using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
    // this class is used to track asset dependencies in shadergraphs and subgraphs
    // that is: it tracks files that the shadergraph or subgraph must access to generate the shader
    // this data is used to automatically re-import the shadergraphs or subgraphs when any of the tracked files change
    internal class AssetCollection
        public enum Flags
            SourceDependency = 1 << 0,     // ShaderGraph directly reads the source file in the Assets directory
            ArtifactDependency = 1 << 1,     // ShaderGraph reads the import result artifact (i.e. subgraph import)
            IsSubGraph = 1 << 2,     // This asset is a SubGraph (used when we need to get multiple levels of dependencies)
            IncludeInExportPackage = 1 << 3      // This asset should be pulled into any .unitypackages built via "Export Package.."

        internal Dictionary<GUID, Flags> assets = new Dictionary<GUID, Flags>();

        internal IEnumerable<GUID> assetGUIDs { get { return assets.Keys; } }

        public AssetCollection()

        internal void Clear()

        // these are assets that we read the source files directly (directly reading the file out of the Assets directory)
        public void AddAssetDependency(GUID assetGUID, Flags flags)
            if (assets.TryGetValue(assetGUID, out Flags existingFlags))
                assets[assetGUID] = existingFlags | flags;
                assets.Add(assetGUID, flags);