
1820 lines
73 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
//using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using UnityEngine.XR;
using Unity.Profiling;
using UnityEditor;
class VolumeRenderingUtils //Importing some functions from HDRP to have simular terms
public static float MeanFreePathFromExtinction(float extinction)
return 1.0f / extinction;
public static float ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(float meanFreePath)
return 1.0f / meanFreePath;
public static Vector3 AbsorptionFromExtinctionAndScattering(float extinction, Vector3 scattering)
return new Vector3(extinction, extinction, extinction) - scattering;
public static Vector3 ScatteringFromExtinctionAndAlbedo(float extinction, Vector3 albedo)
return extinction * albedo;
public static Vector3 AlbedoFromMeanFreePathAndScattering(float meanFreePath, Vector3 scattering)
return meanFreePath * scattering;
//TODO: Add semi dynamic lighting which is generated in the clipmap and not previously baked out. Will need smarter clipmap gen to avoid hitching.
//Add cascading clipmaps to have higher detail up close and include father clipping without exploding memory.
//Convert this to a render feature. This should remove the need for the platform switcher too because that would be handled by the quality settings pipeline asset instead
//[RequireComponent(typeof( Camera ) )]
public class VolumetricRendering : MonoBehaviour
#region variables
static ProfilingSampler profileUpdateFunc = new ProfilingSampler("VolumetricRendering.UpdateFunc");
static ProfilingSampler profileUpdateClipmap = new ProfilingSampler("VolumetricRendering.UpdateClipmap");
public float tempOffset = 0;
Texture3D BlackTex; //Temp texture for
Color clearColor = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0f);
static VolumetricRendering lastClipmapUpdate;
static VolumetricRendering lastBlur;
static VolumetricRendering lastFroxelFog;
static VolumetricRendering lastFroxelIntegrate;
public Camera cam; //Main camera to base settings on
private Camera activeCam;
private UniversalAdditionalCameraData activeCamData;
// Prevent script from trying to initialize itself twice
bool hasInitialized;
// Sometimes, the volumetric register gets filled after the volumetric script initializes.
// This means that the clipmaps will be empty until the player moves far enough to trigger
// a clipmap update. Instead, set a bool that triggers the clipmaps to try to update every
// frame until the volumtric registry contains >0 volumes
bool VolumetricRegisterEmpty;
[HideInInspector] public bool VolumetricRegisterForceRefresh = false;
// Debug counter to print a message every x frames
int debugHeartBeatCount = 30;
int debugHeartBeat = 0;
public VolumetricData volumetricData;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float reprojectionAmount = 0.95f;
// [Tooltip("Does a final blur pass on the rendered fog")]
// public bool FroxelBlur = false;
public enum BlurType {None, Gaussian};
public BlurType FroxelBlur = BlurType.None;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float SliceDistributionUniformity = 0.5f;
[HideInInspector] public bool enableEditorPreview = false;
//public Texture skytex;
//[Header("Volumetric camera settings")]
//[Tooltip("Near Clip plane")]
//public float near = 1;
//[Tooltip("Far Clip plane")]
//public float far = 40;
//public int FroxelWidthResolution = 128;
//public int FroxelHeightResolution = 128;
//public int FroxelDepthResolution = 64;
////[Tooltip("Controls the bias of the froxel dispution. A value of 1 is linear. ")]
////public float FroxelDispution;
//[Header("Prebaked clipmap settings")]
//[Tooltip("Textile resolution per unit")]
//public int ClipMapResolution = 128;
//[Tooltip("Size of clipmap in units")]
//public float ClipmapScale = 80;
//[Tooltip("Distance (m) from previous sampling point to trigger resampling clipmap")]
//public float ClipmapResampleThreshold = 1;
Vector3 ClipmapTransform; //Have this follow the camera and resample when the camera moves enough
Vector3 ClipmapCurrentPos; //chached location of previous sample point
private ComputeBuffer participatingMediaSphereBuffer;
struct MediaSphere
public Vector3 CenterPosition;
public float LocalExtinction;
public float LocalFalloff;
public float LocalRange;
private const int MediaSphereStride = (3 + 1 + 1 + 1) * sizeof(float);
int MediaCount;
//public Matrix4x4 randomatrix;
//Required shaders
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] ComputeShader FroxelFogCompute;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] ComputeShader FroxelIntegrationCompute;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] ComputeShader FroxelLocalFogCompute;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] ComputeShader ClipmapCompute;
[SerializeField, HideInInspector] ComputeShader BlurCompute;
//Texture buffers
RenderTexture ClipmapBufferA; //Sampling and combining baked maps asynchronously
RenderTexture ClipmapBufferB; //Sampling and combining baked maps asynchronously
RenderTexture ClipmapBufferC; //Sampling and combining baked maps asynchronously
RenderTexture ClipmapBufferD; //Sampling and combining baked maps asynchronously //TODO: get rid of this extra buffer and bool
bool FlipClipBufferNear = true;
bool FlipClipBufferFar = true;
RenderTexture FroxelBufferA; //Single froxel projection use for scattering and history reprojection
RenderTexture FroxelBufferB; //for history reprojection
RenderTexture IntegrationBuffer; //Integration and stereo reprojection
// RenderTexture IntegrationBufferB; //Integration and stereo reprojection
RenderTexture BlurBuffer; //blur
RenderTexture BlurBufferB; //blur
RenderTexture VolumetricResult;
// This is a sequence of 7 equidistant numbers from 1/14 to 13/14.
// Each of them is the centroid of the interval of length 2/14.
// They've been rearranged in a sequence of pairs {small, large}, s.t. (small + large) = 1.
// That way, the running average position is close to 0.5.
// | 6 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 3 | 7 |
// | | | | o | | | |
// | | o | | x | | | |
// | | x | | x | | o | |
// | | x | o | x | | x | |
// | | x | x | x | o | x | |
// | o | x | x | x | x | x | |
// | x | x | x | x | x | x | o |
// | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
float[] m_zSeq = { 7.0f / 14.0f, 3.0f / 14.0f, 11.0f / 14.0f, 5.0f / 14.0f, 9.0f / 14.0f, 1.0f / 14.0f, 13.0f / 14.0f };
// Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Close-packing_of_equal_spheres
// The returned {x, y} coordinates (and all spheres) are all within the (-0.5, 0.5)^2 range.
// The pattern has been rotated by 15 degrees to maximize the resolution along X and Y:
// https://www.desmos.com/calculator/kcpfvltz7c
static void GetHexagonalClosePackedSpheres7(Vector2[] coords)
float r = 0.17054068870105443882f;
float d = 2 * r;
float s = r * Mathf.Sqrt(3);
// Try to keep the weighted average as close to the center (0.5) as possible.
// (7)(5) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )(o) ( )(x) (o)(x) (x)(x)
// (2)(1)(3) ( )(o)( ) (o)(x)( ) (x)(x)(o) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x) (x)(x)(x)
// (4)(6) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) (o)( ) (x)( ) (x)(o) (x)(x) (x)(x)
coords[0] = new Vector2(0, 0);
coords[1] = new Vector2(-d, 0);
coords[2] = new Vector2(d, 0);
coords[3] = new Vector2(-r, -s);
coords[4] = new Vector2(r, s);
coords[5] = new Vector2(r, -s);
coords[6] = new Vector2(-r, s);
// Rotate the sampling pattern by 15 degrees.
const float cos15 = 0.96592582628906828675f;
const float sin15 = 0.25881904510252076235f;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
Vector2 coord = coords[i];
coords[i].x = coord.x * cos15 - coord.y * sin15;
coords[i].y = coord.x * sin15 + coord.y * cos15;
Vector2[] m_xySeq = new Vector2[7];
//camera.aspect no longer returns the XR aspect ratio but rather the final viewport's. Rather worthless now.
float CamAspectRatio;
//camera.fieldOfView is unreliable because the physical camera toggle will return the incorrect fov.
// float CamFieldOfView = XRSettings.vi
//Unity implemented their own cookie method, so we'll just tie into that system instead. This is no longer needed.
/// Dynamic Light Projection///
// [SerializeField, HideInInspector] List<Light> Lights; // TODO: Make this a smart dynamic list not living here
// public struct LightObject
// {
// public Matrix4x4 LightProjectionMatrix;
// public Vector3 LightPosition;
// public Vector4 LightColor;
// public int LightCookie; //TODO: Add general light cookie system to render engine
// }
//Figure out how much data is in the struct above
// int LightObjectStride = sizeof(float) * 4 * 4 + sizeof(float) * 3 + sizeof(float) * 4 + sizeof(int);
// Texture2DArray LightProjectionTextures; // TODO: Make this a smart dynamic list pulling from light cookies
// private static List<LightObject> LightObjects;
// ComputeBuffer LightBuffer;
/// END Dynamic Light Projection///
// public Texture2D BlueNoise; //Temp ref
//Stored compute shader IDs and numbers
protected int ScatteringKernel = 0;
protected int IntegrateKernel = 0;
protected int BlurKernelX = 0;
protected int BlurKernelY = 0;
Matrix4x4 matScaleBias;
Vector3 ThreadsToDispatch;
//Stored shader variable name IDs
// Constants so the VolumetricConstant script can access the names
// The texture/buffers associated with each name will get set
// as shader globals just before the camera associated with this
// script renders by the render pipeline, so only that camera uses
// the volumetrics rendered by this script.
public const string resultTextureName = "_VolumetricResult";
public const string shaderCBName = "VolumetricsCB";
public const string volumetricKWName = "_VOLUMETRICS_ENABLED";
int ID_VolumetricResult = Shader.PropertyToID(resultTextureName);
int ID_VolumetricsCB = Shader.PropertyToID(shaderCBName); // not actually used now since this script doesn't set the constant buffer as the global
int ID_Result = Shader.PropertyToID("Result");
int ID_InLightingTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("InLightingTexture");
int ID_InTex = Shader.PropertyToID("InTex");
int ID_LightProjectionTextureArray = Shader.PropertyToID("LightProjectionTextureArray");
int ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolumetricClipmapTexture");
int ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture2 = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolumetricClipmapTexture2");
int ID_PreResult = Shader.PropertyToID("PreResult");
int ID_VolumeMap = Shader.PropertyToID("VolumeMap");
int ID_PreviousFrameLighting = Shader.PropertyToID("PreviousFrameLighting");
int ID_HistoryBuffer = Shader.PropertyToID("HistoryBuffer");
int ID_LeftEyeMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("LeftEyeMatrix");
int ID_RightEyeMatrix = Shader.PropertyToID("RightEyeMatrix");
int ID_ClipmapScale0 = Shader.PropertyToID("ClipmapScale");
int ID_ClipmapScale1 = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipmapScale");
int ID_ClipmapScale2 = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipmapScale2");
int ID_ClipmapWorldPosition = Shader.PropertyToID("ClipmapWorldPosition");
int ID_VBufferUnitDepthTexelSpacing = Shader.PropertyToID("_VBufferUnitDepthTexelSpacing");
int ID_VolZBufferParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolZBufferParams");
int ID_GlobalExtinction = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalExtinction");
int ID_StaticLightMultiplier = Shader.PropertyToID("_StaticLightMultiplier");
int ID_GlobalScattering = Shader.PropertyToID("_GlobalScattering");
int ID_VolumeWorldSize = Shader.PropertyToID("VolumeWorldSize");
int ID_VolumeWorldPosition = Shader.PropertyToID("VolumeWorldPosition");
private int ID_media_sphere_buffer_length = Shader.PropertyToID("media_sphere_buffer_length");
private int ID_media_sphere_buffer = Shader.PropertyToID("media_sphere_buffer");
int ID_ClipMapGenKern;
int ID_ClipMapClearKern;
int ID_ClipMapHeightKern;
//Froxel Ids
int PerFrameConstBufferID = Shader.PropertyToID("PerFrameCB");
//int CameraProjectionMatrixID = Shader.PropertyToID("CameraProjectionMatrix");
//int TransposedCameraProjectionMatrixID = Shader.PropertyToID("TransposedCameraProjectionMatrix");
//int inverseCameraProjectionMatrixID = Shader.PropertyToID("inverseCameraProjectionMatrix");
int PreviousFrameMatrixID = Shader.PropertyToID("PreviousFrameMatrix");
//int Camera2WorldID = Shader.PropertyToID("Camera2World");
//int CameraPositionID = Shader.PropertyToID("CameraPosition");
//Clipmap IDs
//int CameraMotionVectorID = Shader.PropertyToID("CameraMotionVector");
//int ClipmapTextureID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipmapTexture");
//int ClipmapTextureID2 = Shader.PropertyToID("_VolumetricClipmapTexture"); //TODO: Make these two the same name
int ClipmapScaleID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipmapScale");
int ClipmapTransformID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipmapPosition");
// int LightObjectsID = Shader.PropertyToID("LightObjects");
//Temp Jitter stuff
int tempjitter = 0; //TEMP jitter switcher thing
[Header("Extra variables"), Range(0, 1)]
float[] jitters = new float[2] { 0.0f, 0.5f };
//GlobalKeyword VolumetricsKW;
//Previous view matrix data
Matrix4x4 PreviousFrameMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
Matrix4x4 LeftEyeMatrix;
Matrix4x4 RightEyeMatrix;
Vector3 PreviousCameraPosition;
Vector3 previousPos;
Quaternion previousQuat;
Vector4 VolZBufferParams;
float ZPlaneTexelSpacing;
//float Extinction;
//Color ExtinctionColor;
//General fog settings
// [HideInInspector]
[Header("Base values that are overridden by Volumes")]
public Color albedo = Color.white;
// public Color extinctionTint = Color.white;
public float meanFreePath = 15.0f;
public float StaticLightMultiplier = 1.0f;
private ComputeBuffer ShaderConstantBuffer;
private ComputeBuffer ComputePerFrameConstantBuffer;
private ComputeBuffer StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer;
struct ShaderConstants
public Matrix4x4 TransposedCameraProjectionMatrix;
public Matrix4x4 CameraProjectionMatrix;
public Vector4 _VBufferDistanceEncodingParams;
public Vector4 _VolumetricResultDim;
public Vector3 _VolCameraPos;
public const int ShaderConstantsCount = 43;
public const int ShaderConstantsSize = ShaderConstantsCount * sizeof(float);
struct ScatteringPerFrameConstants
public Matrix4x4 _VBufferCoordToViewDirWS;
public Matrix4x4 _PrevViewProjMatrix;
public Matrix4x4 _ViewMatrix;
public Matrix4x4 TransposedCameraProjectionMatrix;
public Matrix4x4 CameraProjectionMatrix;
public Vector4 _VBufferDistanceEncodingParams;
public Vector4 _VBufferDistanceDecodingParams;
public Vector4 SeqOffset;
public Vector4 CameraPosition;
public Vector4 CameraMotionVector;
private const int ScatterPerFrameCount = 100;
struct StepAddPerFrameConstants
public Vector4 _VBufferDistanceDecodingParams;
public Vector3 SeqOffset;
private const int StepAddPerFrameCount = 7;
private static float[] VolStructToArray<T>(T rawData, int count, int size) where T : struct
var pinnedRawData = GCHandle.Alloc(rawData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
var pinnedRawDataPtr = pinnedRawData.AddrOfPinnedObject();
float[] data = new float[size];
Marshal.Copy(pinnedRawDataPtr, data, 0, count);
return data;
private void Awake()
if (Application.isPlaying || activeCam == null)
activeCam = cam;
//Debug.Log("Volumetric Editor On Awake");
activeCam = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera;
activeCam = cam;
activeCamData = cam.GetComponent<UniversalAdditionalCameraData>();
if (activeCam.usePhysicalProperties == true) Debug.LogError("Physical camera is not properlly supportted by Unity and WILL mess up XR calulations like voulmetrics and LoDs");
// cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
void Start() {
// bool createdLightProjectionTexture = false;
// void CheckCookieList()
// {
// if (LightProjectionTextures != null) return;
// LightProjectionTextures = new Texture2DArray(1, 1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
// LightProjectionTextures.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
// LightProjectionTextures.name = activeCam.name + " Volumetric Light Cookies";
// createdLightProjectionTexture = true;
// //Debug.Log("Made blank cookie sheet");
// }
//void dedbugRTC()
// RenderTexture.active = (RenderTexture)skytex;
// GL.Clear(true, true, Color.yellow);
// RenderTexture.active = null;
//void SetSkyTexture(Texture cubemap)
// // cam.RenderToCubemap((Cubemap)cubemap);
// // dedbugRTC();
// Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_SkyTexture", cubemap);
bool VerifyVolumetricRegisters()
//Add realtime light check here too
if (VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas.Count > 0) //brute force check
// if (VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas.Count > 0)
Debug.Log(VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas.Count + " Volumes ready to render");
return true;
Debug.Log("No Volumetric volumes in " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + ". Disabling froxel rendering.");
this.enabled = false;
return false;
void CheckOverrideVolumes() //TODO: Is there a better way to do this?
//UniversalRenderPipeline.UpdateVolumeFramework(activeCam, activeCamData);
var stack = VolumeManager.instance.stack;
var Volumetrics = stack.GetComponent<Volumetrics>();
if (Volumetrics != null)
void IntializeBlur(RenderTextureDescriptor rtdiscrpt)
BlurBuffer = new RenderTexture(rtdiscrpt);
BlurBuffer.name = activeCam.name + "_BlurBuffer";
BlurBuffer.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat;
BlurBuffer.enableRandomWrite = true;
BlurBufferB = new RenderTexture(rtdiscrpt);
BlurBuffer.name = activeCam.name + "_BlurBufferB";
BlurBufferB.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat;
BlurBufferB.enableRandomWrite = true;
BlurKernelX = BlurCompute.FindKernel("VolBlurX");
BlurKernelY = BlurCompute.FindKernel("VolBlurY");
void Intialize()
if (hasInitialized)
if (cam == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Volumetric Rendering Script with no camera assigned, disabling");
this.enabled = false;
AssemblyReloadEvents.beforeAssemblyReload += CleanupOnReload;
activeCam = cam;
activeCamData = activeCam?.GetComponent<UniversalAdditionalCameraData>();
if (!Application.isPlaying && !enableEditorPreview)
//Debug.Log("Intialize disabled volumetrics");
if (activeCamData == null)
activeCam = null;
Debug.LogWarning("Volumetric Rendering: Assigned camera is missing a Universal Additional Camera Data component, disabling");
this.enabled = false;
//Debug.Log("Volumetric Renderer Initialized");
ShaderConstantBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, ShaderConstantsSize, ComputeBufferType.Constant);
ComputePerFrameConstantBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, ScatterPerFrameCount * sizeof(float), ComputeBufferType.Constant);
StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, StepAddPerFrameCount * sizeof(float), ComputeBufferType.Constant);
int mediaCount = VolumetricRegisters.VolumetricMediaEntities.Count;
MediaCount = Math.Max(mediaCount, 1);
participatingMediaSphereBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(MediaCount, MediaSphereStride, ComputeBufferType.Structured);
//activeCameraState = activeCam.isActiveAndEnabled;
// if (VerifyVolumetricRegisters() == false) return; //Check registers to see if there's anything to render. If not, then disable system. TODO: Remove this
// CheckCookieList();
// SetSkyTexture( skytex);
//Making prescaled matrix
matScaleBias = Matrix4x4.identity;
matScaleBias.m00 = -0.5f;
matScaleBias.m11 = -0.5f;
matScaleBias.m22 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m03 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m13 = 0.5f;
matScaleBias.m23 = 0.5f;
//Create 3D Render Texture 1
RenderTextureDescriptor rtdiscrpt = new RenderTextureDescriptor();
rtdiscrpt.enableRandomWrite = true;
rtdiscrpt.dimension = TextureDimension.Tex3D;
rtdiscrpt.width = volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution;
rtdiscrpt.height = volumetricData.FroxelHeightResolution;
rtdiscrpt.volumeDepth = volumetricData.FroxelDepthResolution;
rtdiscrpt.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat;
rtdiscrpt.msaaSamples = 1;
FroxelBufferA = new RenderTexture(rtdiscrpt);
FroxelBufferA.name = activeCam.name + "_FroxelBufferA";
//Ugh... extra android buffer mess. Can I use a custom RT double buffer instead?
FroxelBufferB = new RenderTexture(rtdiscrpt);
FroxelBufferB.name = activeCam.name + "_FroxelBufferB";
rtdiscrpt.width = volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution * 2; // Make double wide texture for stereo use. Make smarter for non VR use case?
IntegrationBuffer = new RenderTexture(rtdiscrpt);
IntegrationBuffer.name = activeCam.name + "_IntegrationBuffer";
// IntegrationBuffer.format = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32;
IntegrationBuffer.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat;
IntegrationBuffer.filterMode = FilterMode.Trilinear;
IntegrationBuffer.enableRandomWrite = true;
//IntegrationBufferB = new RenderTexture(rtdiscrpt);
//IntegrationBufferB.format = RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32;
//IntegrationBufferB.enableRandomWrite = true;
//Extinction = VolumeRenderingUtils.ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(meanFreePath);
//ExtinctionColor = albedo * Extinction;
if (FroxelBlur == BlurType.Gaussian) IntializeBlur(rtdiscrpt);
// LightObjects = new List<LightObject>();
ScatteringKernel = FroxelFogCompute.FindKernel("Scatter");
ZPlaneTexelSpacing = ComputZPlaneTexelSpacing(1, activeCam.fieldOfView, volumetricData.FroxelHeightResolution);
// FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ClipmapTextureID, ClipmapBufferA);
// temp light cookie array. TODO: Make dynamic. Add to lighting engine too.
// FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(FogFroxelKernel, "BlueNoise", BlueNoise); // temp light cookie array. TODO: Make dynamic. Add to lighting engine too.
///Second compute pass setup
IntegrateKernel = FroxelIntegrationCompute.FindKernel("StepAdd");
//Make view projection matricies
Matrix4x4 CenterProjectionMatrix = matScaleBias * Matrix4x4.Perspective(activeCam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, volumetricData.near, volumetricData.far);
Matrix4x4 LeftProjectionMatrix = matScaleBias * Matrix4x4.Perspective(activeCam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, volumetricData.near, volumetricData.far) * Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(activeCam.stereoSeparation * 0.5f, 0, 0)); //temp ipd scaler. Combine factors when confirmed
Matrix4x4 RightProjectionMatrix = matScaleBias * Matrix4x4.Perspective(activeCam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, volumetricData.near, volumetricData.far) * Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-activeCam.stereoSeparation * 0.5f, 0, 0));
Matrix4x4 CenterProjectionMatrixInverse = CenterProjectionMatrix.inverse;
LeftEyeMatrix = LeftProjectionMatrix * CenterProjectionMatrixInverse;
RightEyeMatrix = RightProjectionMatrix * CenterProjectionMatrixInverse;
//Global Variable setup
if (FroxelBlur == BlurType.Gaussian)
//Shader.SetGlobalTexture(ID_VolumetricResult, BlurBufferB);
VolumetricResult = BlurBufferB;
//FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_VolumetricResult, IntegrationBuffer);
//Shader.SetGlobalTexture(ID_VolumetricResult, IntegrationBuffer);
VolumetricResult = IntegrationBuffer;
ThreadsToDispatch = new Vector3(
Mathf.Max(Mathf.CeilToInt(volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution / 4.0f), 1.0f),
Mathf.Max(Mathf.CeilToInt(volumetricData.FroxelHeightResolution / 4.0f), 1.0f),
Mathf.Max(Mathf.CeilToInt(volumetricData.FroxelDepthResolution / 4.0f), 1.0f)
// ComputZPlaneTexelSpacing(1.0f, vFoV, parameters.resolution.y);
// Unused as far as I can tell, declared in the VolumetricCore but not actually used
//Shader.SetGlobalVector("_VolumePlaneSettings", new Vector4(volumetricData.near, volumetricData.far, volumetricData.far - volumetricData.near, volumetricData.near * volumetricData.far));
VolZBufferParams = new Vector4();
VolZBufferParams.x = 1.0f - volumetricData.far / volumetricData.near;
VolZBufferParams.y = volumetricData.far / volumetricData.near;
VolZBufferParams.z = VolZBufferParams.x / volumetricData.far;
VolZBufferParams.w = VolZBufferParams.y / volumetricData.far;
ID_ClipMapGenKern = ClipmapCompute.FindKernel("ClipMapGen");
ID_ClipMapClearKern = ClipmapCompute.FindKernel("ClipMapClear");
ID_ClipMapHeightKern = ClipmapCompute.FindKernel("ClipMapHeight");
//Debug.Log("Dispatching " + ThreadsToDispatch);
hasInitialized = true;
//RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += UpdatePreRender;
void SetFroxelFogUniforms(bool forceUpdate = false)
if (lastFroxelFog != this || forceUpdate)
FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ID_VBufferUnitDepthTexelSpacing, ZPlaneTexelSpacing);
FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ID_ClipmapScale1, volumetricData.ClipmapScale);
FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ID_ClipmapScale2, volumetricData.ClipmapScale2);
//FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ID_GlobalExtinction, Extinction);
//FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ID_StaticLightMultiplier, StaticLightMultiplier);
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_Result, FroxelBufferA);
// CheckCookieList();
// FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_LightProjectionTextureArray, LightProjectionTextures);
FroxelFogCompute.SetConstantBuffer(PerFrameConstBufferID, StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer, 0, StepAddPerFrameCount * sizeof(float));
lastFroxelFog = this;
if (lastClipmapUpdate != this || forceUpdate)
FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ClipmapScaleID, volumetricData.ClipmapScale);
FroxelFogCompute.SetVector(ClipmapTransformID, ClipmapTransform);
if (FlipClipBufferNear)
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture, ClipmapBufferB);
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture, ClipmapBufferA);
if (FlipClipBufferFar)
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture2, ClipmapBufferC);
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture2, ClipmapBufferD);
void SetFroxelIntegrationUniforms(bool forceUpdate = false)
if (lastFroxelIntegrate != this || forceUpdate)
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetMatrix(ID_LeftEyeMatrix, LeftEyeMatrix);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetMatrix(ID_RightEyeMatrix, RightEyeMatrix);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetVector(ID_VolZBufferParams, VolZBufferParams);
//FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetVector(ID_GlobalScattering, ExtinctionColor);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetTexture(IntegrateKernel, ID_Result, IntegrationBuffer);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetTexture(IntegrateKernel, ID_InLightingTexture, FroxelBufferA);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetConstantBuffer(PerFrameConstBufferID, StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer, 0, StepAddPerFrameCount * sizeof(float));
lastFroxelIntegrate = this;
void SetBlurUniforms(bool forceUpdate = false)
if (FroxelBlur == BlurType.Gaussian && (lastBlur != this || forceUpdate))
BlurCompute.SetTexture(BlurKernelX, ID_InTex, IntegrationBuffer);
BlurCompute.SetTexture(BlurKernelX, ID_Result, BlurBuffer);
BlurCompute.SetTexture(BlurKernelY, ID_InTex, BlurBuffer);
BlurCompute.SetTexture(BlurKernelY, ID_Result, BlurBufferB);
lastBlur = this;
public void ClearAllBuffers()
// void UpdateLights()
// {
// LightObjects.Clear(); //clear and rebuild for now. TODO: Make a smarter constructor
// if (LightBuffer != null) LightBuffer.Release();
// for (int i = 0; i < Lights.Count; i++)
// {
// LightObject lightObject = new LightObject();
// lightObject.LightPosition = Lights[i].transform.position;
// lightObject.LightColor = new Color(
// Lights[i].color.r * Lights[i].intensity,
// Lights[i].color.g * Lights[i].intensity,
// Lights[i].color.b * Lights[i].intensity,
// Lights[i].color.a);
// lightObject.LightProjectionMatrix = matScaleBias
// * Matrix4x4.Perspective(Lights[i].spotAngle, 1, 0.1f, Lights[i].range)
// * Matrix4x4.Rotate(Lights[i].transform.rotation).inverse;
// LightObjects.Add(lightObject);
// }
// LightBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(LightObjects.Count, LightObjectStride);
// LightBuffer.SetData(LightObjects);
// FroxelFogCompute.SetBuffer(ScatteringKernel, LightObjectsID, LightBuffer);
// }
#region Clipmap funtions
void SetupClipmap()
RenderTextureDescriptor ClipRTdiscrpt = new RenderTextureDescriptor();
ClipRTdiscrpt.enableRandomWrite = true;
ClipRTdiscrpt.dimension = UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension.Tex3D;
ClipRTdiscrpt.width = volumetricData.ClipMapResolution;
ClipRTdiscrpt.height = volumetricData.ClipMapResolution;
ClipRTdiscrpt.volumeDepth = volumetricData.ClipMapResolution;
ClipRTdiscrpt.graphicsFormat = UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat;
ClipRTdiscrpt.msaaSamples = 1;
ClipmapBufferA = new RenderTexture(ClipRTdiscrpt);
ClipmapBufferA.name = activeCam.name + "_ClipmapBufferA";
ClipmapBufferB = new RenderTexture(ClipRTdiscrpt);
ClipmapBufferB.name = activeCam.name + "_ClipmapBufferB";
ClipmapBufferC = new RenderTexture(ClipRTdiscrpt);
ClipmapBufferC.name = activeCam.name + "_ClipmapBufferC";
ClipmapBufferD = new RenderTexture(ClipRTdiscrpt);
ClipmapBufferD.name = activeCam.name + "_ClipmapBufferD";
////TODO: Loop through and remove one of the buffers
void ClearClipmap(RenderTexture buffer)
int clipMapDispatchNum = Mathf.Max(volumetricData.ClipMapResolution / 4, 1);
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapClearKern, ID_Result, buffer);
ClipmapCompute.Dispatch(ID_ClipMapClearKern, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum);
bool ClipFar = false;
void CheckClipmap() //Check distance from previous sample and recalulate if over threshold. TODO: make it resample chunks
if (Vector3.Distance(ClipmapCurrentPos, activeCam.transform.position) > volumetricData.ClipmapResampleThreshold || VolumetricRegisterEmpty || VolumetricRegisterForceRefresh)
//TODO: seperate the frames where this is rendered
//if (ClipFar == false) UpdateClipmap(Clipmap.Near);
//else {
// UpdateClipmap(Clipmap.Far);
// ClipFar = false;
// };
public void UpdateClipmaps()
//Debug.Log("Clipmap Update: " + activeCam.transform.position);
if (VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas.Count == 0)
VolumetricRegisterEmpty = true;
else if (VolumetricRegisterEmpty)
VolumetricRegisterEmpty = false;
if (VolumetricRegisterForceRefresh) VolumetricRegisterForceRefresh = false;
public enum Clipmap { Near,Far};
public void UpdateClipmap(Clipmap clipmap)
ClipmapTransform = activeCam.transform.position;
float farscale = volumetricData.ClipmapScale2;
RenderTexture BufferA;
RenderTexture BufferB;
//TODO: bake out variables at start to avoid extra math per clip gen
//ClipmapCompute.SetFloat(ID_GlobalExtinction, Extinction);
if (clipmap == Clipmap.Near)
BufferA = ClipmapBufferB;
BufferB = ClipmapBufferA;
ClipmapCompute.SetFloat(ID_ClipmapScale0, volumetricData.ClipmapScale);
ClipmapCompute.SetVector(ID_ClipmapWorldPosition, ClipmapTransform - (0.5f * volumetricData.ClipmapScale * Vector3.one));
BufferA = ClipmapBufferC;
BufferB = ClipmapBufferD;
ClipmapCompute.SetFloat(ID_ClipmapScale0, volumetricData.ClipmapScale2);
ClipmapCompute.SetVector(ID_ClipmapWorldPosition, ClipmapTransform - (0.5f * volumetricData.ClipmapScale2 * Vector3.one));
//Clipmap variables
//ClipmapCompute.SetVector("ClipmapWorldPosition", ClipmapTransform - (0.5f * volumetricData.ClipmapScale * Vector3.one));
// ClipmapCompute.SetFloat("ClipmapScale", volumetricData.ClipmapScale);
bool FlipClipBuffer = false;
//Clear previous capture
int clipMapDispatchNum = Mathf.Max(volumetricData.ClipMapResolution / 4, 1);
// ClipmapCompute.SetVector("clearColor", RenderSettings.ambientProbe.Evaluate);
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapClearKern, ID_Result, BufferA);
//Debug.Log("Dispatching 0");
ClipmapCompute.Dispatch(ID_ClipMapClearKern, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum);
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapClearKern, ID_Result, BufferB);
//Debug.Log("Dispatching 1");
ClipmapCompute.Dispatch(ID_ClipMapClearKern, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum);
//ClipmapCompute.SetFloat("VolumeDensity", 0); //
//Loop through bake texture volumes and put into clipmap //TODO: Add pass for static unbaked elements
//Debug.Log("VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas.Count: " + VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas.Count; i++)
FlipClipBuffer = !FlipClipBuffer;
if (FlipClipBuffer)
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapGenKern, ID_PreResult, BufferB);
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapGenKern, ID_Result, BufferA);
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapGenKern, ID_PreResult, BufferA);
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapGenKern, ID_Result, BufferB);
//Volumetric variables
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapGenKern, ID_VolumeMap, VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas[i].bakedTexture);
ClipmapCompute.SetVector(ID_VolumeWorldSize, VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas[i].NormalizedScale);
ClipmapCompute.SetVector(ID_VolumeWorldPosition, VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas[i].Corner);
//Debug.Log("Dispatching 2");
ClipmapCompute.Dispatch(ID_ClipMapGenKern, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum);
//Height Densitiy
//FlipClipBuffer = !FlipClipBuffer;
//if (FlipClipBuffer)
// ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(HeightClipmapKernal, "PreResult", BufferB);
// ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(HeightClipmapKernal, "Result", BufferA);
// ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(HeightClipmapKernal, "PreResult", BufferA);
// ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(HeightClipmapKernal, "Result", BufferB);
////Volumetric variables
////ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(HeightClipmapKernal, "VolumeMap", VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas[i].bakedTexture);
////ClipmapCompute.SetVector("VolumeWorldSize", VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas[i].NormalizedScale);
////ClipmapCompute.SetVector("VolumeWorldPosition", VolumetricRegisters.volumetricAreas[i].Corner);
//ClipmapCompute.Dispatch(HeightClipmapKernal, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum, clipMapDispatchNum);
//End Height Densitiy
if (FlipClipBuffer)
SetClipmap(BufferA, volumetricData.ClipmapScale, ClipmapTransform, clipmap);
SetClipmap(BufferB, volumetricData.ClipmapScale, ClipmapTransform, clipmap);
switch (clipmap)
case Clipmap.Near:
FlipClipBufferNear = FlipClipBuffer;
case Clipmap.Far:
FlipClipBufferFar = FlipClipBuffer;
ClipmapCurrentPos = ClipmapTransform; //Set History
lastClipmapUpdate = this;
void SetClipmap(RenderTexture ClipmapTexture, float ClipmapScale, Vector3 ClipmapTransform, Clipmap clipmap)
FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ClipmapScaleID, ClipmapScale);
FroxelFogCompute.SetVector(ClipmapTransformID, ClipmapTransform);
if (clipmap == Clipmap.Far)
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture2, ClipmapTexture);
// Debug.Log("Added clipmap far :" + ClipmapTexture.name);
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_VolumetricClipmapTexture, ClipmapTexture); //Set clipmap for
//FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ClipmapTextureID, ClipmapTexture); //Set clipmap for
bool FlopIntegralBuffer = false;
void FlopIntegralBuffers(){
FlopIntegralBuffer = !FlopIntegralBuffer;
if (FlopIntegralBuffer)
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_PreviousFrameLighting, FroxelBufferA);
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_Result, FroxelBufferB);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetTexture(IntegrateKernel, ID_InLightingTexture, FroxelBufferB);
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_PreviousFrameLighting, FroxelBufferB);
FroxelFogCompute.SetTexture(ScatteringKernel, ID_Result, FroxelBufferA);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetTexture(IntegrateKernel, ID_InLightingTexture, FroxelBufferA);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetTexture(IntegrateKernel, ID_HistoryBuffer, IntegrationBuffer);
FroxelIntegrationCompute.SetTexture(IntegrateKernel, ID_Result, IntegrationBuffer);
Matrix4x4 PrevViewProjMatrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
public void SetVariables()
//Global multiplier for static lights
// The volumetrics script should be in charge of setting these,
// if there's no volume component then all volumetric
// scripts will use the last camera to be enabled's values
// Not ideal, but for now it should be fine
if (!Volumetrics.hasSetGlobals) // Added check so volumetric rendering scripts don't overwrite the volumetrics scripts values
float extinction = VolumeRenderingUtils.ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath(meanFreePath);
Shader.SetGlobalFloat(ID_GlobalExtinction, extinction); //ExtinctionFromMeanFreePath
Shader.SetGlobalFloat(ID_StaticLightMultiplier, StaticLightMultiplier); //Global multiplier for static lights
float GetAspectRatio()
if (activeCam.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.None) return activeCam.aspect;
return XRSettings.eyeTextureHeight == 0 ? activeCam.aspect : (float)XRSettings.eyeTextureHeight / (float)XRSettings.eyeTextureWidth;
// void Update()
// {
// if (Application.isPlaying)
// {
// UpdateFunc();
// }
// UpdateFunc();
// }
void UpdatePreRender(ScriptableRenderContext ctxt, Camera cam1)
if (activeCam == cam1) UpdateFunc();
void UpdateFunc()
using (new ProfilingScope(null, profileUpdateFunc))
if (!hasInitialized)
//Debug.LogWarning("Volumetric Rendering: Volumetrics trying to render without initializing");
if (activeCam == null)
Debug.LogError("Volumetric Rendering: Active camera destroyed or de-assigned, disabling");
this.enabled = false;
if ((Application.isPlaying && !activeCam.isActiveAndEnabled && !enableEditorPreview))
if (!activeCam.isActiveAndEnabled)
//camera.aspect no longer returns the correct value & this workaround only works when XR is fully intialized otherwise it returns 0 and divs by 0; >W<
CamAspectRatio = GetAspectRatio();
Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix = Matrix4x4.Perspective(activeCam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, activeCam.nearClipPlane, volumetricData.far) * Matrix4x4.Rotate(activeCam.transform.rotation).inverse;
projectionMatrix = matScaleBias * projectionMatrix;
//Previous frame's matrix//!!!!!!!!!
FroxelFogCompute.SetMatrix(PreviousFrameMatrixID, PreviousFrameMatrix);///
// FroxelFogCompute.SetMatrix(PreviousFrameMatrixID, PreviousFrameMatrix );///
// var controller = hdCamera.volumeStack.GetComponent<Fog>(); //TODO: Link with controller
// UpdateLights();
CheckClipmap(); // UpdateClipmap();
// Matrix4x4 lightMatrix = matScaleBias * Matrix4x4.Perspective(LightPosition.spotAngle, 1, 0.1f, LightPosition.range) * Matrix4x4.Rotate(LightPosition.transform.rotation).inverse;
VBufferParameters vbuff = new VBufferParameters(
new Vector3Int(volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution, volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution, volumetricData.FroxelDepthResolution),
// Vector2Int sharedBufferSize = new Vector2Int(volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution, volumetricData.FroxelHeightResolution); //Taking scaler functuion from HDRP for reprojection
// Shader.SetGlobalVector("_VBufferSharedUvScaleAndLimit", vbuff.ComputeUvScaleAndLimit(sharedBufferSize) ); //Just assuming same scale
Vector4 vres = new Vector4(volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution, volumetricData.FroxelHeightResolution, 1.0f / volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution, 1.0f / volumetricData.FroxelHeightResolution);
//Vector4 vres = new Vector4(cam.pixelWidth, cam.pixelHeight, 1.0f / cam.pixelWidth, cam.pixelHeight);
Matrix4x4 PixelCoordToViewDirWS = ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(activeCam, vres);
int sampleIndex = Time.renderedFrameCount % 7;
Vector3 seqOffset = new Vector3(m_xySeq[sampleIndex].x, m_xySeq[sampleIndex].y, m_zSeq[sampleIndex]);
Span<ShaderConstants> shaderConsts = stackalloc ShaderConstants[1];
shaderConsts[0].TransposedCameraProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix.transpose;
shaderConsts[0].CameraProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix;
shaderConsts[0]._VBufferDistanceEncodingParams = vbuff.depthEncodingParams;
shaderConsts[0]._VolumetricResultDim = new Vector3(FroxelBlur != BlurType.Gaussian ? volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution * 2 : volumetricData.FroxelWidthResolution,
volumetricData.FroxelHeightResolution, volumetricData.FroxelDepthResolution);
shaderConsts[0]._VolCameraPos = activeCam.transform.position;
if (ShaderConstantBuffer == null)
ShaderConstantBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(ShaderConstantsCount, sizeof(float), ComputeBufferType.Constant);
//Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(ID_VolumetricsCB, ShaderConstantBuffer, 0, ShaderConstantsSize);
//Debug.Log("Created New Compute Buffer");
Span<StepAddPerFrameConstants> stepAddConst = stackalloc StepAddPerFrameConstants[1];
stepAddConst[0] = new StepAddPerFrameConstants();
stepAddConst[0]._VBufferDistanceDecodingParams = vbuff.depthDecodingParams;
stepAddConst[0].SeqOffset = seqOffset;
if (StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer == null)
StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, StepAddPerFrameCount * sizeof(float), ComputeBufferType.Constant);
//Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(PerFrameConstBufferID, StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer, 0, StepAddPerFrameCount * sizeof(float));
//Debug.Log("Created New Compute Buffer");
Span<ScatteringPerFrameConstants> VolScatteringCB = stackalloc ScatteringPerFrameConstants[1];
VolScatteringCB[0] = new ScatteringPerFrameConstants()
_VBufferCoordToViewDirWS = PixelCoordToViewDirWS,
_PrevViewProjMatrix = PrevViewProjMatrix,
_ViewMatrix = activeCam.worldToCameraMatrix,
TransposedCameraProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix.transpose,
CameraProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix,
_VBufferDistanceEncodingParams = vbuff.depthEncodingParams,
_VBufferDistanceDecodingParams = vbuff.depthDecodingParams,
SeqOffset = seqOffset,
CameraPosition = activeCam.transform.position,
CameraMotionVector = activeCam.transform.position - PreviousCameraPosition
//float[] VolScatteringCBArray = VolStructToArray(VolScatteringCB, PerFrameConstantsCount, PerFrameConstantsSize);
//Debug.Log(VolScatteringCBArray[4] + " " + VolScatteringCBArray[5] + " " + VolScatteringCBArray[6] + " " + VolScatteringCBArray[7]);
if (ComputePerFrameConstantBuffer == null)
ComputePerFrameConstantBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, ScatterPerFrameCount * sizeof(float), ComputeBufferType.Constant);
//Debug.Log("Created New Compute Buffer");
FroxelFogCompute.SetConstantBuffer(PerFrameConstBufferID, ComputePerFrameConstantBuffer, 0, ScatterPerFrameCount * sizeof(float));
int mediaCount = VolumetricRegisters.VolumetricMediaEntities.Count;
int maxCount = Math.Max(mediaCount, 1);
if (object.ReferenceEquals(participatingMediaSphereBuffer, null) || participatingMediaSphereBuffer == null)
participatingMediaSphereBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(maxCount, MediaSphereStride, ComputeBufferType.Structured);
//Debug.Log("Created New Compute Buffer");
else if (maxCount > MediaCount)
participatingMediaSphereBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(maxCount, MediaSphereStride, ComputeBufferType.Structured);
MediaCount = maxCount;
MediaSphere[] mediadata = new MediaSphere[maxCount];
if (mediaCount < 1)
//mediadata[0].CenterPosition = Vector3.zero;
//mediadata[0].LocalExtinction = 0;
//mediadata[0].LocalRange = 0;
//mediadata[0].LocalFalloff = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < mediadata.Length; i++)
//TODO: generalize the strut between the classes so we don't have to recast it here
mediadata[i].CenterPosition = VolumetricRegisters.VolumetricMediaEntities[i].gameObject.transform.position;
mediadata[i].LocalExtinction = VolumetricRegisters.VolumetricMediaEntities[i].LocalExtinction();
mediadata[i].LocalRange = VolumetricRegisters.VolumetricMediaEntities[i].Scale.magnitude; // temp mag
mediadata[i].LocalFalloff = VolumetricRegisters.VolumetricMediaEntities[i].falloffDistance;
if (participatingMediaSphereBuffer != null)
FroxelFogCompute.SetBuffer(ScatteringKernel, ID_media_sphere_buffer, participatingMediaSphereBuffer);
FroxelFogCompute.SetFloat(ID_media_sphere_buffer_length, mediaCount);
if (VolumetricConstantBuffer != null && projectionMatrix != null && activeCam != null && vbuff.depthEncodingParams != null)
VolumetricConstants vConst = new VolumetricConstants();
vConst.CameraProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix.transpose;
vConst.TransposedCameraProjectionMatrix = projectionMatrix;
vConst._VBufferDistanceEncodingParams = vbuff.depthEncodingParams;
vConst._VolCameraPos = activeCam.transform.position;
float[] vConstArray = VolStructToArray(vConst);
Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer("VolumetricCB", VolumetricConstantBuffer, 0, VolCBCount * sizeof(float));
PreviousFrameMatrix = projectionMatrix;
PreviousCameraPosition = activeCam.transform.position;
///camera.projectionMatrix is ALSO broken and returns the final viewport's projection rather than the center XR projection.
///cam.GetStereoProjectionMatrix returns the skewed XR projection matrix per eye. Just doing our own calulation
var gpuProj = GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4.Perspective(activeCam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, activeCam.nearClipPlane, 100000f), true);
PrevViewProjMatrix = gpuProj * activeCam.worldToCameraMatrix;
//Debug.Log("Dispatching 3");
FroxelFogCompute.Dispatch(ScatteringKernel, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.x, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.y, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.z);
// FroxelStackingCompute.DispatchIndirect
//Debug.Log("Dispatching 4");
FroxelIntegrationCompute.Dispatch(IntegrateKernel, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.x * 2, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.y, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.z); //x2 for stereo
if (FroxelBlur == BlurType.Gaussian)
BlurCompute.Dispatch(BlurKernelX, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.x * 2, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.y, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.z); // Final blur
BlurCompute.Dispatch(BlurKernelY, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.x * 2, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.y, (int)ThreadsToDispatch.z); // Final blur
/* Give the shader constant buffer and volumetric render texture to the
* additional camera data so that on render the camera can set them as
* globals
//Coping the parms from HDRP to get the log encoded depth.
struct VBufferParameters
public Vector3Int viewportSize;
public Vector4 depthEncodingParams;
public Vector4 depthDecodingParams;
public VBufferParameters(Vector3Int viewportResolution, float depthExtent, float camNear, float camFar, float camVFoV, float sliceDistributionUniformity)
viewportSize = viewportResolution;
// The V-Buffer is sphere-capped, while the camera frustum is not.
// We always start from the near plane of the camera.
float aspectRatio = viewportResolution.x / (float)viewportResolution.y;
float farPlaneHeight = 2.0f * Mathf.Tan(0.5f * camVFoV) * camFar;
float farPlaneWidth = farPlaneHeight * aspectRatio;
float farPlaneMaxDim = Mathf.Max(farPlaneWidth, farPlaneHeight);
float farPlaneDist = Mathf.Sqrt(camFar * camFar + 0.25f * farPlaneMaxDim * farPlaneMaxDim);
float nearDist = camNear;
float farDist = Mathf.Min(nearDist + depthExtent, farPlaneDist);
float c = 2 - 2 * sliceDistributionUniformity; // remap [0, 1] -> [2, 0]
c = Mathf.Max(c, 0.001f); // Avoid NaNs
depthEncodingParams = ComputeLogarithmicDepthEncodingParams(nearDist, farDist, c);
depthDecodingParams = ComputeLogarithmicDepthDecodingParams(nearDist, farDist, c);
internal Vector4 ComputeUvScaleAndLimit(Vector2Int bufferSize)
// The slice count is fixed for now.
return ComputeUvScaleAndLimitFun(new Vector2Int(viewportSize.x, viewportSize.y), bufferSize);
internal float ComputeLastSliceDistance(int sliceCount)
float d = 1.0f - 0.5f / sliceCount;
float ln2 = 0.69314718f;
// DecodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized(1 - 0.5 / sliceCount)
return depthDecodingParams.x * Mathf.Exp(ln2 * d * depthDecodingParams.y) + depthDecodingParams.z;
// See EncodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized().
static Vector4 ComputeLogarithmicDepthEncodingParams(float nearPlane, float farPlane, float c)
Vector4 depthParams = new Vector4();
float n = nearPlane;
float f = farPlane;
depthParams.y = 1.0f / Mathf.Log(c * (f - n) + 1, 2);
depthParams.x = Mathf.Log(c, 2) * depthParams.y;
depthParams.z = n - 1.0f / c; // Same
depthParams.w = 0.0f;
return depthParams;
// See DecodeLogarithmicDepthGeneralized().
static Vector4 ComputeLogarithmicDepthDecodingParams(float nearPlane, float farPlane, float c)
Vector4 depthParams = new Vector4();
float n = nearPlane;
float f = farPlane;
depthParams.x = 1.0f / c;
depthParams.y = Mathf.Log(c * (f - n) + 1, 2);
depthParams.z = n - 1.0f / c; // Same
depthParams.w = 0.0f;
return depthParams;
internal static float ComputZPlaneTexelSpacing(float planeDepth, float verticalFoV, float resolutionY)
float tanHalfVertFoV = Mathf.Tan(0.5f * verticalFoV);
return tanHalfVertFoV * (2.0f / resolutionY) * planeDepth;
internal static Vector4 ComputeUvScaleAndLimitFun(Vector2Int viewportResolution, Vector2Int bufferSize)
Vector2 rcpBufferSize = new Vector2(1.0f / bufferSize.x, 1.0f / bufferSize.y);
// vp_scale = vp_dim / tex_dim.
Vector2 uvScale = new Vector2(viewportResolution.x * rcpBufferSize.x,
viewportResolution.y * rcpBufferSize.y);
// clamp to (vp_dim - 0.5) / tex_dim.
Vector2 uvLimit = new Vector2((viewportResolution.x - 0.5f) * rcpBufferSize.x,
(viewportResolution.y - 0.5f) * rcpBufferSize.y);
return new Vector4(uvScale.x, uvScale.y, uvLimit.x, uvLimit.y);
public void disable()
//Debug.Log("Volumetric Rendering: Disable Called");
hasInitialized = false;
RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering -= UpdatePreRender;
AssemblyReloadEvents.beforeAssemblyReload -= CleanupOnReload;
RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering -= UpdatePreRender;
public void enable()
public void StartSceneViewRendering()
// if (enableEditorPreview && !Application.isPlaying) RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += UpdatePreRender;
RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering += UpdatePreRender;
public void UpdateStateAfterReload()
if (enableEditorPreview && this.isActiveAndEnabled)
public void CleanupOnReload()
private void OnEnable()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
// Every time scripts get re-compiled, everything gets reset without calling OnDisable or OnDestroy, and the keyword gets left on
enableEditorPreview = false;
AssemblyReloadEvents.afterAssemblyReload += UpdateStateAfterReload;
private void OnDisable() //Disable this if we decide to just pause rendering instead of removing.
if (!Application.isPlaying)
AssemblyReloadEvents.afterAssemblyReload -= UpdateStateAfterReload;
private void OnDestroy()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
AssemblyReloadEvents.afterAssemblyReload -= UpdateStateAfterReload;
private void DestroyAllTextureAssets()
// if (createdLightProjectionTexture && LightProjectionTextures != null) { CoreUtils.Destroy(LightProjectionTextures); }
Matrix4x4 ComputePixelCoordToWorldSpaceViewDirectionMatrix(Camera cam, Vector4 resolution)
// var proj = cam.projectionMatrix; // GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(cameraProj, true); //Use this if we run into platform issues
//bandaid fix. There's an issue with the far clip plane in the matrix projection.
var proj = Matrix4x4.Perspective(cam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, cam.nearClipPlane, 100000f);
var view = cam.worldToCameraMatrix ;
var invViewProjMatrix = (proj * view).inverse;
var transform = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f)) * invViewProjMatrix; // (gpuProj * gpuView).inverse
// transform = transform * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f));
transform = transform * Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
transform = transform * Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(2.0f * resolution.z, 2.0f * resolution.w, 1.0f)) ;
return transform.transpose;
void SetComputeVariables()
void SetComputeBuffer(string name, ComputeShader shader, int kernel, ComputeBuffer buffer)
// Debug.Log("Setting buffer");
if (buffer != null)
shader.SetBuffer(kernel, name, buffer);
// Debug.Log(name + " set");
private static void CreateComputeBuffer<T>(ref ComputeBuffer buffer, List<T> data, int stride)
where T : struct
//Debug.Log("Making computebuffer ");
//buffer = new ComputeBuffer(data.Count, stride);
// Do we already have a compute buffer?
if (buffer != null && data != null && stride != null)
// If no data or buffer doesn't match the given criteria, release it
if (data.Count == 0 || buffer.count != data.Count || buffer.stride != stride)
// Debug.Log("Buffer count = " + buffer.count);
buffer = null;
if (data.Count != 0)
// If the buffer has been released or wasn't there to
// begin with, create it
if (buffer == null)
buffer = new ComputeBuffer(data.Count, stride);
// Debug.Log("Buffer count = " + buffer.count);
// Set data on the buffer
/// <summary>
/// Editor
/// </summary>
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
if (cam == null || volumetricData == null) return;
Gizmos.color = Color.black;
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(cam.transform.position, cam.transform.rotation, Vector3.one);
Gizmos.DrawFrustum(Vector3.zero, cam.fieldOfView, volumetricData.near, volumetricData.far, CamAspectRatio);
Gizmos.color = Color.cyan;
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(ClipmapCurrentPos, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one * volumetricData.ClipmapScale);
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(ClipmapCurrentPos, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one * volumetricData.ClipmapScale2);
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
//Gizmos.color = Color.red;
//Gizmos.matrix = cam.GetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left);
//Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
//Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
//Gizmos.matrix = cam.GetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right);
//Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
//Gizmos.color = Color.green;
//Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.Perspective(cam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, cam.nearClipPlane, 100000f);
//Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
//Gizmos.color = Color.magenta;
//Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.Perspective(cam.fieldOfView, CamAspectRatio, volumetricData.near, volumetricData.far) * Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(cam.stereoSeparation * 0.5f, 0, 0));
//Gizmos.DrawWireCube(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one);
void ReleaseAssets()
if (ComputePerFrameConstantBuffer != null)
ComputePerFrameConstantBuffer = null;
if (StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer != null)
StepAddPerFrameConstantBuffer = null;
if (ShaderConstantBuffer != null)
ShaderConstantBuffer = null;
if (participatingMediaSphereBuffer != null)
void CleanupCameraData()
if (activeCamData != null)
activeCamData.m_EnableVolumetrics = false;
activeCamData.m_VolumetricClipMap = null;
activeCamData.m_VolumetricShaderGlobals = null;
void SetCameraData()
if (activeCamData != null && VolumetricResult != null && ShaderConstantBuffer != null)
activeCamData.m_EnableVolumetrics = true;
activeCamData.m_VolumetricClipMap = VolumetricResult;
activeCamData.m_VolumetricShaderGlobals = ShaderConstantBuffer;
Debug.LogWarning("Volumetric Rendering: Null extra camera data, volumetric result, or constant buffer!");
activeCamData.m_EnableVolumetrics = false;
void assignVaris()
//cam = GetComponentInChildren<Camera>();
//Get shaders and seri
if (FroxelFogCompute == null)
FroxelFogCompute = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<ComputeShader>("Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/Volumetrics/VolumetricScattering.compute");
if (FroxelFogCompute == null)
FroxelFogCompute = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<ComputeShader>("Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/Volumetrics/VolumetricScattering.compute");
if (FroxelIntegrationCompute == null)
FroxelIntegrationCompute = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<ComputeShader>("Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/Volumetrics/StepAdd.compute");
if (ClipmapCompute == null)
ClipmapCompute = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<ComputeShader>("Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/Volumetrics/ClipMapGenerator.compute");
if (BlurCompute == null)
BlurCompute = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<ComputeShader>("Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Shaders/Volumetrics/VolumetricBlur.compute");
private void Reset()
cam = GetComponentInChildren<Camera>();
private void OnValidate()
//Black Texture in editor to not get in the way. Isolated h ere because shaders should skip volumetric tex in precompute otherwise.
// TODO: Add proper scene preview feature
if (BlackTex == null) BlackTex = CoreUtils.blackVolumeTexture; //(Texture3D)MakeBlack3DTex();
// UnityEditor.SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager.sceneUnloaded += UnloadKeyword; //adding function when scene is unloaded
//if (cam == null) cam = GetComponent<Camera>();
//if (volumetricData.near < cam.nearClipPlane || volumetricData.far > cam.farClipPlane)
// //Auto clamp to inside of the camera's clip planes
// volumetricData.near = Mathf.Max(volumetricData.near, cam.nearClipPlane);
// volumetricData.far = Mathf.Min(volumetricData.far, cam.farClipPlane);
//Shader.EnableKeyword(VolumetricsKW); //enabling here so the editor knows that it exists
//Using core blackVolumeTexture instead
//Texture MakeBlack3DTex()
// Debug.Log("Made blank texture");
// int size = 1;
// Texture3D BlackTex = new Texture3D(1, 1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
// var cols = new Color[size * size * size];
// float mul = 1.0f / (size - 1);
// int idx = 0;
// Color c = Color.white;
// for (int z = 0; z < size; ++z)
// {
// for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y)
// {
// for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x, ++idx)
// {
// c.r = 0;
// c.g = 0;
// c.b = 0;
// c.a = 1;
// cols[idx] = c;
// }
// }
// }
// BlackTex.SetPixels(cols);
// BlackTex.Apply();
// // SetClipmap(BlackTex, 50, Vector3.zero);
// Shader.SetGlobalTexture(ID_VolumetricResult, BlackTex);
// // Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_VolumetricClipmapTexture", BlackTex); //Set clipmap for
// return BlackTex;
//public void UnloadKeyword<Scene>(Scene scene)
// Shader.DisableKeyword("_VOLUMETRICS_ENABLED");
// print("The scene was unloaded!");
void Clear3DTexture(RenderTexture buffer)
ClipmapCompute.SetTexture(ID_ClipMapClearKern, ID_Result, buffer);
ClipmapCompute.Dispatch(ID_ClipMapClearKern, Mathf.Max(buffer.width / 4, 1), Mathf.Max(buffer.height / 4, 1), Mathf.Max(buffer.volumeDepth / 4, 1));
//RenderTexture activeRT = RenderTexture.active;
//RenderTexture.active = rt;
//GL.sRGBWrite = rt.sRGB;
//if (rt.dimension == TextureDimension.Tex3D)
// CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(
// command,
// rt,
// ClearFlag.Color, Color.clear,
// 0, CubemapFace.Unknown, -1
// );
//else if (rt.dimension == TextureDimension.Cube)
// Graphics.SetRenderTarget(rt, 0, CubemapFace.PositiveX, 0);
// GL.Clear(false, true, color);
// Graphics.SetRenderTarget(rt, 0, CubemapFace.PositiveY, 0);
// GL.Clear(false, true, color);
// Graphics.SetRenderTarget(rt, 0, CubemapFace.PositiveZ, 0);
// GL.Clear(false, true, color);
// Graphics.SetRenderTarget(rt, 0, CubemapFace.NegativeX, 0);
// GL.Clear(false, true, color);
// Graphics.SetRenderTarget(rt, 0, CubemapFace.NegativeY, 0);
// GL.Clear(false, true, color);
// Graphics.SetRenderTarget(rt, 0, CubemapFace.NegativeZ, 0);
// GL.Clear(false, true, color);
// CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(
// rt,
// BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget
// RenderTexture.active = activeRT;
void RefreshOnSceneChange(Scene oldS, Scene newS)
if (hasInitialized && oldS != null)
Debug.Log("Volumetric Rendering: Refreshing after scene swap");