218 lines
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218 lines
8.5 KiB
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal
internal struct DecalSubDrawCall
public int start;
public int end;
public int count { get => end - start; }
/// <summary>
/// Contains information about <see cref="DecalEntity"/> draw calls.
/// </summary>
internal class DecalDrawCallChunk : DecalChunk
public NativeArray<float4x4> decalToWorlds;
public NativeArray<float4x4> normalToDecals;
public NativeArray<DecalSubDrawCall> subCalls;
public NativeArray<int> subCallCounts;
public int subCallCount { set { subCallCounts[0] = value; } get => subCallCounts[0]; }
public override void RemoveAtSwapBack(int entityIndex)
RemoveAtSwapBack(ref decalToWorlds, entityIndex, count);
RemoveAtSwapBack(ref normalToDecals, entityIndex, count);
RemoveAtSwapBack(ref subCalls, entityIndex, count);
public override void SetCapacity(int newCapacity)
capacity = newCapacity;
public override void Dispose()
if (capacity == 0)
count = 0;
capacity = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Outputs draw calls into <see cref="DecalDrawCallChunk"/>.
/// </summary>
internal class DecalCreateDrawCallSystem
private DecalEntityManager m_EntityManager;
private ProfilingSampler m_Sampler;
private float m_MaxDrawDistance;
/// <summary>
/// Provides acces to the maximum draw distance.
/// </summary>
public float maxDrawDistance
get { return m_MaxDrawDistance; }
set { m_MaxDrawDistance = value; }
public DecalCreateDrawCallSystem(DecalEntityManager entityManager, float maxDrawDistance)
m_EntityManager = entityManager;
m_Sampler = new ProfilingSampler("DecalCreateDrawCallSystem.Execute");
m_MaxDrawDistance = maxDrawDistance;
public void Execute()
using (new ProfilingScope(null, m_Sampler))
for (int i = 0; i < m_EntityManager.chunkCount; ++i)
Execute(m_EntityManager.cachedChunks[i], m_EntityManager.culledChunks[i], m_EntityManager.drawCallChunks[i], m_EntityManager.cachedChunks[i].count);
private void Execute(DecalCachedChunk cachedChunk, DecalCulledChunk culledChunk, DecalDrawCallChunk drawCallChunk, int count)
if (count == 0)
DrawCallJob drawCallJob = new DrawCallJob()
decalToWorlds = cachedChunk.decalToWorlds,
normalToWorlds = cachedChunk.normalToWorlds,
sizeOffsets = cachedChunk.sizeOffsets,
drawDistances = cachedChunk.drawDistances,
angleFades = cachedChunk.angleFades,
uvScaleBiases = cachedChunk.uvScaleBias,
layerMasks = cachedChunk.layerMasks,
sceneLayerMasks = cachedChunk.sceneLayerMasks,
fadeFactors = cachedChunk.fadeFactors,
boundingSpheres = cachedChunk.boundingSpheres,
cameraPosition = culledChunk.cameraPosition,
sceneCullingMask = culledChunk.sceneCullingMask,
cullingMask = culledChunk.cullingMask,
visibleDecalIndices = culledChunk.visibleDecalIndices,
visibleDecalCount = culledChunk.visibleDecalCount,
maxDrawDistance = m_MaxDrawDistance,
decalToWorldsDraw = drawCallChunk.decalToWorlds,
normalToDecalsDraw = drawCallChunk.normalToDecals,
subCalls = drawCallChunk.subCalls,
subCallCount = drawCallChunk.subCallCounts,
var handle = drawCallJob.Schedule(cachedChunk.currentJobHandle);
drawCallChunk.currentJobHandle = handle;
cachedChunk.currentJobHandle = handle;
struct DrawCallJob : IJob
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float4x4> decalToWorlds;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float4x4> normalToWorlds;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float4x4> sizeOffsets;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float2> drawDistances;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float2> angleFades;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float4> uvScaleBiases;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<int> layerMasks;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<ulong> sceneLayerMasks;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<float> fadeFactors;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<BoundingSphere> boundingSpheres;
public Vector3 cameraPosition;
public ulong sceneCullingMask;
public int cullingMask;
[ReadOnly] public NativeArray<int> visibleDecalIndices;
public int visibleDecalCount;
public float maxDrawDistance;
[WriteOnly] public NativeArray<float4x4> decalToWorldsDraw;
[WriteOnly] public NativeArray<float4x4> normalToDecalsDraw;
[WriteOnly] public NativeArray<DecalSubDrawCall> subCalls;
[WriteOnly] public NativeArray<int> subCallCount;
public void Execute()
int subCallIndex = 0;
int instanceIndex = 0;
int instanceStart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < visibleDecalCount; ++i)
int decalIndex = visibleDecalIndices[i];
ulong decalSceneCullingMask = sceneLayerMasks[decalIndex];
if ((sceneCullingMask & decalSceneCullingMask) == 0)
int decalMask = 1 << layerMasks[decalIndex];
if ((cullingMask & decalMask) == 0)
BoundingSphere boundingSphere = boundingSpheres[decalIndex];
float2 drawDistance = drawDistances[decalIndex];
float distanceToDecal = (cameraPosition - boundingSphere.position).magnitude;
float cullDistance = math.min(drawDistance.x, maxDrawDistance) + boundingSphere.radius;
if (distanceToDecal > cullDistance)
decalToWorldsDraw[instanceIndex] = decalToWorlds[decalIndex];
float fadeFactorScaler = fadeFactors[decalIndex];
float2 angleFade = angleFades[decalIndex];
float4 uvScaleBias = uvScaleBiases[decalIndex];
float4x4 normalToDecals = normalToWorlds[decalIndex];
// NormalToWorldBatchis a Matrix4x4x but is a Rotation matrix so bottom row and last column can be used for other data to save space
float fadeFactor = fadeFactorScaler * math.clamp((cullDistance - distanceToDecal) / (cullDistance * (1.0f - drawDistance.y)), 0.0f, 1.0f);
normalToDecals.c0.w = uvScaleBias.x;
normalToDecals.c1.w = uvScaleBias.y;
normalToDecals.c2.w = uvScaleBias.z;
normalToDecals.c3 = new float4(fadeFactor * 1.0f, angleFade.x, angleFade.y, uvScaleBias.w);
normalToDecalsDraw[instanceIndex] = normalToDecals;
int instanceCount = instanceIndex - instanceStart;
bool isReachedMaximumBatchSize = instanceCount >= 250;
bool isLastDecal = i == visibleDecalCount - 1;
if (isReachedMaximumBatchSize || isLastDecal)
subCalls[subCallIndex++] = new DecalSubDrawCall()
start = instanceStart,
end = instanceIndex,
instanceStart = instanceIndex;
subCallCount[0] = subCallIndex;