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2025-01-07 02:06:59 +01:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
#if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
using UnityEditor.AssetImporters;
using UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetImporters;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Util;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
[ScriptedImporter(30, Extension, -905)]
class ShaderSubGraphImporter : ScriptedImporter
public const string Extension = "shadersubgraph";
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "UnusedMember.Local")]
static string[] GatherDependenciesFromSourceFile(string assetPath)
AssetCollection assetCollection = new AssetCollection();
MinimalGraphData.GatherMinimalDependenciesFromFile(assetPath, assetCollection);
List<string> dependencyPaths = new List<string>();
foreach (var asset in assetCollection.assets)
// only artifact dependencies need to be declared in GatherDependenciesFromSourceFile
// to force their imports to run before ours
if (asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.ArtifactDependency))
var dependencyPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.Key);
// it is unfortunate that we can't declare these dependencies unless they have a path...
// I asked AssetDatabase team for GatherDependenciesFromSourceFileByGUID()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyPath))
return dependencyPaths.ToArray();
catch (Exception e)
return new string[0];
static bool NodeWasUsedByGraph(string nodeId, GraphData graphData)
var node = graphData.GetNodeFromId(nodeId);
return node?.wasUsedByGenerator ?? false;
public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx)
var importLog = new ShaderGraphImporter.AssetImportErrorLog(ctx);
var graphAsset = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SubGraphAsset>();
var subGraphPath = ctx.assetPath;
var subGraphGuid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(subGraphPath);
graphAsset.assetGuid = subGraphGuid;
var textGraph = File.ReadAllText(subGraphPath, Encoding.UTF8);
var messageManager = new MessageManager();
var graphData = new GraphData
isSubGraph = true,
assetGuid = subGraphGuid,
messageManager = messageManager
MultiJson.Deserialize(graphData, textGraph);
ProcessSubGraph(graphAsset, graphData, importLog);
catch (Exception e)
graphAsset.isValid = false;
Debug.LogException(e, graphAsset);
var errors = messageManager.ErrorStrings((nodeId) => NodeWasUsedByGraph(nodeId, graphData));
int errCount = errors.Count();
if (errCount > 0)
var firstError = errors.FirstOrDefault();
importLog.LogError($"Sub Graph at {subGraphPath} has {errCount} error(s), the first is: {firstError}", graphAsset);
graphAsset.isValid = false;
var warnings = messageManager.ErrorStrings((nodeId) => NodeWasUsedByGraph(nodeId, graphData), Rendering.ShaderCompilerMessageSeverity.Warning);
int warningCount = warnings.Count();
if (warningCount > 0)
var firstWarning = warnings.FirstOrDefault();
importLog.LogWarning($"Sub Graph at {subGraphPath} has {warningCount} warning(s), the first is: {firstWarning}", graphAsset);
Texture2D texture = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("Icons/sg_subgraph_icon");
ctx.AddObjectToAsset("MainAsset", graphAsset, texture);
var metadata = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ShaderSubGraphMetadata>();
metadata.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
metadata.assetDependencies = new List<UnityEngine.Object>();
AssetCollection assetCollection = new AssetCollection();
MinimalGraphData.GatherMinimalDependenciesFromFile(assetPath, assetCollection);
foreach (var asset in assetCollection.assets)
if (asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.IncludeInExportPackage))
// this sucks that we have to fully load these assets just to set the reference,
// which then gets serialized as the GUID that we already have here. :P
var dependencyPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.Key);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependencyPath))
AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(dependencyPath, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)));
ctx.AddObjectToAsset("Metadata", metadata);
// declare dependencies
foreach (var asset in assetCollection.assets)
if (asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.SourceDependency))
// I'm not sure if this warning below is actually used or not, keeping it to be safe
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.Key);
// Ensure that dependency path is relative to project
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath) && !assetPath.StartsWith("Packages/") && !assetPath.StartsWith("Assets/"))
importLog.LogWarning($"Invalid dependency path: {assetPath}", graphAsset);
// NOTE: dependencies declared by GatherDependenciesFromSourceFile are automatically registered as artifact dependencies
// HOWEVER: that path ONLY grabs dependencies via MinimalGraphData, and will fail to register dependencies
// on GUIDs that don't exist in the project. For both of those reasons, we re-declare the dependencies here.
if (asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.ArtifactDependency))
static void ProcessSubGraph(SubGraphAsset asset, GraphData graph, ShaderGraphImporter.AssetImportErrorLog importLog)
var graphIncludes = new IncludeCollection();
var registry = new FunctionRegistry(new ShaderStringBuilder(), graphIncludes, true);
asset.isValid = true;
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset.assetGuid);
asset.hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath));
asset.inputStructName = $"Bindings_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}_$precision";
asset.functionName = $"SG_{asset.hlslName}_{asset.assetGuid}_$precision";
asset.path = graph.path;
var outputNode = graph.outputNode;
var outputSlots = PooledList<MaterialSlot>.Get();
List<AbstractMaterialNode> nodes = new List<AbstractMaterialNode>();
NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(nodes, outputNode);
// flag the used nodes so we can filter out errors from unused nodes
foreach (var node in nodes)
// Start with a clean slate for the input/output capabilities and dependencies
ShaderStageCapability effectiveShaderStage = ShaderStageCapability.All;
foreach (var slot in outputSlots)
var stage = NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, true);
if (effectiveShaderStage == ShaderStageCapability.All && stage != ShaderStageCapability.All)
effectiveShaderStage = stage;
asset.outputCapabilities.Add(new SlotCapability { slotName = slot.RawDisplayName(), capabilities = stage });
// Find all unique property nodes used by this slot and record a dependency for this input/output pair
var inputPropertyNames = new HashSet<string>();
var nodeSet = new HashSet<AbstractMaterialNode>();
NodeUtils.CollectNodeSet(nodeSet, slot);
foreach (var node in nodeSet)
if (node is PropertyNode propNode && !inputPropertyNames.Contains(propNode.property.displayName))
var slotDependency = new SlotDependencyPair();
slotDependency.inputSlotName = propNode.property.displayName;
slotDependency.outputSlotName = slot.RawDisplayName();
CollectInputCapabilities(asset, graph);
asset.vtFeedbackVariables = VirtualTexturingFeedbackUtils.GetFeedbackVariables(outputNode as SubGraphOutputNode);
asset.requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(nodes, effectiveShaderStage, false);
// output precision is whatever the output node has as a graph precision, falling back to the graph default
asset.outputGraphPrecision = outputNode.graphPrecision.GraphFallback(graph.graphDefaultPrecision);
// this saves the graph precision, which indicates whether this subgraph is switchable or not
asset.subGraphGraphPrecision = graph.graphDefaultPrecision;
asset.previewMode = graph.previewMode;
asset.includes = graphIncludes;
GatherDescendentsFromGraph(new GUID(asset.assetGuid), out var containsCircularDependency, out var descendents);
asset.descendents.AddRange(descendents.Select(g => g.ToString()));
asset.descendents.Sort(); // ensure deterministic order
var childrenSet = new HashSet<string>();
var anyErrors = false;
foreach (var node in nodes)
if (node is SubGraphNode subGraphNode)
var subGraphGuid = subGraphNode.subGraphGuid;
if (node.hasError)
anyErrors = true;
asset.children = childrenSet.ToList();
asset.children.Sort(); // ensure deterministic order
if (!anyErrors && containsCircularDependency)
importLog.LogError($"Error in Graph at {assetPath}: Sub Graph contains a circular dependency.", asset);
anyErrors = true;
if (anyErrors)
asset.isValid = false;
registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, sb => { });
foreach (var node in nodes)
if (node is IGeneratesFunction generatesFunction)
registry.builder.currentNode = node;
generatesFunction.GenerateNodeFunction(registry, GenerationMode.ForReals);
// Need to order the properties so that they are in the same order on a subgraph node in a shadergraph
// as they are in the blackboard for the subgraph itself. The (blackboard) categories keep that ordering,
// so traverse those and add those items to the ordered properties list. Needs to be used to set up the
// function _and_ to write out the final asset data so that the function call parameter order matches as well.
var orderedProperties = new List<AbstractShaderProperty>();
var propertiesList = graph.properties.ToList();
foreach (var category in graph.categories)
foreach (var child in category.Children)
var prop = propertiesList.Find(p => p.guid == child.guid);
// Not all properties in the category are actually on the graph.
// In particular, it seems as if keywords are not properties on sub-graphs.
if (prop != null)
// If we are importing an older file that has not had categories generated for it yet, include those now.
// provide top level subgraph function
// NOTE: actual concrete precision here shouldn't matter, it's irrelevant when building the subgraph asset
registry.ProvideFunction(asset.functionName, asset.subGraphGraphPrecision, ConcretePrecision.Single, sb =>
GenerationUtils.GenerateSurfaceInputStruct(sb, asset.requirements, asset.inputStructName);
// Generate the arguments... first INPUTS
var arguments = new List<string>();
foreach (var prop in orderedProperties)
// apply fallback to the graph default precision (but don't convert to concrete)
// this means "graph switchable" properties will use the precision token
GraphPrecision propGraphPrecision = prop.precision.ToGraphPrecision(graph.graphDefaultPrecision);
string precisionString = propGraphPrecision.ToGenericString();
if (prop.isConnectionTestable)
arguments.Add($"bool {prop.GetConnectionStateHLSLVariableName()}");
var dropdowns = graph.dropdowns;
foreach (var dropdown in dropdowns)
arguments.Add($"int {dropdown.referenceName}");
// now pass surface inputs
arguments.Add(string.Format("{0} IN", asset.inputStructName));
// Now generate output arguments
foreach (MaterialSlot output in outputSlots)
arguments.Add($"out {output.concreteValueType.ToShaderString(asset.outputGraphPrecision.ToGenericString())} {output.shaderOutputName}_{output.id}");
// Vt Feedback output arguments (always full float4)
foreach (var output in asset.vtFeedbackVariables)
arguments.Add($"out {ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4.ToShaderString(ConcretePrecision.Single)} {output}_out");
// Create the function prototype from the arguments
sb.AppendLine("void {0}({1})"
, asset.functionName
, arguments.Aggregate((current, next) => $"{current}, {next}"));
// now generate the function
using (sb.BlockScope())
// Just grab the body from the active nodes
foreach (var node in nodes)
if (node is IGeneratesBodyCode generatesBodyCode)
sb.currentNode = node;
generatesBodyCode.GenerateNodeCode(sb, GenerationMode.ForReals);
if (node.graphPrecision == GraphPrecision.Graph)
// code generated by nodes that use graph precision stays in generic form with embedded tokens
// those tokens are replaced when this subgraph function is pulled into a graph that defines the precision
sb.ReplaceInCurrentMapping(PrecisionUtil.Token, node.concretePrecision.ToShaderString());
foreach (var slot in outputSlots)
sb.AppendLine($"{slot.shaderOutputName}_{slot.id} = {outputNode.GetSlotValue(slot.id, GenerationMode.ForReals)};");
foreach (var slot in asset.vtFeedbackVariables)
sb.AppendLine($"{slot}_out = {slot};");
// save all of the node-declared functions to the subgraph asset
foreach (var name in registry.names)
var source = registry.sources[name];
var func = new FunctionPair(name, source.code, source.graphPrecisionFlags);
var collector = new PropertyCollector();
foreach (var node in nodes)
int previousPropertyCount = Math.Max(0, collector.propertyCount - 1);
node.CollectShaderProperties(collector, GenerationMode.ForReals);
// This is a stop-gap to prevent the autogenerated values from JsonObject and ShaderInput from
// resulting in non-deterministic import data. While we should move to local ids in the future,
// this will prevent cascading shader recompilations.
for (int i = previousPropertyCount; i < collector.propertyCount; ++i)
var prop = collector.GetProperty(i);
var namespaceId = node.objectId;
var nameId = prop.referenceName;
prop.OverrideObjectId(namespaceId, nameId + "_ObjectId_" + i);
prop.OverrideGuid(namespaceId, nameId + "_Guid_" + i);
asset.WriteData(orderedProperties, graph.keywords, graph.dropdowns, collector.properties, outputSlots, graph.unsupportedTargets);
static void GatherDescendentsFromGraph(GUID rootAssetGuid, out bool containsCircularDependency, out HashSet<GUID> descendentGuids)
var dependencyMap = new Dictionary<GUID, GUID[]>();
AssetCollection tempAssetCollection = new AssetCollection();
using (ListPool<GUID>.Get(out var tempList))
GatherDependencyMap(rootAssetGuid, dependencyMap, tempAssetCollection);
containsCircularDependency = ContainsCircularDependency(rootAssetGuid, dependencyMap, tempList);
descendentGuids = new HashSet<GUID>();
GatherDescendentsUsingDependencyMap(rootAssetGuid, descendentGuids, dependencyMap);
static void GatherDependencyMap(GUID rootAssetGUID, Dictionary<GUID, GUID[]> dependencyMap, AssetCollection tempAssetCollection)
if (!dependencyMap.ContainsKey(rootAssetGUID))
// if it is a subgraph, try to recurse into it
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(rootAssetGUID);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath) && assetPath.EndsWith(Extension, true, null))
MinimalGraphData.GatherMinimalDependenciesFromFile(assetPath, tempAssetCollection);
var subgraphGUIDs = tempAssetCollection.assets.Where(asset => asset.Value.HasFlag(AssetCollection.Flags.IsSubGraph)).Select(asset => asset.Key).ToArray();
dependencyMap[rootAssetGUID] = subgraphGUIDs;
foreach (var guid in subgraphGUIDs)
GatherDependencyMap(guid, dependencyMap, tempAssetCollection);
static void GatherDescendentsUsingDependencyMap(GUID rootAssetGUID, HashSet<GUID> descendentGuids, Dictionary<GUID, GUID[]> dependencyMap)
var dependencies = dependencyMap[rootAssetGUID];
foreach (GUID dependency in dependencies)
if (descendentGuids.Add(dependency))
GatherDescendentsUsingDependencyMap(dependency, descendentGuids, dependencyMap);
static bool ContainsCircularDependency(GUID assetGUID, Dictionary<GUID, GUID[]> dependencyMap, List<GUID> ancestors)
if (ancestors.Contains(assetGUID))
return true;
foreach (var dependencyGUID in dependencyMap[assetGUID])
if (ContainsCircularDependency(dependencyGUID, dependencyMap, ancestors))
return true;
ancestors.RemoveAt(ancestors.Count - 1);
return false;
static void CollectInputCapabilities(SubGraphAsset asset, GraphData graph)
// Collect each input's capabilities. There can be multiple property nodes
// contributing to the same input, so we cache these in a map while building
var inputCapabilities = new Dictionary<string, SlotCapability>();
// Walk all property node output slots, computing and caching the capabilities for that slot
var propertyNodes = graph.GetNodes<PropertyNode>();
foreach (var propertyNode in propertyNodes)
foreach (var slot in propertyNode.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
var slotName = slot.RawDisplayName();
SlotCapability capabilityInfo;
if (!inputCapabilities.TryGetValue(slotName, out capabilityInfo))
capabilityInfo = new SlotCapability();
capabilityInfo.slotName = slotName;
inputCapabilities.Add(propertyNode.property.displayName, capabilityInfo);
capabilityInfo.capabilities &= NodeUtils.GetEffectiveShaderStageCapability(slot, false);