using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine.XR.Management; namespace UnityEditor.XR.Management { internal class XRLoaderInfoManager : IXRLoaderOrderManager { // Simple class to give us updates when the asset database changes. internal class AssetCallbacks : AssetPostprocessor { static bool s_EditorUpdatable = false; internal static System.Action Callback { get; set; } static AssetCallbacks() { if (!s_EditorUpdatable) { EditorApplication.update += EditorUpdatable; } EditorApplication.projectChanged += EditorApplicationOnProjectChanged; } static void EditorApplicationOnProjectChanged() { if (Callback != null) Callback.Invoke(); } static void EditorUpdatable() { s_EditorUpdatable = true; EditorApplication.update -= EditorUpdatable; if (Callback != null) Callback.Invoke(); } } private SerializedObject m_SerializedObject; SerializedProperty m_RequiresSettingsUpdate = null; SerializedProperty m_LoaderList = null; public SerializedObject SerializedObjectData { get { return m_SerializedObject; } set { if (m_SerializedObject != value) { m_SerializedObject = value; PopulateProperty("m_RequiresSettingsUpdate", ref m_RequiresSettingsUpdate); PopulateProperty("m_Loaders", ref m_LoaderList); ShouldReload = true; } } } List<XRLoaderInfo> m_AllLoaderInfos = new List<XRLoaderInfo>(); List<XRLoaderInfo> m_AllLoaderInfosForBuildTarget = new List<XRLoaderInfo>(); List<XRLoaderInfo> m_AssignedLoaderInfos = new List<XRLoaderInfo>(); List<XRLoaderInfo> m_UnassignedLoaderInfos = new List<XRLoaderInfo>(); private BuildTargetGroup m_BuildTargetGroup = BuildTargetGroup.Unknown; internal BuildTargetGroup BuildTarget { get { return m_BuildTargetGroup; } set { if (m_BuildTargetGroup != value) { m_BuildTargetGroup = value; ShouldReload = true; } } } void AssetProcessorCallback() { ShouldReload = true; } public void OnEnable() { AssetCallbacks.Callback += AssetProcessorCallback; ShouldReload = true; } public bool ShouldReload { get { if (m_RequiresSettingsUpdate != null) { SerializedObjectData.Update(); return m_RequiresSettingsUpdate.boolValue; } return false; } set { if (m_RequiresSettingsUpdate != null && m_RequiresSettingsUpdate.boolValue != value) { m_RequiresSettingsUpdate.boolValue = value; SerializedObjectData.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } } public void OnDisable() { AssetCallbacks.Callback -= null; } public void ReloadData() { if (m_LoaderList == null) return; PopulateAllLoaderInfos(); PopulateLoadersForBuildTarget(); PopulateAssignedLoaderInfos(); PopulateUnassignedLoaderInfos(); ShouldReload = false; } void PopulateAllLoaderInfos() { m_AllLoaderInfos.Clear(); XRLoaderInfo.GetAllKnownLoaderInfos(m_AllLoaderInfos); } void CleanupLostAssignedLoaders() { var missingLoaders = from info in m_AssignedLoaderInfos where info.instance == null select info; if (missingLoaders.Any()) { m_AssignedLoaderInfos = m_AssignedLoaderInfos.Except(missingLoaders).ToList(); } } void PopulateAssignedLoaderInfos() { m_AssignedLoaderInfos.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_LoaderList.arraySize; i++) { var prop = m_LoaderList.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); XRLoaderInfo info = new XRLoaderInfo(); info.loaderType = (prop.objectReferenceValue == null) ? null : prop.objectReferenceValue.GetType(); info.assetName = AssetNameFromInstance(prop.objectReferenceValue); info.instance = prop.objectReferenceValue as XRLoader; m_AssignedLoaderInfos.Add(info); } CleanupLostAssignedLoaders(); } string AssetNameFromInstance(UnityEngine.Object asset) { if (asset == null) return ""; string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(asset); return Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetPath); } void PopulateLoadersForBuildTarget() { m_AllLoaderInfosForBuildTarget = FilteredLoaderInfos(m_AllLoaderInfos); } void PopulateUnassignedLoaderInfos() { m_UnassignedLoaderInfos.Clear(); foreach (var info in m_AllLoaderInfosForBuildTarget) { var assigned = from ai in m_AssignedLoaderInfos where ai.loaderType == info.loaderType select ai; if (!assigned.Any()) m_UnassignedLoaderInfos.Add(info); } } void PopulateProperty(string propertyPath, ref SerializedProperty prop) { if (SerializedObjectData != null && prop == null) prop = SerializedObjectData.FindProperty(propertyPath); } private List<XRLoaderInfo> FilteredLoaderInfos(List<XRLoaderInfo> loaderInfos) { List<XRLoaderInfo> ret = new List<XRLoaderInfo>(); foreach (var info in loaderInfos) { if (info.loaderType == null) continue; object[] attrs; try { attrs = info.loaderType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XRSupportedBuildTargetAttribute), true); } catch (Exception) { attrs = default; } if (attrs.Length == 0) { // If unmarked we assume it will be applied to all build targets. ret.Add(info); } else { foreach (XRSupportedBuildTargetAttribute attr in attrs) { if (attr.buildTargetGroup == m_BuildTargetGroup) { ret.Add(info); break; } } } } return ret; } void UpdateSerializedProperty() { if (m_LoaderList != null && m_LoaderList.isArray) { m_LoaderList.ClearArray(); int index = 0; foreach (XRLoaderInfo info in m_AssignedLoaderInfos) { m_LoaderList.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(index); var prop = m_LoaderList.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index); prop.objectReferenceValue = info.instance; index++; } } SerializedObjectData.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } #region IXRLoaderOrderManager List<XRLoaderInfo> IXRLoaderOrderManager.AssignedLoaders { get { return m_AssignedLoaderInfos; } } List<XRLoaderInfo> IXRLoaderOrderManager.UnassignedLoaders { get { return m_UnassignedLoaderInfos; } } void IXRLoaderOrderManager.AssignLoader(XRLoaderInfo assignedInfo) { m_AssignedLoaderInfos.Add(assignedInfo); m_UnassignedLoaderInfos.Remove(assignedInfo); UpdateSerializedProperty(); ShouldReload = true; } void IXRLoaderOrderManager.UnassignLoader(XRLoaderInfo unassignedInfo) { m_AssignedLoaderInfos.Remove(unassignedInfo); m_UnassignedLoaderInfos.Add(unassignedInfo); UpdateSerializedProperty(); ShouldReload = true; } void IXRLoaderOrderManager.Update() { UpdateSerializedProperty(); ShouldReload = true; } #endregion } }