using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;

namespace AddressableAssets.DocExampleCode
	using System;
    using UnityEngine;

	internal class UsingCleanBundleCache
        #region DECLARATION
        public static AsyncOperationHandle<bool> CleanBundleCache(IEnumerable<string> catalogsIds = null)
            return default;

		#region SAMPLE_ALL
		public void UsingCleanBundleCacheForAllCatalogs()
			// clear for all currently loaded catalogs
			// if catalogIds are provided, only those catalogs are used from the currently loaded
			AsyncOperationHandle<bool> cleanBundleCacheHandle = Addressables.CleanBundleCache();
			cleanBundleCacheHandle.Completed += op =>
                // during caching a reference is added to the catalogs.
                // release is needed to reduce the reference and allow catalog to be uncached for updating

		public void UsingCleanBundleCacheWithcatalogIds()
			HashSet<string> catalogsIds = new HashSet<string>();
			foreach (var locator in Addressables.ResourceLocators)
				if (locator.LocatorId == "AddressablesMainContentCatalog")

			if (catalogsIds.Count == 0)

			var cleanBundleCacheHandle = Addressables.CleanBundleCache(catalogsIds);
			cleanBundleCacheHandle.Completed += op =>
				// during caching a reference is added to the catalogs.
				// release is needed to reduce the reference and allow catalog to be uncached for updating