using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Threading;
namespace UnityEditor.Build.CacheServer
/// Options for the type of a particular file.
public enum FileType
/// Use to indicate that the file is an asset.
Asset = 'a',
/// Use to indicate that the file holds information for an asset/resource.
Info = 'i',
/// Use to indicate that the file is a resource.
Resource = 'r'
/// Options for the result returned by a download operation.
public enum DownloadResult
/// Use to indicate that the operation failed.
Failure = 0,
/// Use to indicate that the operation failed because it could not locate the specified file.
FileNotFound = 1,
/// Use to indicate that the operation succedeed.
Success = 2
/// A GUID/Hash pair that uniquely identifies a particular file. For each FileId, the Cache Server can store a separate
/// binary stream for each FileType.
public struct FileId : IEqualityComparer
/// The guid byte array.
public readonly byte[] guid;
/// The hash code byte array.
public readonly byte[] hash;
/// A structure used to identify a file by guid and hash code.
/// File GUID.
/// File hash code.
private FileId(byte[] guid, byte[] hash)
this.guid = guid;
this.hash = hash;
/// Create a FileId given a string guid and string hash code representation.
/// GUID string representation.
/// Hash code string representation.
public static FileId From(string guidStr, string hashStr)
if (guidStr.Length != 32)
throw new ArgumentException("Length != 32", "guidStr");
if (hashStr.Length != 32)
throw new ArgumentException("Length != 32", "hashStr");
return new FileId(Util.StringToGuid(guidStr), Util.StringToHash(hashStr));
/// Create a FileId given a byte array guid and byte array hash code.
/// GUID byte array.
/// Hash code byte array.
public static FileId From(byte[] guid, byte[] hash)
if (guid.Length != 16)
throw new ArgumentException("Length != 32", "guid");
if (hash.Length != 16)
throw new ArgumentException("Length != 32", "hash");
return new FileId(guid, hash);
/// Check equality of two objects given their guid and hash code.
/// lhs object.
/// rhs object.
public new bool Equals(object x, object y)
var hash1 = (byte[])x;
var hash2 = (byte[])y;
if (hash1.Length != hash2.Length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < hash1.Length; i++)
if (hash1[i] != hash2[i])
return false;
return true;
/// Get the hash code for a specific object.
/// The object you want the hash code for.
public int GetHashCode(object obj)
var hc = 17;
hc = hc * 23 + guid.GetHashCode();
hc = hc * 23 + hash.GetHashCode();
return hc;
/// Exception thrown when an upload operation is not properly isolated within a begin/end transaction
public class TransactionIsolationException : Exception
/// Creates a new exception for when an upload operation is not properly isolated within a begin/end transaction.
/// The text containing information to display.
public TransactionIsolationException(string msg) : base(msg) {}
/// EventArgs passed to the DownloadFinished event handler
public class DownloadFinishedEventArgs : EventArgs
/// EventArgs download result code.
public DownloadResult Result { get; set; }
/// The downloaded item.
public IDownloadItem DownloadItem { get; set; }
/// The size of the downloaded item.
public long Size { get; set; }
/// The length of the download queue.
public long DownloadQueueLength { get; set; }
/// A client API for uploading and downloading files from a Cache Server
public class Client
private enum StreamReadState
private const int ProtocolVersion = 254;
private const string CmdTrxBegin = "ts";
private const string CmdTrxEnd = "te";
private const string CmdGet = "g";
private const string CmdPut = "p";
private const string CmdQuit = "q";
private const int ResponseLen = 2;
private const int SizeLen = 16;
private const int GuidLen = 16;
private const int HashLen = 16;
private const int IdLen = GuidLen + HashLen;
private const int ReadBufferLen = 64 * 1024;
private readonly Queue m_downloadQueue;
private readonly TcpClient m_tcpClient;
private readonly string m_host;
private readonly int m_port;
internal Stream m_stream;
private Mutex m_mutex;
private readonly byte[] m_streamReadBuffer;
private int m_streamBytesRead;
private int m_streamBytesNeeded;
private StreamReadState m_streamReadState = StreamReadState.Response;
private DownloadFinishedEventArgs m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs;
private Stream m_nextWriteStream;
private bool m_inTrx;
/// Returns the number of items in the download queue
public int DownloadQueueLength
get { return m_downloadQueue.Count; }
/// Event fired when a queued download request finishes.
public event EventHandler DownloadFinished;
/// Remove all listeners from the DownloadFinished event
public void ResetDownloadFinishedEventHandler()
DownloadFinished = null;
/// Create a new Cache Server client
/// The host name or IP of the Cache Server.
/// The port number of the Cache Server. Default port is 8126.
public Client(string host, int port = 8126)
m_streamReadBuffer = new byte[ReadBufferLen];
m_downloadQueue = new Queue();
m_tcpClient = new TcpClient();
m_host = host;
m_port = port;
/// Connects to the Cache Server and sends a protocol version handshake.
public void Connect()
var client = m_tcpClient;
client.Connect(m_host, m_port);
m_stream = client.GetStream();
m_stream.ReadTimeout = 10000;
m_stream.WriteTimeout = 10000;
m_mutex = new Mutex();
/// Connects to the Cache Server and sends a protocol version handshake. A TimeoutException is thrown if the connection cannot
/// be established within milliseconds.
public void Connect(int timeoutMs)
var client = m_tcpClient;
var op = client.BeginConnect(m_host, m_port, null, null);
var connected = op.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMs));
if (!connected)
throw new TimeoutException();
m_stream = client.GetStream();
m_mutex = new Mutex();
/// Begin an upload transaction for an asset. Transactions in process can be interupted by calling BeginTransaction
/// again before calling EndTransaction.
public void BeginTransaction(FileId fileId)
m_inTrx = true;
m_stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CmdTrxBegin), 0, 2);
m_stream.Write(fileId.guid, 0, GuidLen);
m_stream.Write(fileId.hash, 0, HashLen);
/// Upload from the given stream for the given FileType. Will throw an exception if not preceeded by BeginTransaction.
public void Upload(FileType type, Stream readStream)
if (!m_inTrx)
throw new TransactionIsolationException("Upload without BeginTransaction");
if (!readStream.CanRead || !readStream.CanSeek)
throw new ArgumentException();
m_stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CmdPut + (char)type), 0, 2);
m_stream.Write(Util.EncodeInt64(readStream.Length), 0, SizeLen);
var buf = new byte[ReadBufferLen];
while (readStream.Position < readStream.Length - 1)
var len = readStream.Read(buf, 0, ReadBufferLen);
m_stream.Write(buf, 0, len);
/// Commit the uploaded files to the Cache Server. Will throw an exception if not preceeded by BeginTransaction.
public void EndTransaction()
if (!m_inTrx)
throw new TransactionIsolationException("EndTransaction without BeginTransaction");
m_inTrx = false;
m_stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CmdTrxEnd), 0, 2);
/// Send a download request to the Cache Server. Listen to the DownloadComplete event to read the results.
/// The IDownloadItem that specifies which file to download
public void QueueDownload(IDownloadItem downloadItem)
m_stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CmdGet + (char)downloadItem.Type), 0, 2);
m_stream.Write(downloadItem.Id.guid, 0, GuidLen);
m_stream.Write(downloadItem.Id.hash, 0, HashLen);
int count = m_downloadQueue.Count;
if (count == 1)
/// Close the connection to the Cache Server. Sends the 'quit' command and closes the network stream.
public void Close()
if (m_stream != null)
m_stream.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(CmdQuit), 0, 1);
if (m_tcpClient != null)
if (m_mutex != null)
m_mutex = null;
private void SendVersion()
var encodedVersion = Util.EncodeInt32(ProtocolVersion, true);
m_stream.Write(encodedVersion, 0, encodedVersion.Length);
var versionBuf = new byte[8];
var pos = 0;
while (pos < versionBuf.Length - 1)
pos += m_stream.Read(versionBuf, 0, versionBuf.Length);
if (Util.ReadUInt32(versionBuf, 0) != ProtocolVersion)
throw new Exception("Server version mismatch");
private void OnDownloadFinished(DownloadFinishedEventArgs e)
int count = m_downloadQueue.Count;
e.DownloadQueueLength = count;
if (DownloadFinished != null)
DownloadFinished(this, e);
if (count > 0)
internal void ReadNextDownloadResult()
m_streamReadState = StreamReadState.Response;
m_streamBytesNeeded = ResponseLen;
m_streamBytesRead = 0;
m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs = new DownloadFinishedEventArgs { Result = DownloadResult.Failure };
private void BeginReadHeader()
m_streamBytesNeeded - m_streamBytesRead,
internal Action OnReadHeader;
private void EndReadHeader(IAsyncResult r)
var bytesRead = m_stream.EndRead(r);
if (bytesRead <= 0) return;
m_streamBytesRead += bytesRead;
if (OnReadHeader != null)
OnReadHeader(m_streamBytesRead, m_streamReadBuffer);
if (m_streamBytesRead < m_streamBytesNeeded)
switch (m_streamReadState)
case StreamReadState.Response:
if (Convert.ToChar(m_streamReadBuffer[0]) == '+')
m_streamReadState = StreamReadState.Size;
m_streamBytesNeeded = SizeLen;
m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs.Result = DownloadResult.FileNotFound;
m_streamReadState = StreamReadState.Id;
m_streamBytesNeeded = IdLen;
case StreamReadState.Size:
m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs.Size = Util.ReadUInt64(m_streamReadBuffer, 0);
m_streamReadState = StreamReadState.Id;
m_streamBytesNeeded = IdLen;
case StreamReadState.Id:
var next = m_downloadQueue.Peek();
m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs.DownloadItem = next;
var match =
Util.ByteArraysAreEqual(next.Id.guid, 0, m_streamReadBuffer, 0, GuidLen) &&
Util.ByteArraysAreEqual(next.Id.hash, 0, m_streamReadBuffer, GuidLen, HashLen);
if (!match)
throw new InvalidDataException();
if (m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs.Result == DownloadResult.FileNotFound)
var size = m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs.Size;
m_nextWriteStream = next.GetWriteStream(size);
m_streamBytesNeeded = (int)size;
m_streamBytesRead = 0;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
m_streamBytesRead = 0;
private void BeginReadData()
var len = Math.Min(ReadBufferLen, m_streamBytesNeeded - m_streamBytesRead);
m_stream.BeginRead(m_streamReadBuffer, 0, len, EndReadData, null);
private void EndReadData(IAsyncResult readResult)
var bytesRead = m_stream.EndRead(readResult);
Debug.Assert(bytesRead > 0);
m_streamBytesRead += bytesRead;
var writeResult = m_nextWriteStream.BeginWrite(m_streamReadBuffer, 0, bytesRead, null, null);
if (m_streamBytesRead < m_streamBytesNeeded)
m_nextFileCompleteEventArgs.Result = DownloadResult.Success;