using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using System; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal; using GraphDataStore = UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.DataStore<UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.GraphData>; using BlackboardItem = UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal.ShaderInput; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing { struct BlackboardShaderInputOrder { public bool isKeyword; public bool isDropdown; public KeywordType keywordType; public ShaderKeyword builtInKeyword; public string deprecatedPropertyName; public int version; } class BlackboardShaderInputFactory { static public ShaderInput GetShaderInput(BlackboardShaderInputOrder order) { ShaderInput output; if (order.isKeyword) { if (order.builtInKeyword == null) { output = new ShaderKeyword(order.keywordType); } else { output = order.builtInKeyword; } } else if (order.isDropdown) { output = new ShaderDropdown(); } else { switch (order.deprecatedPropertyName) { case "Color": output = new ColorShaderProperty(order.version); break; default: output = null; AssertHelpers.Fail("BlackboardShaderInputFactory: Unknown deprecated property type."); break; } } return output; } } class AddShaderInputAction : IGraphDataAction { public enum AddActionSource { Default, AddMenu } void AddShaderInput(GraphData graphData) { AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out AddShaderInputAction"); // If type property is valid, create instance of that type if (blackboardItemType != null && blackboardItemType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BlackboardItem))) { shaderInputReference = (BlackboardItem)Activator.CreateInstance(blackboardItemType, true); } else if (m_ShaderInputReferenceGetter != null) { shaderInputReference = m_ShaderInputReferenceGetter(); } // If type is null a direct override object must have been provided or else we are in an error-state else if (shaderInputReference == null) { AssertHelpers.Fail("BlackboardController: Unable to complete Add Shader Input action."); return; } shaderInputReference.generatePropertyBlock = shaderInputReference.isExposable; if (graphData.owner != null) graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Add Shader Input"); else AssertHelpers.Fail("GraphObject is null while carrying out AddShaderInputAction"); graphData.AddGraphInput(shaderInputReference); // If no categoryToAddItemToGuid is provided, add the input to the default category if (categoryToAddItemToGuid == String.Empty) { var defaultCategory = graphData.categories.FirstOrDefault(); AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(defaultCategory, "Default category reference is null."); if (defaultCategory != null) { var addItemToCategoryAction = new AddItemToCategoryAction(); addItemToCategoryAction.categoryGuid = defaultCategory.categoryGuid; addItemToCategoryAction.itemToAdd = shaderInputReference; graphData.owner.graphDataStore.Dispatch(addItemToCategoryAction); } } else { var addItemToCategoryAction = new AddItemToCategoryAction(); addItemToCategoryAction.categoryGuid = categoryToAddItemToGuid; addItemToCategoryAction.itemToAdd = shaderInputReference; graphData.owner.graphDataStore.Dispatch(addItemToCategoryAction); } } public static AddShaderInputAction AddDeprecatedPropertyAction(BlackboardShaderInputOrder order) { return new() { shaderInputReference = BlackboardShaderInputFactory.GetShaderInput(order), addInputActionType = AddShaderInputAction.AddActionSource.AddMenu }; } public static AddShaderInputAction AddDropdownAction(BlackboardShaderInputOrder order) { return new() { shaderInputReference = BlackboardShaderInputFactory.GetShaderInput(order), addInputActionType = AddShaderInputAction.AddActionSource.AddMenu }; } public static AddShaderInputAction AddKeywordAction(BlackboardShaderInputOrder order) { return new() { shaderInputReference = BlackboardShaderInputFactory.GetShaderInput(order), addInputActionType = AddShaderInputAction.AddActionSource.AddMenu }; } public static AddShaderInputAction AddPropertyAction(Type shaderInputType) { return new() { blackboardItemType = shaderInputType, addInputActionType = AddShaderInputAction.AddActionSource.AddMenu }; } public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => AddShaderInput; // If this is a subclass of ShaderInput and is not null, then an object of this type is created to add to blackboard // If the type field above is null and this is provided, then it is directly used as the item to add to blackboard public BlackboardItem shaderInputReference { get; set; } public AddActionSource addInputActionType { get; set; } public string categoryToAddItemToGuid { get; set; } = String.Empty; Type blackboardItemType { get; set; } Func<BlackboardItem> m_ShaderInputReferenceGetter = null; } class ChangeGraphPathAction : IGraphDataAction { void ChangeGraphPath(GraphData graphData) { AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out ChangeGraphPathAction"); graphData.path = NewGraphPath; } public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => ChangeGraphPath; public string NewGraphPath { get; set; } } class CopyShaderInputAction : IGraphDataAction { void CopyShaderInput(GraphData graphData) { AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out CopyShaderInputAction"); AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(shaderInputToCopy, "ShaderInputToCopy is null while carrying out CopyShaderInputAction"); // Don't handle undo here as there are different contexts in which this action is used, that define the undo action // TODO: Perhaps a sign that each of those need to be made their own actions instead of conflating intent into a single action switch (shaderInputToCopy) { case AbstractShaderProperty property: insertIndex = Mathf.Clamp(insertIndex, -1, - 1); var copiedProperty = (AbstractShaderProperty)graphData.AddCopyOfShaderInput(property, insertIndex); if (copiedProperty != null) // some property types cannot be duplicated (unknown types) { // Update the property nodes that depends on the copied node foreach (var node in dependentNodeList) { if (node is PropertyNode propertyNode) { propertyNode.owner = graphData; = copiedProperty; } } } copiedShaderInput = copiedProperty; break; case ShaderKeyword shaderKeyword: // InsertIndex gets passed in relative to the blackboard position of an item overall, // and not relative to the array sizes of the properties/keywords/dropdowns var keywordInsertIndex = insertIndex -; keywordInsertIndex = Mathf.Clamp(keywordInsertIndex, -1, graphData.keywords.Count() - 1); // Don't duplicate built-in keywords within the same graph if (shaderKeyword.isBuiltIn && graphData.keywords.Any(p => p.referenceName == shaderInputToCopy.referenceName)) return; var copiedKeyword = (ShaderKeyword)graphData.AddCopyOfShaderInput(shaderKeyword, keywordInsertIndex); // Update the keyword nodes that depends on the copied node foreach (var node in dependentNodeList) { if (node is KeywordNode propertyNode) { propertyNode.owner = graphData; propertyNode.keyword = copiedKeyword; } } copiedShaderInput = copiedKeyword; break; case ShaderDropdown shaderDropdown: // InsertIndex gets passed in relative to the blackboard position of an item overall, // and not relative to the array sizes of the properties/keywords/dropdowns var dropdownInsertIndex = insertIndex - - graphData.keywords.Count(); dropdownInsertIndex = Mathf.Clamp(dropdownInsertIndex, -1, graphData.dropdowns.Count() - 1); var copiedDropdown = (ShaderDropdown)graphData.AddCopyOfShaderInput(shaderDropdown, dropdownInsertIndex); // Update the dropdown nodes that depends on the copied node foreach (var node in dependentNodeList) { if (node is DropdownNode propertyNode) { propertyNode.owner = graphData; propertyNode.dropdown = copiedDropdown; } } copiedShaderInput = copiedDropdown; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } if (copiedShaderInput != null) { // If specific category to copy to is provided, find and use it foreach (var category in graphData.categories) { if (category.categoryGuid == containingCategoryGuid) { // Ensures that the new item gets added after the item it was duplicated from insertIndex += 1; // If the source item was already the last item in list, just add to end of list if (insertIndex >= category.childCount) insertIndex = -1; graphData.InsertItemIntoCategory(category.objectId, copiedShaderInput, insertIndex); return; } } // Else, add to default category graphData.categories.First().InsertItemIntoCategory(copiedShaderInput); } } public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => CopyShaderInput; public IEnumerable<AbstractMaterialNode> dependentNodeList { get; set; } = new List<AbstractMaterialNode>(); public BlackboardItem shaderInputToCopy { get; set; } public BlackboardItem copiedShaderInput { get; set; } public string containingCategoryGuid { get; set; } public int insertIndex { get; set; } = -1; } class AddCategoryAction : IGraphDataAction { void AddCategory(GraphData graphData) { AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out AddCategoryAction"); graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Add Category"); // If categoryDataReference is not null, directly add it to graphData if (categoryDataReference == null) categoryDataReference = new CategoryData(categoryName, childObjects); graphData.AddCategory(categoryDataReference); } public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => AddCategory; // Direct reference to the categoryData to use if it is specified public CategoryData categoryDataReference { get; set; } public string categoryName { get; set; } = String.Empty; public List<ShaderInput> childObjects { get; set; } } class MoveCategoryAction : IGraphDataAction { void MoveCategory(GraphData graphData) { AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out MoveCategoryAction"); graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Move Category"); // Handling for out of range moves is slightly different, but otherwise we need to reverse for insertion order. var guids = newIndexValue >= graphData.categories.Count() ? categoryGuids : categoryGuids.Reverse<string>(); foreach (var guid in categoryGuids) { var cat = graphData.categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.categoryGuid == guid); graphData.MoveCategory(cat, newIndexValue); } } public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => MoveCategory; // Reference to the shader input being modified internal List<string> categoryGuids { get; set; } internal int newIndexValue { get; set; } } class AddItemToCategoryAction : IGraphDataAction { public enum AddActionSource { Default, DragDrop } void AddItemsToCategory(GraphData graphData) { AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out AddItemToCategoryAction"); graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Add Item to Category"); graphData.InsertItemIntoCategory(categoryGuid, itemToAdd, indexToAddItemAt); } public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => AddItemsToCategory; public string categoryGuid { get; set; } public ShaderInput itemToAdd { get; set; } // By default an item is always added to the end of a category, if this value is set to something other than -1, will insert the item at that position within the category public int indexToAddItemAt { get; set; } = -1; public AddActionSource addActionSource { get; set; } } class CopyCategoryAction : IGraphDataAction { void CopyCategory(GraphData graphData) { AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(graphData, "GraphData is null while carrying out CopyCategoryAction"); AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(categoryToCopyReference, "CategoryToCopyReference is null while carrying out CopyCategoryAction"); // This is called by MaterialGraphView currently, no need to repeat it here, though ideally it would live here //graphData.owner.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Copy Category"); newCategoryDataReference = graphData.CopyCategory(categoryToCopyReference); } // Reference to the new category created as a copy public CategoryData newCategoryDataReference { get; set; } // After category has been copied, store reference to it public CategoryData categoryToCopyReference { get; set; } public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => CopyCategory; } class ShaderVariantLimitAction : IGraphDataAction { public int currentVariantCount { get; set; } = 0; public int maxVariantCount { get; set; } = 0; public ShaderVariantLimitAction(int currentVariantCount, int maxVariantCount) { this.maxVariantCount = maxVariantCount; this.currentVariantCount = currentVariantCount; } // There's no action actually performed on the graph, but we need to implement this as a valid function public Action<GraphData> modifyGraphDataAction => Empty; void Empty(GraphData graphData) { } } class BlackboardController : SGViewController<GraphData, BlackboardViewModel> { // Type changes (adds/removes of Types) only happen after a full assembly reload so its safe to make this static static IList<Type> s_ShaderInputTypes; static BlackboardController() { var shaderInputTypes = TypeCache.GetTypesWithAttribute<BlackboardInputInfo>().ToList(); // Sort the ShaderInput by priority using the BlackboardInputInfo attribute shaderInputTypes.Sort((s1, s2) => { var info1 = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(s1, typeof(BlackboardInputInfo)) as BlackboardInputInfo; var info2 = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(s2, typeof(BlackboardInputInfo)) as BlackboardInputInfo; if (info1.priority == info2.priority) return ( ?? s1.Name).CompareTo( ?? s2.Name); else return info1.priority.CompareTo(info2.priority); }); s_ShaderInputTypes = shaderInputTypes.ToList(); } BlackboardCategoryController m_DefaultCategoryController = null; Dictionary<string, BlackboardCategoryController> m_BlackboardCategoryControllers = new Dictionary<string, BlackboardCategoryController>(); SGBlackboard m_Blackboard; internal SGBlackboard blackboard { get => m_Blackboard; private set => m_Blackboard = value; } public string GetFirstSelectedCategoryGuid() { if (m_Blackboard == null) { return string.Empty; } var copiedSelectionList = new List<ISelectable>(m_Blackboard.selection); var selectedCategories = new List<SGBlackboardCategory>(); var selectedCategoryGuid = String.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < copiedSelectionList.Count; i++) { var selectable = copiedSelectionList[i]; if (selectable is SGBlackboardCategory category) { selectedCategories.Add(selectable as SGBlackboardCategory); } } if (selectedCategories.Any()) { selectedCategoryGuid = selectedCategories[0].viewModel.associatedCategoryGuid; } return selectedCategoryGuid; } void InitializeViewModel(bool useDropdowns) { // Clear the view model ViewModel.ResetViewModelData(); ViewModel.subtitle = BlackboardUtils.FormatPath(Model.path); BlackboardShaderInputOrder propertyTypesOrder = new BlackboardShaderInputOrder(); // Property data first foreach (var shaderInputType in s_ShaderInputTypes) { if (shaderInputType.IsAbstract) continue; var info = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(shaderInputType, typeof(BlackboardInputInfo)) as BlackboardInputInfo; string name = info?.name ?? ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(shaderInputType.Name.Replace("ShaderProperty", "")); // QUICK FIX TO DEAL WITH DEPRECATED COLOR PROPERTY if (name.Equals("Color", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && ShaderGraphPreferences.allowDeprecatedBehaviors) { propertyTypesOrder.isKeyword = false; propertyTypesOrder.deprecatedPropertyName = name; propertyTypesOrder.version = ColorShaderProperty.deprecatedVersion; ViewModel.propertyNameToAddActionMap.Add("Color (Deprecated)", AddShaderInputAction.AddDeprecatedPropertyAction(propertyTypesOrder)); ViewModel.propertyNameToAddActionMap.Add(name, AddShaderInputAction.AddPropertyAction(shaderInputType)); } else ViewModel.propertyNameToAddActionMap.Add(name, AddShaderInputAction.AddPropertyAction(shaderInputType)); } // Default Keywords next BlackboardShaderInputOrder keywordTypesOrder = new BlackboardShaderInputOrder(); keywordTypesOrder.isKeyword = true; keywordTypesOrder.keywordType = KeywordType.Boolean; ViewModel.defaultKeywordNameToAddActionMap.Add("Boolean", AddShaderInputAction.AddKeywordAction(keywordTypesOrder)); keywordTypesOrder.keywordType = KeywordType.Enum; ViewModel.defaultKeywordNameToAddActionMap.Add("Enum", AddShaderInputAction.AddKeywordAction(keywordTypesOrder)); // Built-In Keywords after that foreach (var builtinKeywordDescriptor in KeywordUtil.GetBuiltinKeywordDescriptors()) { var keyword = ShaderKeyword.CreateBuiltInKeyword(builtinKeywordDescriptor); // Do not allow user to add built-in keywords that conflict with user-made keywords that have the same reference name or display name if (Model.keywords.Any(x => x.referenceName == keyword.referenceName || x.displayName == keyword.displayName)) { ViewModel.disabledKeywordNameList.Add(keyword.displayName); } else { keywordTypesOrder.builtInKeyword = (ShaderKeyword)keyword.Copy(); ViewModel.builtInKeywordNameToAddActionMap.Add(keyword.displayName, AddShaderInputAction.AddKeywordAction(keywordTypesOrder)); } } if (useDropdowns) { BlackboardShaderInputOrder dropdownsOrder = new BlackboardShaderInputOrder(); dropdownsOrder.isDropdown = true; ViewModel.defaultDropdownNameToAdd = new Tuple<string, IGraphDataAction>("Dropdown", AddShaderInputAction.AddDropdownAction(dropdownsOrder)); } // Category data last var defaultNewCategoryReference = new CategoryData("Category"); ViewModel.addCategoryAction = new AddCategoryAction() { categoryDataReference = defaultNewCategoryReference }; ViewModel.requestModelChangeAction = this.RequestModelChange; ViewModel.categoryInfoList.AddRange(DataStore.State.categories.ToList()); } internal BlackboardController(GraphData model, BlackboardViewModel inViewModel, GraphDataStore graphDataStore) : base(model, inViewModel, graphDataStore) { // TODO: hide this more generically for category types. bool useDropdowns = model.isSubGraph; InitializeViewModel(useDropdowns); blackboard = new SGBlackboard(ViewModel, this); // Add default category at the top of the blackboard (create it if it doesn't exist already) var existingDefaultCategory = DataStore.State.categories.FirstOrDefault(); if (existingDefaultCategory != null && existingDefaultCategory.IsNamedCategory() == false) { AddBlackboardCategory(graphDataStore, existingDefaultCategory); } else { // Any properties that don't already have a category (for example, if this graph is being loaded from an older version that doesn't have category data) var uncategorizedBlackboardItems = new List<ShaderInput>(); foreach (var shaderProperty in if (IsInputUncategorized(shaderProperty)) uncategorizedBlackboardItems.Add(shaderProperty); foreach (var shaderKeyword in DataStore.State.keywords) if (IsInputUncategorized(shaderKeyword)) uncategorizedBlackboardItems.Add(shaderKeyword); if (useDropdowns) { foreach (var shaderDropdown in DataStore.State.dropdowns) if (IsInputUncategorized(shaderDropdown)) uncategorizedBlackboardItems.Add(shaderDropdown); } var addCategoryAction = new AddCategoryAction(); addCategoryAction.categoryDataReference = CategoryData.DefaultCategory(uncategorizedBlackboardItems); graphDataStore.Dispatch(addCategoryAction); } // Get the reference to default category controller after its been added m_DefaultCategoryController = m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Values.FirstOrDefault(); AssertHelpers.IsNotNull(m_DefaultCategoryController, "Failed to instantiate default category."); // Handle loaded-in categories from graph first, skipping the first/default category foreach (var categoryData in ViewModel.categoryInfoList.Skip(1)) { AddBlackboardCategory(graphDataStore, categoryData); } } internal string editorPrefsBaseKey => "unity.shadergraph." + DataStore.State.objectId; BlackboardCategoryController AddBlackboardCategory(GraphDataStore graphDataStore, CategoryData categoryInfo) { var blackboardCategoryViewModel = new BlackboardCategoryViewModel(); blackboardCategoryViewModel.parentView = blackboard; blackboardCategoryViewModel.requestModelChangeAction = ViewModel.requestModelChangeAction; =; blackboardCategoryViewModel.associatedCategoryGuid = categoryInfo.categoryGuid; blackboardCategoryViewModel.isExpanded = EditorPrefs.GetBool($"{editorPrefsBaseKey}.{categoryInfo.categoryGuid}.{ChangeCategoryIsExpandedAction.kEditorPrefKey}", true); var blackboardCategoryController = new BlackboardCategoryController(categoryInfo, blackboardCategoryViewModel, graphDataStore); if (m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.ContainsKey(categoryInfo.categoryGuid) == false) { m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Add(categoryInfo.categoryGuid, blackboardCategoryController); } else { AssertHelpers.Fail("Failed to add category controller due to category with same GUID already having been added."); return null; } return blackboardCategoryController; } // Creates controller, view and view model for a blackboard item and adds the view to the specified index in the category SGBlackboardRow InsertBlackboardRow(BlackboardItem shaderInput, int insertionIndex = -1) { return m_DefaultCategoryController.InsertBlackboardRow(shaderInput, insertionIndex); } public void UpdateBlackboardTitle(string newTitle) { ViewModel.title = newTitle; blackboard.title = ViewModel.title; } protected override void RequestModelChange(IGraphDataAction changeAction) { DataStore.Dispatch(changeAction); } // Called by GraphDataStore.Subscribe after the model has been changed protected override void ModelChanged(GraphData graphData, IGraphDataAction changeAction) { // Reconstruct view-model first // TODO: hide this more generically for category types. bool useDropdowns = graphData.isSubGraph; InitializeViewModel(useDropdowns); var graphView = ViewModel.parentView as MaterialGraphView; switch (changeAction) { // If newly added input doesn't belong to any of the user-made categories, add it to the default category at top of blackboard case AddShaderInputAction addBlackboardItemAction: if (IsInputUncategorized(addBlackboardItemAction.shaderInputReference)) { var blackboardRow = InsertBlackboardRow(addBlackboardItemAction.shaderInputReference); if (blackboardRow != null) { var propertyView = blackboardRow.Q<SGBlackboardField>(); if (addBlackboardItemAction.addInputActionType == AddShaderInputAction.AddActionSource.AddMenu) propertyView.OpenTextEditor(); } } break; // Need to handle deletion of shader inputs here as opposed to BlackboardCategoryController, as currently, // once removed from the categories there is no way to associate an input with the category that owns it case DeleteShaderInputAction deleteShaderInputAction: foreach (var shaderInput in deleteShaderInputAction.shaderInputsToDelete) RemoveInputFromBlackboard(shaderInput); break; case HandleUndoRedoAction handleUndoRedoAction: ClearBlackboardCategories(); foreach (var categoryData in graphData.addedCategories) AddBlackboardCategory(DataStore, categoryData); m_DefaultCategoryController = m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Values.FirstOrDefault(); break; case CopyShaderInputAction copyShaderInputAction: // In the specific case of only-one keywords like Material Quality and Raytracing, they can get copied, but because only one can exist, the output copied value is null if (copyShaderInputAction.copiedShaderInput != null && IsInputUncategorized(copyShaderInputAction.copiedShaderInput)) { var blackboardRow = InsertBlackboardRow(copyShaderInputAction.copiedShaderInput, copyShaderInputAction.insertIndex); var propertyView = blackboardRow.Q<SGBlackboardField>(); graphView?.AddToSelectionNoUndoRecord(propertyView); } break; case AddCategoryAction addCategoryAction: AddBlackboardCategory(DataStore, addCategoryAction.categoryDataReference); // Iterate through anything that is selected currently foreach (var selectedElement in blackboard.selection.ToList()) { if (selectedElement is SGBlackboardField { userData: ShaderInput shaderInput }) { // If a blackboard item is selected, first remove it from the blackboard RemoveInputFromBlackboard(shaderInput); // Then add input to the new category var addItemToCategoryAction = new AddItemToCategoryAction(); addItemToCategoryAction.categoryGuid = addCategoryAction.categoryDataReference.categoryGuid; addItemToCategoryAction.itemToAdd = shaderInput; DataStore.Dispatch(addItemToCategoryAction); } } break; case DeleteCategoryAction deleteCategoryAction: // Clean up deleted categories foreach (var categoryGUID in deleteCategoryAction.categoriesToRemoveGuids) { RemoveBlackboardCategory(categoryGUID); } break; case MoveCategoryAction moveCategoryAction: ClearBlackboardCategories(); foreach (var categoryData in ViewModel.categoryInfoList) AddBlackboardCategory(graphData.owner.graphDataStore, categoryData); break; case CopyCategoryAction copyCategoryAction: var blackboardCategory = AddBlackboardCategory(graphData.owner.graphDataStore, copyCategoryAction.newCategoryDataReference); if (blackboardCategory != null) graphView?.AddToSelectionNoUndoRecord(blackboardCategory.blackboardCategoryView); break; case ShaderVariantLimitAction shaderVariantLimitAction: blackboard.SetCurrentVariantUsage(shaderVariantLimitAction.currentVariantCount, shaderVariantLimitAction.maxVariantCount); break; } // Lets all event handlers this controller owns/manages know that the model has changed // Usually this is to update views and make them reconstruct themself from updated view-model //NotifyChange(changeAction); // Let child controllers know about changes to this controller so they may update themselves in turn //ApplyChanges(); } void RemoveInputFromBlackboard(ShaderInput shaderInput) { // Check if input is in one of the categories foreach (var controller in m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Values) { var blackboardRow = controller.FindBlackboardRow(shaderInput); if (blackboardRow != null) { controller.RemoveBlackboardRow(shaderInput); return; } } } bool IsInputUncategorized(ShaderInput shaderInput) { // Skip the first category controller as that is guaranteed to be the default category foreach (var categoryController in m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Values.Skip(1)) { if (categoryController.IsInputInCategory(shaderInput)) return false; } return true; } public SGBlackboardCategory GetBlackboardCategory(string inputGuid) { foreach (var categoryController in m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Values) { if (categoryController.Model.categoryGuid == inputGuid) return categoryController.blackboardCategoryView; } return null; } public SGBlackboardRow GetBlackboardRow(ShaderInput blackboardItem) { foreach (var categoryController in m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Values) { var blackboardRow = categoryController.FindBlackboardRow(blackboardItem); if (blackboardRow != null) return blackboardRow; } return null; } int numberOfCategories => m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Count; // Gets the index after the currently selected shader input for pasting properties into this graph internal int GetInsertionIndexForPaste() { if (blackboard?.selection == null || blackboard.selection.Count == 0) { return 0; } foreach (ISelectable selection in blackboard.selection) { if (selection is SGBlackboardField blackboardPropertyView) { SGBlackboardRow row = blackboardPropertyView.GetFirstAncestorOfType<SGBlackboardRow>(); SGBlackboardCategory category = blackboardPropertyView.GetFirstAncestorOfType<SGBlackboardCategory>(); if (row == null || category == null) continue; int blackboardFieldIndex = category.IndexOf(row); return blackboardFieldIndex; } } return 0; } void RemoveBlackboardCategory(string categoryGUID) { m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.TryGetValue(categoryGUID, out var blackboardCategoryController); if (blackboardCategoryController != null) { blackboardCategoryController.Destroy(); m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Remove(categoryGUID); } else AssertHelpers.Fail("Tried to remove a category that doesn't exist. "); } void ClearBlackboardCategories() { foreach (var categoryController in m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Values) { categoryController.Destroy(); } m_BlackboardCategoryControllers.Clear(); } // Meant to be used by UI testing in order to clear blackboard state internal void ResetBlackboardState() { ClearBlackboardCategories(); var addCategoryAction = new AddCategoryAction(); addCategoryAction.categoryDataReference = CategoryData.DefaultCategory(); DataStore.Dispatch(addCategoryAction); } } }