# Spline Container
Spline Container The **Spline Container** is the component that stores the knot information and how the knots should be interpolated with **Edit Mode Type** and **Closed**. The Edit Mode Type is a list of the different methods of interpolations; **Catmull Rom**, **Bezier** and **Linear**. The per knot list contains the **Local Position** and optionally if using Bezier the **Tangent In** and **Tangent Out** values. The **Closed** property enables the spline to be interpolated as an enclosed loop instead of an open path. | **Property** | **Description** | | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Edit Mode Type | The methods to interpolate the knots into a spline; Catmull Rom, Bezier, Linear | | Knots | The number of knots in the spline. | | Element # | The per knot information. | | Local Position | The position of the knot. | | Tangent In | If in Bezier mode, the inner tangent of the knot. | | Tangent Out | If in Bezier mode, the outer tangent of the knot. | | Closed | Enables the spline to be interpolated as an enclosed loop instead of an open path.|