using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.SettingsManagement; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.Splines; using Unity.Mathematics; namespace UnityEditor.Splines { static class SplineHandles { [UserSetting] internal static UserSetting s_LineNormalFrontColor = new UserSetting(PathSettings.instance, "Handles.CurveNormalInFrontColor", Color.white, SettingsScope.User); [UserSetting] internal static UserSetting s_LineNormalBehindColor = new UserSetting(PathSettings.instance, "Handles.CurveNormalBehindColor", new Color(0.98f, 0.62f, 0.62f, 0.4f), SettingsScope.User); [UserSetting] internal static UserSetting s_KnotColor = new UserSetting(PathSettings.instance, "Handles.KnotDefaultColor", new Color(.4f, 1f, .95f, 1f), SettingsScope.User); [UserSetting] internal static UserSetting s_TangentColor = new UserSetting(PathSettings.instance, "Handles.TangentDefaultColor",, SettingsScope.User); [UserSettingBlock("Handles")] static void HandleColorPreferences(string searchContext) { s_LineNormalFrontColor.value = SettingsGUILayout.SettingsColorField("Curve Color", s_LineNormalFrontColor, searchContext); s_LineNormalBehindColor.value = SettingsGUILayout.SettingsColorField("Curve Color Behind Surface", s_LineNormalBehindColor, searchContext); s_KnotColor.value = SettingsGUILayout.SettingsColorField("Knot Color", s_KnotColor, searchContext); s_TangentColor.value = SettingsGUILayout.SettingsColorField("Tangent Color", s_TangentColor, searchContext); } const float k_SizeFactor = 0.15f; const float k_PickingDistance = 8f; const float k_HandleWidthDefault = 2f; const float k_HandleWidthHover = 4f; const float k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorDefault = 0.06f; const float k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorHover = 0.07f; const float k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorSelected = 0.085f; const float k_KnotRotDiscRadius = 0.18f; const float k_KnotRotDiscWidthDefault = 1.5f; const float k_KnotRotDiscWidthHover = 3f; const float k_KnotRotDiscWidthSelected = 4f; const float k_TangentLineWidthDefault = 2f; const float k_TangentLineWidthHover = 3.5f; const float k_TangentLineWidthSelected = 4.5f; const float k_TangentStartOffsetFromKnot = 0.22f; const float k_tangentEndOffsetFromHandle = 0.11f; const float k_AliasedLineSizeMultiplier = 0.5f; const int k_SegmentCount = 30; const float k_CurveLineWidth = 5f; const float k_PreviewCurveOpacity = 0.5f; const string k_TangentLineAATexPath = "Textures/TangentLineAATex"; static Texture2D s_ThickTangentLineAATex = Resources.Load(k_TangentLineAATexPath); static readonly Vector3[] s_CurveSegmentsBuffer = new Vector3[k_SegmentCount + 1]; static readonly Vector3[] s_SegmentBuffer = new Vector3[2]; static readonly Vector3[] s_AAWireDiscBuffer = new Vector3[18]; static ISplineElement s_LastHoveredTangent; static int s_LastHoveredTangentID; static List s_ElementChildIDs = new List(); internal static void DrawSplineHandles(IReadOnlyList paths, SplineHandlesOptions options) { for (int i = 0; i < paths.Count; ++i) { DrawSplineHandles(paths[i], options); } } internal static bool DrawSplineHandles(IEditableSpline spline, SplineHandlesOptions options, bool activeSpline = true) { int lastIndex = spline.closed ? spline.knotCount - 1 : spline.knotCount - 2; //If the spline isn't closed, skip the last index of the spline var isInsertingKnots = HasOption(options, SplineHandlesOptions.KnotInsert); int[] curveIDs = new int[0]; if(isInsertingKnots && lastIndex+1>=0) { curveIDs = new int[lastIndex+1]; for (int idIndex = 0; idIndex < lastIndex+1; ++idIndex) curveIDs[idIndex] = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); } activeSpline = curveIDs.Contains(HandleUtility.nearestControl) || activeSpline; for (int knotIndex = 0; knotIndex <= lastIndex; ++knotIndex) { var curve = new CurveData(spline, knotIndex); if (isInsertingKnots) CurveHandleWithKnotInsert(curve, curveIDs[knotIndex], activeSpline); else DrawCurve(curve); } var drawHandlesAsActive = curveIDs.Contains(HandleUtility.nearestControl) || activeSpline; for (int knotIndex = 0; knotIndex < spline.knotCount; ++knotIndex) { var knot = spline.GetKnot(knotIndex); if (HasOption(options, SplineHandlesOptions.ShowTangents)) { for (int tangentIndex = 0; tangentIndex < knot.tangentCount; ++tangentIndex) { //Not drawing unused tangents if (!spline.closed && ((knotIndex == 0 && tangentIndex == 0) || (knotIndex != 0 && knotIndex + 1 == spline.knotCount && tangentIndex + 1 == knot.tangentCount))) continue; var tangent = knot.GetTangent(tangentIndex); if (HasOption(options, SplineHandlesOptions.SelectableTangents)) { var tangentHandlelID = SelectionHandle(tangent); s_ElementChildIDs.Add(tangentHandlelID); } else DrawTangentHandle(tangent, -1, drawHandlesAsActive); } } if (HasOption(options, SplineHandlesOptions.SelectableKnots)) SelectionHandle(knot); else DrawKnotHandle(knot, null, drawHandlesAsActive); s_ElementChildIDs.Clear(); } if (s_LastHoveredTangent != null && Event.current.GetTypeForControl(s_LastHoveredTangentID) == EventType.Repaint) s_LastHoveredTangent = null; return activeSpline; } static bool HasOption(SplineHandlesOptions options, SplineHandlesOptions target) { return (options & target) == target; } internal static int SelectionHandle(ISplineElement element) { int id = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); Event evt = Event.current; EventType eventType = evt.GetTypeForControl(id); switch (eventType) { case EventType.Layout: if (!Tools.viewToolActive) { HandleUtility.AddControl(id, SplineHandleUtility.DistanceToCircle(element.position, k_PickingDistance)); if (element is EditableTangent) { if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id) { s_LastHoveredTangent = element; s_LastHoveredTangentID = id; } } } break; case EventType.MouseDown: if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == id) { //Clicking a knot selects it if (evt.button != 0) break; GUIUtility.hotControl = id; evt.Use(); //Add/Remove from knotSelection if (EditorGUI.actionKey || evt.modifiers == EventModifiers.Shift) { if (SplineSelection.Contains(element)) SplineSelection.Remove(element); else SplineSelection.Add(element); } else { SplineSelection.Clear(); SplineSelection.Add(element); } } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == id) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseMove: if (id == HandleUtility.nearestControl) HandleUtility.Repaint(); break; case EventType.Repaint: switch (element) { case EditableKnot knot: DrawKnotHandle(knot, id, s_ElementChildIDs); break; case EditableTangent tangent: DrawTangentHandle(tangent, id); break; } break; } return id; } internal static bool ButtonHandle(int controlID, EditableKnot knot, bool active) { Event evt = Event.current; EventType eventType = evt.GetTypeForControl(controlID); var position = knot.position; switch (eventType) { case EventType.Layout: { if(!Tools.viewToolActive) HandleUtility.AddControl(controlID, SplineHandleUtility.DistanceToKnot(position)); break; } case EventType.Repaint: DrawKnotHandle(knot, controlID, null, active); break; case EventType.MouseDown: if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlID) { //Clicking a knot selects it if (evt.button != 0) break; GUIUtility.hotControl = controlID; evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == controlID) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; evt.Use(); return true; } break; case EventType.MouseMove: if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlID) HandleUtility.Repaint(); break; } return false; } public static void CurveHandleWithKnotInsert(CurveData curve, int controlID, bool activeSpline) { Event evt = Event.current; EventType eventType = evt.GetTypeForControl(controlID); CurveHandleCap(curve, controlID, eventType, false, activeSpline); switch (eventType) { case EventType.Repaint: if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlID) { SplineHandleUtility.GetNearestPointOnCurve(curve, out Vector3 position, out float t); if(t > 0f && t < 1f) { var mouseRect = new Rect(evt.mousePosition - new Vector2(500, 500), new Vector2(1000, 1000)); EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(mouseRect, MouseCursor.ArrowPlus); var previewKnotRotation = quaternion.identity; if (curve.a.spline is BezierEditableSpline) { var bezierCurve = BezierCurve.FromTangent(curve.a.position, curve.a.GetTangent((int)BezierTangent.Out).direction, curve.b.position, curve.b.GetTangent((int)BezierTangent.In).direction); var up = CurveUtility.EvaluateUpVector(bezierCurve, t, math.rotate(curve.a.rotation, math.up()), math.rotate(curve.b.rotation, math.up())); var tangentOut = CurveUtility.EvaluateTangent(bezierCurve, t); previewKnotRotation = quaternion.LookRotationSafe(math.normalize(tangentOut), up); } DrawKnotHandle(position, previewKnotRotation, false, controlID, false, activeSpline); } } break; case EventType.MouseDown: if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlID) { if (evt.button != 0) break; SplineHandleUtility.GetNearestPointOnCurve(curve, out Vector3 position, out float t); //Do not place a new knot on an existing one to prevent creation of singularity points with bad tangents if(t > 0f && t < 1f) { EditableKnot knot = EditableSplineUtility.InsertKnotOnCurve(curve, position, t); if(!(evt.control || evt.shift)) SplineSelection.Clear(); SplineSelection.Add(knot); } evt.Use(); } break; case EventType.MouseMove: if(HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlID) HandleUtility.Repaint(); break; } } internal static void DrawKnotHandle(EditableKnot knot, List tangentControlIDs = null, bool activeSpline = true) { DrawKnotHandle(knot, -1, tangentControlIDs, activeSpline); } internal static void DrawKnotHandle(EditableKnot knot, int controlId = -1, List tangentControlIDs = null, bool activeSpline = true) { var mirroredTangentSelected = false; var mirroredTangentHovered = false; if (tangentControlIDs != null && knot is BezierEditableKnot bezierKnot && (bezierKnot.mode == BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Mirrored || bezierKnot.mode == BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Continuous)) { for (int i = 0; i < knot.tangentCount; i++) { var tangent = knot.GetTangent(i); if (SplineSelection.Contains(tangent)) { mirroredTangentSelected = true; break; } } if (!mirroredTangentSelected) { foreach (var tangentID in tangentControlIDs) { if (HandleUtility.nearestControl == tangentID) mirroredTangentHovered = true; } } } DrawKnotHandle(knot.position, knot.rotation, SplineSelection.Contains(knot), controlId, false, activeSpline, mirroredTangentSelected, mirroredTangentHovered); } internal static void DrawKnotHandle(Vector3 knotPosition, Quaternion knotRotation, bool selected, int controlId, bool preview = false, bool activeSpline = true, bool mirroredTangentSelected = false, bool mirroredTangentHovered = false) { if(Event.current.GetTypeForControl(controlId) != EventType.Repaint) return; var knotColor = s_KnotColor.value; if(preview) knotColor = Color.Lerp(Color.gray, Color.white, 0.5f); else if(selected) knotColor = Handles.selectedColor; else if(controlId > 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0 && HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlId) knotColor = Handles.preselectionColor; if(!activeSpline) knotColor = Handles.secondaryColor; var handleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(knotPosition); var hovered = HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlId; using (new Handles.DrawingScope(knotColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(knotPosition, knotRotation, { // Knot disc if (selected || hovered) { var radius = selected ? k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorSelected : k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorHover; Handles.DrawSolidDisc(, Vector3.up, radius * handleSize); } else Handles.DrawWireDisc(, Vector3.up, k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorDefault * handleSize, k_HandleWidthHover * k_AliasedLineSizeMultiplier); } var rotationDiscColor = knotColor; if (!selected && mirroredTangentSelected) rotationDiscColor = Handles.selectedColor; using (new Handles.DrawingScope(rotationDiscColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(knotPosition, knotRotation, { // Knot rotation indicators var rotationDiscWidth = k_KnotRotDiscWidthDefault; if (selected || mirroredTangentSelected) rotationDiscWidth = k_KnotRotDiscWidthSelected; else if (hovered || mirroredTangentHovered) rotationDiscWidth = k_KnotRotDiscWidthHover; DrawAAWireDisc(, Vector3.up, k_KnotRotDiscRadius * handleSize, rotationDiscWidth); s_SegmentBuffer[0] =; s_SegmentBuffer[1] = Vector3.up * 2f * k_SizeFactor * handleSize; Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(k_HandleWidthDefault, s_SegmentBuffer); } } internal static void DrawPreviewKnot(EditableKnot knot) { DrawKnotHandle(knot.position, knot.rotation, false, -1, true); } internal static void DrawTangentHandle(EditableTangent tangent, int controlId = -1, bool activeHandle = true) { if(Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) return; var knotPos = tangent.owner.position; var tangentPos = tangent.position; var tangentHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(tangentPos); var tangentColor = s_KnotColor.value; var selected = SplineSelection.Contains(tangent); var hovered = HandleUtility.nearestControl == controlId; if (selected) tangentColor = Handles.selectedColor; else if (hovered) tangentColor = Handles.preselectionColor; if(!activeHandle) tangentColor = Handles.secondaryColor; var tangentArmColor = tangentColor == s_KnotColor ? s_TangentColor.value : tangentColor; var oppositeSelected = IsOppositeTangentSelected(tangent); if (tangentArmColor == s_TangentColor && oppositeSelected) tangentArmColor = Handles.selectedColor; var oppositeHovered = IsOppositeTangentHovered(tangent); var mirrored = (tangent.owner is BezierEditableKnot bezierKnot) && bezierKnot.mode == BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Mirrored; using (new ColorScope(tangentArmColor)) { var width = k_TangentLineWidthDefault; if (selected || (mirrored && oppositeSelected)) width = k_TangentLineWidthSelected; else if (hovered || (mirrored && oppositeHovered)) width = k_TangentLineWidthHover; var tex = width > k_TangentLineWidthDefault ? s_ThickTangentLineAATex : null; var startPos = knotPos; var toTangent = tangentPos - knotPos; var toTangentNorm = math.normalize(toTangent); var length = math.length(toTangent); var knotHandleSize = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(startPos); var knotHandleOffset = knotHandleSize * k_TangentStartOffsetFromKnot; var tangentHandleOffset = tangentHandleSize * k_tangentEndOffsetFromHandle; // Reduce the length slightly, so that there's some space between tangent line endings and handles. length = Mathf.Max(0f, length - knotHandleOffset - tangentHandleOffset); startPos += toTangentNorm * knotHandleOffset; SplineHandleUtility.DrawLineWithWidth(startPos + toTangentNorm * length, startPos, width, tex); } var rotation = TransformOperation.CalculateElementSpaceHandleRotation(math.length(tangent.localPosition) >0 ? tangent : tangent.owner); using (new Handles.DrawingScope(tangentColor, Matrix4x4.TRS(tangent.position, rotation, { if (selected || hovered) { var radius = (selected ? k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorSelected : k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorHover) * tangentHandleSize; // As Handles.DrawSolidDisc has no thickness parameter, we're drawing a wire disc here so that the solid disc has thickness when viewed from a shallow angle. Handles.DrawWireDisc(, Vector3.up, radius * 0.7f, k_HandleWidthHover); Handles.DrawSolidDisc(, Vector3.up, radius); } else Handles.DrawWireDisc(, Vector3.up, k_KnotDiscRadiusFactorDefault * tangentHandleSize, k_HandleWidthHover * k_AliasedLineSizeMultiplier); } } static void DrawAAWireDisc(Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, float radius, float thickness) { // Right vector calculation here is identical to Handles.DrawWireDisc Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross(normal, Vector3.up); if ((double)right.sqrMagnitude < 1.0 / 1000.0) right = Vector3.Cross(normal, Vector3.right); var angleStep = 360f / (s_AAWireDiscBuffer.Length - 1); for (int i = 0; i < s_AAWireDiscBuffer.Length - 1; i++) { s_AAWireDiscBuffer[i] = position + right * radius; right = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleStep, normal) * right; } s_AAWireDiscBuffer[s_AAWireDiscBuffer.Length - 1] = s_AAWireDiscBuffer[0]; var tex = thickness > 2f ? s_ThickTangentLineAATex : null; Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(tex, thickness, s_AAWireDiscBuffer); } static bool IsOppositeTangentSelected(EditableTangent tangent) { return tangent.owner is BezierEditableKnot knot && knot.mode != BezierEditableKnot.Mode.Broken && knot.TryGetOppositeTangent(tangent, out EditableTangent oppositeTangent) && SplineSelection.Contains(oppositeTangent); } static bool IsOppositeTangentHovered(EditableTangent tangent) { return tangent.owner is BezierEditableKnot knot && knot.TryGetOppositeTangent(tangent, out EditableTangent oppositeTangent) && (s_LastHoveredTangent == oppositeTangent); } internal static void DrawCurve(CurveData curve) { Event evt = Event.current; if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) CurveHandleCap(curve, -1, EventType.Repaint); } internal static void CurveHandleCap(CurveData curve, int controlID, EventType eventType, bool previewCurve = false, bool activeSpline = true) { switch (eventType) { case EventType.Layout: { SplineHandleUtility.GetCurveSegments(curve, s_CurveSegmentsBuffer); float dist = float.MaxValue; for (var i = 0; i < s_CurveSegmentsBuffer.Length - 1; ++i) { var a = s_CurveSegmentsBuffer[i]; var b = s_CurveSegmentsBuffer[i + 1]; dist = Mathf.Min(HandleUtility.DistanceToLine(a, b), dist); } if (!Tools.viewToolActive) HandleUtility.AddControl(controlID, Mathf.Max(0, dist - k_PickingDistance)); break; } case EventType.Repaint: { SplineHandleUtility.GetCurveSegments(curve, s_CurveSegmentsBuffer); //We attenuate the spline display if a spline can be controlled (id != -1) and //if it's not the current active spline var attenuate = controlID != -1 && !activeSpline; var prevColor = Handles.color; var color = s_LineNormalFrontColor.value; if (attenuate) color = Handles.secondaryColor; if (previewCurve) color.a *= k_PreviewCurveOpacity; Handles.color = color; using (new ZTestScope(CompareFunction.Less)) { Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(k_CurveLineWidth, s_CurveSegmentsBuffer); } color = s_LineNormalBehindColor.value; if (attenuate) color = Handles.secondaryColor; if (previewCurve) color.a *= k_PreviewCurveOpacity; Handles.color = color; using (new ZTestScope(CompareFunction.Greater)) { Handles.DrawAAPolyLine(k_CurveLineWidth, s_CurveSegmentsBuffer); } Handles.color = prevColor; break; } } } } }