729 lines
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729 lines
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// UltEvents // Copyright 2021 Kybernetik //
// Copied from Kybernetik.Core.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UltEvents.Editor
/// <summary>[Editor-Only] Allows you to draw GUI fields which can be used to pick an object from a list.</summary>
public static class ObjectPicker
#region Main Drawing Methods
/// <summary>Draws a field which lets you pick an object from a list and returns the selected object.</summary>
public static T Draw<T>(Rect area, T selected, Func<List<T>> getOptions, int suggestions, Func<T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func<T> getDragAndDrop,
GUIStyle style)
var id = CheckCommand(ref selected);
if (GUI.Button(area, getLabel(selected), style))
ObjectPickerWindow.Show(id, selected, getOptions(), suggestions, getLabel);
CheckDragAndDrop(area, ref selected, getOptions, getDragAndDrop);
return selected;
/// <summary>Draws a field which lets you pick an object from a list and returns the selected object.</summary>
public static T Draw<T>(Rect area, T selected, Func<List<T>> getOptions, int suggestions, Func<T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func<T> getDragAndDrop)
return Draw(area, selected, getOptions, suggestions, getLabel, getDragAndDrop, InternalGUI.TypeButtonStyle);
/// <summary>Draws a field (using GUILayout) which lets you pick an object from a list and returns the selected object.</summary>
public static T DrawLayout<T>(T selected, Func<List<T>> getOptions, int suggestions, Func<T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func<T> getDragAndDrop,
GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] layoutOptions)
var id = CheckCommand(ref selected);
if (GUILayout.Button(getLabel(selected), style, layoutOptions))
ObjectPickerWindow.Show(id, selected, getOptions(), suggestions, getLabel);
CheckDragAndDrop(GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(), ref selected, getOptions, getDragAndDrop);
return selected;
/// <summary>Draws a field (using GUILayout) which lets you pick an object from a list and returns the selected object.</summary>
public static T DrawLayout<T>(T selected, Func<List<T>> getOptions, int suggestions, Func<T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func<T> getDragAndDrop,
params GUILayoutOption[] layoutOptions)
return DrawLayout(selected, getOptions, suggestions, getLabel, getDragAndDrop, InternalGUI.TypeButtonStyle, layoutOptions);
/// <summary>
/// Draws a field (as an inspector field using GUILayout) which lets you pick an object from a list and returns
/// the selected object.
/// </summary>
public static T DrawEditorLayout<T>(GUIContent label, T selected, Func<List<T>> getOptions, int suggestions,
Func<T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func<T> getDragAndDrop, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] layoutOptions)
GUILayout.Label(label, GUILayout.Width(EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth - 4));
selected = DrawLayout(selected, getOptions, suggestions, getLabel, getDragAndDrop, style, layoutOptions);
return selected;
/// <summary>
/// Draws a field (as an inspector field using GUILayout) which lets you pick an object from a list and returns
/// the selected object.
/// </summary>
public static T DrawEditorLayout<T>(GUIContent label, T selected, Func<List<T>> getOptions, int suggestions,
Func<T, GUIContent> getLabel, Func<T> getDragAndDrop, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
return DrawEditorLayout(label, selected, getOptions, suggestions, getLabel, getDragAndDrop, InternalGUI.TypeButtonStyle, options);
#region Type Field
/// <summary>Draws a field which lets you pick a <see cref="Type"></see> from a list and returns the selected type.</summary>
public static Type DrawTypeField(Rect area, Type selected, Func<List<Type>> getOptions, int suggestions, GUIStyle style)
return Draw(area, selected, getOptions, suggestions,
getLabel: (type) => new GUIContent(type != null ? type.GetNameCS() : "null"),
getDragAndDrop: () => DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0].GetType(),
style: style);
/// <summary>Draws a field which lets you pick an asset <see cref="Type"></see> from a list and returns the selected type.</summary>
public static Type DrawAssetTypeField(Rect area, Type selected, Func<List<Type>> getOptions, int suggestions, GUIStyle style)
return Draw(area, selected, getOptions, suggestions,
getLabel: (type) => new GUIContent(type != null ? type.GetNameCS() : "null", AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail(type)),
getDragAndDrop: () => DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0].GetType(),
style: style);
/// <summary>Draws a field which lets you pick a <see cref="Type"></see> from a list and returns the selected <see cref="Type.AssemblyQualifiedName"/>.</summary>
public static string DrawTypeField(Rect area, string selectedTypeName, Func<List<Type>> getOptions, int suggestions, GUIStyle style)
var selected = Type.GetType(selectedTypeName);
selected = Draw(area, selected, getOptions, suggestions,
getLabel: (type) => new GUIContent(type != null ? type.GetNameCS() : "No Type Selected"),
getDragAndDrop: () => DragAndDrop.objectReferences[0].GetType(),
style: style);
return selected != null ? selected.AssemblyQualifiedName : null;
#region Utils
/// <summary>
/// Removes any duplicates of the first few elements in `options` (from 0 to `suggestions`) from anywhere later
/// in the list.
/// </summary>
public static void RemoveDuplicateSuggestions<T>(List<T> options, int suggestions) where T : class
for (int i = options.Count - 1; i >= suggestions; i--)
var obj = options[i];
for (int j = 0; j < suggestions; j++)
if (obj == options[j])
private static int CheckCommand<T>(ref T selected)
var id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive);
ObjectPickerWindow.TryGetPickedObject(id, ref selected);
return id;
private static void CheckDragAndDrop<T>(Rect area, ref T selected, Func<List<T>> getOptions, Func<T> getDragAndDrop)
var currentEvent = Event.current;
if (DragAndDrop.objectReferences.Length == 1 && area.Contains(currentEvent.mousePosition))
var drop = getDragAndDrop();
// If the dragged object is a valid type, continue.
if (!getOptions().Contains(drop))
if (currentEvent.type == EventType.DragUpdated || currentEvent.type == EventType.MouseDrag)
DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Link;
else if (currentEvent.type == EventType.DragPerform)
selected = drop;
GUI.changed = true;
private static class InternalGUI
public static readonly GUIStyle
static InternalGUI()
TypeButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButton)
alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
internal sealed class ObjectPickerWindow : EditorWindow
private static int _FieldID;
private static bool _HasPickedObject;
private static object _PickedObject;
private readonly List<GUIContent>
Labels = new List<GUIContent>();
private readonly List<GUIContent>
SearchedLabels = new List<GUIContent>();
private readonly List<object>
SearchedObjects = new List<object>();
private object _SelectedObject;
private IList _Objects;
private int _Suggestions;
private int _LabelWidthCalculationProgress;
private float _MaxLabelWidth;
private string _SearchText = "";
private Vector2 _ScrollPosition;
private bool HasSearchText
get { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_SearchText); }
public static void Show<T>(int fieldID, T selected, List<T> objects, int suggestions, Func<T, GUIContent> getLabel)
if (objects == null || objects.Count == 0)
Debug.LogError("'objects' list is null or empty.");
_FieldID = fieldID;
_HasPickedObject = false;
var window = CreateInstance<ObjectPickerWindow>();
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Pick a " + typeof(T).GetNameCS());
window.minSize = new Vector2(112, 100);
if (window.Labels.Capacity < objects.Count)
window.Labels.Capacity = objects.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < objects.Count; i++)
//Debug.LogTemp("Showing Object Picker Window: " + window._Labels.DeepToString());
window._SelectedObject = selected;
window._Objects = objects;
window._Suggestions = suggestions;
// Auto-Scroll to the selected object.
if (selected != null)
object sel = selected;
for (int i = 0; i < window._Objects.Count; i++)
if (sel == window._Objects[i])
window._ScrollPosition = new Vector2(0, i * InternalGUI.LabelHeight);
//window._Objects.LogErrorIfModified("the '" + nameof(objects) + "' list passed into " + Reflection.GetCallingMethod(2).GetNameCS());
public static void TryGetPickedObject<T>(int fieldID, ref T picked)
if (_HasPickedObject && _FieldID == fieldID)
picked = (T)_PickedObject;
_PickedObject = null;
_HasPickedObject = false;
GUI.changed = true;
private void PickAndClose()
_PickedObject = _SelectedObject;
_HasPickedObject = true;
private void OnGUI()
switch (Event.current.type)
case EventType.MouseMove:
case EventType.Layout:
case EventType.DragUpdated:
case EventType.DragPerform:
case EventType.DragExited:
case EventType.Ignore:
case EventType.Used:
case EventType.ValidateCommand:
case EventType.ExecuteCommand:
case EventType.ContextClick:
if (CheckInput())
var area = new Rect(0, 0, position.width, position.height);
DrawSearchBar(ref area);
area.yMax = position.height;
var viewRect = CalculateViewRect(area.height);
// Selection List.
_ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(area, _ScrollPosition, viewRect);
// Figure out how many fields are actually visible.
int firstVisibleField, lastVisibleField;
DetermineVisibleRange(out firstVisibleField, out lastVisibleField);
if (HasSearchText)// Active Search.
DrawSearchedOptions(viewRect, firstVisibleField, lastVisibleField);
else// No Search.
DrawAllOptions(viewRect, firstVisibleField, lastVisibleField);
private void UpdateLabelWidthCalculation()
if (_LabelWidthCalculationProgress < Labels.Count)
var calculationCount = 0;
var label = Labels[_LabelWidthCalculationProgress];
var width = InternalGUI.ButtonStyle.CalcSize(label).x;
if (_MaxLabelWidth < width)
_MaxLabelWidth = width;
while (++_LabelWidthCalculationProgress < Labels.Count && calculationCount++ < 100);
private bool CheckInput()
var currentEvent = Event.current;
if (currentEvent.type == EventType.KeyUp)
switch (currentEvent.keyCode)
case KeyCode.Return:
return true;
case KeyCode.Escape:
return true;
case KeyCode.UpArrow:
return true;
case KeyCode.DownArrow:
return true;
return false;
private void DrawSearchBar(ref Rect area)
area.height = InternalGUI.SearchBarHeight;
GUI.BeginGroup(area, EditorStyles.toolbar);
area.x += 2;
area.y += 2;
area.width -= InternalGUI.SearchBarEndStyle.fixedWidth + 4;
var searchText = GUI.TextField(area, _SearchText, InternalGUI.SearchBarStyle);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
area.x = area.xMax;
area.width = InternalGUI.SearchBarEndStyle.fixedWidth;
if (HasSearchText)
if (GUI.Button(area, "", InternalGUI.SearchBarCancelStyle))
_SearchText = "";
else GUI.Box(area, "", InternalGUI.SearchBarEndStyle);
area.x = 0;
area.width = position.width;
area.y += area.height;
private void OnSearchTextChanged(string text)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
// If the search text starts the same as before, it will include only a subset of the previous options.
// So we can just remove objects from the previous search list instead of checking the full list again.
else if (SearchedLabels.Count > 0 && text.StartsWith(_SearchText))
for (int i = SearchedLabels.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!IsVisibleInSearch(text, SearchedLabels[i].text))
// Otherwise clear the search list and re-gather any visible objects from the full list.
for (int i = 0; i < Labels.Count; i++)
var label = Labels[i];
if (IsVisibleInSearch(text, label.text))
_SearchText = text;
if (!SearchedObjects.Contains(_SelectedObject))
_SelectedObject = SearchedObjects.Count > 0 ? SearchedObjects[0] : null;
private static bool IsVisibleInSearch(string search, string text)
return CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf(text, search, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase) >= 0;
private Rect CalculateViewRect(float height)
var area = new Rect();
if (HasSearchText)
area.height = InternalGUI.LabelHeight * SearchedLabels.Count;
area.height = InternalGUI.LabelHeight * Labels.Count;
if (_Suggestions > 0)
area.height += InternalGUI.HeaddingStyle.fixedHeight * 2;
if (_MaxLabelWidth < position.width)
area.width = position.width;
if (area.height > height)
area.width -= 16;
else area.width = _MaxLabelWidth;
return area;
private void DetermineVisibleRange(out int firstVisibleField, out int lastVisibleField)
var top = _ScrollPosition.y;
var bottom = top + position.height - InternalGUI.SearchBarHeight;
if (_Suggestions > 0)
top -= InternalGUI.HeaddingStyle.fixedHeight * 2;
bottom += InternalGUI.HeaddingStyle.fixedHeight;
firstVisibleField = Mathf.Max(0, (int)(top / InternalGUI.LabelHeight));
lastVisibleField = Mathf.Min(Labels.Count, Mathf.CeilToInt(bottom / InternalGUI.LabelHeight));
private void DrawAllOptions(Rect area, int firstVisibleField, int lastVisibleField)
if (_Suggestions == 0 || _Suggestions >= Labels.Count)
area.y = firstVisibleField * InternalGUI.LabelHeight;
DrawRange(ref area, Labels, _Objects, firstVisibleField, lastVisibleField);
area.height = InternalGUI.HeaddingStyle.fixedHeight;
GUI.Label(area, "Suggestions", InternalGUI.HeaddingStyle);
area.y = area.yMax + firstVisibleField * InternalGUI.LabelHeight;
DrawRange(ref area, Labels, _Objects, firstVisibleField, Mathf.Min(lastVisibleField, _Suggestions));
area.height = InternalGUI.HeaddingStyle.fixedHeight;
GUI.Label(area, "Other Options", InternalGUI.HeaddingStyle);
area.y = area.yMax;
DrawRange(ref area, Labels, _Objects, Mathf.Max(_Suggestions, firstVisibleField), lastVisibleField);
private void DrawSearchedOptions(Rect area, int firstVisibleField, int lastVisibleField)
area.y = firstVisibleField * InternalGUI.LabelHeight;
DrawRange(ref area, SearchedLabels, SearchedObjects, firstVisibleField, lastVisibleField);
private void DrawRange(ref Rect area, List<GUIContent> labels, IList objects, int start, int end)
area.height = InternalGUI.LabelHeight;
if (end > labels.Count)
end = labels.Count;
for (; start < end; start++)
DrawOption(area, labels, objects, start);
area.y = area.yMax;
private void DrawOption(Rect area, List<GUIContent> labels, IList objects, int index)
var obj = objects[index];
var wasOn = obj == _SelectedObject;
var isOn = GUI.Toggle(area, wasOn, labels[index], wasOn ? InternalGUI.SelectedButtonStyle : InternalGUI.ButtonStyle);
if (isOn != wasOn)
if (wasOn)
else if (isOn)
_SelectedObject = obj;
private void Update()
if (focusedWindow != this)
private void OffsetSelectedIndex(int offset)
var objects = HasSearchText ? SearchedObjects : _Objects;
if (objects.Count == 0)
var index = objects.IndexOf(_SelectedObject);
if (index >= 0)
_SelectedObject = objects[Mathf.Clamp(index + offset, 0, objects.Count)];
_SelectedObject = objects[0];
private static class InternalGUI
public static readonly GUIStyle
public static readonly GUIStyle
public static readonly GUIStyle
public static readonly GUIStyle
public static readonly GUIStyle
public static readonly GUIStyle
public static float SearchBarHeight
get { return EditorStyles.toolbar.fixedHeight; }
public static float LabelHeight
get { return ButtonStyle.fixedHeight; }
static InternalGUI()
SearchBarStyle = GUI.skin.FindStyle("ToolbarSeachTextField");
SearchBarEndStyle = GUI.skin.FindStyle("ToolbarSeachCancelButtonEmpty");
SearchBarCancelStyle = GUI.skin.FindStyle("ToolbarSeachCancelButton");
HeaddingStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.boldLabel)
fontSize = 12,
alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
fixedHeight = 22
ButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton)
alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
fontSize = 12
SelectedButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(ButtonStyle)
fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold