156 lines
5.9 KiB
156 lines
5.9 KiB
using System;
using SLZ.Marrow.Utilities;
using UltEvents;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace SLZ.Marrow.Warehouse
[AddComponentMenu("MarrowSDK/Crate Spawner")]
public partial class CrateSpawner : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip("Drag a Spawnable Crate from the Asset Warehouse or use the picker button to the right to select a Spawnable Crate.")]
public SpawnableCrateReference spawnableCrateReference = new SpawnableCrateReference(Barcode.EmptyBarcode());
public CrateQuery crateQuery = new CrateQuery();
public bool useQuery = false;
[Tooltip("With Manual Mode enabled, CrateSpawners will *not* activate when their associated Zone is triggered. Instead, they must be activated through an event, button press or similar action that calls the SpawnSpawnable() method.")]
public bool manualMode = false;
[Tooltip("Trigger additional events or actions once the CrateSpawner is activated.")]
public OnSpawnEvent onSpawnEvent;
public bool showPreviewGizmo = true;
public static bool showPreviewMesh = true;
public static bool showColliderBounds = true;
public static bool showLitMaterialPreview = false;
public static Material defaultLitMat = null;
public static float gizmoVisRange = 50f;
public SpawnableCrateReference GetCrateReference()
if (AssetWarehouse.ready)
if (useQuery)
return new SpawnableCrateReference(crateQuery.Barcode);
return spawnableCrateReference;
return null;
[ContextMenu("Spawn Spawnable")]
public void SpawnSpawnable()
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Hollowed Method: SLZ.Marrow.Warehouse.CrateSpawner.SpawnSpawnable()");
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public void SetSpawnable()
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Hollowed Method: SLZ.Marrow.Warehouse.CrateSpawner.SetSpawnable()");
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
[DrawGizmo(GizmoType.Active | GizmoType.Selected | GizmoType.NonSelected)]
private static void DrawPreviewGizmo(CrateSpawner spawner, GizmoType gizmoType)
bool gizmoInRange = Camera.current != null && Vector3.Dot(spawner.transform.position - Camera.current.transform.position, Camera.current.transform.forward) < gizmoVisRange;
if (!Application.isPlaying && spawner.gameObject.scene != default)
if (showLitMaterialPreview && defaultLitMat == null)
defaultLitMat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>("Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/Runtime/Materials/Lit.mat");
var crateRef = spawner.GetCrateReference();
if (spawner != null && crateRef != null && spawner.showPreviewGizmo)
EditorPreviewMeshGizmo.Draw("PreviewMesh", spawner.gameObject, crateRef, showLitMaterialPreview ? defaultLitMat : MarrowSDK.VoidMaterial, !showPreviewMesh, !showColliderBounds || !gizmoInRange, true);
private void OnValidate()
if (!Application.isPlaying && gameObject.scene != default)
private void Reset()
gameObject.name = "CrateSpawner";
[ContextMenu("Reset Name")]
public void ResetName()
gameObject.name = "CrateSpawner";
public void EditorUpdateName(bool force = false)
if ((force || gameObject.name == "CrateSpawner") && AssetWarehouse.ready && !Application.isPlaying && AssetWarehouse.Instance.TryGetCrate(GetCrateReference().Barcode, out var crate))
string newName = useQuery ? "CrateSpawner (query)" : $"CrateSpawner ({crate.Title})";
if (gameObject.name != newName)
gameObject.name = newName;
public static GameObject EditorCreateCrateSpawner(SpawnableCrate crate = null, Transform targetTransform = null, Transform parentTransform = null)
GameObject go = new GameObject("Auto CrateSpawner", typeof(CrateSpawner));
go.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
if (parentTransform != null)
go.transform.parent = parentTransform;
if (targetTransform != null)
go.transform.localPosition = targetTransform.localPosition;
go.transform.localRotation = targetTransform.localRotation;
var spawner = go.GetComponent<CrateSpawner>();
if (crate == null)
spawner.spawnableCrateReference = new SpawnableCrateReference();
spawner.spawnableCrateReference = new SpawnableCrateReference(crate.Barcode);
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, $"Create CrateSpawner {(crate != null ? crate.Title : "")}");
return go;
public class OnSpawnEvent : UltEvent<CrateSpawner, GameObject>