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1115 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEditor
public class LightExplorer : DefaultLightingExplorerExtension
private static class Styles
public static readonly GUIContent Enabled = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Enabled");
public static readonly GUIContent Name = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Name");
public static readonly GUIContent Mode = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Mode");
public static readonly GUIContent HDR = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("HDR");
public static readonly GUIContent ShadowDistance = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadow Distance");
public static readonly GUIContent NearPlane = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Near Plane");
public static readonly GUIContent FarPlane = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Far Plane");
public static readonly GUIContent Resolution = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Resolution");
public static readonly GUIContent[] ReflectionProbeModeTitles = { EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Baked"), EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Realtime"), EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Custom") };
public static readonly int[] ReflectionProbeModeValues = { (int)ReflectionProbeMode.Baked, (int)ReflectionProbeMode.Realtime, (int)ReflectionProbeMode.Custom };
public static readonly GUIContent[] ReflectionProbeSizeTitles = { EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("16"),
EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("2048") };
public static readonly int[] ReflectionProbeSizeValues = { 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 };
public static readonly GUIContent[] ReflectionProbeBackgroundTitles = { EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Skybox"), EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("SolidColor") };
public static readonly int[] ReflectionProbeBackgroundValues = { (int)ReflectionProbeClearFlags.Skybox, (int)ReflectionProbeClearFlags.SolidColor };
protected static class HDStyles
public static readonly GUIContent Name = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Name");
public static readonly GUIContent Enabled = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Enabled");
public static readonly GUIContent Type = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Type");
public static readonly GUIContent Shape = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shape");
public static readonly GUIContent Mode = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Mode");
public static readonly GUIContent Range = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Range");
public static readonly GUIContent Color = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Color");
public static readonly GUIContent ColorFilter = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Color Filter");
public static readonly GUIContent Intensity = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Intensity");
public static readonly GUIContent IndirectMultiplier = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Indirect Multiplier");
public static readonly GUIContent Unit = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Unit");
public static readonly GUIContent ColorTemperature = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Color Temperature");
public static readonly GUIContent Shadows = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadows");
public static readonly GUIContent ContactShadowsLevel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Contact Shadows Level");
public static readonly GUIContent ContactShadowsValue = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Contact Shadows Value");
public static readonly GUIContent ShadowResolutionLevel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadows Resolution Level");
public static readonly GUIContent ShadowUpdateMode = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadows Update Mode");
public static readonly GUIContent ShadowFitAtlas = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadows Fit Atlas");
public static readonly GUIContent ShadowResolutionValue = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadows Resolution Value");
public static readonly GUIContent ShapeWidth = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shape Width");
public static readonly GUIContent VolumeProfile = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Volume Profile");
public static readonly GUIContent ColorTemperatureMode = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Use Color Temperature");
public static readonly GUIContent AffectDiffuse = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Affect Diffuse");
public static readonly GUIContent AffectSpecular = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Affect Specular");
public static readonly GUIContent FadeDistance = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Fade Distance");
public static readonly GUIContent ShadowFadeDistance = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadow Fade Distance");
public static readonly GUIContent LightLayer = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Light Layer");
public static readonly GUIContent IsPrefab = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Prefab");
public static readonly GUIContent VolumeMode = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Mode");
public static readonly GUIContent Priority = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Priority");
public static readonly GUIContent BlendDistance = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Blend Distance");
public static readonly GUIContent TexelDensity = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Texel Density");
public static readonly GUIContent HasVisualEnvironment = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Has Visual Environment");
public static readonly GUIContent Fog = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Fog");
public static readonly GUIContent Volumetric = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Volumetric");
public static readonly GUIContent SkyType = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Sky Type");
public static readonly GUIContent ShadowDistance = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Shadow Distance");
public static readonly GUIContent NearClip = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Near Clip");
public static readonly GUIContent FarClip = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Far Clip");
public static readonly GUIContent ParallaxCorrection = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Influence Volume as Proxy Volume");
public static readonly GUIContent Weight = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Weight");
public static readonly GUIContent[] LightTypeTitles = { EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Spot"), EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Directional"), EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Point"), EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Area") };
// public static readonly int[] LightTypeValues = { (int)HDLightType.Spot, (int)HDLightType.Directional, (int)HDLightType.Point, (int)HDLightType.Area };
internal static readonly GUIContent DrawProbes = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Draw");
internal static readonly GUIContent DebugColor = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Debug Color");
internal static readonly GUIContent ResolutionX = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Resolution X");
internal static readonly GUIContent ResolutionY = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Resolution Y");
internal static readonly GUIContent ResolutionZ = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Resolution Z");
internal static readonly GUIContent FadeStart = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Fade Start");
internal static readonly GUIContent FadeEnd = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Fade End");
public static readonly GUIContent[] globalModes = { new GUIContent("Global"), new GUIContent("Local") };
struct VolumeData
public bool isGlobal;
//public bool hasVisualEnvironment;
public VolumeProfile profile;
//public bool fogEnabled;
//public bool volumetricEnabled;
//public int skyType;
public VolumeData(bool isGlobal, VolumeProfile profile)
this.isGlobal = isGlobal;
this.profile = profile;
// VisualEnvironment visualEnvironment = null;
//Fog fog = null;
//this.hasVisualEnvironment = profile != null ? profile.TryGet(out visualEnvironment) : false;
//bool hasFog = profile != null ? profile.TryGet(out fog) : false;
//this.skyType = this.hasVisualEnvironment ? visualEnvironment.skyType.value : 0;
//this.fogEnabled = hasFog ? fog.enabled.value : false;
//this.volumetricEnabled = hasFog ? fog.enableVolumetricFog.value : false;
struct LightData
public UniversalAdditionalLightData UniAdditionalLightData;
public bool isPrefab;
public Object prefabRoot;
public LightData(UniversalAdditionalLightData UniAdditionalLightData, bool isPrefab, Object prefabRoot)
this.UniAdditionalLightData = UniAdditionalLightData;
this.isPrefab = isPrefab;
this.prefabRoot = prefabRoot;
static Dictionary<Volume, VolumeData> volumeDataPairing = new Dictionary<Volume, VolumeData>();
static Dictionary<Light, LightData> lightDataPairing = new Dictionary<Light, LightData>();
protected override LightingExplorerTableColumn[] GetReflectionProbeColumns()
return new[]
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, Styles.Enabled, "m_Enabled", 50), // 0: Enabled
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Name, Styles.Name, null, 200), // 1: Name
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Int, Styles.Mode, "m_Mode", 70, (r, prop, dep) =>
EditorGUI.IntPopup(r, prop, Styles.ReflectionProbeModeTitles, Styles.ReflectionProbeModeValues, GUIContent.none);
}), // 2: Mode
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, Styles.HDR, "m_HDR", 35), // 3: HDR
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Color, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Box Projection"), "m_BoxProjection", 80), // 7: Far Plane
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, Styles.Resolution, "m_Resolution", 100, (r, prop, dep) =>
EditorGUI.IntPopup(r, prop, Styles.ReflectionProbeSizeTitles, Styles.ReflectionProbeSizeValues, GUIContent.none);
}), // 4: Probe Resolution
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, Styles.ShadowDistance, "m_ShadowDistance", 100), // 5: Shadow Distance
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, Styles.NearPlane, "m_NearClip", 70), // 6: Near Plane
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, Styles.FarPlane, "m_FarClip", 70), // 7: Far Plane
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Blend Distance"), "m_BlendDistance", 80), // 7: Far Plane
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Clear Flag"), "m_ClearFlags", 80, (r, prop, dep) =>
EditorGUI.IntPopup(r, prop, Styles.ReflectionProbeBackgroundTitles, Styles.ReflectionProbeBackgroundValues, GUIContent.none);
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Color, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Background Color"), "m_BackGroundColor", 80), // 7: Far Plane
// protected override LightingExplorerTableColumn[] GetLightColumns()
// return new[]
// {
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, Styles.Enabled, "m_Enabled", 50), // 0: Enabled
// };
//Adding Volume and volumetric tabs
public override LightingExplorerTab[] GetContentTabs()
return new[]
new LightingExplorerTab("Lights", GetHDLights, GetLightColumns, true),
new LightingExplorerTab("Volumes", GetVolumes, GetVolumeColumns, true),
new LightingExplorerTab("Baked Volumetrics", GetBakedVolumetrics, GetBakedVolumetricColumns, true),
new LightingExplorerTab("Reflection Probes", GetReflectionProbes, GetReflectionProbeColumns, true),
new LightingExplorerTab("Light Probes", GetLightProbes, GetLightProbeColumns, true),
new LightingExplorerTab("Emissive Materials", GetEmissives, GetEmissivesColumns, false)
protected virtual UnityEngine.Object[] GetHDLights()
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
var lights = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<Light>();
var lights = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<Light>();
foreach (Light light in lights)
if (PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(light) != null) // We have a prefab
lightDataPairing[light] = new LightData(light.GetComponent<UniversalAdditionalLightData>(), true, PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingObjectFromSource(PrefabUtility.GetOutermostPrefabInstanceRoot(light.gameObject)));
lightDataPairing[light] = new LightData(light.GetComponent<UniversalAdditionalLightData>(), false, null);
return lights;
protected virtual UnityEngine.Object[] GetBakedVolumetrics()
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
var volumes = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<BakedVolumetricArea>();
var volumes = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<Volume>();
//foreach (var volume in volumes)
// volumeDataPairing[volume] = !volume.HasInstantiatedProfile() && volume.sharedProfile == null
// ? new VolumeData(volume.isGlobal, null)
// : new VolumeData(volume.isGlobal, volume.HasInstantiatedProfile() ? volume.profile : volume.sharedProfile);
return volumes;
protected virtual LightingExplorerTableColumn[] GetBakedVolumetricColumns()
return new[]
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.Enabled, "m_Enabled", 60), // 0: Enabled
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Name, HDStyles.Name, null, 200), //Name
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Texel Density"), "TexelDensity", 60), // 3: Density
//Why do I have to do this? This is mostly from HDRP. It has been done fo a long time. Just fucking add it to URP unity.
protected virtual UnityEngine.Object[] GetVolumes()
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
var volumes = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<Volume>();
var volumes = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<Volume>();
foreach (var volume in volumes)
volumeDataPairing[volume] = !volume.HasInstantiatedProfile() && volume.sharedProfile == null
? new VolumeData(volume.isGlobal, null)
: new VolumeData(volume.isGlobal, volume.HasInstantiatedProfile() ? volume.profile : volume.sharedProfile);
return volumes;
private bool TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(SerializedProperty prop, out VolumeData volumeData)
Volume volume = prop.serializedObject.targetObject as Volume;
if (volume == null || !volumeDataPairing.ContainsKey(volume))
volumeData = new VolumeData();
return false;
volumeData = volumeDataPairing[volume];
return true;
protected virtual LightingExplorerTableColumn[] GetVolumeColumns()
return new[]
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.Enabled, "m_Enabled", 60), // 0: Enabled
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Name, HDStyles.Name, null, 200), // 1: Name
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.VolumeMode, "m_IsGlobal", 75, (r, prop, dep) => // 2: Is Global
if (!TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(prop, out var volumeData))
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
int isGlobal = volumeData.isGlobal ? 0 : 1;
isGlobal = EditorGUI.Popup(r, isGlobal, HDStyles.globalModes);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
prop.boolValue = isGlobal == 0;
}, (lprop, rprop) =>
bool lHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(lprop, out var lVolumeData);
bool rHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(rprop, out var rVolumeData);
return (lHasVolume ? lVolumeData.isGlobal : false).CompareTo((rHasVolume ? rVolumeData.isGlobal : false));
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.Priority, "priority", 60), // 3: Priority
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.BlendDistance, "blendDistance", 60), // 3: Priority
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Custom, HDStyles.VolumeProfile, "sharedProfile", 200, (r, prop, dep) => // 4: Profile
EditorGUI.PropertyField(r, prop, GUIContent.none);
}, (lprop, rprop) =>
return EditorUtility.NaturalCompare(((lprop == null || lprop.objectReferenceValue == null) ? "--" : lprop.objectReferenceValue.name), ((rprop == null || rprop.objectReferenceValue == null) ? "--" : rprop.objectReferenceValue.name));
//new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.HasVisualEnvironment, "sharedProfile", 150, (r, prop, dep) => // 5: Has Visual environment
// if (!TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(prop, out var volumeData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
// {
// EditorGUI.Toggle(r, volumeData.hasVisualEnvironment);
// }
//}, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// bool lHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(lprop, out var lVolumeData);
// bool rHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(rprop, out var rVolumeData);
// return (lHasVolume ? System.Convert.ToInt32(lVolumeData.hasVisualEnvironment) : -1).CompareTo((rHasVolume ? System.Convert.ToInt32(rVolumeData.hasVisualEnvironment) : -1));
// }),
//new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.SkyType, "sharedProfile", 75, (r, prop, dep) => // 6: Sky type
// if (!TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(prop, out var volumeData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
// {
// EditorGUI.IntPopup(r, volumeData.skyType, VisualEnvironmentEditor.skyClassNames.ToArray(), VisualEnvironmentEditor.skyUniqueIDs.ToArray());
// }
//}, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// bool lHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(lprop, out var lVolumeData);
// bool rHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(rprop, out var rVolumeData);
// return (lHasVolume ? (int)lVolumeData.skyType : -1).CompareTo((rHasVolume ? (int)rVolumeData.skyType : -1));
// }),
//new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.Fog, "sharedProfile", 50, (r, prop, dep) => // 8: Fog enabled
// if (!TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(prop, out var volumeData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
// {
// EditorGUI.Toggle(r, volumeData.fogEnabled);
// }
//}, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// bool lHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(lprop, out var lVolumeData);
// bool rHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(rprop, out var rVolumeData);
// return (lHasVolume ? lVolumeData.fogEnabled : false).CompareTo((rHasVolume ? rVolumeData.fogEnabled : false));
// }),
//new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.Volumetric, "sharedProfile", 95, (r, prop, dep) => // 9: Volumetric enabled
// if (!TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(prop, out var volumeData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
// {
// EditorGUI.Toggle(r, volumeData.volumetricEnabled);
// }
//}, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// bool lHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(lprop, out var lVolumeData);
// bool rHasVolume = TryGetAdditionalVolumeData(rprop, out var rVolumeData);
// return (lHasVolume ? lVolumeData.volumetricEnabled : false).CompareTo((rHasVolume ? rVolumeData.volumetricEnabled : false));
// })
private bool TryGetAdditionalLightData(SerializedProperty prop, out UniversalAdditionalLightData lightData)
return TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out lightData, out var light);
private bool TryGetAdditionalLightData(SerializedProperty prop, out UniversalAdditionalLightData lightData, out Light light)
light = prop.serializedObject.targetObject as Light;
if (light == null || !lightDataPairing.ContainsKey(light))
lightData = null;
lightData = lightDataPairing[light].UniAdditionalLightData;
return lightData != null;
protected virtual LightingExplorerTableColumn[] GetHDLightColumns()
return new[]
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.Enabled, "m_Enabled", 60), // 0: Enabled
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Name, HDStyles.Name, null, 200), // 1: Name
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.Type, "m_Type", 100),
//(r, prop, dep)=> // 2: Type
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// HDLightType lightType = lightData.type;
// EditorGUI.BeginProperty(r, GUIContent.none, prop);
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// lightType = (HDLightType)EditorGUI.IntPopup(r, (int)lightType, HDStyles.LightTypeTitles, HDStyles.LightTypeValues);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObjects(new Object[] { prop.serializedObject.targetObject, lightData }, "Changed light type");
// lightData.type = lightType;
// }
// EditorGUI.EndProperty();
//}, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return ((int)lLightData.type).CompareTo((int)rLightData.type);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObjects(new Object[] { target.serializedObject.targetObject, tLightData }, "Changed light type");
// tLightData.type = sLightData.type;
// }),
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.Mode, "m_Lightmapping", 90), // 3: Mixed mode
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.Range, "m_Range", 60), // 4: Range
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Color, HDStyles.Color, "m_Color", 60), // 5: Color
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.ColorTemperatureMode, "m_UseColorTemperature", 150), // 6: Color Temperature Mode
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.ColorTemperature, "m_ColorTemperature", 120, (r, prop, dep) => // 7: Color Temperature
// Sometimes during scene transition, the target object can be null, causing exceptions.
using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(prop.serializedObject.targetObject == null || !prop.serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseColorTemperature").boolValue))
//EditorGUI.PropertyField(r, prop, GUIContent.none);
//if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// TemperatureSliderUIDrawer.ClampValue(prop);
}, (lprop, rprop) =>
float lTemp = lprop.serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseColorTemperature").boolValue ? lprop.floatValue : 0.0f;
float rTemp = rprop.serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseColorTemperature").boolValue ? rprop.floatValue : 0.0f;
return lTemp.CompareTo(rTemp);
new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.Intensity, "m_Intensity", 60, (r, prop, dep) => // 8: Intensity
if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
float intensity = lightData.intensity;
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(r, GUIContent.none, prop);
intensity = EditorGUI.FloatField(r, intensity);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
Undo.RecordObjects(new Object[] { prop.serializedObject.targetObject, lightData }, "Changed light intensity");
lightData.intensity = intensity;
}, (lprop, rprop) =>
TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
return order;
return ((float)lLightData.intensity).CompareTo((float)rLightData.intensity);
}, (target, source) =>
if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
Undo.RecordObjects(new Object[] { target.serializedObject.targetObject, tLightData }, "Changed light intensity");
tLightData.intensity = sLightData.intensity;
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.Unit, "m_Intensity", 70, (r, prop, dep) => // 9: Unit
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// LightUnit unit = lightData.lightUnit;
// unit = HDLightUI.DrawLightIntensityUnitPopup(r, unit, lightData.type, lightData.spotLightShape);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed light unit");
// lightData.lightUnit = unit;
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return ((int)lLightData.lightUnit).CompareTo((int)rLightData.lightUnit);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed light unit");
// tLightData.lightUnit = sLightData.lightUnit;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.IndirectMultiplier, "m_BounceIntensity", 115), // 10: Indirect multiplier
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.Shadows, "m_Shadows.m_Type", 60, (r, prop, dep) => // 11: Shadows
// {
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// bool shadows = EditorGUI.Toggle(r, prop.intValue != (int)LightShadows.None);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// prop.intValue = shadows ? (int)LightShadows.Soft : (int)LightShadows.None;
// }
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.ShadowResolutionLevel, "m_Intensity", 130, (r, prop, dep) => // 12: Shadow Resolution level
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// var shadowResolution = lightData.shadowResolution;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// var(level, useOverride) = SerializedScalableSettingValueUI.LevelFieldGUI(r, GUIContent.none, ScalableSettingSchema.GetSchemaOrNull(ScalableSettingSchemaId.With4Levels), shadowResolution.level, shadowResolution.useOverride);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// lightData.RefreshCachedShadow();
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed shadow resolution");
// shadowResolution.level = level;
// shadowResolution.useOverride = useOverride;
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return ((int)lLightData.shadowResolution.level).CompareTo((int)rLightData.shadowResolution.level);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// tLightData.RefreshCachedShadow();
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed shadow resolution");
// tLightData.shadowResolution.level = sLightData.shadowResolution.level;
// tLightData.shadowResolution.useOverride = sLightData.shadowResolution.useOverride;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.ShadowUpdateMode, "m_Intensity", 130, (r, prop, dep) => // 13: Shadow Update mode level
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// var shadowUpdateMode = lightData.shadowUpdateMode;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// shadowUpdateMode = (ShadowUpdateMode)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(r, shadowUpdateMode);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// lightData.RefreshCachedShadow();
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed shadow update mode");
// lightData.shadowUpdateMode = shadowUpdateMode;
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return ((int)lLightData.shadowUpdateMode).CompareTo((int)rLightData.shadowUpdateMode);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// tLightData.RefreshCachedShadow();
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed shadow update mode");
// tLightData.shadowUpdateMode = sLightData.shadowUpdateMode;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Int, HDStyles.ShadowFitAtlas, "m_Intensity", 130, (r, prop, dep) => // 13: Shadow Fit atlas
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// var hdrp = HDRenderPipeline.currentAsset;
// var shadowResolution = lightData.shadowResolution;
// int shadowRes = 0;
// var lightType = lightData.type;
// if (shadowResolution.useOverride)
// {
// shadowRes = shadowResolution.@override;
// }
// else
// {
// var defaultValue = HDLightUI.ScalableSettings.ShadowResolution(lightType, hdrp);
// shadowRes = defaultValue[shadowResolution.level];
// }
// if (lightData.ShadowIsUpdatedEveryFrame() || HDCachedShadowManager.instance.LightHasBeenPlacedInAtlas(lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "Yes");
// }
// else
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "No");
// }
// return;
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// var hdrp = HDRenderPipeline.currentAsset;
// var lightType = lLightData.type;
// bool lFit = lLightData.ShadowIsUpdatedEveryFrame() || HDCachedShadowManager.instance.LightHasBeenPlacedInAtlas(lLightData);
// lightType = rLightData.type;
// bool rFit = rLightData.ShadowIsUpdatedEveryFrame() || HDCachedShadowManager.instance.LightHasBeenPlacedInAtlas(rLightData);
// return rFit.CompareTo(lFit);
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Int, HDStyles.ShadowResolutionValue, "m_Intensity", 130, (r, prop, dep) => // 14: Shadow resolution override
// {
// var hdrp = HDRenderPipeline.currentAsset;
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData, out var light) || hdrp == null)
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// var shadowResolution = lightData.shadowResolution;
// if (shadowResolution.useOverride)
// {
// var overrideShadowResolution = shadowResolution.@override;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// overrideShadowResolution = EditorGUI.IntField(r, overrideShadowResolution);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// lightData.RefreshCachedShadow();
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed shadow resolution override");
// shadowResolution.@override = overrideShadowResolution;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// var lightType = lightData.type;
// var defaultValue = HDLightUI.ScalableSettings.ShadowResolution(lightType, hdrp);
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
// {
// EditorGUI.IntField(r, defaultValue[shadowResolution.level]);
// }
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData, out var lLight);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData, out var rLight);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// var hdrp = GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline as HDRenderPipelineAsset;
// var lShadowResolution = lLightData.shadowResolution;
// var rShadowResolution = rLightData.shadowResolution;
// var lLightShape = lLightData.type;
// var rLightShape = rLightData.type;
// int lResolution = lShadowResolution.useOverride ? lShadowResolution.@override : (hdrp == null ? -1 : HDLightUI.ScalableSettings.ShadowResolution(lLightShape, hdrp)[lShadowResolution.level]);
// int rResolution = rShadowResolution.useOverride ? rShadowResolution.@override : (hdrp == null ? -1 : HDLightUI.ScalableSettings.ShadowResolution(rLightShape, hdrp)[rShadowResolution.level]);
// return lResolution.CompareTo(rResolution);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// var tShadowResolution = tLightData.shadowResolution;
// var sShadowResolution = sLightData.shadowResolution;
// if (tShadowResolution.useOverride)
// {
// tLightData.RefreshCachedShadow();
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed shadow resolution override");
// tShadowResolution.@override = sShadowResolution.@override;
// }
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Enum, HDStyles.ContactShadowsLevel, "m_Shadows.m_Type", 115, (r, prop, dep) => // 15: Contact Shadows level
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// var useContactShadow = lightData.useContactShadow;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// var(level, useOverride) = SerializedScalableSettingValueUI.LevelFieldGUI(r, GUIContent.none, ScalableSettingSchema.GetSchemaOrNull(ScalableSettingSchemaId.With3Levels), useContactShadow.level, useContactShadow.useOverride);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed contact shadows");
// useContactShadow.level = level;
// useContactShadow.useOverride = useOverride;
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return (lLightData.useContactShadow.useOverride ? -1 : (int)lLightData.useContactShadow.level).CompareTo(rLightData.useContactShadow.useOverride ? -1 : (int)rLightData.useContactShadow.level);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed contact shadows");
// tLightData.useContactShadow.level = sLightData.useContactShadow.level;
// tLightData.useContactShadow.useOverride = sLightData.useContactShadow.useOverride;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.ContactShadowsValue, "m_Shadows.m_Type", 115, (r, prop, dep) => // 16: Contact Shadows override
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// var useContactShadow = lightData.useContactShadow;
// if (useContactShadow.useOverride)
// {
// var overrideUseContactShadows = useContactShadow.@override;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// overrideUseContactShadows = EditorGUI.Toggle(r, overrideUseContactShadows);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed contact shadow override");
// useContactShadow.@override = overrideUseContactShadows;
// //SceneView don't update when interacting with Light Explorer when playing and pausing (1354129)
// if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && EditorApplication.isPaused)
// SceneView.RepaintAll();
// }
// }
// else
// {
// var hdrp = HDRenderPipeline.currentAsset;
// var defaultValue = HDAdditionalLightData.ScalableSettings.UseContactShadow(hdrp);
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
// {
// EditorGUI.Toggle(r, defaultValue[useContactShadow.level]);
// }
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// var hdrp = GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline as HDRenderPipelineAsset;
// var lUseContactShadow = lLightData.useContactShadow;
// var rUseContactShadow = rLightData.useContactShadow;
// bool lEnabled = lUseContactShadow.useOverride ? lUseContactShadow.@override : HDAdditionalLightData.ScalableSettings.UseContactShadow(hdrp)[lUseContactShadow.level];
// bool rEnabled = rUseContactShadow.useOverride ? rUseContactShadow.@override : HDAdditionalLightData.ScalableSettings.UseContactShadow(hdrp)[rUseContactShadow.level];
// return lEnabled.CompareTo(rEnabled);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// var hdrp = GraphicsSettings.currentRenderPipeline as HDRenderPipelineAsset;
// var tUseContactShadow = tLightData.useContactShadow;
// var sUseContactShadow = sLightData.useContactShadow;
// if (tUseContactShadow.useOverride)
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed contact shadow override");
// tUseContactShadow.@override = sUseContactShadow.@override;
// }
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.AffectDiffuse, "m_Intensity", 95, (r, prop, dep) => // 17: Affect Diffuse
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// bool affectDiffuse = lightData.affectDiffuse;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// affectDiffuse = EditorGUI.Toggle(r, affectDiffuse);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed affects diffuse");
// lightData.affectDiffuse = affectDiffuse;
// //SceneView don't update when interacting with Light Explorer when playing and pausing (1354129)
// if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && EditorApplication.isPaused)
// SceneView.RepaintAll();
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return lLightData.affectDiffuse.CompareTo(rLightData.affectDiffuse);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed affects diffuse");
// tLightData.affectDiffuse = sLightData.affectDiffuse;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Checkbox, HDStyles.AffectSpecular, "m_Intensity", 100, (r, prop, dep) => // 17: Affect Specular
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// bool affectSpecular = lightData.affectSpecular;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// affectSpecular = EditorGUI.Toggle(r, affectSpecular);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed affects specular");
// lightData.affectSpecular = affectSpecular;
// //SceneView don't update when interacting with Light Explorer when playing and pausing (1354129)
// if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && EditorApplication.isPaused)
// SceneView.RepaintAll();
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return lLightData.affectSpecular.CompareTo(rLightData.affectSpecular);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed affects specular");
// tLightData.affectSpecular = sLightData.affectSpecular;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.FadeDistance, "m_Intensity", 95, (r, prop, dep) => // 18: Fade Distance
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// float fadeDistance = lightData.fadeDistance;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// fadeDistance = EditorGUI.FloatField(r, fadeDistance);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed light fade distance");
// lightData.fadeDistance = fadeDistance;
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return lLightData.fadeDistance.CompareTo(rLightData.fadeDistance);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed light fade distance");
// tLightData.fadeDistance = sLightData.fadeDistance;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Float, HDStyles.ShadowFadeDistance, "m_Intensity", 145, (r, prop, dep) => // 19: Shadow Fade Distance
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// float shadowFadeDistance = lightData.shadowFadeDistance;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// shadowFadeDistance = EditorGUI.FloatField(r, shadowFadeDistance);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed light shadow fade distance");
// lightData.shadowFadeDistance = shadowFadeDistance;
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return lLightData.shadowFadeDistance.CompareTo(rLightData.shadowFadeDistance);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed light shadow fade distance");
// tLightData.shadowFadeDistance = sLightData.shadowFadeDistance;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Custom, HDStyles.LightLayer, "m_RenderingLayerMask", 145, (r, prop, dep) => // 20: Light Layer
// {
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!HDRenderPipeline.currentAsset.currentPlatformRenderPipelineSettings.supportLightLayers))
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(prop, out var lightData))
// {
// EditorGUI.LabelField(r, "--");
// return;
// }
// int lightlayersMask = (int)lightData.lightlayersMask;
// EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
// lightlayersMask = HDEditorUtils.DrawRenderingLayerMask(r, lightlayersMask);
// if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
// {
// Undo.RecordObject(lightData, "Changed light layer");
// lightData.lightlayersMask = (RenderingLayerMask)lightlayersMask;
// }
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(lprop, out var lLightData);
// TryGetAdditionalLightData(rprop, out var rLightData);
// if (IsNullComparison(lLightData, rLightData, out var order))
// return order;
// return ((int)lLightData.lightlayersMask).CompareTo((int)rLightData.lightlayersMask);
// }, (target, source) =>
// {
// if (!TryGetAdditionalLightData(target, out var tLightData) || !TryGetAdditionalLightData(source, out var sLightData))
// return;
// Undo.RecordObject(tLightData, "Changed light layer");
// tLightData.lightlayersMask = sLightData.lightlayersMask;
// }),
// new LightingExplorerTableColumn(LightingExplorerTableColumn.DataType.Custom, HDStyles.IsPrefab, "m_Intensity", 120, (r, prop, dep) => // 21: Prefab
// {
// if (!TryGetLightPrefabData(prop, out var isPrefab, out var prefabRoot))
// return;
// if (isPrefab)
// {
// using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(true))
// {
// EditorGUI.ObjectField(r, prefabRoot, typeof(GameObject), false);
// }
// }
// }, (lprop, rprop) =>
// {
// TryGetLightPrefabData(lprop, out var lIsPrefab, out var lPrefabRoot);
// TryGetLightPrefabData(rprop, out var rIsPrefab, out var rPrefabRoot);
// if (IsNullComparison(lPrefabRoot, rPrefabRoot, out var order))
// return order;
// return EditorUtility.NaturalCompare(lPrefabRoot.name, rPrefabRoot.name);
// }),
// Summary:
// Returns column definitions for Light Probes.
// Returns:
// Column definitions for Light Probes.
//protected virtual LightingExplorerTableColumn[] GetVolumeColumns();
//// Summary:
//// Returns Light Probes.
//// Returns:
//// Light Probes.
//protected virtual Object[] GetVolumes();
public override void OnDisable()
// serializedReflectionProbeDataPairing.Clear();
private bool IsNullComparison<T>(T l, T r, out int order)
if (l == null)
order = r == null ? 0 : -1;
return true;
else if (r == null)
order = 1;
return true;
order = 0;
return false;