using System.Collections;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.Layout
/// Helper methods for gathering data about a build layout.
public class BuildLayoutHelpers
/// Gather a list of Explicit Assets defined in a BuildLayout
/// The BuildLayout generated during a build
/// A list of ExplicitAsset data.
public static IEnumerable EnumerateAssets(BuildLayout layout)
return EnumerateBundles(layout).SelectMany(b => b.Files).SelectMany(f => f.Assets);
internal static IEnumerable EnumerateImplicitAssets(BuildLayout layout)
return EnumerateBundles(layout).SelectMany(b => b.Files).SelectMany(f => f.Assets).SelectMany(a => a.InternalReferencedOtherAssets);
internal static IEnumerable EnumerateImplicitAssets(BuildLayout.Bundle bundle)
return bundle.Files.SelectMany(f => f.OtherAssets);
/// Gather a list of Explicit Assets defined in a Bundle
/// The Bundle data generated during a build
/// A list of ExplicitAssets defined in the Bundle
public static IEnumerable EnumerateAssets(BuildLayout.Bundle bundle)
return bundle.Files.SelectMany(f => f.Assets);
/// Gather a list of Bundle data defined in a BuildLayout
/// The BuildLayout generated during a build
/// A list of the Bundle data defined in a BuildLayout
public static IEnumerable EnumerateBundles(BuildLayout layout)
foreach (BuildLayout.Bundle b in layout.BuiltInBundles)
yield return b;
foreach (BuildLayout.Bundle b in layout.Groups.SelectMany(g => g.Bundles))
yield return b;
/// Gather a list of File data defined in a BuildLayout
/// The BuildLayout generated during a build
/// A list of File data
public static IEnumerable EnumerateFiles(BuildLayout layout)
return EnumerateBundles(layout).SelectMany(b => b.Files);
private static Dictionary m_SystemTypeToAssetType = null;
private static Dictionary SystemTypeToAssetType
if (m_SystemTypeToAssetType == null)
m_SystemTypeToAssetType = new Dictionary()
{ typeof(SceneAsset), AssetType.Scene }
return m_SystemTypeToAssetType;
private static List<(System.Type, AssetType)> m_AssignableSystemTypeToAssetType = null;
private static List<(System.Type, AssetType)> AssignableSystemTypeToAssetType
if (m_AssignableSystemTypeToAssetType == null)
m_AssignableSystemTypeToAssetType = new List<(Type, AssetType)>()
(typeof(ScriptableObject), AssetType.ScriptableObject),
(typeof(MonoBehaviour), AssetType.MonoBehaviour),
(typeof(Component), AssetType.Component)
return m_AssignableSystemTypeToAssetType;
private static Dictionary m_RuntimeSystemTypeToAssetType = null;
private static Dictionary RuntimeSystemTypeToAssetType
if (m_RuntimeSystemTypeToAssetType == null)
m_RuntimeSystemTypeToAssetType = new Dictionary()
{ typeof(RuntimeAnimatorController), AssetType.AnimationController }
return m_RuntimeSystemTypeToAssetType;
/// Gets the enum AssetType associated with the param systemType ofType
/// The Type of the asset
/// An AssetType or if null or unknown.
public static AssetType GetAssetType(Type ofType)
if (ofType == null)
return AssetType.Other;
if (AssetType.TryParse(ofType.Name, out AssetType assetType))
return assetType;
// types where the class name doesn't equal the AssetType (legacy enum values)
if (SystemTypeToAssetType.TryGetValue(ofType, out assetType))
return assetType;
foreach ((Type, AssetType) typeAssignment in AssignableSystemTypeToAssetType)
if (typeAssignment.Item1.IsAssignableFrom(ofType))
return typeAssignment.Item2;
ofType = AddressableAssetUtility.MapEditorTypeToRuntimeType(ofType, false);
if (ofType == null)
return AssetType.Other;
if (SystemTypeToAssetType.TryGetValue(ofType, out assetType))
return assetType;
if (RuntimeSystemTypeToAssetType.TryGetValue(ofType, out assetType))
return assetType;
return AssetType.Other;