using System.IO; using NUnit.Framework; using UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Utilities; namespace UnityEditor.Build.Pipeline.Tests { // Test suite against Build Cache with Cache Server backend, tests are implemented in BuildCacheTestBase //[Ignore("Disabled due to instability")] //class CacheServerBuildCacheTests : BuildCacheTestBase //{ // internal override void OneTimeSetupDerived() // { // var cachePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()); // LocalCacheServer.Setup(1024 * 1024, cachePath); // } // internal override void OneTimeTearDownDerived() // { // LocalCacheServer.Clear(); // } // protected override void RecreateBuildCache() // { // // purge the local cache to make sure we don't load anything out of it again. // // these tests need to pull from the cache server // BuildCacheUtility.ClearCacheHashes(); // if (m_Cache != null) // m_Cache.Dispose(); // PurgeBuildCache(); // m_Cache = new BuildCache("localhost", LocalCacheServer.instance.m_port); // } //} }