using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets; using UnityEngine.Serialization; namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings { /// /// The project configuration settings for addressables. /// public class ProjectConfigData { [Serializable] class ConfigSaveData { [FormerlySerializedAs("m_postProfilerEvents")] [SerializeField] internal bool postProfilerEventsInternal; [FormerlySerializedAs("m_localLoadSpeed")] [SerializeField] internal long localLoadSpeedInternal = 1024 * 1024 * 10; [FormerlySerializedAs("m_remoteLoadSpeed")] [SerializeField] internal long remoteLoadSpeedInternal = 1024 * 1024 * 1; [FormerlySerializedAs("m_hierarchicalSearch")] [SerializeField] internal bool hierarchicalSearchInternal = true; [SerializeField] internal int activePlayModeIndex = 0; [SerializeField] internal bool hideSubObjectsInGroupView = false; [SerializeField] internal bool showGroupsAsHierarchy = false; [SerializeField] internal bool generateBuildLayout = false; [SerializeField] internal ReportFileFormat buildLayoutReportFileFormat = ReportFileFormat.JSON; [SerializeField] internal List buildReports = new List(); #if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER [SerializeField] internal bool autoOpenAddressablesReport = true; [SerializeField] internal bool userHasBeenInformedAboutBuildReportSettingPreBuild = false; #endif } static ConfigSaveData s_Data; /// /// Whether to display sub objects in the Addressables Groups window. /// public static bool ShowSubObjectsInGroupView { get { ValidateData(); return !s_Data.hideSubObjectsInGroupView; } set { ValidateData(); s_Data.hideSubObjectsInGroupView = !value; SaveData(); } } /// /// Whether to generate the bundle build layout report. /// public static bool GenerateBuildLayout { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.generateBuildLayout; } set { ValidateData(); if (s_Data.generateBuildLayout != value) { s_Data.generateBuildLayout = value; SaveData(); } } } #if UNITY_2022_2_OR_NEWER internal static bool AutoOpenAddressablesReport { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.autoOpenAddressablesReport; } set { ValidateData(); if (s_Data.autoOpenAddressablesReport != value) { s_Data.autoOpenAddressablesReport = value; SaveData(); } } } internal static bool UserHasBeenInformedAboutBuildReportSettingPreBuild { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.userHasBeenInformedAboutBuildReportSettingPreBuild; } set { ValidateData(); if (s_Data.userHasBeenInformedAboutBuildReportSettingPreBuild != value) { s_Data.userHasBeenInformedAboutBuildReportSettingPreBuild = value; SaveData(); } } } #endif /// /// File formats supported for the bundle build layout report. /// public enum ReportFileFormat { /// /// When selected, a human readable .txt build layout will be generated alongside the .json file format /// TXT, /// /// The .json file format. /// JSON }; /// /// File format of the bundle build layout report. /// public static ReportFileFormat BuildLayoutReportFileFormat { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.buildLayoutReportFileFormat; } set { ValidateData(); if (s_Data.buildLayoutReportFileFormat != value) { s_Data.buildLayoutReportFileFormat = value; SaveData(); } } } /// /// Returns the file paths of build reports used by the Build Reports window. /// public static List BuildReportFilePaths { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.buildReports; } } /// /// Adds the filepath of a build report to be used by the Build Reports window /// /// The file path to add public static void AddBuildReportFilePath(string reportFilePath) { ValidateData(); s_Data.buildReports.Add(reportFilePath); SaveData(); } /// /// Removes the build report at index from the list of build reports shown in the Build Reports window /// /// The index of the build report to be removed public static void RemoveBuildReportFilePathAtIndex(int index) { ValidateData(); s_Data.buildReports.RemoveAt(index); SaveData(); } /// /// Removes the build report located at reportFilePath from the list of build reports shown in the Build Reports window /// /// public static void RemoveBuildReportFilePath(string reportFilePath) { ValidateData(); s_Data.buildReports.Remove(reportFilePath); SaveData(); } /// /// Removes all build reports from the Build Reports window /// public static void ClearBuildReportFilePaths() { ValidateData(); s_Data.buildReports.Clear(); SaveData(); } /// /// The active play mode data builder index. /// public static int ActivePlayModeIndex { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.activePlayModeIndex; } set { ValidateData(); s_Data.activePlayModeIndex = value; SaveData(); } } /// /// Whether to post profiler events in the ResourceManager profiler window. /// public static bool PostProfilerEvents { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.postProfilerEventsInternal; } set { ValidateData(); s_Data.postProfilerEventsInternal = value; SaveData(); } } /// /// The local bundle loading speed used in the Simulate Groups (advanced) playmode. /// public static long LocalLoadSpeed { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.localLoadSpeedInternal; } set { ValidateData(); s_Data.localLoadSpeedInternal = value; SaveData(); } } /// /// The remote bundle loading speed used in the Simulate Groups (advanced) playmode. /// public static long RemoteLoadSpeed { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.remoteLoadSpeedInternal; } set { ValidateData(); s_Data.remoteLoadSpeedInternal = value; SaveData(); } } /// /// Whether to allow searching for assets parsed hierarchally in the Addressables Groups window. /// public static bool HierarchicalSearch { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.hierarchicalSearchInternal; } set { ValidateData(); s_Data.hierarchicalSearchInternal = value; SaveData(); } } /// /// Whether to display groups names parsed hierarchally in the Addressables Groups window. /// public static bool ShowGroupsAsHierarchy { get { ValidateData(); return s_Data.showGroupsAsHierarchy; } set { ValidateData(); s_Data.showGroupsAsHierarchy = value; SaveData(); } } static void ValidateData() { if (s_Data == null) { var dataPath = Path.GetFullPath("."); dataPath = dataPath.Replace("\\", "/"); dataPath += "/Library/AddressablesConfig.dat"; if (File.Exists(dataPath)) { BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); try { using (FileStream file = new FileStream(dataPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var data = bf.Deserialize(file) as ConfigSaveData; if (data != null) { s_Data = data; } } } catch { //if the current class doesn't match what's in the file, Deserialize will throw. since this data is non-critical, we just wipe it Addressables.LogWarning("Error reading Addressable Asset project config (play mode, etc.). Resetting to default."); File.Delete(dataPath); } } //check if some step failed. if (s_Data == null) { s_Data = new ConfigSaveData(); } if(s_Data.buildReports == null) s_Data.buildReports = new List(); } } static void SaveData() { if (s_Data == null) return; var dataPath = Path.GetFullPath("."); dataPath = dataPath.Replace("\\", "/"); dataPath += "/Library/AddressablesConfig.dat"; BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream file = File.Create(dataPath); bf.Serialize(file, s_Data); file.Close(); } } }