using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.ResourceLocations
/// Basic implementation of IResourceLocation
public class ResourceLocationBase : IResourceLocation
string m_Name;
string m_Id;
string m_ProviderId;
object m_Data;
int m_DependencyHashCode;
int m_HashCode;
Type m_Type;
List m_Dependencies;
string m_PrimaryKey;
/// Internal id.
public string InternalId
get { return m_Id; }
/// Provider Id. This is usually set to the FullName property of the type of the provider class.
public string ProviderId
get { return m_ProviderId; }
/// List of dependencies that must be loaded before this location. This value may be null.
public IList Dependencies
get { return m_Dependencies; }
/// Convenience method to see if there are any dependencies.
public bool HasDependencies
get { return m_Dependencies != null && m_Dependencies.Count > 0; }
/// Data that is intended for the provider. Objects can be serialized during the build process to be used by the provider. An example of usage is cache usage data for AssetBundleProvider.
public object Data
get { return m_Data; }
set { m_Data = value; }
public string PrimaryKey
get { return m_PrimaryKey; }
set { m_PrimaryKey = value; }
/// Precomputed hash code of dependencies.
public int DependencyHashCode
get { return m_DependencyHashCode; }
/// The type of the resource for th location.
public Type ResourceType
get { return m_Type; }
/// Compute the hash of this location for the specified type.
/// The type to hash with.
/// The combined hash code of the location and type.
public int Hash(Type t)
return (m_HashCode * 31 + t.GetHashCode()) * 31 + DependencyHashCode;
/// Returns the Internal name used by the provider to load this location
public override string ToString()
return m_Id;
/// Construct a new ResourceLocationBase.
/// The name of the location. This is usually set to the primary key, or "address" of the location.
/// The internal id of the location. This is used by the IResourceProvider to identify the object to provide. For example this may contain the file path or url of an asset.
/// The provider id. This is set to the FullName of the type of the provder class.
/// The type of the object to provide.
/// Locations for the dependencies of this location.
public ResourceLocationBase(string name, string id, string providerId, Type t, params IResourceLocation[] dependencies)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerId))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(providerId));
m_PrimaryKey = name;
m_HashCode = (name.GetHashCode() * 31 + id.GetHashCode()) * 31 + providerId.GetHashCode();
m_Name = name;
m_Id = id;
m_ProviderId = providerId;
m_Dependencies = new List(dependencies);
m_Type = t == null ? typeof(object) : t;
/// Compute the dependency hash for this location
public void ComputeDependencyHash() // TODO: dependency hash is no longer just objects
m_DependencyHashCode = m_Dependencies.Count > 0 ? 17 : 0;
foreach (var d in m_Dependencies)
m_DependencyHashCode = m_DependencyHashCode * 31 + d.Hash(typeof(object));
internal class LocationWrapper : IResourceLocation
IResourceLocation m_InternalLocation;
public LocationWrapper(IResourceLocation location)
m_InternalLocation = location;
public string InternalId => m_InternalLocation.InternalId;
public string ProviderId => m_InternalLocation.ProviderId;
public IList Dependencies => m_InternalLocation.Dependencies;
public int DependencyHashCode => m_InternalLocation.DependencyHashCode;
public bool HasDependencies => m_InternalLocation.HasDependencies;
public object Data => m_InternalLocation.Data;
public string PrimaryKey => m_InternalLocation.PrimaryKey;
public Type ResourceType => m_InternalLocation.ResourceType;
public int Hash(Type resultType)
return m_InternalLocation.Hash(resultType);