--- uid: addressables-shaders --- # Shaders By default, Unity [strips shaders variants] that aren't used in any scenes. This can exclude variants that are only used in AssetBundles. To ensure that certain variants are not stripped, include them in the **Shader Stripping** properties in [Graphics Settings]. For example, if you have Addressable assets that use lightmap-related shaders such as [Mixed Lights], go to **Edit** > **Project Settings** > **Graphics** > **Shader Stripping** and set the **Lightmap Mode** property to **Custom**. [Quality Settings] also affect shader variants used in AssetBundles. [strips shaders variants]: xref:shader-variant-stripping [Quality Settings]: xref:class-QualitySettings [Mixed Lights]: xref:LightMode-Mixed [Graphics Settings]: xref:class-GraphicsSettings