# Custom yield instructions By implementing this interface below, you can define custom yield instructions in **Edit Mode** tests. ## IEditModeTestYieldInstruction In an Edit Mode test, you can use `IEditModeTestYieldInstruction` interface to implement your own instruction. There are also a couple of commonly used implementations available: - [EnterPlayMode](#enterplaymode) - [ExitPlayMode](#exitplaymode) - [RecompileScripts](./reference-recompile-scripts.md) - [WaitForDomainReload](./reference-wait-for-domain-reload.md) ## Example ```c# [UnityTest] public IEnumerator PlayOnAwakeDisabled_DoesntPlayWhenEnteringPlayMode() { var videoPlayer = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(m_VideoPlayerPrefab.GetComponent<VideoPlayer>()) as VideoPlayer; videoPlayer.playOnAwake = false; yield return new EnterPlayMode(); var videoPlayerGO = GameObject.Find(m_VideoPlayerPrefab.name); Assert.IsFalse(videoPlayerGO.GetComponent<VideoPlayer>().isPlaying); yield return new ExitPlayMode(); Object.DestroyImmediate(GameObject.Find(m_VideoPlayerPrefab.name)); } ``` ## Properties | Syntax | Description | | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `bool ExpectDomainReload` | Returns `true` if the instruction expects a domain reload to occur. | | `bool ExpectedPlaymodeState` | Returns `true` if the instruction expects the Unity Editor to be in **Play Mode**. | ## Methods | Syntax | Description | | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `IEnumerator Perform()` | Used to define multi-frame operations performed when instantiating a yield instruction. | ## EnterPlayMode * Implements `IEditModeTestYieldInstruction`. Creates a yield instruction to enter Play Mode. * When creating an Editor test that uses the `UnityTest` attribute, use this to trigger the Editor to enter Play Mode. * Throws an exception if the Editor is already in Play Mode or if there is a [script compilation error](https://support.unity3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/205930539-How-do-I-interpret-a-compiler-error-). ## ExitPlayMode * Implements `IEditModeTestYieldInstruction`. A new instance of the class is a yield instruction to exit Play Mode. * Throws an exception if the Editor is not in Play Mode.