using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceLocations;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders;
namespace UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators
/// Simple locator that acts as a passthrough for assets loaded from resources directories.
public class LegacyResourcesLocator : IResourceLocator
/// The key is converted to a string and used as the internal id of the location added to the locations parameter.
/// The key of the location. This should be a string with the resources path of the asset.
/// The resource type.
/// The list of locations. This will have at most one item.
/// True if the key is a string object and a location was created, false otherwise.
public bool Locate(object key, Type type, out IList locations)
locations = null;
var strKey = key as string;
if (strKey == null)
return false;
locations = new List();
locations.Add(new ResourceLocationBase("LegacyResourceLocation", strKey, typeof(LegacyResourcesProvider).FullName, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)));
return true;
/// Enumeration of all locations for this locator. This will return an empty array.
public IEnumerable AllLocations => new IResourceLocation[0];
/// The keys available in this locator.
public IEnumerable