using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Mathematics; using Unity.Burst; using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using Unity.Jobs; namespace SLZ.CustomStaticBatching { public struct SortIdx : IComparable { public UInt64 hilbertIdx; public int arrayIdx; public int CompareTo(SortIdx other) { if (this.hilbertIdx > other.hilbertIdx) return 1; else if (this.hilbertIdx < other.hilbertIdx) return -1; else return 0; } } public static class HilbertIndex { [BurstCompile] struct HilbertIndexJob : IJobParallelFor { [WriteOnly] public NativeArray indices; [ReadOnly] public NativeArray positions; [ReadOnly] public double3 boundExtent; [ReadOnly] public double3 boundCenter; [ReadOnly] public double3 scale; public void Execute(int i) { double3 position = (double3)(float3)positions[i]; position = (scale * (position - boundCenter) + boundExtent) / (2.0 * boundExtent); position = math.clamp(position, 0.0, 1.0); uint3 intPos = (uint3)((position * 2097152.0d)); // 2 ^ 21 intPos = intPos & ((2 << 21) - 1); indices[i] = GetIndex(; } } /// /// Given an unsigned 21-bit integer coordinate of a point within some bounding volume, return the point's distance along a 21-fold hilbert curve. /// Based on the AxestoTranspose function found in the appendix of John Skilling; Programming the Hilbert curve. AIP Conference Proceedings 21 April 2004; 707 (1): 381–387. /// /// 3d unsigned integer coordinate of the point inside of a defined bounding volume. /// The Hilbert index [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] //[BurstCompatible] [BurstCompile] public static UInt64 GetIndex(uint3 boundingCoord) { int bits = 21; uint highestBit = 1U << (bits - 1); for (uint nextBit = highestBit; nextBit > 1; nextBit >>= 1) { uint allBitsSet = nextBit - 1; for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { if ((boundingCoord[axis] & nextBit) != 0) { boundingCoord[0] ^= allBitsSet; } else { uint t = (boundingCoord[0] ^ boundingCoord[axis]) & allBitsSet; boundingCoord[0] ^= t; boundingCoord[axis] ^= t; } } } for (int axis = 1; axis < 3; axis++) { boundingCoord[axis] ^= boundingCoord[axis - 1]; } uint t2 = 0; for (uint nextBit = highestBit; nextBit > 1; nextBit >>= 1) { if ((boundingCoord[3 - 1] & nextBit) != 0) t2 ^= nextBit - 1; } for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { boundingCoord[axis] ^= t2; } return Interleave63Bits(boundingCoord.zyx); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] //[BurstCompatible] [BurstCompile] public static UInt64 Interleave63Bits(uint3 value) { Span longVal = stackalloc UInt64[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { longVal[i] = value[i] & 0x1fffff; longVal[i] = (longVal[i] | longVal[i] << 32) & 0x1f00000000ffff; longVal[i] = (longVal[i] | longVal[i] << 16) & 0x1f0000ff0000ff; longVal[i] = (longVal[i] | longVal[i] << 8) & 0x100f00f00f00f00f; longVal[i] = (longVal[i] | longVal[i] << 4) & 0x10c30c30c30c30c3; longVal[i] = (longVal[i] | longVal[i] << 2) & 0x1249249249249249; } return longVal[0] | longVal[1] << 1 | longVal[2] << 2; } public static NativeArray GetHilbertIndices(NativeArray positions, Bounds bounds, Allocator allocator) { return GetHilbertIndices(positions, bounds,, allocator); } public static NativeArray GetHilbertIndices(NativeArray positions, Bounds bounds, Vector3 scale, Allocator allocator) { NativeArray indices = new NativeArray(positions.Length, allocator); HilbertIndexJob indexJob = new HilbertIndexJob() { indices = indices, positions = positions, boundExtent = (double3)(float3)bounds.extents, boundCenter = (double3)(float3), scale = (double3)math.saturate((float3)scale) }; JobHandle indexJobHandle = indexJob.Schedule(positions.Length, 8); indexJobHandle.Complete(); return indices; } } }