using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Splines; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Mathematics; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace UnityEditor.Splines { static class EditableSplineUtility { public static SplineType GetSplineType(IEditableSpline spline) { switch (spline) { case BezierEditableSpline _: return SplineType.Bezier; case CatmullRomEditableSpline _: return SplineType.CatmullRom; case LinearEditableSpline _: return SplineType.Linear; default: throw new ArgumentException(nameof(spline)); } } internal static IEditableSpline CreatePathOfType(SplineType type) { switch (type) { case SplineType.Bezier: return new BezierEditableSpline(); case SplineType.CatmullRom: return new CatmullRomEditableSpline(); case SplineType.Linear: return new LinearEditableSpline(); default: throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(type)); } } public static void GetSelectedSplines(IEnumerable targets, List results) { results.Clear(); foreach (var target in targets) { var splines = GetSelectedSpline(target); if (splines == null) continue; results.AddRange(splines); } } public static IReadOnlyList GetSelectedSpline(Object target) { return EditableSplineManager.GetEditableSplines(target); } internal static Bounds GetBounds(IReadOnlyList elements, bool useKnotPositionForTangents = false) { if (elements == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(elements)); if (elements.Count == 0) return new Bounds(Vector3.positiveInfinity,; var element = elements[0]; var position = (useKnotPositionForTangents && element is EditableTangent)? ((EditableTangent)element).owner.position : element.position; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(position,; for (int i = 1; i < elements.Count; ++i) { element = elements[i]; if(useKnotPositionForTangents && element is EditableTangent tangent) bounds.Encapsulate(tangent.owner.position); else bounds.Encapsulate(element.position); } return bounds; } public static EditableKnot InsertKnotOnCurve(CurveData curve, Vector3 position, float t) { var path = curve.a.spline; var prev = curve.a; var next = curve.b; EditableKnot knot = path.InsertKnot(next.index); knot.position = position; knot.OnKnotInsertedOnCurve(prev, next, t); return knot; } public static void AddPointToEnd(IEditableSpline spline, Vector3 worldPosition, Vector3 normal, Vector3 tangentOut) { if (spline.closed) throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add a point to the end of a closed spline", nameof(spline)); EditableKnot knot = spline.AddKnot(); knot.position = worldPosition; spline.OnKnotAddedAtEnd(knot, normal, tangentOut); } public static void CloseSpline(IEditableSpline spline) { if (spline.knotCount <= 1 && !spline.canBeClosed) return; spline.closed = true; } internal static float3 ToSplineSpaceTangent(this EditableKnot knot, float3 knotSpaceTangent) { return math.rotate(knot.localRotation, knotSpaceTangent); } internal static float3 ToKnotSpaceTangent(this EditableKnot knot, float3 splineSpaceTangent) { return math.rotate(math.inverse(knot.localRotation), splineSpaceTangent); } } }