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2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.Utility;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceLocations;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Util;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
namespace UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators
/// <summary>
/// Contains serializable data for an IResourceLocation
/// </summary>
public class ContentCatalogDataEntry
/// <summary>
/// Internl id.
/// </summary>
public string InternalId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// IResourceProvider identifier.
/// </summary>
public string Provider { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Keys for this location.
/// </summary>
public List<object> Keys { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Dependency keys.
/// </summary>
public List<object> Dependencies { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Serializable data for the provider.
/// </summary>
public object Data { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The type of the resource for th location.
/// </summary>
public Type ResourceType { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new ContentCatalogEntry object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">The entry type.</param>
/// <param name="internalId">The internal id.</param>
/// <param name="provider">The provider id.</param>
/// <param name="keys">The collection of keys that can be used to retrieve this entry.</param>
/// <param name="dependencies">Optional collection of keys for dependencies.</param>
/// <param name="extraData">Optional additional data to be passed to the provider. For example, AssetBundleProviders use this for cache and crc data.</param>
public ContentCatalogDataEntry(Type type, string internalId, string provider, IEnumerable<object> keys, IEnumerable<object> dependencies = null, object extraData = null)
InternalId = internalId;
Provider = provider;
ResourceType = type;
Keys = new List<object>(keys);
Dependencies = dependencies == null ? new List<object>() : new List<object>(dependencies);
Data = extraData;
/// <summary>
/// Container for ContentCatalogEntries.
/// </summary>
public class ContentCatalogData
//used to verify that this is a valid catalog data file
static int kMagic = nameof(ContentCatalogData).GetHashCode();
//used to check the version of the data in case the format needs to change in the future
const int kVersion = 1;
internal string localHash;
internal IResourceLocation location;
internal string m_LocatorId;
internal string m_BuildResultHash;
/// <summary>
/// Stores the id of the data provider.
/// </summary>
public string ProviderId
get { return m_LocatorId; }
internal set { m_LocatorId = value; }
ObjectInitializationData m_InstanceProviderData;
/// <summary>
/// Data for the Addressables.ResourceManager.InstanceProvider initialization;
/// </summary>
public ObjectInitializationData InstanceProviderData
get { return m_InstanceProviderData; }
set { m_InstanceProviderData = value; }
ObjectInitializationData m_SceneProviderData;
/// <summary>
/// Data for the Addressables.ResourceManager.InstanceProvider initialization;
/// </summary>
public ObjectInitializationData SceneProviderData
get { return m_SceneProviderData; }
set { m_SceneProviderData = value; }
internal List<ObjectInitializationData> m_ResourceProviderData = new List<ObjectInitializationData>();
/// <summary>
/// The list of resource provider data. Each entry will add an IResourceProvider to the Addressables.ResourceManager.ResourceProviders list.
/// </summary>
public List<ObjectInitializationData> ResourceProviderData
get { return m_ResourceProviderData; }
set { m_ResourceProviderData = value; }
IList<ContentCatalogDataEntry> m_Entries;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new ContentCatalogData object with the specified locator id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id of the locator.</param>
public ContentCatalogData(string id)
m_LocatorId = id;
/// <summary>
/// Create a new ContentCatalogData object without any data.
/// </summary>
public ContentCatalogData()
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new ContentCatalogData object with the specified locator id.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The id of the locator.</param>
public ContentCatalogData(IList<ContentCatalogDataEntry> entries, string id = null)
m_LocatorId = id;
internal void CleanData()
m_LocatorId = null;
m_Reader = null;
/// <summary>
/// Construct catalog data with entries.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The data entries.</param>
/// <param name="id">The locator id.</param>
public byte[] SerializeToByteArray()
var wr = new BinaryStorageBuffer.Writer(0, new Serializer());
wr.WriteObject(this, false);
return wr.SerializeToByteArray();
public void SetData(IList<ContentCatalogDataEntry> entries)
m_Entries = entries;
m_Reader = new BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader(SerializeToByteArray(), 1024, new Serializer());
internal void SaveToFile(string path)
var bytes = SerializeToByteArray();
File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);
BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader m_Reader;
internal ContentCatalogData(BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader reader)
m_Reader = reader;
internal IResourceLocator CreateCustomLocator(string overrideId = "", string providerSuffix = null, int locatorCacheSize = 100)
m_LocatorId = overrideId;
return new ResourceLocator(m_LocatorId, m_Reader, locatorCacheSize, providerSuffix);
internal class Serializer : BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter<ContentCatalogData>
public IEnumerable<BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter> Dependencies => new BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter[]
new ObjectInitializationData.Serializer(),
new AssetBundleRequestOptionsSerializationAdapter(),
new ResourceLocator.ResourceLocation.Serializer()
public object Deserialize(BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader reader, Type t, uint offset)
var cd = new ContentCatalogData(reader);
var h = reader.ReadValue<ResourceLocator.Header>(offset);
if (h.magic != kMagic)
var h2 = reader.ReadValue<ResourceLocator.Header>(offset);
throw new Exception("Invalid header data!!!");
cd.InstanceProviderData = reader.ReadObject<ObjectInitializationData>(h.instanceProvider);
cd.SceneProviderData = reader.ReadObject<ObjectInitializationData>(h.sceneProvider);
cd.ResourceProviderData = reader.ReadObjectArray<ObjectInitializationData>(h.initObjectsArray).ToList();
return cd;
public uint Serialize(BinaryStorageBuffer.Writer writer, object val)
var cd = val as ContentCatalogData;
var entries = cd.m_Entries;
var keyToEntryIndices = new Dictionary<object, List<int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
var e = entries[i];
foreach (var k in e.Keys)
if (!keyToEntryIndices.TryGetValue(k, out var indices))
keyToEntryIndices.Add(k, indices = new List<int>());
//reserve header and keys to ensure they are first
var headerOffset = writer.Reserve<ResourceLocator.Header>();
var keysOffset = writer.Reserve<ResourceLocator.KeyData>((uint)keyToEntryIndices.Count);
var header = new ResourceLocator.Header
magic = kMagic,
version = kVersion,
keysOffset = keysOffset,
idOffset = writer.WriteString(cd.ProviderId),
instanceProvider = writer.WriteObject(cd.InstanceProviderData, false),
sceneProvider = writer.WriteObject(cd.SceneProviderData, false),
initObjectsArray = writer.WriteObjects(cd.m_ResourceProviderData, false)
writer.Write(headerOffset, in header);
//create array of all locations
var locationIds = new uint[entries.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
locationIds[i] = writer.WriteObject(new ResourceLocator.ContentCatalogDataEntrySerializationContext { entry = entries[i], allEntries = entries, keyToEntryIndices = keyToEntryIndices }, false);
//create array of all keys
int keyIndex = 0;
var allKeys = new ResourceLocator.KeyData[keyToEntryIndices.Count];
foreach (var k in keyToEntryIndices)
//create array of location ids
var locationOffsets = k.Value.Select(i => locationIds[i]).ToArray();
allKeys[keyIndex++] = new ResourceLocator.KeyData
keyNameOffset = writer.WriteObject(k.Key, true),
locationSetOffset = writer.Write(locationOffsets)
writer.Write(keysOffset, allKeys);
return headerOffset;
internal static ContentCatalogData LoadFromFile(string path, int cacheSize = 1024)
return new ContentCatalogData(new BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader(File.ReadAllBytes(path), cacheSize, new Serializer()));
/// <summary>
/// The IDs for the Resource Providers.
/// </summary>
public string[] ProviderIds
get { return m_ProviderIds; }
/// <summary>
/// Internal Content Catalog Entry IDs for Addressable Assets.
/// </summary>
public string[] InternalIds
get { return m_InternalIds; }
internal string[] m_ProviderIds = null;
internal string[] m_InternalIds = null;
internal string m_KeyDataString = null;
internal string m_BucketDataString = null;
internal string m_EntryDataString = null;
const int kBytesPerInt32 = 4;
const int k_EntryDataItemPerEntry = 7;
internal string m_ExtraDataString = null;
internal SerializedType[] m_resourceTypes = null;
string[] m_InternalIdPrefixes = null;
struct Bucket
public int dataOffset;
public int[] entries;
class CompactLocation : IResourceLocation
ResourceLocationMap m_Locator;
string m_InternalId;
string m_ProviderId;
object m_Dependency;
object m_Data;
int m_HashCode;
int m_DependencyHashCode;
string m_PrimaryKey;
Type m_Type;
public string InternalId
get { return m_InternalId; }
public string ProviderId
get { return m_ProviderId; }
public IList<IResourceLocation> Dependencies
if (m_Dependency == null)
return null;
IList<IResourceLocation> results;
m_Locator.Locate(m_Dependency, typeof(object), out results);
return results;
public bool HasDependencies
get { return m_Dependency != null; }
public int DependencyHashCode
get { return m_DependencyHashCode; }
public object Data
get { return m_Data; }
public string PrimaryKey
get { return m_PrimaryKey; }
set { m_PrimaryKey = value; }
public Type ResourceType
get { return m_Type; }
public override string ToString()
return m_InternalId;
public int Hash(Type t)
return (m_HashCode * 31 + t.GetHashCode()) * 31 + DependencyHashCode;
public CompactLocation(ResourceLocationMap locator, string internalId, string providerId, object dependencyKey, object data, int depHash, string primaryKey, Type type)
m_Locator = locator;
m_InternalId = internalId;
m_ProviderId = providerId;
m_Dependency = dependencyKey;
m_Data = data;
m_HashCode = internalId.GetHashCode() * 31 + providerId.GetHashCode();
m_DependencyHashCode = depHash;
m_PrimaryKey = primaryKey;
m_Type = type == null ? typeof(object) : type;
internal static ContentCatalogData LoadFromFile(string path, int cacheSize = 1024)
return JsonUtility.FromJson<ContentCatalogData>(File.ReadAllText(path));
internal void SaveToFile(string path)
File.WriteAllText(path, JsonUtility.ToJson(this));
internal void CleanData()
m_KeyDataString = "";
m_BucketDataString = "";
m_EntryDataString = "";
m_ExtraDataString = "";
m_InternalIds = null;
m_LocatorId = "";
m_ProviderIds = null;
m_ResourceProviderData = null;
m_resourceTypes = null;
internal ResourceLocationMap CreateCustomLocator(string overrideId = "", string providerSuffix = null)
m_LocatorId = overrideId;
return CreateLocator(providerSuffix);
/// <summary>
/// Create IResourceLocator object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="providerSuffix">If specified, this value will be appeneded to all provider ids. This is used when loading additional catalogs that need to have unique providers.</param>
/// <returns>ResourceLocationMap, which implements the IResourceLocator interface.</returns>
public ResourceLocationMap CreateLocator(string providerSuffix = null)
var bucketData = Convert.FromBase64String(m_BucketDataString);
int bucketCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(bucketData, 0);
var buckets = new Bucket[bucketCount];
int bi = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++)
var index = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(bucketData, bi);
bi += 4;
var entryCount = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(bucketData, bi);
bi += 4;
var entryArray = new int[entryCount];
for (int c = 0; c < entryCount; c++)
entryArray[c] = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(bucketData, bi);
bi += 4;
buckets[i] = new Bucket { entries = entryArray, dataOffset = index };
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerSuffix))
for (int i = 0; i < m_ProviderIds.Length; i++)
if (!m_ProviderIds[i].EndsWith(providerSuffix, StringComparison.Ordinal))
m_ProviderIds[i] = m_ProviderIds[i] + providerSuffix;
var extraData = Convert.FromBase64String(m_ExtraDataString);
var keyData = Convert.FromBase64String(m_KeyDataString);
var keyCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(keyData, 0);
var keys = new object[keyCount];
for (int i = 0; i < buckets.Length; i++)
keys[i] = SerializationUtilities.ReadObjectFromByteArray(keyData, buckets[i].dataOffset);
var locator = new ResourceLocationMap(m_LocatorId, buckets.Length);
var entryData = Convert.FromBase64String(m_EntryDataString);
int count = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, 0);
var locations = new IResourceLocation[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var index = kBytesPerInt32 + i * (kBytesPerInt32 * k_EntryDataItemPerEntry);
var internalId = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, index);
index += kBytesPerInt32;
var providerIndex = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, index);
index += kBytesPerInt32;
var dependencyKeyIndex = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, index);
index += kBytesPerInt32;
var depHash = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, index);
index += kBytesPerInt32;
var dataIndex = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, index);
index += kBytesPerInt32;
var primaryKey = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, index);
index += kBytesPerInt32;
var resourceType = SerializationUtilities.ReadInt32FromByteArray(entryData, index);
object data = dataIndex < 0 ? null : SerializationUtilities.ReadObjectFromByteArray(extraData, dataIndex);
locations[i] = new CompactLocation(locator, Addressables.ResolveInternalId(ExpandInternalId(m_InternalIdPrefixes, m_InternalIds[internalId])),
m_ProviderIds[providerIndex], dependencyKeyIndex < 0 ? null : keys[dependencyKeyIndex], data, depHash, keys[primaryKey].ToString(), m_resourceTypes[resourceType].Value);
for (int i = 0; i < buckets.Length; i++)
var bucket = buckets[i];
var key = keys[i];
var locs = new IResourceLocation[bucket.entries.Length];
for (int b = 0; b < bucket.entries.Length; b++)
locs[b] = locations[bucket.entries[b]];
locator.Add(key, locs);
return locator;
internal IList<ContentCatalogDataEntry> GetData()
var loc = CreateLocator();
var res = new List<ContentCatalogDataEntry>();
var locsToKeys = new Dictionary<IResourceLocation, List<object>>();
foreach (var k in loc.Keys)
//foreach (var l in k.Value)
loc.Locate(k, null, out var locs);
foreach (var l in locs)
if (!locsToKeys.TryGetValue(l, out var keys))
locsToKeys.Add(l, keys = new List<object>());
foreach (var k in locsToKeys)
res.Add(new ContentCatalogDataEntry(k.Key.ResourceType, k.Key.InternalId, k.Key.ProviderId, k.Value, k.Key.Dependencies == null ? null : k.Key.Dependencies.Select(d => d.PrimaryKey).ToList(), k.Key.Data));
return res;
internal static string ExpandInternalId(string[] internalIdPrefixes, string v)
if (internalIdPrefixes == null || internalIdPrefixes.Length == 0)
return v;
int nextHash = v.LastIndexOf('#');
if (nextHash < 0)
return v;
int index = 0;
var numStr = v.Substring(0, nextHash);
if (!int.TryParse(numStr, out index))
return v;
return internalIdPrefixes[index] + v.Substring(nextHash + 1);
class KeyIndexer<T>
public List<T> values;
public Dictionary<T, int> map;
public KeyIndexer(IEnumerable<T> keyCollection, int capacity)
values = new List<T>(capacity);
map = new Dictionary<T, int>(capacity);
if (keyCollection != null)
public void Add(IEnumerable<T> keyCollection)
bool isNew = false;
foreach (var key in keyCollection)
Add(key, ref isNew);
public void Add(T key, ref bool isNew)
int index;
if (!map.TryGetValue(key, out index))
isNew = true;
map.Add(key, values.Count);
class KeyIndexer<TVal, TKey>
public List<TVal> values;
public Dictionary<TKey, int> map;
public KeyIndexer(IEnumerable<TKey> keyCollection, Func<TKey, TVal> func, int capacity)
values = new List<TVal>(capacity);
map = new Dictionary<TKey, int>(capacity);
if (keyCollection != null)
Add(keyCollection, func);
void Add(IEnumerable<TKey> keyCollection, Func<TKey, TVal> func)
foreach (var key in keyCollection)
Add(key, func(key));
public void Add(TKey key, TVal val)
int index;
if (!map.TryGetValue(key, out index))
map.Add(key, values.Count);
public TVal this[TKey key]
get { return values[map[key]]; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the catalog data before serialization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The list of catalog entries.</param>
/// <param name="optimizeSize">Whether to optimize the catalog size by extracting common internal id prefixes.</param>
[Obsolete("The ]optimizeSize parameter for SetData is no longer used.")]
public void SetData(IList<ContentCatalogDataEntry> data, bool optimizeSize)
/// <summary>
/// Sets the catalog data before serialization.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The list of catalog entries.</param>
public void SetData(IList<ContentCatalogDataEntry> data)
if (data == null)
var providers = new KeyIndexer<string>(data.Select(s => s.Provider), 10);
var internalIds = new KeyIndexer<string>(data.Select(s => s.InternalId), data.Count);
var keys = new KeyIndexer<object>(data.SelectMany(s => s.Keys), data.Count * 3);
var types = new KeyIndexer<Type>(data.Select(s => s.ResourceType), 50);
keys.Add(data.SelectMany(s => s.Dependencies));
var keyIndexToEntries = new KeyIndexer<List<ContentCatalogDataEntry>, object>(keys.values, s => new List<ContentCatalogDataEntry>(), keys.values.Count);
var entryToIndex = new Dictionary<ContentCatalogDataEntry, int>(data.Count);
var extraDataList = new List<byte>(8 * 1024);
var entryIndexToExtraDataIndex = new Dictionary<int, int>();
int extraDataIndex = 0;
//create buckets of key to data entry
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
var e = data[i];
int extraDataOffset = -1;
if (e.Data != null)
var len = SerializationUtilities.WriteObjectToByteList(e.Data, extraDataList);
if (len > 0)
extraDataOffset = extraDataIndex;
extraDataIndex += len;
entryIndexToExtraDataIndex.Add(i, extraDataOffset);
entryToIndex.Add(e, i);
foreach (var k in e.Keys)
m_ExtraDataString = Convert.ToBase64String(extraDataList.ToArray());
//create extra entries for dependency sets
Dictionary<int, object> hashSources = new Dictionary<int, object>();
int originalEntryCount = data.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < originalEntryCount; i++)
var entry = data[i];
if (entry.Dependencies == null || entry.Dependencies.Count < 2)
var hashCode = CalculateCollectedHash(entry.Dependencies, hashSources).ToString();
bool isNew = false;
keys.Add(hashCode, ref isNew);
if (isNew)
//if this combination of dependecies is new, add a new entry and add its key to all contained entries
var deps = entry.Dependencies.Select(d => keyIndexToEntries[d][0]).ToList();
keyIndexToEntries.Add(hashCode, deps);
foreach (var dep in deps)
//reset the dependency list to only contain the key of the new set
//serialize internal ids and providers
m_InternalIds = internalIds.values.ToArray();
m_ProviderIds = providers.values.ToArray();
m_resourceTypes = types.values.Select(t => new SerializedType() { Value = t }).ToArray();
//serialize entries
var entryData = new byte[data.Count * (kBytesPerInt32 * k_EntryDataItemPerEntry) + kBytesPerInt32];
var entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, data.Count, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
var e = data[i];
entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, internalIds.map[e.InternalId], entryDataOffset);
entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, providers.map[e.Provider], entryDataOffset);
entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, e.Dependencies.Count == 0 ? -1 : keyIndexToEntries.map[e.Dependencies[0]], entryDataOffset);
entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, GetHashCodeForEnumerable(e.Dependencies), entryDataOffset);
entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, entryIndexToExtraDataIndex[i], entryDataOffset);
entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, keys.map[e.Keys.First()], entryDataOffset);
entryDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(entryData, (ushort)types.map[e.ResourceType], entryDataOffset);
m_EntryDataString = Convert.ToBase64String(entryData);
//serialize keys and mappings
var entryCount = keyIndexToEntries.values.Aggregate(0, (a, s) => a += s.Count);
var bucketData = new byte[4 + keys.values.Count * 8 + entryCount * 4];
var keyData = new List<byte>(keys.values.Count * 100);
int keyDataOffset = 4;
int bucketDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(bucketData, keys.values.Count, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < keys.values.Count; i++)
var key = keys.values[i];
bucketDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(bucketData, keyDataOffset, bucketDataOffset);
keyDataOffset += SerializationUtilities.WriteObjectToByteList(key, keyData);
var entries = keyIndexToEntries[key];
bucketDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(bucketData, entries.Count, bucketDataOffset);
foreach (var e in entries)
bucketDataOffset = SerializationUtilities.WriteInt32ToByteArray(bucketData, entryToIndex[e], bucketDataOffset);
m_BucketDataString = Convert.ToBase64String(bucketData);
m_KeyDataString = Convert.ToBase64String(keyData.ToArray());
internal int CalculateCollectedHash(List<object> objects, Dictionary<int, object> hashSources)
var hashSource = new HashSet<object>(objects);
var hashCode = GetHashCodeForEnumerable(hashSource);
if (hashSources.TryGetValue(hashCode, out var previousHashSource))
if (!(previousHashSource is HashSet<object> b) || !hashSource.SetEquals(b))
throw new Exception($"INCORRECT HASH: the same hash ({hashCode}) for different dependency lists:\nsource 1: {previousHashSource}\nsource 2: {hashSource}");
hashSources.Add(hashCode, hashSource);
return hashCode;
internal static int GetHashCodeForEnumerable(IEnumerable<object> set)
int hash = 0;
foreach (object o in set)
hash = hash * 31 + o.GetHashCode();
return hash;
internal class ResourceLocator : IResourceLocator
public struct Header
public int magic;
public int version;
public uint keysOffset;
public uint idOffset;
public uint instanceProvider;
public uint sceneProvider;
public uint initObjectsArray;
public struct KeyData
public uint keyNameOffset;
public uint locationSetOffset;
internal class ContentCatalogDataEntrySerializationContext
public ContentCatalogDataEntry entry;
public Dictionary<object, List<int>> keyToEntryIndices;
public IList<ContentCatalogDataEntry> allEntries;
internal class ResourceLocation : IResourceLocation
public class Serializer : BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter<ResourceLocation>, BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter<ContentCatalogDataEntrySerializationContext>
public struct Data
public uint primaryKeyOffset;
public uint internalIdOffset;
public uint providerOffset;
public uint dependencySetOffset;
public int dependencyHashValue;
public uint extraDataOffset;
public uint typeId;
public IEnumerable<BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter> Dependencies => null;
//read as location
public object Deserialize(BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader reader, Type t, uint offset)
return new ResourceLocation(reader, offset);
//write from data entry
public uint Serialize(BinaryStorageBuffer.Writer writer, object val)
var ec = val as ContentCatalogDataEntrySerializationContext;
var e = ec.entry;
uint depId = uint.MaxValue;
if (e.Dependencies != null && e.Dependencies.Count > 0)
var depIds = new HashSet<uint>();
foreach (var k in e.Dependencies)
foreach (var i in ec.keyToEntryIndices[k])
depIds.Add(writer.WriteObject(new ResourceLocator.ContentCatalogDataEntrySerializationContext { entry = ec.allEntries[i], allEntries = ec.allEntries, keyToEntryIndices = ec.keyToEntryIndices }, false));
depId = writer.Write(depIds.ToArray(), false);
var data = new Data
primaryKeyOffset = writer.WriteString(e.Keys[0] as string, '/'),
internalIdOffset = writer.WriteString(e.InternalId, '/'),
providerOffset = writer.WriteString(e.Provider, '.'),
dependencySetOffset = depId,
extraDataOffset = writer.WriteObject(e.Data, true),
typeId = writer.WriteObject(e.ResourceType, false)
return writer.Write(data);
public ResourceLocation(BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader r, uint id)
var d = r.ReadValue<Serializer.Data>(id);
PrimaryKey = r.ReadString(d.primaryKeyOffset, '/', false);
InternalId = Addressables.ResolveInternalId(r.ReadString(d.internalIdOffset, '/', false));
Data = r.ReadObject(d.extraDataOffset, false);
ProviderId = r.ReadString(d.providerOffset, '.', true);
Dependencies = r.ReadObjectArray<ResourceLocation>(d.dependencySetOffset, true);
DependencyHashCode = (int)d.dependencySetOffset;
ResourceType = r.ReadObject<Type>(d.typeId);
public string PrimaryKey { private set; get; }
public string InternalId { private set; get; }
public object Data { private set; get; }
public string ProviderId { set; get; }
public IList<IResourceLocation> Dependencies { private set; get; }
public int DependencyHashCode { private set; get; }
public bool HasDependencies => DependencyHashCode >= 0;
public Type ResourceType { private set; get; }
public int Hash(Type t) => (InternalId.GetHashCode() * 31 + t.GetHashCode()) * 31 + DependencyHashCode;
struct CacheKey : IEquatable<CacheKey>
public object key;
public Type type;
int hashCode;
public CacheKey(object o, Type t)
key = o;
type = t;
hashCode = type == null ? key.GetHashCode() : key.GetHashCode() * 31 + type.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(CacheKey other) => key.Equals(other.key) && ((type == null && other.type == null) || type.Equals(other.type));
public override int GetHashCode() => hashCode;
LRUCache<CacheKey, IList<IResourceLocation>> m_Cache;
Dictionary<object, uint> keyData;
BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader reader;
public string LocatorId { get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<object> Keys => keyData.Keys;
//TODO: this is VERY expensive with this locator since it will expand the entire thing into memory and then throw most of it away.
public IEnumerable<IResourceLocation> AllLocations
var allLocs = new HashSet<IResourceLocation>();
foreach (var kvp in keyData)
if (Locate(kvp.Key, null, out var locs))
foreach (var l in locs)
return allLocs;
string providerSuffix;
internal ResourceLocator(string id, BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader reader, int cacheLimit, string providerSuffix)
LocatorId = id;
this.providerSuffix = providerSuffix;
this.reader = reader;
m_Cache = new LRUCache<CacheKey, IList<IResourceLocation>>(cacheLimit);
keyData = new Dictionary<object, uint>();
var header = reader.ReadValue<Header>(0);
var keyDataArray = reader.ReadValueArray<KeyData>(header.keysOffset, false);
int index = 0;
foreach (var k in keyDataArray)
var key = reader.ReadObject(k.keyNameOffset);
keyData.Add(key, k.locationSetOffset);
public bool Locate(object key, Type type, out IList<IResourceLocation> locations)
var cacheKey = new CacheKey(key, type);
if (m_Cache.TryGet(cacheKey, out locations))
return true;
if (!keyData.TryGetValue(key, out var locationSetOffset))
locations = null;
return false;
var locs = reader.ReadObjectArray<ResourceLocation>(locationSetOffset);
if (providerSuffix != null)
foreach (var l in locs)
if (!l.ProviderId.EndsWith(providerSuffix))
l.ProviderId = l.ProviderId + providerSuffix;
if (type == null || type == typeof(object))
locations = locs;
m_Cache.TryAdd(cacheKey, locations);
return true;
var validTypeCount = 0;
foreach (var l in locs)
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(l.ResourceType))
if (validTypeCount == 0)
locations = null;
m_Cache.TryAdd(cacheKey, locations);
return false;
if (validTypeCount == locs.Length)
locations = locs;
m_Cache.TryAdd(cacheKey, locations);
return true;
locations = new List<IResourceLocation>();
foreach (var l in locs)
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(l.ResourceType))
m_Cache.TryAdd(cacheKey, locations);
locations = locs;
return locations != null;
class AssetBundleRequestOptionsSerializationAdapter : BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter<AssetBundleRequestOptions>
struct SerializedData
//since this data is likely to be duplicated, save it separately to allow the serialization system to dedupe
public struct Common
public short timeout;
public byte redirectLimit;
public byte retryCount;
public int flags;
public AssetLoadMode assetLoadMode
get => (flags & 1) == 1 ? AssetLoadMode.AllPackedAssetsAndDependencies : AssetLoadMode.RequestedAssetAndDependencies;
set => flags = (flags & ~1) | (int)value;
public bool chunkedTransfer
get => (flags & 2) == 2;
set => flags = (flags & ~2) | (int)(value ? 2 : 0);
public bool useCrcForCachedBundle
get => (flags & 4) == 4;
set => flags = (flags & ~4) | (int)(value ? 4 : 0);
public bool useUnityWebRequestForLocalBundles
get => (flags & 8) == 8;
set => flags = (flags & ~8) | (int)(value ? 8 : 0);
public bool clearOtherCachedVersionsWhenLoaded
get => (flags & 16) == 16;
set => flags = (flags & ~16) | (int)(value ? 16 : 0);
public uint hashId;
public uint bundleNameId;
public uint crc;
public uint bundleSize;
public uint commonId;
public IEnumerable<BinaryStorageBuffer.ISerializationAdapter> Dependencies => null;
public object Deserialize(BinaryStorageBuffer.Reader reader, Type type, uint offset)
if (type != typeof(AssetBundleRequestOptions))
return null;
var sd = reader.ReadValue<SerializedData>(offset);
var com = reader.ReadValue<SerializedData.Common>(sd.commonId);
return new AssetBundleRequestOptions
Hash = reader.ReadValue<Hash128>(sd.hashId).ToString(),
BundleName = reader.ReadString(sd.bundleNameId, '_'),
Crc = sd.crc,
BundleSize = sd.bundleSize,
Timeout = com.timeout,
RetryCount = com.retryCount,
RedirectLimit = com.redirectLimit,
AssetLoadMode = com.assetLoadMode,
ChunkedTransfer = com.chunkedTransfer,
UseUnityWebRequestForLocalBundles = com.useUnityWebRequestForLocalBundles,
UseCrcForCachedBundle = com.useCrcForCachedBundle,
ClearOtherCachedVersionsWhenLoaded = com.clearOtherCachedVersionsWhenLoaded
public uint Serialize(BinaryStorageBuffer.Writer writer, object obj)
var options = obj as AssetBundleRequestOptions;
var hash = Hash128.Parse(options.Hash);
var sd = new SerializedData
hashId = writer.Write(hash),
bundleNameId = writer.WriteString(options.BundleName, '_'),
crc = options.Crc,
bundleSize = (uint)options.BundleSize,
commonId = writer.Write(new SerializedData.Common
timeout = (short)options.Timeout,
redirectLimit = (byte)options.RedirectLimit,
retryCount = (byte)options.RetryCount,
assetLoadMode = options.AssetLoadMode,
chunkedTransfer = options.ChunkedTransfer,
clearOtherCachedVersionsWhenLoaded = options.ClearOtherCachedVersionsWhenLoaded,
useCrcForCachedBundle = options.UseCrcForCachedBundle,
useUnityWebRequestForLocalBundles = options.UseUnityWebRequestForLocalBundles
return writer.Write(sd);