param>
public unsafe UnsafePtrList(void** ptr, int length) : this()
Ptr = ptr;
this.length = length;
this.capacity = length;
Allocator = AllocatorManager.None;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new list using the specified type of memory allocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initialCapacity">The initial capacity of the list. If the list grows larger than its capacity,
/// the internal array is copied to a new, larger array.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">A member of the
/// [Unity.Collections.Allocator](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Collections.Allocator.html) enumeration.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
/// <remarks>The list initially has a capacity of one. To avoid reallocating memory for the list, specify
/// sufficient capacity up front.</remarks>
public unsafe UnsafePtrList(int initialCapacity, AllocatorManager.AllocatorHandle allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) : this()
Ptr = null;
length = 0;
capacity = 0;
Allocator = AllocatorManager.None;
var sizeOf = IntPtr.Size;
this.ListData() = new UnsafeList(sizeOf, sizeOf, initialCapacity, allocator, options);
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a new list using the specified type of memory allocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initialCapacity">The initial capacity of the list. If the list grows larger than its capacity,
/// the internal array is copied to a new, larger array.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">A member of the
/// [Unity.Collections.Allocator](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Collections.Allocator.html) enumeration.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
/// <remarks>The list initially has a capacity of one. To avoid reallocating memory for the list, specify
/// sufficient capacity up front.</remarks>
public unsafe UnsafePtrList(int initialCapacity, Allocator allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory) : this()
Ptr = null;
length = 0;
capacity = 0;
Allocator = AllocatorManager.None;
var sizeOf = IntPtr.Size;
this.ListData() = new UnsafeList(sizeOf, sizeOf, initialCapacity, allocator, options);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr"></param>
/// <param name="length"></param>
/// <returns>New initialized container.</returns>
public static UnsafePtrList* Create(void** ptr, int length)
UnsafePtrList* listData = AllocatorManager.Allocate<UnsafePtrList>(AllocatorManager.Persistent);
*listData = new UnsafePtrList(ptr, length);
return listData;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new list with the specified initial capacity and type of memory allocation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initialCapacity">The initial capacity of the list. If the list grows larger than its capacity,
/// the internal array is copied to a new, larger array.</param>
/// <param name="allocator">A member of the
/// [Unity.Collections.Allocator](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Collections.Allocator.html) enumeration.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
/// <returns>New initialized container.</returns>
public static UnsafePtrList* Create(int initialCapacity, Allocator allocator, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory)
UnsafePtrList* listData = AllocatorManager.Allocate<UnsafePtrList>(allocator);
*listData = new UnsafePtrList(initialCapacity, allocator, options);
return listData;
/// <summary>
/// Destroys list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listData">Container to destroy.</param>
public static void Destroy(UnsafePtrList* listData)
var allocator = listData->ListData().Allocator.Value == AllocatorManager.Invalid.Value
? AllocatorManager.Persistent
: listData->ListData().Allocator
AllocatorManager.Free(allocator, listData);
/// <summary>
/// Reports whether container is empty.
/// </summary>
/// <value>True if this string has no characters or if the container has not been constructed.</value>
public bool IsEmpty => !IsCreated || Length == 0;
/// <summary>
/// Reports whether memory for the container is allocated.
/// </summary>
/// <value>True if this container object's internal storage has been allocated.</value>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that the container storage is not created if you use the default constructor. You must specify
/// at least an allocation type to construct a usable container.
/// *Warning:* the `IsCreated` property can't be used to determine whether a copy of a container is still valid.
/// If you dispose any copy of the container, the container storage is deallocated. However, the properties of
/// the other copies of the container (including the original) are not updated. As a result the `IsCreated` property
/// of the copies still return `true` even though the container storage has been deallocated.
/// </remarks>
public bool IsCreated => Ptr != null;
/// <summary>
/// Disposes of this container and deallocates its memory immediately.
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Safely disposes of this container and deallocates its memory when the jobs that use it have completed.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>You can call this function dispose of the container immediately after scheduling the job. Pass
/// the [JobHandle](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Jobs.JobHandle.html) returned by
/// the [Job.Schedule](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Unity.Jobs.IJobExtensions.Schedule.html)
/// method using the `jobHandle` parameter so the job scheduler can dispose the container after all jobs
/// using it have run.</remarks>
/// <param name="inputDeps">The job handle or handles for any scheduled jobs that use this container.</param>
/// <returns>A new job handle containing the prior handles as well as the handle for the job that deletes
/// the container.</returns>
[NotBurstCompatible /* This is not burst compatible because of IJob's use of a static IntPtr. Should switch to IJobBurstSchedulable in the future */]
public JobHandle Dispose(JobHandle inputDeps)
return this.ListData().Dispose(inputDeps);
/// <summary>
/// Clears the list.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>List Capacity remains unchanged.</remarks>
public void Clear()
/// <summary>
/// Changes the list length, resizing if necessary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="length">The new length of the list.</param>
/// <param name="options">Memory should be cleared on allocation or left uninitialized.</param>
public void Resize(int length, NativeArrayOptions options = NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory)
this.ListData().Resize<IntPtr>(length, options);
/// <summary>
/// Set the number of items that can fit in the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="capacity">The number of items that the list can hold before it resizes its internal storage.</param>
public void SetCapacity(int capacity)
/// <summary>
/// Sets the capacity to the actual number of elements in the container.
/// </summary>
public void TrimExcess()
/// <summary>
/// Searches for the specified element in list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns>The zero-based index of the first occurrence element if found, otherwise returns -1.</returns>
public int IndexOf(void* value)
for (int i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
if (Ptr[i] == value) return i;
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether an element is in the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns>True, if element is found.</returns>
public bool Contains(void* value)
return IndexOf(value) != -1;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an element to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to be added at the end of the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddNoResize(void* value)
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a buffer to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">A pointer to the buffer.</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of elements to add to the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize(void** ptr, int length)
this.ListData().AddRangeNoResize<IntPtr>(ptr, length);
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a list to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">Other container to copy elements from.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize(UnsafePtrList list)
this.ListData().AddRangeNoResize<IntPtr>(list.Ptr, list.Length);
/// <summary>
/// Adds an element to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The struct to be added at the end of the list.</param>
public void Add(in IntPtr value)
/// <summary>
/// Adds an element to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The struct to be added at the end of the list.</param>
public void Add(void* value)
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a buffer to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">A pointer to the buffer.</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of elements to add to the list.</param>
public void AddRange(void* ptr, int length)
this.ListData().AddRange<IntPtr>(ptr, length);
/// <summary>
/// Adds the elements of a UnsafePtrList to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">Other container to copy elements from.</param>
public void AddRange(UnsafePtrList list)
/// <summary>
/// Inserts a number of items into a container at a specified zero-based index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="begin">The zero-based index at which the new elements should be inserted.</param>
/// <param name="end">The zero-based index just after where the elements should be removed.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if end argument is less than begin argument.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if begin or end arguments are not positive or out of bounds.</exception>
public void InsertRangeWithBeginEnd(int begin, int end)
this.ListData().InsertRangeWithBeginEnd<IntPtr>(begin, end);
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by replacing the item at the specified index with the last item in the list. The list
/// is shortened by one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the item to delete.</param>
public void RemoveAtSwapBack(int index)
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by replacing the item at the specified index range with the items from the end the list. The list
/// is shortened by number of elements in range.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="begin">The first index of the item to remove.</param>
/// <param name="end">The index past-the-last item to remove.</param>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if end argument is less than begin argument.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if begin or end arguments are not positive or out of bounds.</exception>
public void RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd(int begin, int end)
this.ListData().RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd<IntPtr>(begin, end);
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by removing the item at the specified index, and shifting all remaining items to replace removed item. The list
/// is shortened by one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The index of the item to delete.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method of removing item is useful only in case when list is ordered and user wants to preserve order
/// in list after removal In majority of cases is not important and user should use more performant `RemoveAtSwapBack`.
/// </remarks>
public void RemoveAt(int index)
/// <summary>
/// Truncates the list by removing the items at the specified index range, and shifting all remaining items to replace removed items. The list
/// is shortened by number of elements in range.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="begin">The first index of the item to remove.</param>
/// <param name="end">The index past-the-last item to remove.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method of removing item(s) is useful only in case when list is ordered and user wants to preserve order
/// in list after removal In majority of cases is not important and user should use more performant `RemoveRangeSwapBackWithBeginEnd`.
/// </remarks>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if end argument is less than begin argument.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown if begin or end arguments are not positive or out of bounds.</exception>
public void RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd(int begin, int end)
this.ListData().RemoveRangeWithBeginEnd<IntPtr>(begin, end);
/// <summary>
/// This method is not implemented. It will throw NotImplementedException if it is used.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Use Enumerator GetEnumerator() instead.</remarks>
/// <returns>Throws NotImplementedException.</returns>
/// <exception cref="NotImplementedException">Method is not implemented.</exception>
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// This method is not implemented. It will throw NotImplementedException if it is used.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Use Enumerator GetEnumerator() instead.</remarks>
/// <returns>Throws NotImplementedException.</returns>
/// <exception cref="NotImplementedException">Method is not implemented.</exception>
IEnumerator<IntPtr> IEnumerable<IntPtr>.GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
/// <summary>
/// Returns parallel reader instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Parallel reader instance.</returns>
public ParallelReader AsParallelReader()
return new ParallelReader(Ptr, Length);
/// <summary>
/// Implements parallel reader. Use AsParallelReader to obtain it from container.
/// </summary>
public unsafe struct ParallelReader
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly void** Ptr;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly int Length;
internal ParallelReader(void** ptr, int length)
Ptr = ptr;
Length = length;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int IndexOf(void* value)
for (int i = 0; i < Length; ++i)
if (Ptr[i] == value) return i;
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Contains(void* value)
return IndexOf(value) != -1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns parallel writer instance.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Parallel writer instance.</returns>
public ParallelWriter AsParallelWriter()
return new ParallelWriter(Ptr, (UnsafeList*)UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref this));
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public unsafe struct ParallelWriter
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public readonly void* Ptr;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public UnsafeList* ListData;
internal unsafe ParallelWriter(void* ptr, UnsafeList* listData)
Ptr = ptr;
ListData = listData;
/// <summary>
/// Adds an element to the list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">The value to be added at the end of the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddNoResize(void* value)
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a buffer to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ptr">A pointer to the buffer.</param>
/// <param name="length">The number of elements to add to the list.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize(void** ptr, int length)
ListData->AddRangeNoResize<IntPtr>(ptr, length);
/// <summary>
/// Adds elements from a list to this list.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list">Other container to copy elements from.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// If the list has reached its current capacity, internal array won't be resized, and exception will be thrown.
/// </remarks>
public void AddRangeNoResize(UnsafePtrList list)
ListData->AddRangeNoResize<IntPtr>(list.Ptr, list.Length);
internal static class UnsafePtrListExtensions
public static ref UnsafeList ListData(ref this UnsafePtrList from) => ref UnsafeUtility.As<UnsafePtrList, UnsafeList>(ref from);
internal sealed class UnsafePtrListDebugView
UnsafePtrList Data;
public UnsafePtrListDebugView(UnsafePtrList data)
Data = data;
public unsafe IntPtr[] Items
IntPtr[] result = new IntPtr[Data.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < result.Length; ++i)
result[i] = (IntPtr)Data.Ptr[i];
return result;
[Obsolete("This storage will no longer be used. (RemovedAfter 2021-06-01)")]
sealed class WordStorageDebugView
WordStorage m_wordStorage;
public WordStorageDebugView(WordStorage wordStorage)
m_wordStorage = wordStorage;
public FixedString128Bytes[] Table
var table = new FixedString128Bytes[m_wordStorage.Entries];
for (var i = 0; i < m_wordStorage.Entries; ++i)
m_wordStorage.GetFixedString(i, ref table[i]);
return table;
[Obsolete("This storage will no longer be used. (RemovedAfter 2021-06-01)")]
sealed class WordStorageStatic
private WordStorageStatic()
public struct Thing
public WordStorage Data;
public static Thing Ref = default;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("This storage will no longer be used. (RemovedAfter 2021-06-01)")]
public struct WordStorage
struct Entry
public int offset;
public int length;
NativeArray<byte> buffer; // all the UTF-8 encoded bytes in one place
NativeArray<Entry> entry; // one offset for each text in "buffer"
NativeMultiHashMap<int, int> hash; // from string hash to table entry
int chars; // bytes in buffer allocated so far
int entries; // number of strings allocated so far
/// <summary>
/// For internal use only.
/// </summary>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public static ref WordStorage Instance
return ref WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data;
const int kMaxEntries = 16 << 10;
const int kMaxChars = kMaxEntries * 128;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public const int kMaxCharsPerEntry = 4096;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int Entries => entries;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public static void Initialize()
if (WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.buffer.IsCreated)
WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.buffer = new NativeArray<byte>(kMaxChars, Allocator.Persistent);
WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.entry = new NativeArray<Entry>(kMaxEntries, Allocator.Persistent);
WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.hash = new NativeMultiHashMap<int, int>(kMaxEntries, Allocator.Persistent);
// Free storage on domain unload, which happens when iterating on the Entities module a lot.
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += (_, __) => { Shutdown(); };
// There is no domain unload in player builds, so we must be sure to shutdown when the process exits.
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (_, __) => { Shutdown(); };
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public static void Shutdown()
if (!WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.buffer.IsCreated)
WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data = default;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public static void Clear()
WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.chars = 0;
WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.entries = 0;
var temp = new FixedString32Bytes();
WordStorageStatic.Ref.Data.GetOrCreateIndex(ref temp); // make sure that Index=0 means empty string
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public static void Setup()
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index"></param>
/// <param name="temp"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public unsafe void GetFixedString<T>(int index, ref T temp)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
Assert.IsTrue(index < entries);
var e = entry[index];
Assert.IsTrue(e.length <= kMaxCharsPerEntry);
temp.Length = e.length;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(temp.GetUnsafePtr(), (byte*)buffer.GetUnsafePtr() + e.offset, temp.Length);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="h"></param>
/// <param name="temp"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetIndexFromHashAndFixedString<T>(int h, ref T temp)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
Assert.IsTrue(temp.Length <= kMaxCharsPerEntry); // about one printed page of text
int itemIndex;
NativeMultiHashMapIterator<int> iter;
if (hash.TryGetFirstValue(h, out itemIndex, out iter))
var e = entry[itemIndex];
Assert.IsTrue(e.length <= kMaxCharsPerEntry);
if (e.length == temp.Length)
int matches;
for (matches = 0; matches < e.length; ++matches)
if (temp[matches] != buffer[e.offset + matches])
if (matches == temp.Length)
return itemIndex;
} while (hash.TryGetNextValue(out itemIndex, ref iter));
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Contains<T>(ref T value)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
int h = value.GetHashCode();
return GetIndexFromHashAndFixedString(h, ref value) != -1;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public unsafe bool Contains(string value)
FixedString512Bytes temp = value;
return Contains(ref temp);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
public int GetOrCreateIndex<T>(ref T value)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
int h = value.GetHashCode();
var itemIndex = GetIndexFromHashAndFixedString(h, ref value);
if (itemIndex != -1)
return itemIndex;
Assert.IsTrue(entries < kMaxEntries);
Assert.IsTrue(chars + value.Length <= kMaxChars);
var o = chars;
var l = (ushort)value.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i)
buffer[chars++] = value[i];
entry[entries] = new Entry { offset = o, length = l };
hash.Add(h, entries);
return entries++;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A "Words" is an integer that refers to 4,096 or fewer chars of UTF-16 text in a global storage blob.
/// Each should refer to *at most* about one printed page of text.
/// If you need more text, consider using one Words struct for each printed page's worth.
/// Each Words instance that you create is stored in a single, internally-managed WordStorage object,
/// which can hold up to 16,384 Words entries. Once added, the entries in WordStorage cannot be modified
/// or removed.
/// </remarks>
[Obsolete("This storage will no longer be used. (RemovedAfter 2021-06-01)")]
public struct Words
int Index;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public void ToFixedString<T>(ref T value)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
WordStorage.Instance.GetFixedString(Index, ref value);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override string ToString()
FixedString512Bytes temp = default;
ToFixedString(ref temp);
return temp.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public void SetFixedString<T>(ref T value)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
Index = WordStorage.Instance.GetOrCreateIndex(ref value);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
public unsafe void SetString(string value)
FixedString512Bytes temp = value;
SetFixedString(ref temp);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A "NumberedWords" is a "Words", plus possibly a string of leading zeroes, followed by
/// possibly a positive integer.
/// The zeroes and integer aren't stored centrally as a string, they're stored as an int.
/// Therefore, 1,000,000 items with names from FooBarBazBifBoo000000 to FooBarBazBifBoo999999
/// Will cost 8MB + a single copy of "FooBarBazBifBoo", instead of ~48MB.
/// They say that this is a thing, too.
/// </remarks>
[Obsolete("This storage will no longer be used. (RemovedAfter 2021-06-01)")]
public struct NumberedWords
int Index;
int Suffix;
const int kPositiveNumericSuffixShift = 0;
const int kPositiveNumericSuffixBits = 29;
const int kMaxPositiveNumericSuffix = (1 << kPositiveNumericSuffixBits) - 1;
const int kPositiveNumericSuffixMask = (1 << kPositiveNumericSuffixBits) - 1;
const int kLeadingZeroesShift = 29;
const int kLeadingZeroesBits = 3;
const int kMaxLeadingZeroes = (1 << kLeadingZeroesBits) - 1;
const int kLeadingZeroesMask = (1 << kLeadingZeroesBits) - 1;
int LeadingZeroes
get => (Suffix >> kLeadingZeroesShift) & kLeadingZeroesMask;
Suffix &= ~(kLeadingZeroesMask << kLeadingZeroesShift);
Suffix |= (value & kLeadingZeroesMask) << kLeadingZeroesShift;
int PositiveNumericSuffix
get => (Suffix >> kPositiveNumericSuffixShift) & kPositiveNumericSuffixMask;
Suffix &= ~(kPositiveNumericSuffixMask << kPositiveNumericSuffixShift);
Suffix |= (value & kPositiveNumericSuffixMask) << kPositiveNumericSuffixShift;
bool HasPositiveNumericSuffix => PositiveNumericSuffix != 0;
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
string NewString(char c, int count)
char[] temp = new char[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i)
temp[i] = c;
return new string(temp, 0, count);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <returns></returns>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public int ToFixedString<T>(ref T result)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
var positiveNumericSuffix = PositiveNumericSuffix;
var leadingZeroes = LeadingZeroes;
WordStorage.Instance.GetFixedString(Index, ref result);
if(positiveNumericSuffix == 0 && leadingZeroes == 0)
return 0;
// print the numeric suffix, if any, backwards, as ASCII, to a little buffer.
const int maximumDigits = kMaxLeadingZeroes + 10;
var buffer = stackalloc byte[maximumDigits];
var firstDigit = maximumDigits;
while(positiveNumericSuffix > 0)
buffer[--firstDigit] = (byte)('0' + positiveNumericSuffix % 10);
positiveNumericSuffix /= 10;
while(leadingZeroes-- > 0)
buffer[--firstDigit] = (byte)'0';
// make space in the output for leading zeroes if any, followed by the positive numeric index if any.
var dest = result.GetUnsafePtr() + result.Length;
result.Length += maximumDigits - firstDigit;
while(firstDigit < maximumDigits)
*dest++ = buffer[firstDigit++];
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public override string ToString()
FixedString512Bytes temp = default;
ToFixedString(ref temp);
return temp.ToString();
bool IsDigit(byte b)
return b >= '0' && b <= '9';
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public void SetString<T>(ref T value)
where T : IUTF8Bytes, INativeList<byte>
int beginningOfDigits = value.Length;
// as long as there are digits at the end,
// look back for more digits.
while (beginningOfDigits > 0 && IsDigit(value[beginningOfDigits - 1]))
// as long as the first digit is a zero, it's not the beginning of the positive integer - it's a leading zero.
var beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix = beginningOfDigits;
while (beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix < value.Length && value[beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix] == '0')
// now we know where the leading zeroes begin, and then where the positive integer begins after them.
// but if there are too many leading zeroes to encode, the excess ones become part of the string.
var leadingZeroes = beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix - beginningOfDigits;
if (leadingZeroes > kMaxLeadingZeroes)
var excessLeadingZeroes = leadingZeroes - kMaxLeadingZeroes;
beginningOfDigits += excessLeadingZeroes;
leadingZeroes -= excessLeadingZeroes;
// if there is a positive integer after the zeroes, here's where we compute it and store it for later.
PositiveNumericSuffix = 0;
int number = 0;
for (var i = beginningOfPositiveNumericSuffix; i < value.Length; ++i)
number *= 10;
number += value[i] - '0';
// an intrepid user may attempt to encode a positive integer with 20 digits or something.
// they are rewarded with a string that is encoded wholesale without any optimizations.
if (number <= kMaxPositiveNumericSuffix)
PositiveNumericSuffix = number;
beginningOfDigits = value.Length;
leadingZeroes = 0; // and your dog Toto, too.
// set the leading zero count in the Suffix member.
LeadingZeroes = leadingZeroes;
// truncate the string, if there were digits at the end that we encoded.
var truncated = value;
int length = truncated.Length;
if (beginningOfDigits != truncated.Length)
truncated.Length = beginningOfDigits;
// finally, set the string to its index in the global string blob thing.
Index = WordStorage.Instance.GetOrCreateIndex(ref truncated);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value"></param>
[NotBurstCompatible /* Deprecated */]
public void SetString(string value)
FixedString512Bytes temp = value;
SetString(ref temp);