# Contributing to UnityMeshSimplifier Thank you for considering contributing to this project. ## Setup In order to start contributing to this project, you will need to setup a new Unity project. Make sure that you are using a compatible version of Unity ([see here](https://github.com/Whinarn/UnityMeshSimplifier/blob/master/README.md#compatibility)). The next step is to fork your own copy of this repository here on Github. Once you have your forked copy, you can should now clone it into the *Packages* directory of your Unity project. Your Unity project structure should now look something like this: ```text Assets Library ... Packages UnityMeshSimplifier ... ProjectSettings ... ``` When starting up your Unity project, you should see UnityMeshSimplifier appear in the package manager (Window -> Package Manager). ## Commit Guidelines We have strict rules over how our git commit messages can be formatted. This is due to them being used for automated semantic releases, as well as making the messages more readable and standarized. Each commit should only ever do one change, so that it is easy to review. ### Commit Message Format Every commit must specify at least a **type** and a **subject**. While **scope**, **body**, and **footer** remains optional. ```text (scope):