using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { // this class is used to track asset dependencies in shadergraphs and subgraphs // that is: it tracks files that the shadergraph or subgraph must access to generate the shader // this data is used to automatically re-import the shadergraphs or subgraphs when any of the tracked files change [GenerationAPI] internal class AssetCollection { [Flags] public enum Flags { SourceDependency = 1 << 0, // ShaderGraph directly reads the source file in the Assets directory ArtifactDependency = 1 << 1, // ShaderGraph reads the import result artifact (i.e. subgraph import) IsSubGraph = 1 << 2, // This asset is a SubGraph (used when we need to get multiple levels of dependencies) IncludeInExportPackage = 1 << 3 // This asset should be pulled into any .unitypackages built via "Export Package.." } internal Dictionary<GUID, Flags> assets = new Dictionary<GUID, Flags>(); internal IEnumerable<GUID> assetGUIDs { get { return assets.Keys; } } public AssetCollection() { } internal void Clear() { assets.Clear(); } // these are assets that we read the source files directly (directly reading the file out of the Assets directory) public void AddAssetDependency(GUID assetGUID, Flags flags) { if (assets.TryGetValue(assetGUID, out Flags existingFlags)) { assets[assetGUID] = existingFlags | flags; } else { assets.Add(assetGUID, flags); } } } }