using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.XR;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.Management
/// XR Loader abstract subclass used as a base class for specific provider implementations. Class provides some
/// helper logic that can be used to handle subsystem handling in a typesafe manner, reducing potential boilerplate
/// code.
public abstract class XRLoaderHelper : XRLoader
/// Map of loaded susbsystems. Used so we don't always have to fo to XRSubsystemManger and do a manual
/// search to find the instance we loaded.
protected Dictionary m_SubsystemInstanceMap = new Dictionary();
/// Gets the loaded subsystem of the specified type. Implementation dependent as only implemetnations
/// know what they have loaded and how best to get it..
/// Type of the subsystem to get.
/// The loaded subsystem or null if not found.
public override T GetLoadedSubsystem()
Type subsystemType = typeof(T);
ISubsystem subsystem;
m_SubsystemInstanceMap.TryGetValue(subsystemType, out subsystem);
return subsystem as T;
/// Start a subsystem instance of a given type. Subsystem assumed to already be loaded from
/// a previous call to CreateSubsystem
/// A subclass of
protected void StartSubsystem() where T : class, ISubsystem
T subsystem = GetLoadedSubsystem();
if (subsystem != null)
/// Stop a subsystem instance of a given type. Subsystem assumed to already be loaded from
/// a previous call to CreateSubsystem
/// A subclass of
protected void StopSubsystem() where T : class, ISubsystem
T subsystem = GetLoadedSubsystem();
if (subsystem != null)
/// Destroy a subsystem instance of a given type. Subsystem assumed to already be loaded from
/// a previous call to CreateSubsystem
/// A subclass of
protected void DestroySubsystem() where T : class, ISubsystem
T subsystem = GetLoadedSubsystem();
if (subsystem != null)
var subsystemType = typeof(T);
if (m_SubsystemInstanceMap.ContainsKey(subsystemType))
/// Creates a subsystem given a list of descriptors and a specific subsystem id.
/// You should make sure to destroy any subsystem that you created so that resources
/// acquired by your subsystems are correctly cleaned up and released. This is especially important
/// if you create them during initialization, but initialization fails. If that happens,
/// you should clean up any subsystems created up to that point.
/// The descriptor type being passed in.
/// The subsystem type being requested
/// List of TDescriptor instances to use for subsystem matching.
/// The identifier key of the particualr subsystem implementation being requested.
protected void CreateSubsystem(List descriptors, string id)
where TDescriptor : ISubsystemDescriptor
where TSubsystem : ISubsystem
if (descriptors == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("descriptors");
if (descriptors.Count > 0)
foreach (var descriptor in descriptors)
ISubsystem subsys = null;
if (String.Compare(, id, true) == 0)
subsys = descriptor.Create();
if (subsys != null)
m_SubsystemInstanceMap[typeof(TSubsystem)] = subsys;
/// Creates a native, integrated subsystem given a list of descriptors and a specific subsystem id.
/// DEPRECATED: Please use the geenric CreateSubsystem method. This method is soley retained for
/// backwards compatibility and will be removed in a future release.
/// The descriptor type being passed in.
/// The subsystem type being requested
/// List of TDescriptor instances to use for subsystem matching.
/// The identifier key of the particualr subsystem implementation being requested.
[Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Please use the geenric CreateSubsystem method.", false)]
protected void CreateIntegratedSubsystem(List descriptors, string id)
where TDescriptor : IntegratedSubsystemDescriptor
where TSubsystem : IntegratedSubsystem
CreateSubsystem(descriptors, id);
/// Creates a managed, standalone subsystem given a list of descriptors and a specific subsystem id.
/// DEPRECATED: Please use the geenric CreateSubsystem method. This method is soley retained for
/// backwards compatibility and will be removed in a future release.
/// The descriptor type being passed in.
/// The subsystem type being requested
/// List of TDescriptor instances to use for subsystem matching.
/// The identifier key of the particualr subsystem implementation being requested.
[Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Please use the generic CreateSubsystem method.", false)]
protected void CreateStandaloneSubsystem(List descriptors, string id)
where TDescriptor : SubsystemDescriptor
where TSubsystem : Subsystem
CreateSubsystem(descriptors, id);
/// Override of to provide for clearing the instance map.true
/// If you override this method in your subclass, you must call the base
/// implementation to allow the instance map tp be cleaned up correctly.
/// True if de-initialization was successful.
public override bool Deinitialize()
return base.Deinitialize();
virtual public void WasAssignedToBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup)
virtual public void WasUnassignedFromBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup buildTargetGroup)