#pragma use_dxc

#pragma kernel CSMain

#pragma multi_compile _ SPLIT_INPUT
#pragma multi_compile _ SPLIT_OUTPUT

ByteAddressBuffer vertIn;
#if defined(SPLIT_INPUT)
ByteAddressBuffer vertIn2;
RWByteAddressBuffer vertOut;
#if defined(SPLIT_OUTPUT)
RWByteAddressBuffer vertOut2;

// Packed Channel info: each uint represents a channel in the vertex struct in this order:
// position, normal, tangent, color, and UVs 0-7. 
// Each int contains several pieces of data bit-packed together 
// byte 0: vector dimension, with 0 meaning that the struct does not contain this channel 
// byte 1: data format enum (see below)
// byte 2: byte offset of the channel in the vertex struct 
// byte 3: vertex stream of the channel, can only be 0 or 1
// FORMAT: // no handling for other types, if you want to use ints for data just make sure the output channel is not compressed and float32, and asfloat the ints
#define FORMAT_FLOAT 4 // 0 - float
#define FORMAT_HALF  3 // 1 - half
#define FORMAT_SNORM 2 // 2 - snorm
#define FORMAT_UNORM 1 // 3 - unorm

cbuffer MeshInBuffer
	float4x4 ObjectToWorld;
	float4x4 WorldToObject;
	float4 lightmapScaleOffset;
	float4 dynLightmapScaleOffset;
	int4 offset_strideIn_TanSign; // offset in the output buffer to write this mesh at in x, vertex struct stride in y, sign of the tangent and the offset of the optional secondary output buffer on z, and stride of the optional secondary input buffer on w 
	uint4 inPackedChannelInfo[3];

cbuffer MeshOutBuffer
	int4 strideOut; // vertex struct stride in x, stride of the optional second vertex buffer in y, rest empty
	uint4 outPackedChannelInfo[3];

uint GetDimension(uint packedInfo)
	return (packedInfo & 0x00000ffu);

uint GetFormat(uint packedInfo)
	return (packedInfo >> 8) & 0x00000ffu;

uint GetOffset(uint packedInfo)
	return (packedInfo >> 16) & 0x000000ffu;

uint GetByteCount(uint packedInfo)
	return (packedInfo >> 24) & 0x00000ffu;

// UNorm to Float -------------------------------------------------------------

float4 ConvertUNorm4ToFloat4(uint packedValue)
	uint4 unpackedVal = uint4(0x000000FF & packedValue, 0x000000FF & (packedValue >> 8), 0x000000FF & (packedValue >> 16), packedValue >> 24);
	float4 floatVal = (1.0 / 255.0) * float4(unpackedVal);
	return floatVal;

// Float To UNorm -------------------------------------------------------------

uint ConvertFloat4ToUNorm4(float4 value)
	uint4 int3Val = uint4(round(255.0 * saturate(value)));
	//int3Val = int3Val & 0x000000FFu;
	uint intVal = int3Val.x | (int3Val.y << 8) | (int3Val.z << 16) | (int3Val.w << 24);
	return intVal;

// SNorm to Float -------------------------------------------------------------

float4 ConvertSNorm4ToFloat4(uint packedValue)
	uint4 unpackedVal = uint4(packedValue << 24, 0xFF000000 & (packedValue << 16), 0xFF000000 & (packedValue << 8), 0xFF000000 & packedValue);
	int4 unpackedSVal = asint(unpackedVal) / 0x1000000;
	float4 floatVal = max((1.0 / 127.0) * float4(unpackedSVal), -1.0);
	return floatVal;

// Float To SNorm -------------------------------------------------------------

uint ConvertFloat4ToSNorm4(float4 value)
	int4 valueSign = sign(value);
	int4 intVal = int4(round(clamp(value, -1.0, 1.0) * 127.0)) * 0x1000000; // multiply by 2^24 to shift the non-sign bits 24 bits to the right, so we have an 8 bit signed int at the end of the 32-bit int
	uint4 uintVal = asuint(intVal);
	uint composite = uintVal.x >> 24 | (uintVal.y >> 16) | (uintVal.z >> 8) | (uintVal.w);
	return composite;

// Half to Float --------------------------------------------------------------

float4 ConvertHalf4toFloat4(uint2 packedValue)
	uint4 unpackedInt = uint4(packedValue.x, packedValue.x >> 16, packedValue.y, packedValue.y >> 16);
	return f16tof32(unpackedInt);

// Float to Half --------------------------------------------------------------

uint2 ConvertFloat4ToHalf4(float4 value)
	uint4 halfInt = f32tof16(value);
	return uint2(halfInt.x | (halfInt.y << 16), halfInt.z | (halfInt.w << 16));

// Write To Buffer --------------------------------------------------------------

// Write a float, int, half2, short2, unorm4, or snorm4 to the buffer
void Write4Bytes(uint value, uint adr, const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer)
	buffer.Store(adr, value);

// write a float2, int2, half4 or short4 to the buffer
void Write8Bytes(const uint2 value, const uint adr, const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer)
	buffer.Store2(adr, value);

// write a float3 or int3 to the buffer
void Write12Bytes(const uint3 value, const uint adr, const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer)
	buffer.Store3(adr, value);

// write a float4 or int4 to the buffer
void Write16Bytes(const uint4 value, const uint adr, const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer)
	buffer.Store4(adr, value);

static uint formatToBytes[] = {1, 1, 1, 2, 4};

void WriteValue(const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer, const uint adr, const uint format, const uint dimension, const uint4 value)
	uint byteCount = formatToBytes[format];
	uint byteCase = byteCount * dimension;
	switch (byteCase)
		case 4:
			Write4Bytes(value.x, adr, buffer);
		case 8:
			Write8Bytes(value.xy, adr, buffer);
		case 12:
			Write12Bytes(value.xyz, adr, buffer);
		case 16:
			Write16Bytes(value, adr, buffer);

void WriteValueVtx(const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer, const uint adr, const uint format, const uint dimension, const uint4 value)
	uint byteCount = formatToBytes[format];
	uint byteCase = byteCount * dimension;
	switch (byteCase)
		case 8:
			Write8Bytes(value.xy, adr, buffer);
		case 12:
			Write12Bytes(value.xyz, adr, buffer);
			Write12Bytes(uint3(1, 1, 1), adr, buffer);

void WriteValueNorm(const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer, const uint adr, const uint format, const uint dimension, const uint4 value)
	uint byteCount = formatToBytes[format];
	uint byteCase = byteCount * dimension;
	switch (byteCase)
		case 4:
			Write4Bytes(value.x, adr, buffer);
		case 8:
			Write8Bytes(value.xy, adr, buffer);
		case 12:
			Write12Bytes(value.xyz, adr, buffer);
			Write8Bytes(uint2(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF), adr, buffer);

void WriteValueTanColor(const RWByteAddressBuffer buffer, const uint adr, const uint format, const uint dimension, const uint4 value)
	uint byteCount = formatToBytes[format];
	uint byteCase = byteCount * dimension;
	switch (byteCase)
		case 4:
			Write4Bytes(value.x, adr, buffer);
		case 8:
			Write8Bytes(value.xy, adr, buffer);
		case 16:
			Write16Bytes(value, adr, buffer);

float4 ConvertRawToFloat(const uint4 value, uint format)
	format = clamp(format, FORMAT_UNORM, FORMAT_FLOAT);
	switch (format)
		case FORMAT_UNORM: // unorm
			return ConvertUNorm4ToFloat4(value.x);
		case FORMAT_SNORM: // snorm
			return ConvertSNorm4ToFloat4(value.x);
		case FORMAT_HALF: // half
			return ConvertHalf4toFloat4(value.xy);
		case FORMAT_FLOAT: // float
			return asfloat(value);
			return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

uint4 ConvertFloatToRaw(const float4 value, uint format)
	format = clamp(format, FORMAT_UNORM, FORMAT_FLOAT);
	switch (format)
		case FORMAT_FLOAT: // float
			return asuint(value);
		case FORMAT_HALF: // half
			return uint4(ConvertFloat4ToHalf4(value), 0, 0);
		case FORMAT_SNORM: // snorm
			return uint4(ConvertFloat4ToSNorm4(value), 0, 0, 0);
		case FORMAT_UNORM: // unorm
			return uint4(ConvertFloat4ToUNorm4(value), 0, 0, 0);
			return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

void WritePositionChannel(const uint inPackedInfo, const uint outPackedInfo, const uint vertInAdr, const uint vertOutAdr)
	uint address = vertInAdr; // The vertex position should always be at the start of the struct, don't bother adding the offset
	uint4 rawData = vertIn.Load4(address);
	uint inFmt = GetFormat(inPackedInfo);
	float4 position = ConvertRawToFloat(rawData, inFmt);
	position.w = 1;
	position = mul(ObjectToWorld, position);
	rawData = asuint(position);
	uint outAddress = vertOutAdr; // The vertex position should always be at the start of the struct, don't bother adding the offset
	WriteValueVtx(vertOut, outAddress, FORMAT_FLOAT, 3, rawData);

void WriteNormalChannel(uint inPackedInfo, uint outPackedInfo, uint vertInAdr, uint vertOutAdr)
	if (GetDimension(inPackedInfo) > 0u) // output mesh guaranteed to have the channel if an input mesh has it
		uint address = vertInAdr + GetOffset(inPackedInfo);
		uint4 rawData = vertIn.Load4(address);
		uint inFmt = GetFormat(inPackedInfo);
		float3 normal = ConvertRawToFloat(rawData, inFmt).xyz; // normal is always 3 components, if not wtf are you doing?
		// Transform to world space using the appropriate method for normals, but don't bother normalizing the normal. The shader is going to do that anyways, and this ensures the rendering behavior of the combined mesh matches the indiviudal mesh 
		normal = mul(normal, (float3x3) WorldToObject);

		uint outFmt = GetFormat(outPackedInfo);
		if (outFmt == FORMAT_SNORM)
			normal = normalize(normal);
		outFmt = clamp(outFmt, FORMAT_SNORM, FORMAT_FLOAT);
		rawData = ConvertFloatToRaw(float4(normal.xyz, 0), outFmt);
		uint outAddress = vertOutAdr + GetOffset(outPackedInfo);
		uint outDimension = GetDimension(outPackedInfo);
	   // uint inByteEnum = clamp(GetByteCountEnum(inPackedInfo), BYTECOUNT_3, BYTECOUNT_12); //always 3 components, can be snorm to float
		WriteValueNorm(vertOut, outAddress, outFmt, outDimension, rawData);

void WriteTangentChannel(uint inPackedInfo, uint outPackedInfo, uint vertInAdr, uint vertOutAdr)
	if (GetDimension(inPackedInfo) > 0u) // output mesh guaranteed to have the channel if an input mesh has it
		uint address = vertInAdr + GetOffset(inPackedInfo);
		uint4 rawData = vertIn.Load4(address);
		uint inFmt = GetFormat(inPackedInfo);
		float4 tangent = ConvertRawToFloat(rawData, inFmt); // tangent is always 4 components, if not wtf are you doing?
		// Transform to world space, and flip the direction if the mesh is scaled negatively. 
		tangent.xyz = mul((float3x3) ObjectToWorld, tangent.xyz);
		tangent.w *= offset_strideIn_TanSign.z < 0 ? -1 : 1;
		uint outFmt = GetFormat(outPackedInfo);
		outFmt = clamp(outFmt, FORMAT_SNORM, FORMAT_FLOAT);
		if (outFmt == FORMAT_SNORM)
			tangent.xyz = normalize(tangent.xyz);
		rawData = ConvertFloatToRaw(tangent, outFmt);
		uint outAddress = vertOutAdr + GetOffset(outPackedInfo);
		//uint inByteEnum = clamp(GetByteCountEnum(inPackedInfo), BYTECOUNT_4, BYTECOUNT_16); //always 4 components, can be snorm to float
		WriteValueTanColor(vertOut, outAddress, outFmt, 4, rawData);

void WriteColorChannel(uint inPackedInfo, uint outPackedInfo, uint vertInAdr, uint vertOutAdr)
	if ((outPackedInfo & 0x0000000fu) > 0u) // input mesh not guaranteed to have color even if the output does, thus we have to initialize it to 1,1,1,1 if it doesn't 
		float4 color;
		uint4 rawData;
		uint inDimension = GetDimension(inPackedInfo);
		if (inDimension > 0u)
			uint address = vertInAdr + GetOffset(inPackedInfo);
			rawData = vertIn.Load4(address);
			uint inFmt = GetFormat(inPackedInfo);
			color = ConvertRawToFloat(rawData, inFmt);
			color = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
		uint outFmt = GetFormat(outPackedInfo);
		rawData = ConvertFloatToRaw(color, outFmt);
		uint outAddress = vertOutAdr + GetOffset(outPackedInfo);
		uint outDimension = GetDimension(outPackedInfo);
		//uint inByteEnum = GetByteCountEnum(inPackedInfo);
		WriteValueTanColor(vertOut, outAddress, outFmt, outDimension, rawData);

void WriteUVChannel(uint inPackedInfo, uint outPackedInfo, uint vertInAdr, uint vertOutAdr, bool lmScaleOffset, bool dynLmScaleOffset)
	if (GetDimension(inPackedInfo) > 0u) // output mesh guaranteed to have the channel if an input mesh has it
		uint address = vertInAdr + GetOffset(inPackedInfo);
		uint4 rawData = vertIn.Load4(address);
		uint inFmt = GetFormat(inPackedInfo);
		float4 UV = ConvertRawToFloat(rawData, inFmt);
		if (lmScaleOffset) 
			UV.xy = UV.xy * lightmapScaleOffset.xy + lightmapScaleOffset.zw;
		if (lmScaleOffset) 
			UV.xy = UV.xy * dynLightmapScaleOffset.xy + dynLightmapScaleOffset.zw;
		uint outFmt = GetFormat(outPackedInfo);
		rawData = ConvertFloatToRaw(UV, outFmt);
		uint outAddress = vertOutAdr + GetOffset(outPackedInfo);
		uint inDimension = GetDimension(inPackedInfo);
		//uint inByteEnum = GetByteCountEnum(inPackedInfo);
		WriteValue(vertOut, outAddress, outFmt, inDimension, rawData);

void CSMain (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
	uint vertInAdr = (id.x * asuint(offset_strideIn_TanSign.y));
	uint vertOutAdr = (id.x * asuint(strideOut.x) + offset_strideIn_TanSign.x);
	WritePositionChannel(inPackedChannelInfo[0][0], outPackedChannelInfo[0][0], vertInAdr, vertOutAdr);
	WriteNormalChannel(inPackedChannelInfo[0][1], outPackedChannelInfo[0][1], vertInAdr, vertOutAdr);
	WriteTangentChannel(inPackedChannelInfo[0][2], outPackedChannelInfo[0][2], vertInAdr, vertOutAdr);
	WriteColorChannel(inPackedChannelInfo[0][3], outPackedChannelInfo[0][3], vertInAdr, vertOutAdr);
	[unroll] for (int r = 1; r < 3; r++)
	[unroll] for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++)
		WriteUVChannel(inPackedChannelInfo[r][c], outPackedChannelInfo[r][c], vertInAdr, vertOutAdr, (r == 1) && (c == 1), (r == 1) && (c == 2));