using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEngine.U2D;
using UnityEditor;
namespace UnityEngine.AddressableAssets
/// Generic version of AssetReference class. This should not be used directly as CustomPropertyDrawers do not support generic types. Instead use the concrete derived classes such as AssetReferenceGameObject.
public class AssetReferenceT : AssetReference where TObject : Object
/// Construct a new AssetReference object.
/// The guid of the asset.
public AssetReferenceT(string guid)
: base(guid)
protected override internal Type DerivedClassType => typeof(TObject);
/// Load the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// The load operation.
//[Obsolete("We have added Async to the name of all asynchronous methods (UnityUpgradable) -> LoadAssetAsync(*)", true)]
public AsyncOperationHandle LoadAsset()
return LoadAssetAsync();
/// Load the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// on an AssetReference, use Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<>() and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// The load operation.
public virtual AsyncOperationHandle LoadAssetAsync()
return LoadAssetAsync();
public override bool ValidateAsset(Object obj)
var type = obj.GetType();
return typeof(TObject).IsAssignableFrom(type);
/// Validates that the asset located at a path is allowable for this asset reference. An asset is allowable if
/// it is of the correct type or if one of its sub-asset is.
/// The path to the asset in question.
/// Whether the referenced asset is valid.
public override bool ValidateAsset(string mainAssetPath)
Type objType = typeof(TObject);
if (objType.IsAssignableFrom(AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(mainAssetPath)))
return true;
var types = AssetPathToTypes.GetTypesForAssetPath(mainAssetPath);
return types.Contains(objType);
return false;
/// Type-specific override of parent editorAsset. Used by the editor to represent the main asset referenced.
/// Editor Asset as type TObject, else null
public new TObject editorAsset
get => base.editorAsset as TObject;
/// GameObject only asset reference.
public class AssetReferenceGameObject : AssetReferenceT
/// Constructs a new reference to a GameObject.
/// The object guid.
public AssetReferenceGameObject(string guid) : base(guid)
/// Texture only asset reference.
public class AssetReferenceTexture : AssetReferenceT
/// Constructs a new reference to a Texture.
/// The object guid.
public AssetReferenceTexture(string guid) : base(guid)
/// Texture2D only asset reference.
public class AssetReferenceTexture2D : AssetReferenceT
/// Constructs a new reference to a Texture2D.
/// The object guid.
public AssetReferenceTexture2D(string guid) : base(guid)
/// Texture3D only asset reference
public class AssetReferenceTexture3D : AssetReferenceT
/// Constructs a new reference to a Texture3D.
/// The object guid.
public AssetReferenceTexture3D(string guid) : base(guid)
/// Sprite only asset reference.
public class AssetReferenceSprite : AssetReferenceT
/// Constructs a new reference to a AssetReferenceSprite.
/// The object guid.
public AssetReferenceSprite(string guid) : base(guid)
public override bool ValidateAsset(string path)
if (AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(path) == typeof(SpriteAtlas))
return true;
var type = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(path);
bool isTexture = typeof(Texture2D).IsAssignableFrom(type);
if (isTexture)
var importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as TextureImporter;
return (importer != null) && (importer.spriteImportMode != SpriteImportMode.None);
return false;
/// Typeless override of parent editorAsset. Used by the editor to represent the main asset referenced.
public new Object editorAsset
get => GetEditorAssetInternal();
internal override Object GetEditorAssetInternal()
if (CachedAsset != null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_AssetGUID))
return CachedAsset;
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(m_AssetGUID);
Type mainAssetType = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(assetPath);
Object asset = mainAssetType == typeof(SpriteAtlas) ? AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(SpriteAtlas)) : AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, DerivedClassType);
if (DerivedClassType == null)
return CachedAsset = asset;
if (asset == null)
Debug.LogWarning($"Assigned editorAsset does not match type {typeof(SpriteAtlas)} or {DerivedClassType}. EditorAsset will be null.");
return CachedAsset = asset;
internal override bool SetEditorAssetInternal(Object value)
if (value is SpriteAtlas)
return OnSetEditorAsset(value, typeof(SpriteAtlas));
return base.SetEditorAssetInternal(value);
/// Assetreference that only allows atlassed sprites.
public class AssetReferenceAtlasedSprite : AssetReferenceT
/// Constructs a new reference to a AssetReferenceAtlasedSprite.
/// The object guid.
public AssetReferenceAtlasedSprite(string guid) : base(guid)
internal override Object GetEditorAssetInternal()
if (CachedAsset != null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_AssetGUID))
return CachedAsset;
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(m_AssetGUID);
Object asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, typeof(SpriteAtlas));
if (asset == null)
Debug.LogWarning($"Assigned editorAsset does not match type {typeof(SpriteAtlas)}. EditorAsset will be null.");
return CachedAsset = asset;
internal override bool SetEditorAssetInternal(Object value)
return OnSetEditorAsset(value, typeof(SpriteAtlas));
public override bool ValidateAsset(Object obj)
return obj is SpriteAtlas;
public override bool ValidateAsset(string path)
return AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(path) == typeof(SpriteAtlas);
return false;
/// SpriteAtlas Type-specific override of parent editorAsset. Used by the editor to represent the main asset referenced.
public new SpriteAtlas editorAsset
if (CachedAsset != null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssetGUID))
return CachedAsset as SpriteAtlas;
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(AssetGUID);
var main = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(assetPath) as SpriteAtlas;
if (main != null)
CachedAsset = main;
return main;
/// Reference to an addressable asset. This can be used in script to provide fields that can be easily set in the editor and loaded dynamically at runtime.
/// To determine if the reference is set, use RuntimeKeyIsValid().
public class AssetReference : IKeyEvaluator
protected internal string m_AssetGUID = "";
string m_SubObjectName;
string m_SubObjectType = null;
AsyncOperationHandle m_Operation;
virtual protected internal Type DerivedClassType { get; }
/// The AsyncOperationHandle currently being used by the AssetReference.
/// For example, if you call AssetReference.LoadAssetAsync, this property will return a handle to that operation.
public AsyncOperationHandle OperationHandle
get { return m_Operation; }
internal set
m_Operation = value;
if (m_Operation.Status != AsyncOperationStatus.Failed)
/// The actual key used to request the asset at runtime. RuntimeKeyIsValid() can be used to determine if this reference was set.
public virtual object RuntimeKey
if (m_AssetGUID == null)
m_AssetGUID = string.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SubObjectName))
return string.Format("{0}[{1}]", m_AssetGUID, m_SubObjectName);
return m_AssetGUID;
/// Stores the guid of the asset.
public virtual string AssetGUID
get { return m_AssetGUID; }
/// Stores the name of the sub object.
public virtual string SubObjectName
get { return m_SubObjectName; }
set { m_SubObjectName = value; }
internal virtual Type SubOjbectType
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_SubObjectName) && m_SubObjectType != null)
return Type.GetType(m_SubObjectType);
return null;
/// Returns the state of the internal operation.
/// True if the operation is valid.
public bool IsValid()
return m_Operation.IsValid();
/// Get the loading status of the internal operation.
public bool IsDone
get { return m_Operation.IsDone; }
static void RegisterForPlaymodeChange()
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged -= EditorApplicationOnplayModeStateChanged;
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += EditorApplicationOnplayModeStateChanged;
static HashSet m_ActiveAssetReferences = new HashSet();
static void EditorApplicationOnplayModeStateChanged(PlayModeStateChange state)
if (EditorSettings.enterPlayModeOptionsEnabled && Addressables.reinitializeAddressables)
foreach (AssetReference reference in m_ActiveAssetReferences)
void ReleaseHandleWhenPlaymodeStateChanged(PlayModeStateChange state)
if (m_Operation.IsValid())
/// Construct a new AssetReference object.
public AssetReference()
/// Construct a new AssetReference object.
/// The guid of the asset.
public AssetReference(string guid)
m_AssetGUID = guid;
/// The loaded asset. This value is only set after the AsyncOperationHandle returned from LoadAssetAsync completes.
/// It will not be set if only InstantiateAsync is called. It will be set to null if release is called.
public virtual Object Asset
if (!m_Operation.IsValid())
return null;
return m_Operation.Result as Object;
Object m_CachedAsset;
string m_CachedGUID = "";
/// Cached Editor Asset.
protected internal Object CachedAsset
if (m_CachedGUID != m_AssetGUID)
m_CachedAsset = null;
m_CachedGUID = "";
return m_CachedAsset;
m_CachedAsset = value;
m_CachedGUID = m_AssetGUID;
/// String representation of asset reference.
/// The asset guid as a string.
public override string ToString()
return "[" + m_AssetGUID + "]" + CachedAsset;
return "[" + m_AssetGUID + "]";
static AsyncOperationHandle CreateFailedOperation()
//this needs to be set in order for ResourceManager.ExceptionHandler to get hooked up to AddressablesImpl.LogException.
return Addressables.ResourceManager.CreateCompletedOperation(default(T), new Exception("Attempting to load an asset reference that has no asset assigned to it.").Message);
/// Load the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// The object type.
/// The load operation.
//[Obsolete("We have added Async to the name of all asynchronous methods (UnityUpgradable) -> LoadAssetAsync(*)", true)]
public AsyncOperationHandle LoadAsset()
return LoadAssetAsync();
/// Loads the reference as a scene.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use Addressables.LoadSceneAsync() and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// The operation handle for the scene load.
//[Obsolete("We have added Async to the name of all asynchronous methods (UnityUpgradable) -> LoadSceneAsync(*)", true)]
public AsyncOperationHandle LoadScene()
return LoadSceneAsync();
/// InstantiateAsync the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use Addressables.InstantiateAsync() and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// Position of the instantiated object.
/// Rotation of the instantiated object.
/// The parent of the instantiated object.
/// Returns the instantiation operation.
//[Obsolete("We have added Async to the name of all asynchronous methods (UnityUpgradable) -> InstantiateAsync(*)", true)]
public AsyncOperationHandle Instantiate(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent = null)
return InstantiateAsync(position, rotation, parent);
/// InstantiateAsync the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use Addressables.InstantiateAsync() and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// The parent of the instantiated object.
/// Option to retain world space when instantiated with a parent.
/// Returns the instantiation operation.
//[Obsolete("We have added Async to the name of all asynchronous methods (UnityUpgradable) -> InstantiateAsync(*)", true)]
public AsyncOperationHandle Instantiate(Transform parent = null, bool instantiateInWorldSpace = false)
return InstantiateAsync(parent, instantiateInWorldSpace);
/// Load the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// The object type.
/// The load operation if there is not a valid cached operation, otherwise return default operation.
public virtual AsyncOperationHandle LoadAssetAsync()
AsyncOperationHandle result = default(AsyncOperationHandle);
if (m_Operation.IsValid())
Debug.LogError("Attempting to load AssetReference that has already been loaded. Handle is exposed through getter OperationHandle");
result = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync(RuntimeKey);
OperationHandle = result;
return result;
/// Loads the reference as a scene.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is unloaded. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use Addressables.LoadSceneAsync() and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// Scene load mode.
/// If false, the scene will load but not activate (for background loading). The SceneInstance returned has an Activate() method that can be called to do this at a later point.
/// Async operation priority for scene loading.
/// The operation handle for the request if there is not a valid cached operation, otherwise return default operation
public virtual AsyncOperationHandle LoadSceneAsync(LoadSceneMode loadMode = LoadSceneMode.Single, bool activateOnLoad = true, int priority = 100)
AsyncOperationHandle result = default(AsyncOperationHandle);
if (m_Operation.IsValid())
Debug.LogError("Attempting to load AssetReference Scene that has already been loaded. Handle is exposed through getter OperationHandle");
result = Addressables.LoadSceneAsync(RuntimeKey, loadMode, activateOnLoad, priority);
OperationHandle = result;
return result;
/// Unloads the reference as a scene.
/// The operation handle for the scene load.
public virtual AsyncOperationHandle UnLoadScene()
return Addressables.UnloadSceneAsync(m_Operation, true);
/// InstantiateAsync the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use Addressables.InstantiateAsync() and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// Position of the instantiated object.
/// Rotation of the instantiated object.
/// The parent of the instantiated object.
public virtual AsyncOperationHandle InstantiateAsync(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent = null)
return Addressables.InstantiateAsync(RuntimeKey, position, rotation, parent, true);
/// InstantiateAsync the referenced asset as type TObject.
/// This cannot be used a second time until the first load is released. If you wish to call load multiple times
/// on an AssetReference, use Addressables.InstantiateAsync() and pass your AssetReference in as the key.
/// See the [Loading Addressable Assets](xref:addressables-api-load-asset-async) documentation for more details.
/// The parent of the instantiated object.
/// Option to retain world space when instantiated with a parent.
public virtual AsyncOperationHandle InstantiateAsync(Transform parent = null, bool instantiateInWorldSpace = false)
return Addressables.InstantiateAsync(RuntimeKey, parent, instantiateInWorldSpace, true);
public virtual bool RuntimeKeyIsValid()
Guid result;
string guid = RuntimeKey.ToString();
int subObjectIndex = guid.IndexOf('[');
if (subObjectIndex != -1) //This means we're dealing with a sub-object and need to convert the runtime key.
guid = guid.Substring(0, subObjectIndex);
return Guid.TryParse(guid, out result);
/// Release the internal operation handle.
public virtual void ReleaseAsset()
if (!m_Operation.IsValid())
Debug.LogWarning("Cannot release a null or unloaded asset.");
m_Operation = default(AsyncOperationHandle);
/// Release an instantiated object.
/// The object to release.
public virtual void ReleaseInstance(GameObject obj)
/// Validates that the referenced asset allowable for this asset reference.
/// The Object to validate.
/// Whether the referenced asset is valid.
public virtual bool ValidateAsset(Object obj)
return true;
/// Validates that the referenced asset allowable for this asset reference.
/// The path to the asset in question.
/// Whether the referenced asset is valid.
public virtual bool ValidateAsset(string path)
return true;
#pragma warning disable CS0414
bool m_EditorAssetChanged;
#pragma warning restore CS0414
/// Used by the editor to represent the main asset referenced.
public virtual Object editorAsset
get { return GetEditorAssetInternal(); }
/// Helper function that can be used to override the base class editorAsset accessor.
/// Returns the main asset referenced used in the editor.
internal virtual Object GetEditorAssetInternal()
if (CachedAsset != null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_AssetGUID))
return CachedAsset;
var asset = FetchEditorAsset();
if (DerivedClassType == null)
return CachedAsset = asset;
if (asset == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Assigned editorAsset does not match type " + DerivedClassType + ". EditorAsset will be null.");
return CachedAsset = asset;
internal Object FetchEditorAsset()
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(m_AssetGUID);
var asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetPath, DerivedClassType ?? AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(assetPath));
return asset;
/// Sets the main asset on the AssetReference. Only valid in the editor, this sets both the editorAsset attribute,
/// and the internal asset GUID, which drives the RuntimeKey attribute. If the reference uses a sub object,
/// then it will load the editor asset during edit mode and load the sub object during runtime. For example, if
/// the AssetReference is set to a sprite within a sprite atlas, the editorAsset is the atlas (loaded during edit mode)
/// and the sub object is the sprite (loaded during runtime). If called by AssetReferenceT, will set the editorAsset
/// to the requested object if the object is of type T, and null otherwise.
/// Object to reference
public virtual bool SetEditorAsset(Object value)
return SetEditorAssetInternal(value);
internal virtual bool SetEditorAssetInternal(Object value)
return OnSetEditorAsset(value, DerivedClassType);
internal bool OnSetEditorAsset(Object value, Type derivedType)
if (value == null)
CachedAsset = null;
m_AssetGUID = string.Empty;
m_SubObjectName = null;
m_EditorAssetChanged = true;
return true;
if (CachedAsset != value)
m_SubObjectName = null;
var path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetOrScenePath(value);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
Addressables.LogWarningFormat("Invalid object for AssetReference {0}.", value);
return false;
if (!ValidateAsset(path))
Addressables.LogWarningFormat("Invalid asset for AssetReference path = '{0}'.", path);
return false;
m_AssetGUID = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(path);
Object mainAsset;
if (derivedType != null)
mainAsset = LocateEditorAssetForTypedAssetReference(value, path, derivedType);
mainAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(path);
if (value != mainAsset)
CachedAsset = mainAsset;
m_EditorAssetChanged = true;
return true;
internal Object LocateEditorAssetForTypedAssetReference(Object value, string path, Type type)
Object mainAsset;
if (value.GetType() != type)
mainAsset = null;
mainAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, type);
if (mainAsset != value)
mainAsset = null;
var subAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(path);
foreach (var asset in subAssets)
if (asset.GetType() == type && value == asset)
mainAsset = asset;
if (mainAsset == null)
Debug.LogWarning("Assigned editorAsset does not match type " + type + ". EditorAsset will be null.");
return mainAsset;
/// Sets the sub object for this asset reference.
/// The sub object.
/// True if set correctly.
public virtual bool SetEditorSubObject(Object value)
if (value == null)
m_SubObjectName = null;
m_SubObjectType = null;
m_EditorAssetChanged = true;
return true;
if (editorAsset == null)
return false;
if (editorAsset.GetType() == typeof(SpriteAtlas))
var spriteName =;
if (spriteName.EndsWith("(Clone)", StringComparison.Ordinal))
spriteName = spriteName.Replace("(Clone)", "");
if ((editorAsset as SpriteAtlas).GetSprite(spriteName) == null)
Debug.LogWarningFormat("Unable to find sprite {0} in atlas {1}.", spriteName,;
return false;
m_SubObjectName = spriteName;
m_SubObjectType = typeof(Sprite).AssemblyQualifiedName;
m_EditorAssetChanged = true;
return true;
var subAssets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(m_AssetGUID));
foreach (var s in subAssets)
if ( == && s.GetType() == value.GetType())
m_SubObjectName =;
m_SubObjectType = s.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
m_EditorAssetChanged = true;
return true;
return false;
class AssetPathToTypes : AssetPostprocessor
private static Dictionary> s_PathToTypes = new Dictionary>();
public static HashSet GetTypesForAssetPath(string path)
#if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER
if (s_PathToTypes.TryGetValue(path, out HashSet value))
return value;
var objectsForAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(path);
value = new HashSet();
foreach (Object o in objectsForAsset)
s_PathToTypes.Add(path, value);
return value;
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)
foreach (string str in importedAssets)
foreach (string str in deletedAssets)
for (int i = 0; i < movedFromAssetPaths.Length; ++i)
if (s_PathToTypes.TryGetValue(movedFromAssetPaths[i], out var values))
s_PathToTypes.Add(movedAssets[i], values);