using UnityEngine; using System.IO; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace UnityEditor.Performance.ProfileAnalyzer { internal class ProfileAnalyzerExportWindow : EditorWindow { internal static class Styles { public static readonly GUIContent markerTable = new GUIContent("Marker table", "Export data from the single view marker table"); public static readonly GUIContent singleFrameTimes = new GUIContent("Single Frame Times", "Export frame time data from the single view"); public static readonly GUIContent comparisonFrameTimes = new GUIContent("Comparison Frame Times", "Export frame time data from the comparison view"); } ProfileAnalyzerWindow m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow; ProfileDataView m_ProfileDataView; ProfileDataView m_LeftDataView; ProfileDataView m_RightDataView; static public ProfileAnalyzerExportWindow FindOpenWindow() { UnityEngine.Object[] windows = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(ProfileAnalyzerExportWindow)); if (windows != null && windows.Length > 0) return windows[0] as ProfileAnalyzerExportWindow; return null; } static public bool IsOpen() { if (FindOpenWindow() != null) return true; return false; } static public ProfileAnalyzerExportWindow Open(float screenX, float screenY, ProfileDataView profileSingleView, ProfileDataView profileLeftView, ProfileDataView profileRightView, ProfileAnalyzerWindow profileAnalyzerWindow) { ProfileAnalyzerExportWindow window = GetWindow("Export"); window.minSize = new Vector2(200, 140); window.position = new Rect(screenX, screenY, 200, 140); window.m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow = profileAnalyzerWindow; window.SetData(profileSingleView, profileLeftView, profileRightView); window.Show(); return window; } static public void CloseAll() { ProfileAnalyzerExportWindow window = GetWindow("Export"); window.Close(); } public void SetData(ProfileDataView profileDataView, ProfileDataView leftDataView, ProfileDataView rightDataView) { m_ProfileDataView = profileDataView; m_LeftDataView = leftDataView; m_RightDataView = rightDataView; } void OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); GUILayout.Label("Export as CSV:"); GUILayout.Label(""); GUILayout.Label("Single View"); bool enabled = GUI.enabled; if (m_ProfileDataView == null || !m_ProfileDataView.IsDataValid()) GUI.enabled = false; if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.markerTable)) SaveMarkerTableCSV(); GUI.enabled = enabled; if (m_ProfileDataView == null || m_ProfileDataView.analysis == null) GUI.enabled = false; if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.singleFrameTimes)) SaveFrameTimesCSV(); GUI.enabled = enabled; GUILayout.Label("Comparison View"); if (m_LeftDataView == null || !m_LeftDataView.IsDataValid() || m_RightDataView == null || !m_RightDataView.IsDataValid()) GUI.enabled = false; if (GUILayout.Button(Styles.comparisonFrameTimes)) SaveComparisonFrameTimesCSV(); GUI.enabled = enabled; EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } void SaveMarkerTableCSV() { if (m_ProfileDataView.analysis == null) return; string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save marker table CSV data", "", "markerTable.csv", "csv"); if (path.Length != 0) { var analytic = ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.BeginAnalytic(); using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(path)) { file.Write("Name, "); file.Write("Median Time, Min Time, Max Time, "); file.Write("Median Frame Index, Min Frame Index, Max Frame Index, "); file.Write("Min Depth, Max Depth, "); file.Write("Total Time, "); file.Write("Mean Time, Time Lower Quartile, Time Upper Quartile, "); file.Write("Count Total, Count Median, Count Min, Count Max, "); file.Write("Number of frames containing Marker, "); file.Write("First Frame Index, "); file.Write("Time Min Individual, Time Max Individual, "); file.Write("Min Individual Frame, Max Individual Frame, "); file.WriteLine("Time at Median Frame"); List markerData = m_ProfileDataView.analysis.GetMarkers(); markerData.Sort(); foreach (MarkerData marker in markerData) { var markerName =; if (markerName.IndexOf('\"') >= 0) // replace all double quotation marks with single ones to avoid this breaking the escaping with double quotation marks markerName = markerName.Replace('\"', '\''); int medianFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(marker.medianFrameIndex, m_ProfileDataView); int minFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(marker.minFrameIndex, m_ProfileDataView); int maxFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(marker.maxFrameIndex, m_ProfileDataView); int firstFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(marker.firstFrameIndex, m_ProfileDataView); int minIndividualFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(marker.minIndividualFrameIndex, m_ProfileDataView); int maxIndividualFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(marker.maxIndividualFrameIndex, m_ProfileDataView); // "Escape" marker names in case it has commas in it. file.Write("\"{0}\",", markerName); file.Write("{0},{1},{2},", marker.msMedian, marker.msMin, marker.msMax); file.Write("{0},{1},{2},", medianFrameIndex, minFrameIndex, maxFrameIndex); file.Write("{0},{1},", marker.minDepth, marker.maxDepth); file.Write("{0},", marker.msTotal); file.Write("{0},{1},{2},", marker.msMean, marker.msLowerQuartile, marker.msUpperQuartile); file.Write("{0},{1},{2},{3},", marker.count, marker.countMedian, marker.countMin, marker.countMax); file.Write("{0},", marker.presentOnFrameCount); file.Write("{0},", firstFrameIndex); file.Write("{0},{1},", marker.msMinIndividual, marker.msMaxIndividual); file.Write("{0},{1},", minIndividualFrameIndex, maxIndividualFrameIndex); file.WriteLine("{0}", marker.msAtMedian); } } ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.SendUIButtonEvent(ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.UIButton.ExportSingleFrames, analytic); } } void SaveFrameTimesCSV() { if (m_ProfileDataView == null) return; if (!m_ProfileDataView.IsDataValid()) return; string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save frame time CSV data", "", "frameTime.csv", "csv"); if (path.Length != 0) { var analytic = ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.BeginAnalytic(); using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(path)) { file.WriteLine("Frame Offset, Frame Index, Frame Time (ms), Time from first frame (ms)"); float maxFrames =; var frame =; // msStartTime isn't very accurate so we don't use it double msTimePassed = 0.0; for (int frameOffset = 0; frameOffset < maxFrames; frameOffset++) { frame =; int frameIndex =; frameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(frameIndex, m_ProfileDataView); float msFrame = frame.msFrame; file.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3}", frameOffset, frameIndex, msFrame, msTimePassed); msTimePassed += msFrame; } } ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.SendUIButtonEvent(ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.UIButton.ExportSingleFrames, analytic); } } void SaveComparisonFrameTimesCSV() { if (m_LeftDataView == null || m_RightDataView == null) return; if (!m_LeftDataView.IsDataValid() || !m_RightDataView.IsDataValid()) return; string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save comparison frame time CSV data", "", "frameTimeComparison.csv", "csv"); if (path.Length != 0) { var analytic = ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.BeginAnalytic(); using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(path)) { file.Write("Frame Offset, "); file.Write("Left Frame Index, Right Frame Index, "); file.Write("Left Frame Time (ms), Left time from first frame (ms), "); file.Write("Right Frame Time (ms), Right time from first frame (ms), "); file.WriteLine("Frame Time Diff (ms)"); float maxFrames = Math.Max(,; var leftFrame =; var rightFrame =; // msStartTime isn't very accurate so we don't use it double msTimePassedLeft = 0.0; double msTimePassedRight = 0.0; for (int frameOffset = 0; frameOffset < maxFrames; frameOffset++) { leftFrame =; rightFrame =; int leftFrameIndex =; leftFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(leftFrameIndex, m_LeftDataView); int rightFrameIndex =; rightFrameIndex = m_ProfileAnalyzerWindow.GetRemappedUIFrameIndex(rightFrameIndex, m_RightDataView); float msFrameLeft = leftFrame != null ? leftFrame.msFrame : 0; float msFrameRight = rightFrame != null ? rightFrame.msFrame : 0; float msFrameDiff = msFrameRight - msFrameLeft; file.Write("{0},", frameOffset); file.Write("{0},{1},", leftFrameIndex, rightFrameIndex); file.Write("{0},{1},", msFrameLeft, msTimePassedLeft); file.Write("{0},{1},", msFrameRight, msTimePassedRight); file.WriteLine("{0}", msFrameDiff); msTimePassedLeft += msFrameLeft; msTimePassedRight += msFrameRight; } } ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.SendUIButtonEvent(ProfileAnalyzerAnalytics.UIButton.ExportComparisonFrames, analytic); } } } }