2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
namespace Unity.Burst.Editor
/// <summary>
/// Disassembler for Intel and ARM
/// </summary>
internal partial class BurstDisassembler
// The following member need to be reset/clear on each Reset()
private readonly Dictionary<int, string> _fileName;
private readonly Dictionary<int, string[]> _fileList;
private readonly List<AsmToken> _tokens;
private readonly List<AsmBlock> _blocks;
private readonly List<string> _blockToString;
private readonly List<int> _columnIndices;
private readonly List<AsmLine> _lines;
internal UsedRegisters _registersUsedAtLine;
private readonly DictionaryGlobalLabel _globalLabels;
private readonly List<TempLabelRef> _tempLabelRefs;
private readonly Dictionary<int, StringSlice> _mapBlockIndexToGlobalLabel;
private DictionaryLocalLabel _currentDictLocalLabel;
public bool IsInitialized { get; private set; }
// ^^^
private string _input;
private AsmKind _inputAsmKind;
internal readonly StringBuilder _output;
private bool _colored;
// This is used to aligned instructions and there operands so they look like this
// mulps x,x,x
// shufbps x,x,x
// instead of
// mulps x,x,x
// shufbps x,x,x
// Notice if instruction name is longer than this no alignment will be done.
private const int InstructionAlignment = 10;
private static readonly StringSlice CVLocDirective = new StringSlice(".cv_loc");
// Colors used for the tokens
// TODO: Make this configurable via some editor settings?
private const string DarkColorLineDirective = "#FFFF00";
private const string DarkColorDirective = "#CCCCCC";
private const string DarkColorIdentifier = "#d4d4d4";
private const string DarkColorQualifier = "#DCDCAA";
private const string DarkColorInstruction = "#4EC9B0";
internal const string DarkColorInstructionSIMD = "#C586C0";
internal const string DarkColorInstructionSIMDPacked = "#A586C0";
internal const string DarkColorInstructionSIMDScalar = "#E586C0";
private const string DarkColorRegister = "#d7ba7d";
private const string DarkColorNumber = "#9cdcfe";
private const string DarkColorString = "#ce9178";
private const string DarkColorComment = "#6A9955";
private const string LightColorLineDirective = "#888800";
private const string LightColorDirective = "#444444";
private const string LightColorIdentifier = "#1c1c1c";
private const string LightColorQualifier = "#267f99";
private const string LightColorInstruction = "#0451a5";
private const string LightColorInstructionSIMD = "#0000ff";
private const string LightColorInstructionSIMDPacked = "#8000ff";
private const string LightColorInstructionSIMDScalar = "#8050ff";
private const string LightColorRegister = "#811f3f";
private const string LightColorNumber = "#007ACC";
private const string LightColorString = "#a31515";
private const string LightColorComment = "#008000";
private string ColorLineDirective;
private string ColorDirective;
private string ColorIdentifier;
private string ColorQualifier;
private string ColorInstruction;
private string ColorInstructionSIMD;
private string ColorInstructionSIMDPacked;
private string ColorInstructionSIMDScalar;
private string ColorRegister;
private string ColorNumber;
private string ColorString;
private string ColorComment;
private char _commentStart;
public BurstDisassembler()
_fileName = new Dictionary<int, string>();
_fileList = new Dictionary<int, string[]>();
_tokens = new List<AsmToken>(65536);
_blocks = new List<AsmBlock>(128);
_blockToString = new List<string>(128);
_columnIndices = new List<int>(65536);
_lines = new List<AsmLine>(4096);
_registersUsedAtLine = new UsedRegisters(4096);
_tempLabelRefs = new List<TempLabelRef>(4096);
_globalLabels = new DictionaryGlobalLabel(128);
_mapBlockIndexToGlobalLabel = new Dictionary<int, StringSlice>(128);
_output = new StringBuilder();
internal List<int> ColumnIndices => _columnIndices;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all the blocks.
/// </summary>
public List<AsmBlock> Blocks => _blocks;
/// <summary>
/// Gets whether the disassembly is colored.
/// </summary>
public bool IsColored => _colored;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all the lines for all the blocks.
/// </summary>
public List<AsmLine> Lines => _lines;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all the tokens
/// </summary>
public List<AsmToken> Tokens => _tokens;
public int LineUsedReg(int lineIdx, string reg) => _registersUsedAtLine.RegisterMatch(lineIdx, reg);
public bool LineUsesRegs(int lineIdx, out List<string> usedRegs) => _registersUsedAtLine.LineContainsRegs(lineIdx, out usedRegs);
public List<string> CleanRegs(List<string> regs) => _registersUsedAtLine.CleanRegs(regs);
public int GetRegisterTokenIndex(AsmLine line, string reg, int startIndex = 0)
var idx = -1;
var i = Math.Max(line.TokenIndex, startIndex);
var len = line.TokenIndex + line.Length;
for (; i < len; i++)
var token = Tokens[i];
if (_registersUsedAtLine.RegisterEquality(reg, GetTokenAsText(token)))
idx = i;
return idx;
/// <summary>
/// Get a token index for a particular block, line number and column number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blockIndex"></param>
/// <param name="line"></param>
/// <param name="column"></param>
/// <param name="lineIndex">Returns the line index to query <see cref="Lines"/></param>
/// <returns>The token index to use with <see cref="GetToken"/> or -1 if the line, column was not found.</returns>
public int GetTokenIndexFromColumn(int blockIndex, int line, int column, out int lineIndex)
lineIndex = -1;
var block = _blocks[blockIndex];
var lineStartIndex = block.LineIndex + line;
var asmLine = _lines[lineStartIndex];
if (asmLine.Kind != AsmLineKind.SourceFileLocation)
var columnIndex = asmLine.ColumnIndex;
for (int j = 1; j < asmLine.Length; j++)
// _columnIndices doesn't have an index for the first token (because the column is always 0)
var tokenColumn = _columnIndices[columnIndex + j - 1];
var token = GetToken(asmLine.TokenIndex + j);
if (tokenColumn <= column && column < tokenColumn + token.Length)
lineIndex = lineStartIndex;
return asmLine.TokenIndex + j;
return -1;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or renders a particular block to text without caching the result.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blockIndex">The block to render.</param>
/// <param name="colored">Whether output should be colored.</param>
/// <returns>A string representation of the block.</returns>
public string GetOrRenderBlockToTextUncached(int blockIndex, bool colored)
return RenderBlock(blockIndex, colored);
/// <summary>
/// Gets or renders a particular block to text (colored if specified at <see cref="Initialize"/> time)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="blockIndex">The block to render.</param>
/// <returns>A string representation of the block.</returns>
public string GetOrRenderBlockToText(int blockIndex)
var str = _blockToString[blockIndex];
if (str == null)
str = RenderBlock(blockIndex, _colored);
_blockToString[blockIndex] = str;
return str;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a token at the specified token index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tokenIndex">The token index</param>
/// <returns>The token available at the specified index</returns>
public AsmToken GetToken(int tokenIndex)
return _tokens[tokenIndex];
/// <summary>
/// Returns the text representation of the token at the specified index
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tokenIndex"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public StringSlice GetTokenAsTextSlice(int tokenIndex)
return _tokens[tokenIndex].Slice(_input);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the text representation of the specified token.
/// </summary>
public StringSlice GetTokenAsTextSlice(AsmToken token)
return token.Slice(_input);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the text representation of the specified token.
/// </summary>
public string GetTokenAsText(AsmToken token)
return token.ToString(_input);
/// <summary>
/// Try and get description of <see cref="instruction"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="instruction">Instruction to query information about.</param>
/// <param name="info">If instruction present the queried information, else default string.</param>
/// <returns>Whether instruction was present in burst disassembler core.</returns>
internal bool GetInstructionInformation(string instruction, out string info)
switch (_inputAsmKind)
case AsmKind.Intel:
return X86AsmInstructionInfo.GetX86InstructionInfo(instruction, out info);
case AsmKind.ARM:
return ARM64InstructionInfo.GetARM64Info(instruction, out info);
case AsmKind.LLVMIR:
return LLVMIRInstructionInfo.GetLLVMIRInfo(instruction, out info);
case AsmKind.Wasm:
return WasmInstructionInfo.GetWasmInfo(instruction, out info);
throw new InvalidOperationException($"No instruction information for {_inputAsmKind}");
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the disassembler with the input and parametesr.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <param name="asmKind"></param>
/// <param name="useDarkSkin"></param>
/// <param name="useSyntaxColoring"></param>
/// <param name="smellTest"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool Initialize(string input, AsmKind asmKind, bool useDarkSkin = true, bool useSyntaxColoring = true, bool smellTest = false)
InitializeImpl(input, asmKind, useDarkSkin, useSyntaxColoring, smellTest);
IsInitialized = true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error while trying to disassemble the input: {ex}");
UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"Error while trying to disassemble the input: {ex}");
return IsInitialized;
/// <summary>
/// Helper method to output the full (colored) text as we did before.
/// This method will be deprecated. Just here for testing during the transition.
/// </summary>
public string RenderFullText()
// If not initialized correctly (disassembly failed), return the input string as-is
if (!IsInitialized) return _input ?? string.Empty;
var builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < _blocks.Count; i++)
var text = GetOrRenderBlockToText(i);
return builder.ToString();
private void Reset()
_currentDictLocalLabel = null;
IsInitialized = false;
private AsmTokenKindProvider _tokenProvider = null;
private void InitializeImpl(string input, AsmKind asmKind, bool useDarkSkin = true, bool useSyntaxColoring = true, bool smellTest=false)
_commentStart = (asmKind == AsmKind.Intel || asmKind == AsmKind.Wasm) ? '#' : ';';
UseSkin(useDarkSkin, smellTest);
_colored = useSyntaxColoring;
_tokenProvider = InitializeInput(input, asmKind);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the block index encapsulating <see cref="textIdx"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="textIdx">Text index relative to <see cref="_input"/>.</param>
/// <param name="start">Left-most block index to search within.</param>
/// <param name="end">Right-most block index to search within.</param>
/// <returns>(block index, blocks start index in <see cref="_input"/>, blocks end index in <see cref="_input"/>)</returns>
public (int idx, int l, int r) GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(int textIdx)
return GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(textIdx, 0, _blockTextIdxs.Count - 1);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the block index encapsulating <see cref="textIdx"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="textIdx">Text index relative to <see cref="_input"/>.</param>
/// <param name="start">Left-most block index to search within.</param>
/// <param name="end">Right-most block index to search within.</param>
/// <returns>(block index, blocks start index in <see cref="_input"/>, blocks end index in <see cref="_input"/>)</returns>
public (int idx, int l, int r) GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(int textIdx, int start, int end)
if (start <= end)
int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
if (_blockTextIdxs[mid].startIdx <= textIdx && textIdx <= _blockTextIdxs[mid].endIdx)
// if textIdx is within range given at index mid
return (mid, _blockTextIdxs[mid].startIdx, _blockTextIdxs[mid].endIdx);
if (_blockTextIdxs[mid].endIdx < textIdx)
// Look to the right
return GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(textIdx, mid + 1, end);
if (textIdx < _blockTextIdxs[mid].startIdx)
// look to the left
return GetBlockIdxFromTextIdx(textIdx, start, mid - 1);
return (-1, -1, -1);
private bool _smellTest;
private void UseSkin(bool useDarkSkin, bool smellTest)
_smellTest = smellTest;
if (useDarkSkin)
ColorLineDirective = DarkColorLineDirective;
ColorDirective = DarkColorDirective;
ColorIdentifier = DarkColorIdentifier;
ColorQualifier = DarkColorQualifier;
ColorInstruction = DarkColorInstruction;
ColorInstructionSIMD = DarkColorInstructionSIMD;
ColorInstructionSIMDPacked = DarkColorInstructionSIMDPacked;
ColorInstructionSIMDScalar = DarkColorInstructionSIMDScalar;
ColorRegister = DarkColorRegister;
ColorNumber = DarkColorNumber;
ColorString = DarkColorString;
ColorComment = DarkColorComment;
ColorLineDirective = LightColorLineDirective;
ColorDirective = LightColorDirective;
ColorIdentifier = LightColorIdentifier;
ColorQualifier = LightColorQualifier;
ColorInstruction = LightColorInstruction;
ColorInstructionSIMD = LightColorInstructionSIMD;
ColorInstructionSIMDPacked = LightColorInstructionSIMDPacked;
ColorInstructionSIMDScalar = LightColorInstructionSIMDScalar;
ColorRegister = LightColorRegister;
ColorNumber = LightColorNumber;
ColorString = LightColorString;
ColorComment = LightColorComment;
private int AlignInstruction(StringBuilder output, int instructionLength, AsmKind asmKind)
// Only support Intel for now
if (instructionLength >= InstructionAlignment || asmKind != AsmKind.Intel)
return 0;
int align = InstructionAlignment - instructionLength;
output.Append(' ', align);
return align;
private AsmTokenKindProvider InitializeInput(string input, AsmKind asmKind)
AsmTokenKindProvider asmTokenProvider = null;
_input = input;
_inputAsmKind = asmKind;
switch (asmKind)
case AsmKind.Intel:
asmTokenProvider = (AsmTokenKindProvider)X86AsmTokenKindProvider.Instance;
case AsmKind.ARM:
asmTokenProvider = (AsmTokenKindProvider)ARM64AsmTokenKindProvider.Instance;
case AsmKind.Wasm:
asmTokenProvider = (AsmTokenKindProvider)WasmAsmTokenKindProvider.Instance;
case AsmKind.LLVMIR:
asmTokenProvider = (AsmTokenKindProvider)LLVMIRAsmTokenKindProvider.Instance;
throw new InvalidOperationException($"No {nameof(AsmTokenKindProvider)} for {asmKind}");
return asmTokenProvider;
private int GetLineLen(in AsmLine line)
int len = 0;
int offset = line.TokenIndex;
int numLineTokens = line.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < numLineTokens; i++)
AsmToken token = _tokens[offset + i];
len += token.Kind != AsmTokenKind.NewLine
? token.Length
: 1; // We don't use windows line endings, but internal token might,
return len;
private void ParseAndProcessTokens(AsmTokenKindProvider asmTokenProvider)
var tokenizer = new AsmTokenizer(_input, _inputAsmKind, asmTokenProvider, _commentStart);
// Adjust token size
var pseudoTokenSizeMax = _input.Length / 7;
if (pseudoTokenSizeMax > _tokens.Capacity)
_tokens.Capacity = pseudoTokenSizeMax;
// Start the top-block as a directive block
var block = new AsmBlock { Kind = AsmBlockKind.Block };
AsmLine line = default;
var blockKindDetectFlags = BlockKindDetectFlags.None;
// Skip first line
// Don't tokenize the first line that contains e.g:
// While compiling job: System.Single BurstJobTester/MyJob::CheckFmaSlow(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)
while (tokenizer.TryGetNextToken(out var token))
if (token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.NewLine)
// Read all tokens
// Create blocks and lines on the fly, record functions
int totalIdx = 0;
int blockStartIdx = 0;
bool newLine = false;
var (possiblyRemoveAlignment, addedAlignment) = (false, 0);
while (tokenizer.TryGetNextToken(out var token))
var tokenIndex = _tokens.Count;
if (newLine)
if (possiblyRemoveAlignment)
// Alignment was added just before a newline
totalIdx -= addedAlignment;
// Push new line
if (line.Kind == AsmLineKind.SourceFile)
// Have to remove the line from totalIdx, for proper block idx saving.
totalIdx -= GetLineLen(line);
ProcessSourceFile(ref line);
// We drop this line, we don't store SourceFile line as-is but just below as SourceFileLocation
var lineRef = new AsmLineRef(_blocks.Count, block.Length);
if (line.Kind == AsmLineKind.SourceLocation)
// Have to remove the line from totalIdx, for proper block idx saving.
totalIdx -= GetLineLen(line);
ProcessSourceLocation(ref line, ref totalIdx);
// after this, the line is now a SourceFileLocation
else if (line.Kind == AsmLineKind.LabelDeclaration)
// Record labels (global and locals)
ProcessLabelDeclaration(lineRef, line);
else if (line.Kind == AsmLineKind.CodeBranch || line.Kind == AsmLineKind.CodeJump)
// Record temp branch/jumps
ProcessJumpOrBranch(lineRef, ref line);
bool previousLineWasBranch = line.Kind == AsmLineKind.CodeBranch;
// Reset the line
line = default;
line.Kind = AsmLineKind.Empty;
line.TokenIndex = tokenIndex;
// We create a new block when hitting a label declaration
// If the previous line was a conditional branch, it is like having an implicit label
if (previousLineWasBranch || token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Label)
// Refine the kind of block before pushing it
if ((blockKindDetectFlags & BlockKindDetectFlags.Code) != 0)
block.Kind = AsmBlockKind.Code;
else if ((blockKindDetectFlags & BlockKindDetectFlags.Data) != 0)
block.Kind = AsmBlockKind.Data;
else if ((blockKindDetectFlags & BlockKindDetectFlags.Directive) != 0)
block.Kind = AsmBlockKind.Directive;
// Push the current block
_blockTextIdxs.Add((blockStartIdx, totalIdx-1));
// Create a new block
blockStartIdx = totalIdx;
block = new AsmBlock
Kind = AsmBlockKind.None,
LineIndex = _lines.Count,
Length = 0
blockKindDetectFlags = BlockKindDetectFlags.None;
// If the current line is still undefined try to detect what kind of line we have
var lineKind = line.Kind;
if (lineKind == AsmLineKind.Empty)
switch (token.Kind)
case AsmTokenKind.Directive:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.Directive;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Directive;
case AsmTokenKind.SourceFile:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.SourceFile;
case AsmTokenKind.SourceLocation:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.SourceLocation;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Code;
case AsmTokenKind.DataDirective:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.Data;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Data;
case AsmTokenKind.Instruction:
case AsmTokenKind.InstructionSIMD:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.Code;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Code;
case AsmTokenKind.BranchInstruction:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.CodeBranch;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Code;
case AsmTokenKind.JumpInstruction:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.CodeJump;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Code;
case AsmTokenKind.CallInstruction:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.CodeCall;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Code;
case AsmTokenKind.ReturnInstruction:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.CodeReturn;
blockKindDetectFlags |= BlockKindDetectFlags.Code;
case AsmTokenKind.Label:
lineKind = newLine ? AsmLineKind.LabelDeclaration : AsmLineKind.Empty;
case AsmTokenKind.Comment:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.Comment;
case AsmTokenKind.FunctionBegin:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.FunctionBegin;
case AsmTokenKind.FunctionEnd:
lineKind = AsmLineKind.FunctionEnd;
line.Kind = lineKind;
// Add alignment for it to match the output BurstDisassembler gives to the outside world
switch (token.Kind)
case AsmTokenKind.Instruction:
case AsmTokenKind.CallInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.BranchInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.JumpInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.ReturnInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.InstructionSIMD:
if (!(token.Length >= InstructionAlignment || _inputAsmKind != AsmKind.Intel))
totalIdx += (InstructionAlignment - token.Length);
possiblyRemoveAlignment = true;
addedAlignment = InstructionAlignment - token.Length;
// If new line is hit do not set to false, as to carry the information
// into the next iteration.
case AsmTokenKind.NewLine:
possiblyRemoveAlignment = false;
// Add used registers to the index appropriate for specific line.
if (token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Register)
_registersUsedAtLine.Add(_lines.Count, GetTokenAsText(token));
newLine = token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.NewLine;
totalIdx += newLine ? 1 : token.Length;
// Process the remaining line
if (line.Length > 0)
if (block.Length > 0)
_blockTextIdxs.Add((blockStartIdx, totalIdx - 1));
private void ProcessLabelDeclaration(in AsmLineRef lineRef, in AsmLine line)
var iterator = GetIterator(line);
iterator.TryGetNext(out var token); // label
var text = token.Slice(_input);
if (IsLabelLocal(text))
// if ´_currentDictLocalLabel==null´ we just hit a local label prior to any global labels.
// So we simply create a empty global label, to hold this local:
if (_currentDictLocalLabel is null)
_currentDictLocalLabel = _globalLabels.GetOrCreate(new StringSlice(""), lineRef);
_mapBlockIndexToGlobalLabel[lineRef.BlockIndex] = text;
// Record local labels to the current global label dictionary
_currentDictLocalLabel.Add(text, lineRef);
// Create a local label dictionary per global label
_currentDictLocalLabel = _globalLabels.GetOrCreate(text, lineRef);
// Associate the current block index to this global index
_mapBlockIndexToGlobalLabel[lineRef.BlockIndex] = text;
private void ProcessJumpOrBranch(in AsmLineRef lineRef, ref AsmLine line)
var iterator = GetIterator(line);
iterator.TryGetNext(out _); // branch/jump instruction
if (iterator.TryGetNext(out var label, out var labelTokenIndex))
if (label.Kind == AsmTokenKind.String || label.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Identifier || label.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Label)
// In case the token is not a label, convert it to a label after this
if (label.Kind != AsmTokenKind.Label)
var token = _tokens[labelTokenIndex];
token = new AsmToken(AsmTokenKind.Label, token.Position, token.AlignedPosition, token.Length);
_tokens[labelTokenIndex] = token;
var currentGlobalBlockIndex = _currentDictLocalLabel.GlobalLabelLineRef.BlockIndex;
_tempLabelRefs.Add(new TempLabelRef(currentGlobalBlockIndex, lineRef, label.Position, label.Length));
private void ProcessSourceFile(ref AsmLine line)
var it = GetIterator(line);
it.TryGetNext(out _); // skip .file or .cv_file
int index = 0;
if (it.TryGetNext(out var token) && token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Number)
var numberAsStr = GetTokenAsText(token);
index = int.Parse(numberAsStr);
if (it.TryGetNext(out token) && token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.String)
var filename = GetTokenAsText(token).Trim('"').Replace('\\', '/');
string[] fileLines = null;
//blockIdx += 4 + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filename).Length;// ("=== " + filename).Length
if (System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
fileLines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename);
fileLines = null;
_fileName.Add(index, filename);
_fileList.Add(index, fileLines);
private void ProcessSourceLocation(ref AsmLine line, ref int blockIdx)
var it = GetIterator(line);
// .loc {fileno} {lineno} [column] [options] -
// .cv_loc funcid fileno lineno [column]
int fileno = 0;
int colno = 0;
int lineno = 0; // NB 0 indicates no information given
if (it.TryGetNext(out var token))
var tokenSlice = GetTokenAsTextSlice(token);
if (tokenSlice == CVLocDirective)
// skip funcId
it.TryGetNext(out token);
if (it.TryGetNext(out token) && token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Number)
var numberAsStr = GetTokenAsText(token);
fileno = int.Parse(numberAsStr);
if (it.TryGetNext(out token) && token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Number)
var numberAsStr = GetTokenAsText(token);
lineno = int.Parse(numberAsStr);
if (it.TryGetNext(out token) && token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Number)
var numberAsStr = GetTokenAsText(token);
colno = int.Parse(numberAsStr);
// Transform the SourceLocation into a SourceFileLocation
line.Kind = AsmLineKind.SourceFileLocation;
line.SourceFileNumber = fileno;
line.SourceLineNumber = lineno;
line.SourceColumnNumber = colno;
// Make sure blockTextIdxs are correct
if (fileno == 0) return;
blockIdx += 2 + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_fileName[fileno]).Length; // ("; " + filename).length
if (lineno != 0)
blockIdx += 4 + lineno.ToString().Length + (colno + 1).ToString().Length;// "(x, y)"
if (_fileList.ContainsKey(fileno) && _fileList[fileno] != null && lineno - 1 < _fileList[fileno].Length)
blockIdx += _fileList[fileno][lineno - 1].Length;
blockIdx++; // \n
private static bool IsLabelLocal(in StringSlice slice)
return slice.StartsWith(".L");
private void ProcessLabelsAndCreateEdges()
foreach (var tempLabelRef in _tempLabelRefs)
var globalBlockIndex = tempLabelRef.GlobalBlockIndex;
// Source Block + Line
var srcRef = tempLabelRef.LineRef;
var srcBlockIndex = srcRef.BlockIndex;
var srcLineIndex = srcRef.LineIndex;
var srcBlock = _blocks[srcBlockIndex];
// Line where the edge occurs
var srcLine = _lines[srcBlock.LineIndex + srcLineIndex];
var label = new StringSlice(_input, tempLabelRef.StringIndex, tempLabelRef.StringLength);
var isLocal = IsLabelLocal(label);
AsmLineRef destRef;
if (isLocal)
var globalLabel = _mapBlockIndexToGlobalLabel[globalBlockIndex];
var localLabel = _globalLabels[globalLabel];
destRef = localLabel[label];
if (_globalLabels.TryGetValue(label, out var entry))
destRef = entry.GlobalLabelLineRef;
continue; // Some global labels (at least on arm) e.g. __divsi3 are runtime library defined and not present at all in the source
// Destination Block + Line
var dstBlock = _blocks[destRef.BlockIndex];
// Create edges
srcBlock.AddEdge(new AsmEdge(AsmEdgeKind.OutBound, srcRef, destRef));
dstBlock.AddEdge(new AsmEdge(AsmEdgeKind.InBound, destRef, srcRef));
// For conditional branches, add the false branch as well
// TODO: should we comment that in the meantime or?
if (srcLine.Kind == AsmLineKind.CodeBranch)
// The implicit destination block for the false branch is the next block of the source
// TODO: we pickup the line 0, while we might want to select the first code of line or first Label declaration
var blockFalseRef = new AsmLineRef(srcRef.BlockIndex + 1, 0);
dstBlock = _blocks[blockFalseRef.BlockIndex];
srcBlock.AddEdge(new AsmEdge(AsmEdgeKind.OutBound, srcRef, blockFalseRef));
dstBlock.AddEdge(new AsmEdge(AsmEdgeKind.InBound, blockFalseRef, srcRef));
// Sort all edges
foreach (var block in Blocks)
private List<(int startIdx, int endIdx)> _blockTextIdxs = new List<(int startIdx, int endIdx)>(128);
public List<(int startIdx, int endIdx)> BlockIdxs => _blockTextIdxs;
private string RenderBlock(int blockIndex, bool colored)
var block = _blocks[blockIndex];
var lineStart = block.LineIndex;
var length = block.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
var line = _lines[lineStart + i];
RenderLine(ref line, colored);
// write back the line that has been modified. But only if we run with the same color mode,
// that the disassembler was initialized with.
if (colored == _colored) _lines[lineStart + i] = line;
var str = _output.ToString();
_output.Length = 0;
return str;
internal void RenderLine(ref AsmLine line, bool colored)
// Render this line with a specific renderer
if (line.Kind == AsmLineKind.SourceFileLocation)
RenderSourceFileLocation(ref line, colored);
// Process all tokens
var length = line.Length;
int column = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
var token = _tokens[line.TokenIndex + i];
var slice = token.Slice(_input);
// We don't record the first column because it is always 0
if (column > 0)
if (line.ColumnIndex == 0)
line.ColumnIndex = _columnIndices.Count;
if (colored)
switch (token.Kind)
case AsmTokenKind.DataDirective:
case AsmTokenKind.Directive:
case AsmTokenKind.FunctionBegin:
case AsmTokenKind.FunctionEnd:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
case AsmTokenKind.Label:
case AsmTokenKind.Identifier:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
case AsmTokenKind.Qualifier:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
case AsmTokenKind.Instruction:
case AsmTokenKind.CallInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.BranchInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.JumpInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.ReturnInstruction:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
if (i == length - 2) // last slice always a newline
column += AlignInstruction(_output, slice.Length, _inputAsmKind);
case AsmTokenKind.InstructionSIMD:
// Perform smell test for simd instructions:
var col = ColorInstructionSIMD;
if (_smellTest)
switch (_tokenProvider.SimdKind(slice))
case SIMDkind.Packed:
col = ColorInstructionSIMDPacked;
case SIMDkind.Scalar:
col = ColorInstructionSIMDScalar;
case SIMDkind.Infrastructure:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
if (i == length - 2) // last slice always newline
column += AlignInstruction(_output, slice.Length, _inputAsmKind);
case AsmTokenKind.Register:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
case AsmTokenKind.Number:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
case AsmTokenKind.String:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
case AsmTokenKind.Comment:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
case AsmTokenKind.NewLine:
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
if (token.Kind == AsmTokenKind.NewLine)
_output.Append(_input, slice.Position, slice.Length);
column += slice.Length;
// Also wants to align instructions in uncolored mode the same way as colored.
switch (token.Kind)
case AsmTokenKind.Instruction:
case AsmTokenKind.CallInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.BranchInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.JumpInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.ReturnInstruction:
case AsmTokenKind.InstructionSIMD:
// Do not add alignment to instruction with no arguments
// last slice always a newline
if (i == length - 2) break;
column += AlignInstruction(_output, slice.Length, _inputAsmKind);
private void RenderSourceFileLocation(ref AsmLine line, bool colored)
char[] comment = {_commentStart, ' '};
var fileno = line.SourceFileNumber;
var lineno = line.SourceLineNumber;
var colno = line.SourceColumnNumber;
// If the file number is 0, skip the line
if (fileno == 0)
// If the line number is 0, then we can update the file tracking, but still not output a line
else if (lineno == 0)
if (colored) _output.Append("<color=").Append(ColorLineDirective).Append('>');
if (colored) _output.Append("</color>");
// We have a source line and number -- can we load file and extract this line?
if (_fileList.ContainsKey(fileno) && _fileList[fileno] != null && lineno - 1 < _fileList[fileno].Length)
if (colored) _output.Append("<color=").Append(ColorLineDirective).Append('>');
_output.Append(comment).Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_fileName[fileno])).Append('(').Append(lineno).Append(", ").Append(colno + 1).Append(')').Append(_fileList[fileno][lineno - 1]);
if (colored) _output.Append("</color>");
if (colored) _output.Append("<color=").Append(ColorLineDirective).Append('>');
_output.Append(comment).Append(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_fileName[fileno])).Append('(').Append(lineno).Append(", ").Append(colno + 1).Append(')');
if (colored) _output.Append("</color>");
private AsmTokenIterator GetIterator(in AsmLine line)
return new AsmTokenIterator(_tokens, line.TokenIndex, line.Length);
public enum AsmKind
enum BlockKindDetectFlags
None = 0,
Code = 1 << 0,
Data = 1 << 1,
Directive = 1 << 2,
public enum AsmBlockKind
[DebuggerDisplay("Block {Kind} LineIndex = {LineIndex} Length = {Length}")]
public class AsmBlock
public AsmBlockKind Kind;
public int LineIndex;
public int Length;
// Edges attached to this block, might be null if no edges
public List<AsmEdge> Edges;
public void AddEdge(in AsmEdge edge)
var edges = Edges;
if (edges == null)
edges = new List<AsmEdge>();
Edges = edges;
/// <summary>
/// Sort edges by in-bound first, block index, line index
/// </summary>
public void SortEdges()
var edges = Edges;
if (edges == null) return;
private class EdgeComparer : IComparer<AsmEdge>
public static readonly EdgeComparer Instance = new EdgeComparer();
public int Compare(AsmEdge x, AsmEdge y)
// Order by kind first (InBound first, outbound first)
if (x.Kind != y.Kind)
return x.Kind == AsmEdgeKind.InBound ? -1 : 1;
// Order by Block Index
if (x.LineRef.BlockIndex != y.LineRef.BlockIndex) return x.LineRef.BlockIndex.CompareTo(y.LineRef.BlockIndex);
// Then order by Line Index
return x.LineRef.LineIndex.CompareTo(y.LineRef.LineIndex);
public enum AsmLineKind
Empty = 0,
SourceFileLocation, // computed line
/// <summary>
/// An <see cref="AsmToken"/> iterator skipping spaces.
/// </summary>
struct AsmTokenIterator
private readonly List<AsmToken> _tokens;
private readonly int _startIndex;
private readonly int _endIndex;
private int _index;
public AsmTokenIterator(List<AsmToken> tokens, int index, int length)
if (tokens == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tokens));
_tokens = tokens;
if (index < 0 || index >= tokens.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(index), $"Invalid index {index}. Must be >= 0 and < {tokens.Count}");
if (length < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length), $"Invalid length {length}. Must be >=0");
_startIndex = index;
_endIndex = index + length - 1;
if (_endIndex >= tokens.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length), $"Invalid length {length}. The final index {_endIndex} cannot be >= {tokens.Count}");
_index = index;
public void Reset()
_index = _startIndex;
public bool TryGetNext(out AsmToken token)
while (_index <= _endIndex)
var nextToken = _tokens[_index++];
if (nextToken.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Misc) continue;
token = nextToken;
return true;
token = default;
return false;
public bool TryGetNext(out AsmToken token, out int tokenIndex)
while (_index <= _endIndex)
tokenIndex = _index;
var nextToken = _tokens[_index++];
if (nextToken.Kind == AsmTokenKind.Misc) continue;
token = nextToken;
return true;
tokenIndex = -1;
token = default;
return false;
public struct AsmLine
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// CAUTION: It is important to not put *any managed objects*
// into this struct for GC efficiency
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[FieldOffset(0)] public AsmLineKind Kind;
[FieldOffset(4)] public int TokenIndex;
// only valid when Kind == SourceFileLocation
[FieldOffset(4)] public int SourceFileNumber;
[FieldOffset(8)] public int Length;
// only valid when Kind == SourceFileLocation
[FieldOffset(8)] public int SourceLineNumber;
// only valid when Kind == SourceFileLocation
[FieldOffset(12)] public int SourceColumnNumber;
/// <summary>
/// Index into <see cref="_columnIndices"/>, the column indices will then contain <see cref="Length"/> minus 1 of column ints,
/// each column corresponding the horizontal offset to a token.
/// The first column is always 0 for the first token, hence the minus 1.
/// Only get filled when asking for the text for a block.
/// </summary>
[FieldOffset(16)] public int ColumnIndex;
private string ToDebuggerDisplay()
if (Kind == AsmLineKind.SourceFileLocation)
return $"Line {Kind} File={SourceFileNumber} Line={SourceLineNumber} Column={SourceColumnNumber}";
return $"Line {Kind} TokenIndex={TokenIndex} Length={Length} ColumnIndex={ColumnIndex}";
public enum AsmEdgeKind
/// <summary>
/// An inbound or outbound connection for a block to another block+line
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("Edge {Kind} Origin: {OriginRef} LineRef: {LineRef}")]
public struct AsmEdge : IEquatable<AsmEdge>
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// CAUTION: It is important to not put *any managed objects*
// into this struct for GC efficiency
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public AsmEdge(AsmEdgeKind kind, AsmLineRef originRef, AsmLineRef lineRef)
Kind = kind;
OriginRef = originRef;
LineRef = lineRef;
public AsmEdgeKind Kind;
public AsmLineRef OriginRef;
public AsmLineRef LineRef;
public override string ToString()
return Kind == AsmEdgeKind.InBound ?
$"Edge {Kind} {LineRef} => {OriginRef}"
: $"Edge {Kind} {OriginRef} => {LineRef}";
public bool Equals(AsmEdge obj) => Kind == obj.Kind && OriginRef.Equals(obj.OriginRef) && LineRef.Equals(obj.LineRef);
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is AsmEdge other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode() => base.GetHashCode();
public readonly struct AsmLineRef: IEquatable<AsmLineRef>
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// CAUTION: It is important to not put *any managed objects*
// into this struct for GC efficiency
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public AsmLineRef(int blockIndex, int lineIndex)
BlockIndex = blockIndex;
LineIndex = lineIndex;
public readonly int BlockIndex;
public readonly int LineIndex;
public override string ToString()
return $"Block: {BlockIndex}, Line: {LineIndex}";
public bool Equals(AsmLineRef obj) => BlockIndex == obj.BlockIndex && LineIndex == obj.LineIndex;
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is AsmLineRef other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode() => base.GetHashCode();
/// <summary>
/// Structure used to store all label references before they are getting fully resolved
/// </summary>
[DebuggerDisplay("TempLabelRef {LineRef} - String {StringIndex}, {StringLength}")]
private readonly struct TempLabelRef
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// CAUTION: It is important to not put *any managed objects*
// into this struct for GC efficiency
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
public TempLabelRef(int globalBlockIndex, AsmLineRef lineRef, int stringIndex, int stringLength)
GlobalBlockIndex = globalBlockIndex;
LineRef = lineRef;
StringIndex = stringIndex;
StringLength = stringLength;
public readonly int GlobalBlockIndex;
public readonly AsmLineRef LineRef;
public readonly int StringIndex;
public readonly int StringLength;
private class DictionaryLocalLabel : Dictionary<StringSlice, AsmLineRef>
public DictionaryLocalLabel()
public DictionaryLocalLabel(int capacity) : base(capacity)
public AsmLineRef GlobalLabelLineRef;
private class DictionaryGlobalLabel : Dictionary<StringSlice, DictionaryLocalLabel>
public DictionaryGlobalLabel()
public DictionaryGlobalLabel(int capacity) : base(capacity)
public DictionaryLocalLabel GetOrCreate(StringSlice label, AsmLineRef globalLineRef)
if (!TryGetValue(label, out var dictLabel))
dictLabel = new DictionaryLocalLabel();
Add(label, dictLabel);
dictLabel.GlobalLabelLineRef = globalLineRef;
return dictLabel;
internal struct UsedRegisters
private AsmTokenKindProvider _tokenProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Dictionary<lineNr, List<reg>>
/// </summary>
internal readonly Dictionary<int, List<string>> _linesRegisters;
private readonly List<string> _tmp;
private int _currentLineIdx;
public UsedRegisters(int count)
_linesRegisters = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>(count);
_tmp = new List<string>(2);
_currentLineIdx = -1;
_tokenProvider = null;
public void AddTokenProvider(AsmTokenKindProvider provider)
_tokenProvider = provider;
private int NumberOfOcurences(List<string> regs, string target)
var count = 0;
foreach (var elm in regs)
if (_tokenProvider.RegisterEqual(elm, target))
return count;
public int RegisterMatch(int lineIdx, string reg)
return LineContainsRegs(lineIdx, out var actualRegs)
? NumberOfOcurences(actualRegs, reg)
: 0;
public bool RegisterEquality(string regA, string regB) => _tokenProvider.RegisterEqual(regA, regB);
public List<string> CleanRegs(List<string> regs)
var tmpTokenProvider = _tokenProvider;
var retVal = new List<string>(regs.Count);
foreach (var reg in regs)
if (!retVal.Exists(elm => tmpTokenProvider.RegisterEqual(reg, elm)))
return retVal;
public bool LineContainsRegs(int lineIdx, out List<string> value)
return _linesRegisters.TryGetValue(lineIdx, out value);
public void Add(int lineIdx, string reg)
_currentLineIdx = lineIdx;
public void PushLine()
if (_currentLineIdx == -1)
// We haven't actually tried to add anything.
_linesRegisters[_currentLineIdx] = new List<string>(_tmp);
_currentLineIdx = -1;
public int Count => _linesRegisters.Count;
public void Clear()