150 lines
4.5 KiB
150 lines
4.5 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.GUI
class HostingServicesProfileVarsTreeView : TreeView
class ProfileVarItem : TreeViewItem
public string Key { get; private set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public ProfileVarItem(string key, string value)
Key = key;
Value = value;
protected override void ContextClickedItem(int id)
var item = FindItem(id, rootItem) as ProfileVarItem;
if (item == null) return;
var menu = new GenericMenu();
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Copy Key"), false, () => EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = string.Format("[{0}]", item.Key));
menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Copy Value"), false, () => EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = item.Value);
public static MultiColumnHeader CreateHeader()
var columns = new[]
new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column
headerContent = new GUIContent("Variable Name", $"Name of the hosting service variable"),
headerTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left,
sortedAscending = true,
sortingArrowAlignment = TextAlignment.Right,
width = 180,
minWidth = 60,
autoResize = true
new MultiColumnHeaderState.Column
headerContent = new GUIContent("Value", "Value of the hosting service variable"),
headerTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left,
sortedAscending = true,
sortingArrowAlignment = TextAlignment.Right,
width = 180,
minWidth = 60,
autoResize = true
var header = new MultiColumnHeader(new MultiColumnHeaderState(columns))
height = 20f
return header;
readonly Dictionary<string, ProfileVarItem> m_ItemMap;
internal int Count
get { return m_ItemMap.Count; }
public float RowHeight
get { return rowHeight; }
public HostingServicesProfileVarsTreeView(TreeViewState state, MultiColumnHeader multiColumnHeader) : base(state, multiColumnHeader)
showBorder = true;
showAlternatingRowBackgrounds = true;
m_ItemMap = new Dictionary<string, ProfileVarItem>();
public void ClearItems()
public void AddOrUpdateItem(string key, string value)
if (m_ItemMap.ContainsKey(key))
if (m_ItemMap[key].Value == value)
m_ItemMap[key].Value = value;
var item = new ProfileVarItem(key, value) {id = m_ItemMap.Count};
m_ItemMap.Add(key, item);
protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot()
var root = new TreeViewItem(-1, -1) {children = new List<TreeViewItem>()};
foreach (var item in m_ItemMap.Values)
return root;
protected override void RowGUI(RowGUIArgs args)
for (var i = 0; i < args.GetNumVisibleColumns(); ++i)
CellGui(ref args, i);
void CellGui(ref RowGUIArgs args, int i)
var cellRect = args.GetCellRect(i);
CenterRectUsingSingleLineHeight(ref cellRect);
var item = args.item as ProfileVarItem;
if (item == null) return;
switch (args.GetColumn(i))
case 0:
EditorGUI.LabelField(cellRect, item.Key);
case 1:
EditorGUI.LabelField(cellRect, item.Value);
protected override bool CanMultiSelect(TreeViewItem item)
return false;