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2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.XR.Management.Metadata;
namespace UnityEditor.XR.Management
internal interface IXRLoaderOrderManager
List<XRLoaderInfo> AssignedLoaders { get; }
List<XRLoaderInfo> UnassignedLoaders { get; }
void AssignLoader(XRLoaderInfo assignedInfo);
void UnassignLoader(XRLoaderInfo unassignedInfo);
void Update();
internal class XRLoaderOrderUI
struct LoaderInformation
public string packageName;
public string packageId;
public string loaderName;
public string loaderType;
public bool toggled;
public bool stateChanged;
public bool disabled;
public IXRCustomLoaderUI customLoaderUI;
const string k_AtNoLoaderInstance = "There are no XR plugins applicable to this platform.";
private List<LoaderInformation> m_LoaderMetadata = null;
ReorderableList m_OrderedList = null;
public BuildTargetGroup CurrentBuildTargetGroup { get; set; }
struct Content
public static readonly string k_HelpUri = "https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.management@4.0/manual/EndUser.html";
public static readonly GUIContent k_LoaderUITitle = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Plug-in Providers");
public static readonly GUIContent k_HelpContent = new GUIContent("",
"Selecting an XR Plug-in Provider installs and loads the corresponding package in your project. You can view and manage these packages in the Package Manager.");
struct DeprecationInfo
public GUIContent icon;
public GUIContent renderContent;
static Dictionary<string, DeprecationInfo> s_DeprecationInfo = new Dictionary<string, DeprecationInfo>();
static bool s_DidPopulateDeprecationInfo = false;
#if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
static string k_DeprecatedWMRLoaderName = "Windows Mixed Reality";
private static string k_DeprecatedLuminLoaderName = "Magic Leap - Note: Lumin Platform will be deprecated in Unity 2021.2!";
#endif //UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
static bool IsDeprecated(string loaderName)
#if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
if (loaderName == k_DeprecatedWMRLoaderName || loaderName == k_DeprecatedLuminLoaderName)
return true;
#endif //UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER
return false;
static void PopulateDeprecationInfo()
if (s_DidPopulateDeprecationInfo)
s_DidPopulateDeprecationInfo = true;
#if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
s_DeprecationInfo[k_DeprecatedWMRLoaderName] = new DeprecationInfo{
icon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("console.warnicon.sml"),
renderContent = new GUIContent("",
@"Microsoft has transitioned support of Windows MR devices to OpenXR in Unity 2021, and recommends using Unity's OpenXR plugin. As such, this Windows XR plugin is marked as deprecated and will be removed in the 2021.2 release. It will continue to be supported in the 2020 LTS.")
s_DeprecationInfo[k_DeprecatedLuminLoaderName] = new DeprecationInfo {
icon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("console.warnicon.sml"),
renderContent = new GUIContent("",
@"Unity 2020 LTS will be the last version of the editor which supports Magic Leap 1.
Developers can continue to build for Magic Leap 1 using Unity 2020 LTS or 2019 LTS.")
#endif //UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
internal XRLoaderOrderUI()
void SetDisablesStateOnLoadersFromLoader(LoaderInformation li)
for (int i = 0; i < m_LoaderMetadata.Count; i++)
var otherLi = m_LoaderMetadata[i];
if (otherLi.loaderType == li.loaderType)
if (li.customLoaderUI != null && Array.IndexOf(li.customLoaderUI.IncompatibleLoaders, otherLi.loaderType) >= 0)
if (li.toggled && otherLi.toggled)
otherLi.toggled = false;
otherLi.stateChanged = true;
otherLi.disabled = li.toggled;
m_LoaderMetadata[i] = otherLi;
void DrawElementCallback(Rect rect, int index, bool isActive, bool isFocused)
var li = m_LoaderMetadata[index];
if (PackageNotificationUtils.registeredPackagesWithNotifications.TryGetValue(li.packageId, out var notificationInfo))
PackageNotificationUtils.DrawNotificationIconUI(notificationInfo, rect);
li.toggled = XRPackageMetadataStore.IsLoaderAssigned(li.loaderType, CurrentBuildTargetGroup);
var preToggledState = li.toggled;
if (li.customLoaderUI != null)
li.toggled = li.customLoaderUI.IsLoaderEnabled;
string name = li.loaderName;
if (s_DeprecationInfo.ContainsKey(name))
var depInfo = s_DeprecationInfo[name];
var labelRect = rect;
var size = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(depInfo.icon);
labelRect.width -= size.y + 1;
var imageRect = new Rect(rect);
imageRect.xMin = labelRect.xMax + 1;
imageRect.width = size.y;
li.toggled = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(labelRect, li.loaderName, preToggledState);
EditorGUI.LabelField(imageRect, depInfo.renderContent);
li.toggled = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(rect, li.loaderName, preToggledState);
li.stateChanged = (li.toggled != preToggledState);
m_LoaderMetadata[index] = li;
float GetElementHeight(int index)
var li = m_LoaderMetadata[index];
if (li.customLoaderUI != null)
return li.customLoaderUI.RequiredRenderHeight;
return m_OrderedList.elementHeight;
internal bool OnGUI(BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup)
var settings = XRGeneralSettingsPerBuildTarget.XRGeneralSettingsForBuildTarget(buildTargetGroup);
if (buildTargetGroup != CurrentBuildTargetGroup || m_LoaderMetadata == null)
CurrentBuildTargetGroup = buildTargetGroup;
if (m_LoaderMetadata == null)
m_LoaderMetadata = new List<LoaderInformation>();
foreach (var pmd in XRPackageMetadataStore.GetLoadersForBuildTarget(buildTargetGroup))
if (IsDeprecated(pmd.loaderName))
var newLi = new LoaderInformation() {
packageName = pmd.packageName,
packageId = pmd.packageId,
loaderName = pmd.loaderName,
loaderType = pmd.loaderType,
toggled = XRPackageMetadataStore.IsLoaderAssigned(pmd.loaderType, buildTargetGroup),
disabled = false,
customLoaderUI = XRCustomLoaderUIManager.GetCustomLoaderUI(pmd.loaderType, buildTargetGroup)
if (newLi.customLoaderUI != null)
newLi.customLoaderUI.IsLoaderEnabled = newLi.toggled;
newLi.customLoaderUI.ActiveBuildTargetGroup = CurrentBuildTargetGroup;
if (settings != null)
List<LoaderInformation> loadersWantingToDisableOtherLoaders = new List<LoaderInformation>();
LoaderInformation li;
for (int i = 0; i < m_LoaderMetadata.Count; i++)
li = m_LoaderMetadata[i];
if (XRPackageMetadataStore.IsLoaderAssigned(settings.AssignedSettings, li.loaderType))
li.toggled = true;
m_LoaderMetadata[i] = li;
if (li.customLoaderUI != null)
foreach(var loader in loadersWantingToDisableOtherLoaders)
m_OrderedList = new ReorderableList(m_LoaderMetadata, typeof(LoaderInformation), false, true, false, false);
m_OrderedList.drawHeaderCallback = (rect) =>
var labelSize = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(Content.k_LoaderUITitle);
var labelRect = new Rect(rect);
labelRect.width = labelSize.x;
labelSize = EditorStyles.label.CalcSize(Content.k_HelpContent);
var imageRect = new Rect(rect);
imageRect.xMin = labelRect.xMax + 1;
imageRect.width = labelSize.x;
EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, Content.k_LoaderUITitle, EditorStyles.label);
if (GUI.Button(imageRect, Content.k_HelpContent, EditorStyles.label))
m_OrderedList.drawElementCallback = (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) => DrawElementCallback(rect, index, isActive, isFocused);
m_OrderedList.drawElementBackgroundCallback = (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) =>
var tex = GUI.skin.label.normal.background;
if (tex == null && GUI.skin.label.normal.scaledBackgrounds.Length > 0) tex = GUI.skin.label.normal.scaledBackgrounds[0];
if (tex == null) return;
GUI.DrawTexture(rect, GUI.skin.label.normal.background);
m_OrderedList.drawFooterCallback = (rect) =>
var status = XRPackageMetadataStore.GetCurrentStatusDisplayText();
GUI.Label(rect, EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent(status), EditorStyles.label);
m_OrderedList.elementHeightCallback = (index) => GetElementHeight(index);
if (m_LoaderMetadata == null || m_LoaderMetadata.Count == 0)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(k_AtNoLoaderInstance, MessageType.Info);
if (settings != null)
LoaderInformation li;
for (int i = 0; i < m_LoaderMetadata.Count; i++)
li = m_LoaderMetadata[i];
if (li.stateChanged && li.customLoaderUI != null)
for (int i = 0; i < m_LoaderMetadata.Count; i++)
li = m_LoaderMetadata[i];
if (li.stateChanged)
if (li.toggled)
XRPackageMetadataStore.InstallPackageAndAssignLoaderForBuildTarget(li.packageId, li.loaderType, buildTargetGroup);
XRPackageMetadataStore.RemoveLoader(settings.AssignedSettings, li.loaderType, buildTargetGroup);
li.stateChanged = false;
m_LoaderMetadata[i] = li;
return false;