using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering { /// /// Default instance of a RTHandleSystem /// public static class RTHandles { static RTHandleSystem s_DefaultInstance = new RTHandleSystem(); /// /// Maximum allocated width of the default RTHandle System /// public static int maxWidth { get { return s_DefaultInstance.GetMaxWidth(); } } /// /// Maximum allocated height of the default RTHandle System /// public static int maxHeight { get { return s_DefaultInstance.GetMaxHeight(); } } /// /// Current properties of the default RTHandle System /// public static RTHandleProperties rtHandleProperties { get { return s_DefaultInstance.rtHandleProperties; } } /// /// Allocate a new fixed sized RTHandle with the default RTHandle System. /// /// With of the RTHandle. /// Heigh of the RTHandle. /// Number of slices of the RTHandle. /// Bit depths of a depth buffer. /// GraphicsFormat of a color buffer. /// Filtering mode of the RTHandle. /// Addressing mode of the RTHandle. /// Texture dimension of the RTHandle. /// Set to true to enable UAV random read writes on the texture. /// Set to true if the texture should have mipmaps. /// Set to true to automatically generate mipmaps. /// Set to true if the depth buffer should be used as a shadow map. /// Anisotropic filtering level. /// Bias applied to mipmaps during filtering. /// Number of MSAA samples for the RTHandle. /// Set to true if the texture needs to be bound as a multisampled texture in the shader. /// Set to true to use hardware dynamic scaling. /// Use this property to set the render texture memoryless modes. /// Name of the RTHandle. /// public static RTHandle Alloc( int width, int height, int slices = 1, DepthBits depthBufferBits = DepthBits.None, GraphicsFormat colorFormat = GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB, FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat, TextureDimension dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D, bool enableRandomWrite = false, bool useMipMap = false, bool autoGenerateMips = true, bool isShadowMap = false, int anisoLevel = 1, float mipMapBias = 0, MSAASamples msaaSamples = MSAASamples.None, bool bindTextureMS = false, bool useDynamicScale = false, RenderTextureMemoryless memoryless = RenderTextureMemoryless.None, string name = "" ) { return s_DefaultInstance.Alloc( width, height, slices, depthBufferBits, colorFormat, filterMode, wrapMode, dimension, enableRandomWrite, useMipMap, autoGenerateMips, isShadowMap, anisoLevel, mipMapBias, msaaSamples, bindTextureMS, useDynamicScale, memoryless, name ); } /// /// Allocate a new automatically sized RTHandle for the default RTHandle System. /// /// Constant scale for the RTHandle size computation. /// Number of slices of the RTHandle. /// Bit depths of a depth buffer. /// GraphicsFormat of a color buffer. /// Filtering mode of the RTHandle. /// Addressing mode of the RTHandle. /// Texture dimension of the RTHandle. /// Set to true to enable UAV random read writes on the texture. /// Set to true if the texture should have mipmaps. /// Set to true to automatically generate mipmaps. /// Set to true if the depth buffer should be used as a shadow map. /// Anisotropic filtering level. /// Bias applied to mipmaps during filtering. /// Number of MSAA samples. /// Set to true if the texture needs to be bound as a multisampled texture in the shader. /// Set to true to use hardware dynamic scaling. /// Use this property to set the render texture memoryless modes. /// Name of the RTHandle. /// A new RTHandle. public static RTHandle Alloc( Vector2 scaleFactor, int slices = 1, DepthBits depthBufferBits = DepthBits.None, GraphicsFormat colorFormat = GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB, FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat, TextureDimension dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D, bool enableRandomWrite = false, bool useMipMap = false, bool autoGenerateMips = true, bool isShadowMap = false, int anisoLevel = 1, float mipMapBias = 0, MSAASamples msaaSamples = MSAASamples.None, bool bindTextureMS = false, bool useDynamicScale = false, RenderTextureMemoryless memoryless = RenderTextureMemoryless.None, string name = "" ) { return s_DefaultInstance.Alloc( scaleFactor, slices, depthBufferBits, colorFormat, filterMode, wrapMode, dimension, enableRandomWrite, useMipMap, autoGenerateMips, isShadowMap, anisoLevel, mipMapBias, msaaSamples, bindTextureMS, useDynamicScale, memoryless, name ); } /// /// Allocate a new automatically sized RTHandle for the default RTHandle System. /// /// Function used for the RTHandle size computation. /// Number of slices of the RTHandle. /// Bit depths of a depth buffer. /// GraphicsFormat of a color buffer. /// Filtering mode of the RTHandle. /// Addressing mode of the RTHandle. /// Texture dimension of the RTHandle. /// Set to true to enable UAV random read writes on the texture. /// Set to true if the texture should have mipmaps. /// Set to true to automatically generate mipmaps. /// Set to true if the depth buffer should be used as a shadow map. /// Anisotropic filtering level. /// Bias applied to mipmaps during filtering. /// Number of MSAA samples. /// Set to true if the texture needs to be bound as a multisampled texture in the shader. /// Set to true to use hardware dynamic scaling. /// Use this property to set the render texture memoryless modes. /// Name of the RTHandle. /// public static RTHandle Alloc( ScaleFunc scaleFunc, int slices = 1, DepthBits depthBufferBits = DepthBits.None, GraphicsFormat colorFormat = GraphicsFormat.R8G8B8A8_SRGB, FilterMode filterMode = FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat, TextureDimension dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D, bool enableRandomWrite = false, bool useMipMap = false, bool autoGenerateMips = true, bool isShadowMap = false, int anisoLevel = 1, float mipMapBias = 0, MSAASamples msaaSamples = MSAASamples.None, bool bindTextureMS = false, bool useDynamicScale = false, RenderTextureMemoryless memoryless = RenderTextureMemoryless.None, string name = "" ) { return s_DefaultInstance.Alloc( scaleFunc, slices, depthBufferBits, colorFormat, filterMode, wrapMode, dimension, enableRandomWrite, useMipMap, autoGenerateMips, isShadowMap, anisoLevel, mipMapBias, msaaSamples, bindTextureMS, useDynamicScale, memoryless, name ); } /// /// Allocate a RTHandle from a regular Texture for the default RTHandle system. /// /// Input texture /// A new RTHandle referencing the input texture. public static RTHandle Alloc(Texture tex) { return s_DefaultInstance.Alloc(tex); } /// /// Allocate a RTHandle from a regular RenderTexture for the default RTHandle system. /// /// Input texture /// A new RTHandle referencing the input texture. public static RTHandle Alloc(RenderTexture tex) { return s_DefaultInstance.Alloc(tex); } /// /// Allocate a RTHandle from a regular render target identifier for the default RTHandle system. /// /// Input render target identifier. /// A new RTHandle referencing the input render target identifier. public static RTHandle Alloc(RenderTargetIdentifier tex) { return s_DefaultInstance.Alloc(tex); } /// /// Allocate a RTHandle from a regular render target identifier for the default RTHandle system. /// /// Input render target identifier. /// Name of the render target. /// A new RTHandle referencing the input render target identifier. public static RTHandle Alloc(RenderTargetIdentifier tex, string name) { return s_DefaultInstance.Alloc(tex, name); } private static RTHandle Alloc(RTHandle tex) { Debug.LogError("Allocation a RTHandle from another one is forbidden."); return null; } /// /// Initialize the default RTHandle system. /// /// Initial reference rendering width. /// Initial reference rendering height. public static void Initialize(int width, int height) { s_DefaultInstance.Initialize(width, height); } /// /// Release memory of a RTHandle from the default RTHandle System /// /// RTHandle that should be released. public static void Release(RTHandle rth) { s_DefaultInstance.Release(rth); } /// /// Enable or disable hardware dynamic resolution for the default RTHandle System /// /// State of hardware dynamic resolution. public static void SetHardwareDynamicResolutionState(bool hwDynamicResRequested) { s_DefaultInstance.SetHardwareDynamicResolutionState(hwDynamicResRequested); } /// /// Sets the reference rendering size for subsequent rendering for the default RTHandle System /// /// Reference rendering width for subsequent rendering. /// Reference rendering height for subsequent rendering. public static void SetReferenceSize(int width, int height) { s_DefaultInstance.SetReferenceSize(width, height); } /// /// Reset the reference size of the system and reallocate all textures. /// /// New width. /// New height. public static void ResetReferenceSize(int width, int height) { s_DefaultInstance.ResetReferenceSize(width, height); } /// /// Returns the ratio against the current target's max resolution /// /// width to utilize /// height to utilize /// retruns the width,height / maxTargetSize.xy ratio. public static Vector2 CalculateRatioAgainstMaxSize(int width, int height) { return s_DefaultInstance.CalculateRatioAgainstMaxSize(new Vector2Int(width, height)); } } }