using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.Build.Content; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.ResourceLocators; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceLocations; using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceProviders; using UnityEngine.U2D; using static UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings.AddressablesFileEnumeration; namespace UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Settings { internal class AddressableAssetSettingsLocator : IResourceLocator { private static Type m_SpriteType = typeof(Sprite); private static Type m_SpriteAtlasType = typeof(SpriteAtlas); public string LocatorId { get; private set; } public Dictionary> m_keyToEntries; public Dictionary> m_Cache; public AddressableAssetTree m_AddressableAssetTree; HashSet m_Keys = null; AddressableAssetSettings m_Settings; bool m_includeResourcesFolders = false; bool m_dirty = true; public IEnumerable Keys { get { if (m_dirty) RebuildInternalData(); if (m_Keys == null) { var visitedFolders = new HashSet(); using (new AddressablesFileEnumerationScope(m_AddressableAssetTree)) { m_Keys = new HashSet(); foreach (var kvp in m_keyToEntries) { var hasNonFolder = false; foreach (var e in kvp.Value) { if (AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(e.AssetPath)) { if (!visitedFolders.Contains(e.AssetPath)) { foreach (var f in EnumerateAddressableFolder(e.AssetPath, m_Settings, true)) { m_Keys.Add(f.Replace(e.AssetPath, e.address)); m_Keys.Add(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(f)); } visitedFolders.Add(e.AssetPath); } foreach (var l in e.labels) m_Keys.Add(l); } else { hasNonFolder = true; } } if (hasNonFolder) m_Keys.Add(kvp.Key); } if (m_includeResourcesFolders) { var resourcesEntry = m_Settings.FindAssetEntry(AddressableAssetEntry.ResourcesName); resourcesEntry.GatherResourcesEntries(null, true, entry => { m_Keys.Add(entry.address); m_Keys.Add(entry.guid); return false; }); } } } return m_Keys; } } /// /// Returns an empty array of locations. /// public IEnumerable AllLocations => new IResourceLocation[0]; public struct CacheKey : IEquatable { public object m_key; public Type m_type; public bool Equals(CacheKey other) { if (!m_key.Equals(other.m_key)) return false; return m_type == other.m_type; } public override int GetHashCode() => m_key.GetHashCode() * 31 + (m_type == null ? 0 : m_type.GetHashCode()); } public AddressableAssetSettingsLocator(AddressableAssetSettings settings) { m_Settings = settings; LocatorId =; m_dirty = true; m_Settings.OnModification += Settings_OnModification; } void RebuildInternalData() { m_Keys = null; m_AddressableAssetTree = BuildAddressableTree(m_Settings); m_Cache = new Dictionary>(); m_keyToEntries = new Dictionary>(m_Settings.labelTable.labelNames.Count); using (new AddressablesFileEnumerationScope(m_AddressableAssetTree)) { foreach (AddressableAssetGroup g in m_Settings.groups) { if (g == null) continue; foreach (AddressableAssetEntry e in g.entries) { if (e.guid == AddressableAssetEntry.EditorSceneListName) { if (e.parentGroup.GetSchema().IncludeBuildSettingsScenes) { e.GatherAllAssets(null, false, false, false, s => { AddEntriesToTables(m_keyToEntries, s); return false; }); } } else if (e.guid == AddressableAssetEntry.ResourcesName) { m_includeResourcesFolders = e.parentGroup.GetSchema().IncludeResourcesFolders; } else { AddEntriesToTables(m_keyToEntries, e); } } } } m_dirty = false; } private void Settings_OnModification(AddressableAssetSettings settings, AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent evt, object arg3) { switch (evt) { case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.EntryAdded: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.EntryCreated: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.EntryModified: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.EntryMoved: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.EntryRemoved: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.GroupRemoved: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.LabelAdded: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.LabelRemoved: case AddressableAssetSettings.ModificationEvent.BatchModification: m_dirty = true; break; } } static void AddEntry(AddressableAssetEntry e, object k, Dictionary> keyToEntries) { if (!keyToEntries.TryGetValue(k, out HashSet entries)) keyToEntries.Add(k, entries = new HashSet()); entries.Add(e); } static void AddEntriesToTables(Dictionary> keyToEntries, AddressableAssetEntry e) { AddEntry(e, e.address, keyToEntries); AddEntry(e, e.guid, keyToEntries); if (e.IsScene && e.IsInSceneList) { int index = BuiltinSceneCache.GetSceneIndex(new GUID(e.guid)); if (index != -1) AddEntry(e, index, keyToEntries); } if (e.labels != null) { foreach (string l in e.labels) { AddEntry(e, l, keyToEntries); } } } static void GatherEntryLocations(AddressableAssetEntry entry, Type type, IList locations, AddressableAssetTree assetTree) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.address) && entry.address.Contains('[') && entry.address.Contains(']')) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Address '{0}' cannot contain '[ ]'.", entry.address); return; } using (new AddressablesFileEnumerationScope(assetTree)) { entry.GatherAllAssets(null, true, true, false, e => { if (e.IsScene) { if (type == null || type == typeof(object) || type == typeof(SceneInstance) || AddressableAssetUtility.MapEditorTypeToRuntimeType(e.MainAssetType, false) == type) locations.Add(new ResourceLocationBase(e.address, e.AssetPath, typeof(SceneProvider).FullName, typeof(SceneInstance))); } else if (type == null || (type.IsAssignableFrom(e.MainAssetType) && type != typeof(object))) { locations.Add(new ResourceLocationBase(e.address, e.AssetPath, typeof(AssetDatabaseProvider).FullName, e.MainAssetType)); return true; } else { ObjectIdentifier[] ids = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInAsset(new GUID(e.guid), EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); if (ids.Length > 0) { foreach (var t in AddressableAssetEntry.GatherMainAndReferencedSerializedTypes(ids)) { if (type.IsAssignableFrom(t)) locations.Add( new ResourceLocationBase(e.address, e.AssetPath, typeof(AssetDatabaseProvider).FullName, AddressableAssetUtility.MapEditorTypeToRuntimeType(t, false))); } return true; } } return false; }); } } public bool Locate(object key, Type type, out IList locations) { if (m_dirty) RebuildInternalData(); CacheKey cacheKey = new CacheKey() {m_key = key, m_type = type}; if (m_Cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out locations)) return locations != null; locations = new List(); if (m_keyToEntries.TryGetValue(key, out HashSet entries)) { foreach (AddressableAssetEntry e in entries) { if (AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(e.AssetPath) && !e.labels.Contains(key as string)) continue; if (type == null) { if (e.MainAssetType != typeof(SceneAsset)) { ObjectIdentifier[] ids = ContentBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInAsset(new GUID(e.guid), EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget); List mainObjectTypes = AddressableAssetEntry.GatherMainObjectTypes(ids); if (mainObjectTypes.Count > 0) { foreach (Type t in mainObjectTypes) GatherEntryLocations(e, t, locations, m_AddressableAssetTree); } else { GatherEntryLocations(e, null, locations, m_AddressableAssetTree); } } else { GatherEntryLocations(e, null, locations, m_AddressableAssetTree); } } else { GatherEntryLocations(e, type, locations, m_AddressableAssetTree); } } } if (type == null) type = typeof(object); string keyStr = key as string; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyStr)) { //check if the key is a guid first var keyPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(keyStr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyPath)) { //only look for folders from GUID if no locations have been found if (locations.Count == 0) { var slash = keyPath.LastIndexOf('/'); while (slash > 0) { keyPath = keyPath.Substring(0, slash); var parentFolderKey = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(keyPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentFolderKey)) break; if (m_keyToEntries.ContainsKey(parentFolderKey)) { AddLocations(locations, type, keyPath, AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(keyStr)); break; } slash = keyPath.LastIndexOf('/'); } } } else { //if the key is not a GUID, see if it is contained in a folder entry keyPath = keyStr; int slash = keyPath.LastIndexOf('/'); while (slash > 0) { keyPath = keyPath.Substring(0, slash); if (m_keyToEntries.TryGetValue(keyPath, out var entry)) { foreach (var e in entry) AddLocations(locations, type, keyStr, GetInternalIdFromFolderEntry(keyStr, e)); break; } slash = keyPath.LastIndexOf('/'); } } //check resources folders if (m_includeResourcesFolders) { string resPath = keyStr; var ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(resPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) resPath = resPath.Substring(0, resPath.Length - ext.Length); UnityEngine.Object obj = Resources.Load(resPath, type); if (obj == null && keyStr.Length == 32) { resPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(keyStr); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resPath)) { int index = resPath.IndexOf("Resources/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (index >= 0) { int start = index + 10; int length = resPath.Length - (start + System.IO.Path.GetExtension(resPath).Length); resPath = resPath.Substring(index + 10, length); obj = Resources.Load(resPath, type); } } } if (obj != null) locations.Add(new ResourceLocationBase(keyStr, resPath, typeof(LegacyResourcesProvider).FullName, type)); } } if (locations.Count == 0) { locations = null; m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, locations); return false; } m_Cache.Add(cacheKey, locations); return true; } internal static void AddLocations(IList locations, Type type, string keyStr, string internalId) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(internalId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(internalId))) { if (type == m_SpriteType && AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(internalId) == m_SpriteAtlasType) locations.Add(new ResourceLocationBase(keyStr, internalId, typeof(AssetDatabaseProvider).FullName, m_SpriteAtlasType)); else { foreach (var obj in AssetDatabaseProvider.LoadAssetsWithSubAssets(internalId)) { var rtt = AddressableAssetUtility.MapEditorTypeToRuntimeType(obj.GetType(), false); if (type.IsAssignableFrom(rtt)) locations.Add(new ResourceLocationBase(keyStr, internalId, typeof(AssetDatabaseProvider).FullName, rtt)); } } } } string GetInternalIdFromFolderEntry(string keyStr, AddressableAssetEntry entry) { var entryPath = entry.AssetPath; if (keyStr.StartsWith(entry.address + "/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return entryPath + keyStr.Substring(entry.address.Length); foreach (var l in entry.labels) { if (keyStr.StartsWith(l + "/", StringComparison.Ordinal)) return entryPath + keyStr.Substring(l.Length); } return string.Empty; } } }