using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Serialization
    struct JsonData<T> : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
        where T : JsonObject
        T m_Value;

        string m_Id;

        public T value => m_Value;

        public void OnBeforeSerialize()
            if (MultiJsonInternal.isSerializing && m_Value != null && MultiJsonInternal.serializedSet.Add(m_Id))

        public void OnAfterDeserialize()
            if (MultiJsonInternal.isDeserializing)
                    if (MultiJsonInternal.valueMap.TryGetValue(m_Id, out var value))
                        m_Value = value.CastTo<T>();

                        // cast may fail for unknown types, but we can still grab the id from the original UnknownType
                        m_Id = value.objectId;
                        Debug.LogError($"Missing {typeof(T).FullName} {m_Id}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    // TODO: Allow custom logging function

        public static implicit operator T(JsonData<T> jsonRef)
            return jsonRef.m_Value;

        public static implicit operator JsonData<T>(T value)
            return new JsonData<T> { m_Value = value, m_Id = value.objectId };

        public bool Equals(JsonData<T> other)
            return EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(m_Value, other.m_Value);

        public bool Equals(T other)
            return EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(m_Value, other);

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return obj is JsonData<T> other && Equals(other) || obj is T otherValue && Equals(otherValue);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return EqualityComparer<T>.Default.GetHashCode(m_Value);

        public static bool operator ==(JsonData<T> left, JsonData<T> right)
            return left.value == right.value;

        public static bool operator !=(JsonData<T> left, JsonData<T> right)
            return left.value != right.value;

        public static bool operator ==(JsonData<T> left, T right)
            return left.value == right;

        public static bool operator !=(JsonData<T> left, T right)
            return left.value != right;

        public static bool operator ==(T left, JsonData<T> right)
            return left == right.value;

        public static bool operator !=(T left, JsonData<T> right)
            return left != right.value;

        public static bool operator ==(JsonData<T> left, JsonRef<T> right)
            return left.value == right.value;

        public static bool operator !=(JsonData<T> left, JsonRef<T> right)
            return left.value != right.value;

        public static bool operator ==(JsonRef<T> left, JsonData<T> right)
            return left.value == right.value;

        public static bool operator !=(JsonRef<T> left, JsonData<T> right)
            return left.value != right.value;