using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.EditorTools; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement; using UnityEditor.ShortcutManagement; using UnityEngine.Splines; #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER using UnityEditor.Overlays; #else using System.Reflection; using UnityEditor.Toolbars; using UnityEngine.UIElements; #endif namespace UnityEditor.Splines { /// /// Describes how the handles are oriented. /// enum HandleOrientation { /// /// Tool handles are in the active object's rotation. /// Local = 0, /// /// Tool handles are in global rotation. /// Global = 1, /// /// Tool handles are in active element's parent's rotation. /// Parent = 2, /// /// Tool handles are in active element's rotation. /// Element = 3 } #if UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER abstract class SplineToolSettings : UnityEditor.Editor, ICreateToolbar #else abstract class SplineToolSettings : UnityEditor.Editor #endif { public virtual IEnumerable toolbarElements { get { yield return "Tool Settings/Pivot Mode"; yield return "Spline Tool Settings/Handle Rotation"; } } #if !UNITY_2022_1_OR_NEWER const string k_ElementClassName = "unity-editor-toolbar-element"; const string k_StyleSheetsPath = "StyleSheets/Toolbars/"; static VisualElement CreateToolbar() { var target = new VisualElement(); var path = k_StyleSheetsPath + "EditorToolbar"; var common = EditorGUIUtility.Load($"{path}Common.uss") as StyleSheet; if (common != null) target.styleSheets.Add(common); var themeSpecificName = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? "Dark" : "Light"; var themeSpecific = EditorGUIUtility.Load($"{path}{themeSpecificName}.uss") as StyleSheet; if (themeSpecific != null) target.styleSheets.Add(themeSpecific); target.AddToClassList("unity-toolbar-overlay"); = FlexDirection.Row; return target; } public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI() { var root = CreateToolbar(); var elements = TypeCache.GetTypesWithAttribute(typeof(EditorToolbarElementAttribute)); foreach (var element in toolbarElements) { var type = elements.FirstOrDefault(x => { var attrib = x.GetCustomAttribute(); return attrib != null && == element; }); if (type != null) { try { const BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.CreateInstance; var ve = (VisualElement)Activator.CreateInstance(type, flags, null, null, null, null); ve.AddToClassList(k_ElementClassName); root.Add(ve); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError($"Failed creating toolbar element from ID \"{element}\".\n{e}"); } } } EditorToolbarUtility.SetupChildrenAsButtonStrip(root); return root; } #endif } /// /// Base class from which all Spline tools inherit. /// Inherit SplineTool to author tools that behave like native spline tools. This class implements some common /// functionality and shortcuts specific to spline authoring. /// abstract class SplineTool : EditorTool { internal virtual SplineHandlesOptions handlesOptions => SplineHandlesOptions.None; static UserSetting m_HandleOrientation = new UserSetting(PathSettings.instance, "SplineTool.HandleOrientation", HandleOrientation.Global, SettingsScope.User); public static HandleOrientation handleOrientation { get => m_HandleOrientation; set { if (m_HandleOrientation != value) { m_HandleOrientation.SetValue(value, true); if(m_HandleOrientation == HandleOrientation.Local || m_HandleOrientation == HandleOrientation.Global) Tools.pivotRotation = (PivotRotation)m_HandleOrientation.value; else // If setting HandleOrientation to something else, then set the PivotRotation to global, done for GridSnapping button activation { Tools.pivotRotationChanged -= OnPivotRotationChanged; Tools.pivotRotation = PivotRotation.Local; Tools.pivotRotationChanged += OnPivotRotationChanged; } handleOrientationChanged?.Invoke(); } } } internal static event Action handleOrientationChanged; // Workaround for lack of access to ShortcutContext. Use this to pass shortcut actions to tool instances. protected static SplineTool m_ActiveTool; /// /// Invoked after this EditorTool becomes the active tool. /// public override void OnActivated() { SplineToolContext.SetHandlesOptions(handlesOptions); SplineSelection.changed += OnSplineSelectionChanged; Spline.afterSplineWasModified += AfterSplineWasModified; Undo.undoRedoPerformed += UndoRedoPerformed; Tools.pivotRotationChanged += OnPivotRotationChanged; Tools.pivotModeChanged += OnPivotModeChanged; TransformOperation.UpdateSelection(targets); handleOrientationChanged += OnHandleOrientationChanged; m_ActiveTool = this; } /// /// Invoked before this EditorTool stops being the active tool. /// public override void OnWillBeDeactivated() { SplineToolContext.SetHandlesOptions(SplineHandlesOptions.None); SplineSelection.changed -= OnSplineSelectionChanged; Spline.afterSplineWasModified -= AfterSplineWasModified; Undo.undoRedoPerformed -= UndoRedoPerformed; Tools.pivotRotationChanged -= OnPivotRotationChanged; Tools.pivotModeChanged -= OnPivotModeChanged; handleOrientationChanged -= OnHandleOrientationChanged; m_ActiveTool = null; } protected virtual void OnHandleOrientationChanged() { TransformOperation.UpdateHandleRotation(); } static void OnPivotRotationChanged() { handleOrientation = (HandleOrientation)Tools.pivotRotation; } protected virtual void OnPivotModeChanged() { TransformOperation.UpdatePivotPosition(); TransformOperation.UpdateHandleRotation(); } void AfterSplineWasModified(Spline spline) => UpdateSelection(); void UndoRedoPerformed() => UpdateSelection(); void OnSplineSelectionChanged() { TransformOperation.pivotFreeze = TransformOperation.PivotFreeze.None; TransformOperation.UpdateHandleRotation(); TransformOperation.UpdatePivotPosition(); UpdateSelection(); } void UpdateSelection() { TransformOperation.UpdateSelection(targets); } void CycleTangentMode() { var elementSelection = TransformOperation.elementSelection; foreach (var element in elementSelection) { if (element is EditableTangent tangent) { //Do nothing on the tangent if the knot is also in the selection if (elementSelection.Contains(tangent.owner)) continue; var oppositeTangentSelected = false; if (tangent.owner is BezierEditableKnot owner) { if(owner.TryGetOppositeTangent(tangent, out var oppositeTangent)) { if (elementSelection.Contains(oppositeTangent)) oppositeTangentSelected = true; } if (!oppositeTangentSelected) { if (owner.mode == BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Broken) { // Mirror otherTangent against the active tangent prior to SetMode call. // As SetMode always mirrors tangentOut against tangentIn, this prevents an active selection's // tangentOut from shrinking or becoming zero tangent unexpectedly. for (int i = 0; i < owner.tangentCount; ++i) { var otherTangent = owner.GetTangent(i); if (otherTangent != tangent) otherTangent.SetLocalPositionNoNotify(-tangent.localPosition); } owner.SetMode(BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Mirrored); } else if (owner.mode == BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Mirrored) owner.SetMode(BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Continuous); else if (owner.mode == BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Continuous) owner.SetMode(BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Broken); owner.TangentChanged(tangent, owner.mode); TransformOperation.UpdateHandleRotation(); // Ensures the tangent mode indicators refresh SceneView.RepaintAll(); } } } } } /// /// Get the currently selected active spline. /// /// The active spline. protected virtual IEditableSpline GetActiveSpline() { IReadOnlyList paths = EditableSplineUtility.GetSelectedSpline(target); if (paths == null || paths.Count == 0) return null; return paths[0]; } [Shortcut("Splines/Cycle Tangent Mode", typeof(SceneView), KeyCode.C)] static void ShortcutCycleTangentMode(ShortcutArguments args) { if(m_ActiveTool != null) m_ActiveTool.CycleTangentMode(); } [Shortcut("Splines/Toggle Manipulation Space", typeof(SceneView), KeyCode.X)] static void ShortcutCycleHandleOrientation(ShortcutArguments args) { /* We're doing a switch here (instead of handleOrientation+1 and wrapping) because HandleOrientation.Global/Local values map to PivotRotation.Global/Local (as they should), but PivotRotation.Global = 1 when it's actually the first option and PivotRotation.Local = 0 when it's the second option. */ switch (handleOrientation) { case HandleOrientation.Element: handleOrientation = HandleOrientation.Global; break; case HandleOrientation.Global: handleOrientation = HandleOrientation.Local; break; case HandleOrientation.Local: handleOrientation = HandleOrientation.Parent; break; case HandleOrientation.Parent: handleOrientation = HandleOrientation.Element; break; default: Debug.LogError($"{handleOrientation} handle orientation not supported!"); break; } } } }