2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00

371 lines
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEditor;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Profiling;
namespace SLZ.CustomStaticBatching
/// <summary>
/// Data used to sort renderers for static batching.
/// Sorts by each property that can break rendering contiguous sections of the static batch in order of decreasing importance.
/// 0. 32 bit-index buffer useage. We don't want to upcast 16-bit index buffer meshes to 32 bit in order to combine 16 and 32 bit meshes, as that would dramatically increase memory usage.
/// 1. Having multiple materials, this is very important because each multi-material mesh breaks contiguous sections by definition.
/// 2. Active state. Assuming the vast majority of static meshes that are off will never be activated, we don't want to create holes in the buffer for meshes that will never be visible
/// 3. TODO: Zone ID (ID of the batching volume the renderer is in, 0xFFFF = not in a zone)
/// 4. Shader, using the instanceID as a proxy
/// 5. Hash of the local keywords on the shader, as these represent different shader programs
/// 6. Material, using the instanceID as a proxy
/// 7. Lightmap index
/// 8. Hilbert index
/// </summary>
public struct RendererSortItem : IComparable<RendererSortItem>
public int rendererArrayIdx;
public ushort breakingState; // flags to bin the most important boolean properties. is multi-material in highest bit, is active in lowest
public ushort zoneID;
public int shaderID;
public ulong variantHash;
public int materialID;
public ushort lightmapIdx;
//public ulong probeId; // Pack two int IDs for the two most important probes // Not used for now, seems to cause issues
public ulong hilbertIdx;
public int CompareTo(RendererSortItem other)
if (breakingState != other.breakingState)
return breakingState > other.breakingState ? 1 : -1;
if (zoneID != other.zoneID)
return zoneID > other.zoneID ? 1 : -1;
if (shaderID != other.shaderID)
return shaderID > other.shaderID ? 1 : -1;
if (variantHash != other.variantHash)
return variantHash > other.variantHash ? 1 : -1;
if (materialID != other.materialID)
return materialID > other.materialID ? 1 : -1;
if (lightmapIdx != other.lightmapIdx)
return lightmapIdx > other.lightmapIdx ? 1 : -1;
//if (probeId != other.probeId)
// return probeId > other.probeId ? 1 : -1;
if (hilbertIdx != other.hilbertIdx)
return hilbertIdx > other.hilbertIdx ? 1 : -1;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Utility class to get the internal index for local shader keywords. In editor it uses IL generation to create a method to access the internal field.
/// In the player it uses the UnsafeUtility to treat the LocalKeyword as a different struct with a matching layout that has m_Index exposed,
/// as we can't do runtime code generation with IL2CPP. It might be better to use this for both, but the IL generation method should be much less brittle.
/// </summary>
internal static class ReflectKWFields
static bool m_Initialized = false;
public static bool Initialized { get { return m_Initialized; } }
static Func<LocalKeyword, uint> _localKW_Index;
public static void GetDelegate()
FieldInfo fieldInfo = typeof(LocalKeyword).GetField("m_Index", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (fieldInfo == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't find FieldInfo for m_Index");
_localKW_Index = CreateGetter<LocalKeyword, uint>(fieldInfo);
m_Initialized = true;
private static Func<T, R> CreateGetter<T, R>(FieldInfo field)
string methodName = field.ReflectedType.FullName + ".get_" + field.Name;
DynamicMethod getterMethod = new DynamicMethod(methodName, typeof(R), new Type[] { typeof(T) }, true);
ILGenerator gen = getterMethod.GetILGenerator();
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field);
return (Func<T, R>)getterMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T, R>));
public static uint GetIndex(LocalKeyword kw)
if (m_Initialized)
return GetIndexUnsafe(kw);
return GetIndexUnsafe(kw);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the index of the local shader keyword, assuming GetDelegate() has alread been called.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kw"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static uint GetIndexUnsafe(LocalKeyword kw)
return _localKW_Index.Invoke(kw);
return UnsafeUtility.As<LocalKeyword, LocalKeywordInternals>(ref kw).m_Index;
/// <summary>
/// struct that matches the fields and layout of LocalKeyword, which we can treat a LocalKeyword as to get access to m_Index
/// </summary>
readonly struct LocalKeywordInternals
internal readonly LocalKeywordSpace m_SpaceInfo;
internal readonly string m_Name;
internal readonly uint m_Index;
/// <summary>
/// Utilities for getting the hash of a shader's keywords
/// </summary>
internal static class ShaderKWHash
/// <summary>
/// Gets hash of a local keyword array ASSUMING YOU CALLED ReflectKWFields.GetDelegate() FIRST!
/// Assumes the shader they belong to has less than 68 keywords, including global keywords!
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kwArray">Array of keywords to get the hash of</param>
/// <returns>Hash of the keyword array</returns>
public static ulong GetHashUnsafe(LocalKeyword[] kwArray)
int kwArrayLength = kwArray.Length;
if (kwArrayLength == 0)
return 0ul;
ulong hash = 0ul;
Span<ushort> kwIdx = kwArrayLength < 17 ? stackalloc ushort[kwArrayLength] : new ushort[kwArrayLength];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kwArrayLength; i++)
#if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER
if (!kwArray[i].isDynamic)
kwIdx[j] = (ushort)(ReflectKWFields.GetIndexUnsafe(kwArray[i]) - DefaultGlobalKWCount);
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)
hash += 1ul<<(int)kwIdx[i];
return hash;
/// <summary>
/// Class that contains the method used to sort a list of renderers for combining in static batched meshes
/// </summary>
public static class RendererSort
static readonly ProfilerMarker profileSortRenderers = new ProfilerMarker("CustomStaticBatching.SortRenderers");
static readonly ProfilerMarker profileGetRenderersSortData = new ProfilerMarker("CustomStaticBatching.GetRenderersSortData");
static readonly ProfilerMarker profileGetRenderersHilbertIdx = new ProfilerMarker("CustomStaticBatching.GetRenderersHilbertIdx");
static readonly ProfilerMarker profileGetMaterials = new ProfilerMarker("CustomStaticBatching.profileGetMaterials");
/// <summary>
/// Given a list of mesh renderers and a corresponding list of mesh filters, creates an array of renderer data sorted for static batching
/// </summary>
/// <param name="meshRenderers"> List of mesh renderers</param>
/// <param name="filters"> List of mesh filters that correspond to each element of meshRenderers</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static RendererData[] GetSortedData(List<MeshRenderer> meshRenderers, List<MeshFilter> filters)
// Get an array of unique materials referenced by the renderers, and a mapping from a renderer to the index of its first material in the unique array
int[] rendererToMaterial;
Material[] uniqueMats;
GetUniqueMaterials(meshRenderers, out rendererToMaterial, out uniqueMats);
// For each unique material, get a hash of the material, a hash of the shader it uses, and a hash of the enabled keywords on the material
MaterialAndShaderID[] matShaderIds = GetMaterialAndShaderIDs(uniqueMats, rendererToMaterial);
// Get the hilbert index of the bounds center of each mesh renderer, in the cubic bounding box that encapsulates all the static meshes to be combined.
// TODO: Also pass batching volumes and a BVH tree to accelerate finding the appropriate batching volume for each mesh
NativeArray<UInt64> hilbertIdxs = GetHilbertIdxs(meshRenderers);
// Generate an array of data for each renderer that will be used to sort the renderers.
int numRenderers = meshRenderers.Count;
NativeArray<RendererSortItem> rendererSortItems = new NativeArray<RendererSortItem>(numRenderers, Allocator.TempJob);
List<ReflectionProbeBlendInfo> closestProbes = new List<ReflectionProbeBlendInfo> ();
for (int i = 0; i < numRenderers; i++)
MeshRenderer mr = meshRenderers[i];
int materialIdx = rendererToMaterial[i];
// I was going to sort on probe ID's, but it seems to break batching worse than not? Sorting spatially should ensure the probe indices is also mostly sorted anyways.
//int numClosest = closestProbes.Count;
//ReadOnlySpan<int> probeHash = stackalloc int[2] {
// numClosest > 1 ? closestProbes[1].probe.GetHashCode() : -0x7fffffff,
// numClosest > 0 ? closestProbes[0].probe.GetHashCode() : -0x7fffffff}; // Assumes little-endian
ushort breakingState = (ushort)((mr.sharedMaterials.Length > 1 ? 0x4000u : 0u) + (mr.gameObject.activeInHierarchy && mr.enabled ? 0u : 1u));
rendererSortItems[i] = new RendererSortItem
rendererArrayIdx = i,
breakingState = breakingState, // 0 if single material, 1 otherwise
shaderID = matShaderIds[materialIdx].shaderID,
variantHash = matShaderIds[materialIdx].keywordHash,
materialID = matShaderIds[materialIdx].materialID,
lightmapIdx = (ushort)mr.lightmapIndex,
//probeId = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int, ulong>(probeHash)[0], // Pack two int IDs for the two most important probes
zoneID = 0,
hilbertIdx = hilbertIdxs[i]
// Sort the renderers using the Collection's package extensions for NativeArray sorting
var sortJob = NativeSortExtension.SortJob(rendererSortItems);
JobHandle sortJobHandle = sortJob.Schedule();
// Populate an array of RendererData using the sorted items
RendererData[] rendererData = new RendererData[numRenderers];
for (int i = 0; i < numRenderers; i++)
int rendererIdx = rendererSortItems[i].rendererArrayIdx;
MeshFilter filter = filters[rendererIdx];
rendererData[i] = new RendererData
mesh = filter.sharedMesh,
meshFilter = filter,
meshRenderer = meshRenderers[rendererIdx],
rendererTransform = filter.transform
return rendererData;
static void GetUniqueMaterials(List<MeshRenderer> meshRenderers, out int[] rendererToMaterial, out Material[] uniqueMats)
Dictionary<Material, int> matToIdx = new Dictionary<Material, int>();
List<Material> uniqueMatList = new List<Material>();
rendererToMaterial = new int[meshRenderers.Count];
int uniqueCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < meshRenderers.Count; i++)
Material mat = meshRenderers[i].sharedMaterial;
int index = 0;
if (matToIdx.TryGetValue(mat, out index))
rendererToMaterial[i] = index;
rendererToMaterial[i] = uniqueCount;
matToIdx.Add(mat, uniqueCount);
uniqueMats = uniqueMatList.ToArray();
struct MaterialAndShaderID
public int shaderID;
public int materialID;
public ulong keywordHash;
static MaterialAndShaderID[] GetMaterialAndShaderIDs(Material[] uniqueMats, int[] rendererToMaterial)
int matLength = uniqueMats.Length;
MaterialAndShaderID[] matShaderIDs = new MaterialAndShaderID[matLength];
if (!ReflectKWFields.Initialized) ReflectKWFields.GetDelegate(); // Initialize delegate for getting the shader keyword hash
for (int i = 0; i < matLength; i++)
matShaderIDs[i] = new MaterialAndShaderID
shaderID = uniqueMats[i].shader.GetHashCode(),
materialID = uniqueMats[i].GetHashCode(),
keywordHash = ShaderKWHash.GetHashUnsafe(uniqueMats[i].enabledKeywords)
return matShaderIDs;
static NativeArray<UInt64> GetHilbertIdxs(List<MeshRenderer> meshRenderers)
int length = meshRenderers.Count;
NativeArray<Vector3> positions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(length, Allocator.TempJob);
Bounds hilbertBounds = meshRenderers[0].bounds;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
Bounds bounds = meshRenderers[i].bounds;
positions[i] = bounds.center;
float maxDim = math.max(math.max(hilbertBounds.extents.x, hilbertBounds.extents.y), hilbertBounds.extents.z);
Vector3 minExtent = hilbertBounds.center - hilbertBounds.extents;
hilbertBounds.extents = new Vector3(maxDim, maxDim, maxDim);
hilbertBounds.center = minExtent + hilbertBounds.extents;
NativeArray<UInt64> hilbertIdxs = HilbertIndex.GetHilbertIndices(positions, hilbertBounds, Allocator.TempJob);
return hilbertIdxs;