using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Linq; using System; using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; #endif namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { public class SLZGlobals { static SLZGlobals s_Instance; // Blue Noise private ComputeBuffer BlueNoiseCB; private ComputeBuffer HiZDimBuffer; private float[] BlueNoiseDim; // width, height, depth, current slice index private bool hasSetBNTextures; #if UNITY_EDITOR private static long framecount = 0; private static double timeSinceStartup = 0.0; #endif //private int HiZDimBufferID = Shader.PropertyToID("HiZDimBuffer"); private int HiZMipNumID = Shader.PropertyToID("_HiZHighestMip"); private int HiZDimID = Shader.PropertyToID("_HiZDim"); private int SSRConstantsID = Shader.PropertyToID("SSRConstants"); private int CameraOpaqueTextureID = Shader.PropertyToID("_CameraOpaqueTexture"); private int PrevHiZ0TextureID = Shader.PropertyToID("_PrevHiZ0Texture"); public int opaqueTexID { get { return CameraOpaqueTextureID; } } public int prevHiZTexID { get { return PrevHiZ0TextureID; } } public GlobalKeyword HiZEnabledKW { get; private set; } public GlobalKeyword HiZMinMaxKW { get; private set; } public GlobalKeyword SSREnabledKW { get; private set; } public SLZPerCameraRTStorage PerCameraOpaque; public SLZPerCameraRTStorage PerCameraPrevHiZ; private ComputeBuffer SSRGlobalCB; private double extraSmoothedDT = 0.01111; private SLZGlobals() { BlueNoiseCB = new ComputeBuffer(8, sizeof(float), ComputeBufferType.Constant); BlueNoiseDim = new float[8]; hasSetBNTextures = false; SSRGlobalCB = new ComputeBuffer(2, 4*sizeof(float), ComputeBufferType.Constant); HiZDimBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(15, Marshal.SizeOf()); SSREnabledKW = GlobalKeyword.Create("_SLZ_SSR_ENABLED"); HiZEnabledKW = GlobalKeyword.Create("_HIZ_ENABLED"); HiZMinMaxKW = GlobalKeyword.Create("_HIZ_MIN_MAX_ENABLED"); PerCameraOpaque = new SLZPerCameraRTStorage(); PerCameraPrevHiZ = new SLZPerCameraRTStorage(); } public static SLZGlobals instance { get { if (s_Instance == null) { s_Instance = new SLZGlobals(); } return s_Instance; } } public void SetHiZSSRKeyWords(bool enableSSR, bool requireHiZ, bool requireMinMax) { Shader.SetKeyword(SSREnabledKW, enableSSR); Shader.SetKeyword(HiZEnabledKW, requireHiZ); Shader.SetKeyword(HiZMinMaxKW, requireMinMax); } public void SetHiZGlobal(int numMips, Vector4 dim) { //HiZDimBuffer.SetData(data); //Shader.SetGlobalBuffer(HiZDimBufferID, HiZDimBuffer); Shader.SetGlobalInt(HiZMipNumID, numMips); Shader.SetGlobalVector(HiZDimID, dim); //Shader.SetKeyword(HiZMinMaxKW, minmax); } public void SetSSRGlobals(int maxSteps, int minMip, float hitRadius, float temporalWeight, float fov, int screenHeight) { /* * 0 float _SSRHitRadius; * 1 float _SSREdgeFade; * 2 int _SSRSteps; * 3 none */ Span SSRGlobalArray = stackalloc float[8]; //SSRGlobalArray[0] = 1.0f / (1.0f + hitRadius);//hitRadius; //SSRGlobalArray[1] = -cameraNear / (cameraFar - cameraNear) * (hitRadius * SSRGlobalArray[0]); SSRGlobalArray[0] = hitRadius; extraSmoothedDT = 0.95 * extraSmoothedDT + 0.05 * Time.smoothDeltaTime; float framerateConst = 1.0f / (float)extraSmoothedDT * (1.0f / 90.0f); float expConst = Mathf.Exp(-framerateConst); float FRTemporal = (Mathf.Exp(-framerateConst * temporalWeight) - expConst) * (1.0f / (1.0f - expConst)); //Debug.Log(FRTemporal); SSRGlobalArray[1] = Mathf.Clamp(1.0f - temporalWeight, 0.0078f, 1.0f); //Mathf.Clamp(FRTemporal, 0.0078f, 1.0f); SSRGlobalArray[2] = maxSteps; SSRGlobalArray[3] = BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(minMip); float halfTan = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (fov * 0.5f)); SSRGlobalArray[4] = halfTan / (0.5f * (float)screenHeight); // rcp(0.5*_ScreenParams.y * UNITY_MATRIX_P._m11) SSRGlobalCB.SetData(SSRGlobalArray); Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(SSRConstantsID, SSRGlobalCB, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); } public void SetSSRGlobalsCmd(ref CommandBuffer cmd, int maxSteps, int minMip, float hitRadius, float temporalWeight, float fov, int screenHeight) { Span SSRGlobalArray = stackalloc float[8]; //SSRGlobalArray[0] = 1.0f / (1.0f + hitRadius);//hitRadius; //SSRGlobalArray[1] = -cameraNear / (cameraFar - cameraNear) * (hitRadius * SSRGlobalArray[0]); SSRGlobalArray[0] = hitRadius; extraSmoothedDT = 0.95 * extraSmoothedDT + 0.05 * Time.smoothDeltaTime; float framerateConst = 1.0f / (float)extraSmoothedDT * (1.0f / 90.0f); float expConst = Mathf.Exp(-framerateConst); float FRTemporal = (Mathf.Exp(-framerateConst * temporalWeight) - expConst) * (1.0f / (1.0f - expConst)); //Debug.Log(FRTemporal); SSRGlobalArray[1] = Mathf.Clamp(1.0f - temporalWeight, 0.0078f, 1.0f); //Mathf.Clamp(FRTemporal, 0.0078f, 1.0f); SSRGlobalArray[2] = maxSteps; SSRGlobalArray[3] = BitConverter.Int32BitsToSingle(minMip); float halfTan = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (fov * 0.5f)); SSRGlobalArray[4] = halfTan / (0.5f * (float)screenHeight); // rcp(0.5*_ScreenParams.y * UNITY_MATRIX_P._m11) cmd.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(SSRGlobalCB, SSRConstantsID, 0, 8 * sizeof(float)); } public void SetBlueNoiseGlobals(Texture2DArray BlueNoiseRGBA, Texture2DArray BlueNoiseR) { if (BlueNoiseRGBA != null) { BlueNoiseDim[0] = BlueNoiseRGBA.width; BlueNoiseDim[1] = BlueNoiseRGBA.height; BlueNoiseDim[2] = BlueNoiseRGBA.depth; BlueNoiseDim[3] = (float) Random.Range(0, BlueNoiseRGBA.width); BlueNoiseDim[4] = (float) Random.Range(0, BlueNoiseRGBA.height); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) { if (timeSinceStartup != EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup) { timeSinceStartup = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; framecount++; } BlueNoiseDim[3] = (int)(framecount % BlueNoiseRGBA.depth); //Debug.Log(BlueNoiseDim[3]); } else #endif { BlueNoiseDim[3] = Mathf.Abs((int)(Time.renderedFrameCount % BlueNoiseRGBA.depth)); } if (BlueNoiseCB != null) { BlueNoiseCB.SetData(BlueNoiseDim); Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer("BlueNoiseDim", BlueNoiseCB, 0, 16); } if (!hasSetBNTextures) { Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_BlueNoiseRGBA", BlueNoiseRGBA); Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_BlueNoiseR", BlueNoiseR); hasSetBNTextures = true; } } } public void UpdateBlueNoiseFrame() { if (BlueNoiseCB != null) { long depth = (long)BlueNoiseDim[2]; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) { BlueNoiseDim[3] = (int)((Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate * EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup) % depth); } else #endif { BlueNoiseDim[3] = (int)((Time.timeSinceLevelLoadAsDouble * Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate) % depth); } BlueNoiseCB.SetData(BlueNoiseDim); Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer("BlueNoiseDim", BlueNoiseCB, 0, 16); } } int purgeCounter = 0; const int maxCount = 900; public void RemoveTempRTStupid() { purgeCounter++; if (purgeCounter > maxCount) { PerCameraOpaque.RemoveAllNull(); PerCameraPrevHiZ.RemoveAllNull(); purgeCounter = 0; } } public static void Dispose() { if (s_Instance != null) { if (s_Instance.SSRGlobalCB != null) { s_Instance.SSRGlobalCB.Dispose(); s_Instance.SSRGlobalCB = null; } if (s_Instance.BlueNoiseCB != null) { s_Instance.BlueNoiseCB.Dispose(); s_Instance.BlueNoiseCB = null; } if (s_Instance.HiZDimBuffer != null) { s_Instance.HiZDimBuffer.Dispose(); s_Instance.HiZDimBuffer = null; } if (s_Instance.PerCameraOpaque != null) { s_Instance.PerCameraOpaque.Dispose(); } if (s_Instance.PerCameraPrevHiZ != null) { s_Instance.PerCameraPrevHiZ.Dispose(); } } s_Instance = null; } } public class SLZGlobalsSetPass : ScriptableRenderPass { private bool enableSSR; private bool requireHiZ; private bool requireMinMax; private float ssrHitRadius; private int ssrMaxSteps; private int ssrMinMip; private float cameraNear; private float cameraFar; private Camera camera; private RTPermanentHandle prevOpaque; private RTPermanentHandle prevHiZ; public SLZGlobalsSetPass(RenderPassEvent evt) { renderPassEvent = evt; } public void Setup(CameraData camData) { enableSSR = camData.enableSSR; requireHiZ = camData.requiresDepthPyramid; requireMinMax = camData.requiresMinMaxDepthPyr; ssrHitRadius = camData.SSRHitRadius; ssrMaxSteps = camData.maxSSRSteps; ssrMinMip = camData.SSRMinMip; cameraNear =; cameraFar =; prevOpaque = SLZGlobals.instance.PerCameraOpaque.GetHandle(; prevHiZ = SLZGlobals.instance.PerCameraPrevHiZ.GetHandle(; //Debug.Log("Setup for " +; } public override void OnCameraSetup(CommandBuffer cmd, ref RenderingData renderingData) { ConfigureClear(ClearFlag.None,; } public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) { CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(); Camera cam =; //cmd.SetGlobalTexture(SLZGlobals.instance.opaqueTexID, prevOpaque.Identifier()); //cmd.SetGlobalTexture(SLZGlobals.instance.prevHiZTexID, Texture2D.whiteTexture); //cmd.SetGlobalTexture(SLZGlobals.instance.prevHiZTexID, prevHiZ.Identifier()); //Debug.Log("Execute for " + + " " + SLZGlobals.instance.opaqueTexID + " " + prevOpaque.Identifier()); using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(URPProfileId.SetSLZGlobals))) { if (enableSSR) { // Hack to tell unity to store previous frame object to world vectors... // Not used by SRP to enable motion vectors or depth but somehow still necessary :( |= DepthTextureMode.MotionVectors | DepthTextureMode.Depth; cmd.SetGlobalTexture(SLZGlobals.instance.opaqueTexID, prevOpaque.renderTexture); cmd.SetGlobalTexture(SLZGlobals.instance.prevHiZTexID, prevHiZ.renderTexture); } //SLZGlobals.instance.SetSSRGlobalsCmd(ref cmd, ssrMinMip, ssrMaxSteps, ssrHitRadius, cameraNear, cameraFar); cmd.SetKeyword(SLZGlobals.instance.SSREnabledKW, enableSSR); cmd.SetKeyword(SLZGlobals.instance.HiZEnabledKW, requireHiZ); cmd.SetKeyword(SLZGlobals.instance.HiZMinMaxKW, requireMinMax); } context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); } } }