using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEditor.Build.Content;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Interfaces;
using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Utilities.USerialize;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;
using UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
namespace UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Utilities
/// Default implementation of the Build Cache
public class BuildCache : IBuildCache, IDisposable
// Custom serialization handler for 'BuildUsageTagSet' type as it cannot be correctly serialized purely with reflection
internal class USerializeCustom_BuildUsageTagSet : ICustomSerializer
#if !UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
static MethodInfo m_SerializeToBinary = typeof(BuildUsageTagSet).GetMethod("SerializeToBinary", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
static MethodInfo m_DeserializeFromBinary = typeof(BuildUsageTagSet).GetMethod("DeserializeFromBinary", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// Return the type that this custom serializer deals with
Type ICustomSerializer.GetType()
return typeof(BuildUsageTagSet);
void ICustomSerializer.USerializer(Serializer serializer, object value)
BuildUsageTagSet buildUsageTagSet = (BuildUsageTagSet)value;
if (serializer.WriteNullFlag(buildUsageTagSet))
#if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
serializer.WriteBytes((byte[])m_SerializeToBinary.Invoke(buildUsageTagSet, null));
object ICustomSerializer.UDeSerializer(DeSerializer deserializer)
BuildUsageTagSet tagSet = null;
if (deserializer.ReadNullFlag())
tagSet = new BuildUsageTagSet();
byte[] bytes = deserializer.ReadBytes();
#if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
m_DeserializeFromBinary.Invoke(tagSet, new object[] { bytes });
return tagSet;
// Object factories used to create instances of types involved in build cache serialization more quickly than the generic Activator.CreateInstance()
internal static (Type, DeSerializer.ObjectFactory)[] ObjectFactories = new (Type, DeSerializer.ObjectFactory)[]
(typeof(AssetLoadInfo), () => { return new AssetLoadInfo(); }),
(typeof(BuildUsageTagGlobal), () => { return new BuildUsageTagGlobal(); }),
(typeof(BundleDetails), () => { return new BundleDetails(); }),
(typeof(CachedInfo), () => { return new CachedInfo(); }),
(typeof(CacheEntry), () => { return new CacheEntry(); }),
(typeof(ExtendedAssetData), () => { return new ExtendedAssetData(); }),
(typeof(ObjectIdentifier), () => { return new ObjectIdentifier(); }),
(typeof(ObjectSerializedInfo), () => { return new ObjectSerializedInfo(); }),
(typeof(ResourceFile), () => { return new ResourceFile(); }),
(typeof(SceneDependencyInfo), () => { return new SceneDependencyInfo(); }),
(typeof(SerializedFileMetaData), () => { return new SerializedFileMetaData(); }),
(typeof(SerializedLocation), () => { return new SerializedLocation(); }),
(typeof(SpriteImporterData), () => { return new SpriteImporterData(); }),
(typeof(WriteResult), () => { return new WriteResult(); }),
(typeof(KeyValuePair), () => { return new KeyValuePair(); }),
(typeof(List>), () => { return new List>(); }),
(typeof(Hash128), () => { return new Hash128(); }),
// Custom serializers we use for build cache serialization of types that cannot be correctly serialized using the built in reflection based serialization code
internal static ICustomSerializer[] CustomSerializers = new ICustomSerializer[]
new USerializeCustom_BuildUsageTagSet()
const string k_CachePath = "Library/BuildCache";
const int k_Version = 5;
internal const int k_CacheServerVersion = 2;
internal const long k_BytesToGigaBytes = 1073741824L;
IBuildLogger m_Logger;
Hash128 m_GlobalHash;
CacheServerUploader m_Uploader;
CacheServerDownloader m_Downloader;
/// Creates a new build cache object.
public BuildCache()
m_GlobalHash = CalculateGlobalArtifactVersionHash();
/// Creates a new remote build cache object.
/// The server host.
/// The server port.
public BuildCache(string host, int port = 8126)
m_GlobalHash = CalculateGlobalArtifactVersionHash();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(host))
m_Uploader = new CacheServerUploader(host, port);
m_Downloader = new CacheServerDownloader(this, new DeSerializer(CustomSerializers, ObjectFactories), host, port);
catch (Exception e)
m_Uploader = null;
m_Downloader = null;
string msg = $"Failed to connect build cache to CacheServer. ip: {host}, port: {port}. With exception, \"{e.Message}\"";
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Warning, msg);
// internal for testing purposes only
internal void OverrideGlobalHash(Hash128 hash)
m_GlobalHash = hash;
if (m_Uploader != null)
if (m_Downloader != null)
static Hash128 CalculateGlobalArtifactVersionHash()
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
return HashingMethods.Calculate(Application.unityVersion, k_Version).ToHash128();
return HashingMethods.Calculate(PlayerSettings.scriptingRuntimeVersion, Application.unityVersion, k_Version).ToHash128();
internal void ClearCacheEntryMaps()
/// Disposes the build cache instance.
public void Dispose()
if (m_Downloader != null)
m_Uploader = null;
m_Downloader = null;
public CacheEntry GetCacheEntry(GUID asset, int version = 1)
return BuildCacheUtility.GetCacheEntry(asset, version);
public CacheEntry GetCacheEntry(string path, int version = 1)
return BuildCacheUtility.GetCacheEntry(path, version);
public CacheEntry GetCacheEntry(ObjectIdentifier objectID, int version = 1)
if (objectID.guid.Empty())
return GetCacheEntry(objectID.filePath, version);
return GetCacheEntry(objectID.guid, version);
public CacheEntry GetCacheEntry(Type type, int version = 1)
return BuildCacheUtility.GetCacheEntry(type, version);
internal CacheEntry GetUpdatedCacheEntry(CacheEntry entry)
if (entry.Type == CacheEntry.EntryType.File)
return GetCacheEntry(entry.File, entry.Version);
if (entry.Type == CacheEntry.EntryType.Asset)
return GetCacheEntry(entry.Guid, entry.Version);
if (entry.Type == CacheEntry.EntryType.ScriptType)
return GetCacheEntry(Type.GetType(entry.ScriptType), entry.Version);
return entry;
internal bool LogCacheMiss(string msg)
if (!ScriptableBuildPipeline.logCacheMiss)
return false;
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Warning, msg);
return true;
public bool HasAssetOrDependencyChanged(CachedInfo info)
if (info == null || !info.Asset.IsValid())
return true;
var result = false;
var updatedEntry = GetUpdatedCacheEntry(info.Asset);
if (info.Asset != updatedEntry)
if (!LogCacheMiss($"[Cache Miss]: Source asset changed. Old: {info.Asset} New: {updatedEntry}"))
return true;
result = true;
foreach (var dependency in info.Dependencies)
if (!dependency.IsValid())
if (!LogCacheMiss($"[Cache Miss]: Dependency is no longer valid. Asset: {info.Asset} Dependency: {dependency}"))
return true;
result = true;
updatedEntry = GetUpdatedCacheEntry(dependency);
if (dependency != GetUpdatedCacheEntry(updatedEntry))
if (!LogCacheMiss($"[Cache Miss]: Dependency changed. Asset: {info.Asset} Old: {dependency} New: {updatedEntry}"))
return true;
result = true;
return result;
public string GetCachedInfoFile(CacheEntry entry)
var guid = entry.Guid.ToString();
string finalHash = HashingMethods.Calculate(m_GlobalHash, entry.Hash).ToString();
return string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{2}.info", k_CachePath, guid.Substring(0, 2), guid, finalHash);
public string GetCachedArtifactsDirectory(CacheEntry entry)
var guid = entry.Guid.ToString();
string finalHash = HashingMethods.Calculate(m_GlobalHash, entry.Hash).ToString();
return string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", k_CachePath, guid.Substring(0, 2), guid, finalHash);
class FileOperations
public FileOperations(int size)
data = new FileOperation[size];
waitLock = new Semaphore(0, size);
public FileOperation[] data;
public Semaphore waitLock;
struct FileOperation
public string file;
public MemoryStream bytes;
static void Read(object data)
var ops = (FileOperations)data;
for (int index = 0; index <; index++, ops.waitLock.Release())
var op =[index];
if (File.Exists(op.file))
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(op.file);
if (bytes.Length > 0)
op.bytes = new MemoryStream(bytes, false);
}[index] = op;
catch (Exception e)
#if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
// Newer Parallel.For concurrent method for 2019.4 and newer. ~3x faster than the old two-thread read/deserialize method when using four threads
public void LoadCachedData(IList entries, out IList cachedInfos)
if (entries == null)
cachedInfos = null;
if (entries.Count == 0)
cachedInfos = new List();
int cachedCount = 0;
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "LoadCachedData"))
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"{entries.Count} items");
Stopwatch deserializeTimer = null;
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "Read and deserialize cache info"))
CachedInfo[] cachedInfoArray = new CachedInfo[entries.Count];
deserializeTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int workerThreadCount = Math.Min(Environment.ProcessorCount, 4); // Testing of the USerialize code has shown increasing concurrency beyond four threads produces worse performance (the suspicion is due to GC contention but that's TBC)
ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = workerThreadCount };
ConcurrentStack deserializers = new ConcurrentStack();
for (int serializerNum = 0; serializerNum < workerThreadCount; serializerNum++)
deserializers.Push(new DeSerializer(CustomSerializers, ObjectFactories));
Parallel.For(0, entries.Count, parallelOptions, index =>
string file = GetCachedInfoFile(entries[index]);
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
if ((bytes != null) && (bytes.Length > 0))
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes, false))
deserializers.TryPop(out DeSerializer deserializer);
cachedInfoArray[index] = deserializer.DeSerialize(memoryStream);
Interlocked.Increment(ref cachedCount);
LogCacheMiss($"[Cache Miss]: Missing cache entry. Entry: {entries[index]}");
catch (Exception)
LogCacheMiss($"[Cache Miss]: Invalid cache entry. Entry: {entries[index]}");
cachedInfos = cachedInfoArray.ToList();
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Time spent deserializing: {deserializeTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Local Cache hit count: {cachedCount}");
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "Check for changed dependencies"))
int unchangedCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cachedInfos.Count; i++)
if (HasAssetOrDependencyChanged(cachedInfos[i]))
cachedInfos[i] = null;
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Unchanged dependencies count: {unchangedCount}");
// If we have a cache server connection, download & check any missing info
int downloadedCount = 0;
if (m_Downloader != null)
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "Download Missing Entries"))
m_Downloader.DownloadMissing(entries, cachedInfos);
downloadedCount = cachedInfos.Count(i => i != null) - cachedCount;
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Local Cache hit count: {cachedCount}, Cache Server hit count: {downloadedCount}");
Assert.AreEqual(entries.Count, cachedInfos.Count);
#else // !UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
// Old two-thread serialize/read method for 2018.4 support.
// 2018.4 does not support us running serialization on threads other than the main thread due to functions being called in Unity that are not marked as thread safe in that version (GUIDToHexInternal() and SerializeToBinary() at least)
public void LoadCachedData(IList entries, out IList cachedInfos)
if (entries == null)
cachedInfos = null;
if (entries.Count == 0)
cachedInfos = new List();
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "LoadCachedData"))
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"{entries.Count} items");
// Setup Operations
var ops = new FileOperations(entries.Count);
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "GetCachedInfoFile"))
for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
var op =[i];
op.file = GetCachedInfoFile(entries[i]);[i] = op;
int cachedCount = 0;
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "Read and deserialize cache info"))
// Start file reading
Thread thread = new Thread(Read);
cachedInfos = new List(entries.Count);
// Deserialize as files finish reading
Stopwatch deserializeTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
DeSerializer deserializer = new DeSerializer(CustomSerializers, ObjectFactories);
for (int index = 0; index < entries.Count; index++)
// Basic wait lock
if (!ops.waitLock.WaitOne(0))
CachedInfo info = null;
var op =[index];
if (op.bytes != null && op.bytes.Length > 0)
info = deserializer.DeSerialize(op.bytes);
LogCacheMiss($"[Cache Miss]: Missing cache entry. Entry: {entries[index]}");
catch (Exception)
LogCacheMiss($"[Cache Miss]: Invalid cache entry. Entry: {entries[index]}");
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Time spent deserializing: {deserializeTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms");
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Local Cache hit count: {cachedCount}");
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "Check for changed dependencies"))
for (int i = 0; i < cachedInfos.Count; i++)
if (HasAssetOrDependencyChanged(cachedInfos[i]))
cachedInfos[i] = null;
// If we have a cache server connection, download & check any missing info
int downloadedCount = 0;
if (m_Downloader != null)
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "Download Missing Entries"))
m_Downloader.DownloadMissing(entries, cachedInfos);
downloadedCount = cachedInfos.Count(i => i != null) - cachedCount;
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Local Cache hit count: {cachedCount}, Cache Server hit count: {downloadedCount}");
Assert.AreEqual(entries.Count, cachedInfos.Count);
#if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
// Newer Parallel.For concurrent method for 2019.4 and newer. ~3x faster than the old two-thread serialize/write method when using four threads
class SaveCachedDataTaskData
public Semaphore m_ReadyLock = new Semaphore(0, 1);
public Semaphore m_DoneLock = new Semaphore(0, 1);
static void SaveCachedDataTask(object data)
SaveCachedDataTaskData saveTaskData = (SaveCachedDataTaskData)data;
// Tell the SaveCachedData() function that our task has started, ThreadingManager ensures this can only happen after any queued prune tasks have completed
// Now wait until SaveCachedData() has finished serialising and writing files. The presence of this task in the Save task queue will prevent any new prune tasks being queued
public void SaveCachedData(IList infos)
if (infos == null || infos.Count == 0)
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "SaveCachedData"))
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Saving {infos.Count} infos");
// Queue the Save task and wait until it actually starts executing. This ensures any queued prune tasks finish before we start writing to the cache folder
SaveCachedDataTaskData taskData = new SaveCachedDataTaskData();
ThreadingManager.QueueTask(ThreadingManager.ThreadQueues.SaveQueue, SaveCachedDataTask, taskData);
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "SerializingCacheInfos[" + infos.Count + "]"))
int workerThreadCount = Math.Min(Environment.ProcessorCount, 4); // Testing of the USerialize code has shown increasing concurrency beyond four threads produces worse performance (the suspicion is due to GC contention but that's TBC)
ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = workerThreadCount };
ConcurrentStack serializers = new ConcurrentStack();
for (int serializerNum = 0; serializerNum < workerThreadCount; serializerNum++)
serializers.Push(new Serializer(CustomSerializers));
Parallel.For(0, infos.Count, parallelOptions, index =>
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
serializers.TryPop(out Serializer serializer);
serializer.Serialize(stream, infos[index], 1);
if (stream.Length > 0)
// If we have a cache server connection, upload the cached data. The ThreadingManager.QueueTask() API used by CacheServerUploader.QueueUpload() is not thread safe so we lock around this
if (m_Uploader != null)
lock (m_Uploader)
m_Uploader.QueueUpload(infos[index].Asset, GetCachedArtifactsDirectory(infos[index].Asset), new MemoryStream(stream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)stream.Length, false));
string cachedInfoFilepath = GetCachedInfoFile(infos[index].Asset);
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(cachedInfoFilepath, FileMode.Create))
fileStream.Write(stream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)stream.Length);
catch (Exception e)
// Signal the Save task's SaveCachedDataTask() function that we are done so it can exit. This will allow prune tasks to proceed once again
#else // !UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
// Old two-thread serialize/write method for 2018.4 support.
// 2018.4 does not support us running serialization on threads other than the main thread due to functions being called in Unity that are not marked as thread safe in that version (GUIDToHexInternal() and SerializeToBinary() at least)
static void Write(object data)
var ops = (FileOperations)data;
for (int index = 0; index <; index++)
// Basic spin lock
var op =[index];
if (op.bytes != null && op.bytes.Length > 0)
using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(op.file, FileMode.Create))
fileStream.Write(op.bytes.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)op.bytes.Length);
catch (Exception e)
public void SaveCachedData(IList infos)
if (infos == null || infos.Count == 0)
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "SaveCachedData"))
m_Logger.AddEntrySafe(LogLevel.Info, $"Saving {infos.Count} infos");
// Setup Operations
var ops = new FileOperations(infos.Count);
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "SetupOperations"))
for (int i = 0; i < infos.Count; i++)
var op =[i];
op.file = GetCachedInfoFile(infos[i].Asset);[i] = op;
Serializer serializer = new Serializer(CustomSerializers);
// Start writing thread
ThreadingManager.QueueTask(ThreadingManager.ThreadQueues.SaveQueue, Write, ops);
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "SerializingCacheInfos"))
// Serialize data as previous data is being written out
for (int index = 0; index < infos.Count; index++, ops.waitLock.Release())
var op =[index];
var stream = new MemoryStream();
serializer.Serialize(stream, infos[index], 1);
if (stream.Length > 0)
op.bytes = stream;[index] = op;
// If we have a cache server connection, upload the cached data
if (m_Uploader != null)
m_Uploader.QueueUpload(infos[index].Asset, GetCachedArtifactsDirectory(infos[index].Asset), new MemoryStream(stream.GetBuffer(), false));
catch (Exception e)
#endif // #if UNITY_2019_4_OR_NEWER
internal void SyncPendingSaves()
using (m_Logger.ScopedStep(LogLevel.Info, "SyncPendingSaves"))
internal struct CacheFolder
public DirectoryInfo directory;
public long Length { get; set; }
public void Delete() => directory.Delete(true);
public DateTime LastAccessTimeUtc
get => directory.LastAccessTimeUtc;
internal set => directory.LastAccessTimeUtc = value;
/// Deletes the build cache directory.
/// The message to display in the popup window.
public static void PurgeCache(bool prompt)
if (!Directory.Exists(k_CachePath))
if (prompt)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Current build cache is empty.");
if (prompt)
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Purge Build Cache", "Do you really want to purge your entire build cache?", "Yes", "No"))
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(ScriptableBuildPipeline.Properties.purgeCache.text, ScriptableBuildPipeline.Properties.pleaseWait.text, 0.0F);
Directory.Delete(k_CachePath, true);
Directory.Delete(k_CachePath, true);
/// Prunes the build cache so that its size is within the maximum cache size.
public static void PruneCache()
int maximumSize = ScriptableBuildPipeline.maximumCacheSize;
long maximumCacheSize = maximumSize * k_BytesToGigaBytes;
// Get sizes based on common directory root for a guid / hash
ComputeCacheSizeAndFolders(out long currentCacheSize, out List cacheFolders);
if (currentCacheSize < maximumCacheSize)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogFormat("Current build cache currentCacheSize {0}, prune threshold {1} GB. No prune performed. You can change this value in the \"Edit/Preferences...\" window.", EditorUtility.FormatBytes(currentCacheSize), maximumSize);
if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Prune Build Cache", string.Format("Current build cache currentCacheSize is {0}, which is over the prune threshold of {1}. Do you want to prune your build cache now?", EditorUtility.FormatBytes(currentCacheSize), EditorUtility.FormatBytes(maximumCacheSize)), "Yes", "No"))
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(ScriptableBuildPipeline.Properties.pruneCache.text, ScriptableBuildPipeline.Properties.pleaseWait.text, 0.0F);
PruneCacheFolders(maximumCacheSize, currentCacheSize, cacheFolders);
/// Prunes the build cache without showing UI prompts.
/// The maximum cache size.
public static void PruneCache_Background(long maximumCacheSize)
ThreadingManager.QueueTask(ThreadingManager.ThreadQueues.PruneQueue, PruneCache_Background_Internal, maximumCacheSize);
internal static void PruneCache_Background_Internal(object maximumCacheSize)
long maxCacheSize = (long)maximumCacheSize;
// Get sizes based on common directory root for a guid / hash
ComputeCacheSizeAndFolders(out long currentCacheSize, out List cacheFolders);
if (currentCacheSize < maxCacheSize)
PruneCacheFolders(maxCacheSize, currentCacheSize, cacheFolders);
internal static void ComputeCacheSizeAndFolders(out long currentCacheSize, out List cacheFolders)
currentCacheSize = 0;
cacheFolders = new List();
var directory = new DirectoryInfo(k_CachePath);
if (!directory.Exists)
int length = directory.FullName.Count(x => x == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 3;
DirectoryInfo[] subDirectories = directory.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (var subDirectory in subDirectories)
if (subDirectory.FullName.Count(x => x == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) != length)
FileInfo[] files = subDirectory.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
var cacheFolder = new CacheFolder { directory = subDirectory, Length = files.Sum(x => x.Length) };
currentCacheSize += cacheFolder.Length;
internal static void PruneCacheFolders(long maximumCacheSize, long currentCacheSize, List cacheFolders)
cacheFolders.Sort((a, b) => a.LastAccessTimeUtc.CompareTo(b.LastAccessTimeUtc));
// Need to delete sets of files as the .info might reference a specific file artifact
foreach (var cacheFolder in cacheFolders)
currentCacheSize -= cacheFolder.Length;
if (currentCacheSize < maximumCacheSize)
// TODO: Add to IBuildCache interface when IBuildLogger becomes public
internal void SetBuildLogger(IBuildLogger profiler)
m_Logger = profiler;