2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00

207 lines
10 KiB

#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.Build.Content;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Injector;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Interfaces;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Utilities;
namespace UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Tasks
/// <summary>
/// Build Task that calculates teh included objects and references objects for custom assets not tracked by the AssetDatabase.
/// <seealso cref="IBuildTask"/>
/// </summary>
public class CalculateCustomDependencyData : IBuildTask
/// <inheritdoc />
public int Version { get { return 2; } }
#pragma warning disable 649
IBuildParameters m_Parameters;
IBundleBuildContent m_Content;
IDependencyData m_DependencyData;
[InjectContext(ContextUsage.Out, true)]
ICustomAssets m_CustomAssets;
[InjectContext(ContextUsage.In, true)]
IProgressTracker m_Tracker;
[InjectContext(ContextUsage.In, true)]
IBuildCache m_Cache;
[InjectContext(ContextUsage.In, true)]
IBuildLogger m_Log;
#pragma warning restore 649
BuildUsageTagGlobal m_GlobalUsage;
BuildUsageTagGlobal m_CustomUsage;
Dictionary<string, AssetLoadInfo> m_AssetInfo = new Dictionary<string, AssetLoadInfo>();
Dictionary<string, BuildUsageTagSet> m_BuildUsage = new Dictionary<string, BuildUsageTagSet>();
/// <inheritdoc />
public ReturnCode Run()
m_CustomAssets = new CustomAssets();
m_GlobalUsage = m_DependencyData.GlobalUsage;
foreach (SceneDependencyInfo sceneInfo in m_DependencyData.SceneInfo.Values)
m_GlobalUsage |= sceneInfo.globalUsage;
foreach (CustomContent info in m_Content.CustomAssets)
if (!m_Tracker.UpdateInfoUnchecked(info.Asset.ToString()))
return ReturnCode.Canceled;
using (m_Log.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Verbose, "CustomAssetDependency", info.Asset.ToString()))
info.Processor(info.Asset, this);
// Add all the additional global usage for custom assets back into the dependency data result
// for use in the write serialized file build task
m_DependencyData.GlobalUsage |= m_CustomUsage;
return ReturnCode.Success;
CacheEntry GetCacheEntry(string path, BuildUsageTagGlobal additionalGlobalUsage)
var entry = new CacheEntry();
entry.Type = CacheEntry.EntryType.Data;
entry.Guid = HashingMethods.Calculate("CalculateCustomDependencyData", path).ToGUID();
entry.Hash = HashingMethods.Calculate(HashingMethods.CalculateFile(path), additionalGlobalUsage).ToHash128();
entry.Version = Version;
return entry;
CachedInfo GetCachedInfo(CacheEntry entry, AssetLoadInfo assetInfo, BuildUsageTagSet usageTags)
var info = new CachedInfo();
info.Asset = entry;
var uniqueTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
var objectTypes = new List<ObjectTypes>();
var dependencies = new HashSet<CacheEntry>();
ExtensionMethods.ExtractCommonCacheData(m_Cache, assetInfo.includedObjects, assetInfo.referencedObjects, uniqueTypes, objectTypes, dependencies);
info.Dependencies = dependencies.ToArray();
info.Data = new object[] { assetInfo, usageTags, objectTypes };
return info;
bool LoadCachedData(string path, out AssetLoadInfo assetInfo, out BuildUsageTagSet buildUsage, BuildUsageTagGlobal globalUsage)
assetInfo = default;
buildUsage = default;
if (!m_Parameters.UseCache || m_Cache == null)
return false;
CacheEntry entry = GetCacheEntry(path, globalUsage);
m_Cache.LoadCachedData(new List<CacheEntry> { entry }, out IList<CachedInfo> cachedInfos);
var cachedInfo = cachedInfos[0];
if (cachedInfo != null)
assetInfo = (AssetLoadInfo)cachedInfo.Data[0];
buildUsage = (BuildUsageTagSet)cachedInfo.Data[1];
var objectTypes = (List<ObjectTypes>)cachedInfo.Data[2];
GatherAssetData(path, out assetInfo, out buildUsage, globalUsage);
cachedInfo = GetCachedInfo(entry, assetInfo, buildUsage);
m_Cache.SaveCachedData(new List<CachedInfo> { cachedInfo });
return true;
void GatherAssetData(string path, out AssetLoadInfo assetInfo, out BuildUsageTagSet buildUsage, BuildUsageTagGlobal globalUsage)
assetInfo = new AssetLoadInfo();
buildUsage = new BuildUsageTagSet();
var includedObjects = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInSerializedFile(path, m_Parameters.Target);
var referencedObjects = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerDependenciesForObjects(includedObjects, m_Parameters.Target, m_Parameters.ScriptInfo);
assetInfo.includedObjects = new List<ObjectIdentifier>(includedObjects);
assetInfo.referencedObjects = new List<ObjectIdentifier>(referencedObjects);
ContentBuildInterface.CalculateBuildUsageTags(referencedObjects, includedObjects, globalUsage, buildUsage, m_DependencyData.DependencyUsageCache);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Object Identifiers and Types in a raw Unity Serialized File. The resulting arrays will be empty if a non-serialized file path was used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path to the Unity Serialized File</param>
/// <param name="objectIdentifiers">Object Identifiers for all the objects in the serialized file</param>
/// <param name="types">Types for all the objects in the serialized file</param>
public void GetObjectIdentifiersAndTypesForSerializedFile(string path, out ObjectIdentifier[] objectIdentifiers, out Type[] types)
GetObjectIdentifiersAndTypesForSerializedFile(path, out objectIdentifiers, out types, default);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the Object Identifiers and Types in a raw Unity Serialized File. The resulting arrays will be empty if a non-serialized file path was used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">Path to the Unity Serialized File</param>
/// <param name="objectIdentifiers">Object Identifiers for all the objects in the serialized file</param>
/// <param name="types">Types for all the objects in the serialized file</param>
/// <param name="additionalGlobalUsage">Additional global lighting usage information to include with this custom asset</param>
public void GetObjectIdentifiersAndTypesForSerializedFile(string path, out ObjectIdentifier[] objectIdentifiers, out Type[] types, BuildUsageTagGlobal additionalGlobalUsage)
// Additional global usage is local to the custom asset, so we are using a local copy of this additional data to avoid influencing the calcualtion
// of other custom assets. Additionally we store all the addtional global usage for later copying back into the dependency data result for the final write build task.
var globalUsage = m_GlobalUsage | additionalGlobalUsage;
m_CustomUsage = m_CustomUsage | additionalGlobalUsage;
if (!LoadCachedData(path, out var assetInfo, out var buildUsage, globalUsage))
GatherAssetData(path, out assetInfo, out buildUsage, globalUsage);
// Local cache to reuse data from this function in the next function
m_AssetInfo[path] = assetInfo;
m_BuildUsage[path] = buildUsage;
objectIdentifiers = assetInfo.includedObjects.ToArray();
types = BuildCacheUtility.GetSortedUniqueTypesForObjects(objectIdentifiers);
/// <summary>
/// Adds mapping and bundle information for a custom asset that contains a set of unity objects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="includedObjects">Object Identifiers that belong to this custom asset</param>
/// <param name="path">Path on disk for this custom asset</param>
/// <param name="bundleName">Asset Bundle name where to add this custom asset</param>
/// <param name="address">Load address to used to load this asset from the Asset Bundle</param>
/// <param name="mainAssetType">Type of the main object for this custom asset</param>
public void CreateAssetEntryForObjectIdentifiers(ObjectIdentifier[] includedObjects, string path, string bundleName, string address, Type mainAssetType)
AssetLoadInfo assetInfo = m_AssetInfo[path];
BuildUsageTagSet buildUsage = m_BuildUsage[path];
assetInfo.asset = HashingMethods.Calculate(address).ToGUID();
assetInfo.address = address;
if (m_DependencyData.AssetInfo.ContainsKey(assetInfo.asset))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Custom Asset '{0}' already exists. Building duplicate asset entries is not supported.", address));
SetOutputInformation(bundleName, assetInfo, buildUsage);
void SetOutputInformation(string bundleName, AssetLoadInfo assetInfo, BuildUsageTagSet usageTags)
List<GUID> assets;
m_Content.BundleLayout.GetOrAdd(bundleName, out assets);
m_Content.Addresses.Add(assetInfo.asset, assetInfo.address);
m_DependencyData.AssetInfo.Add(assetInfo.asset, assetInfo);
m_DependencyData.AssetUsage.Add(assetInfo.asset, usageTags);