{ namespace, hostname, config, ... }: with lib; with lib.${namespace}; let cfg = config.${namespace}.services.traefik; in { options.${namespace}.services.traefik = { enable = mkEnableOption "Enable the Traefik service."; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [80 443]; systemd.services.traefik = { environment = { CF_API_EMAIL = "johannesreckers2006@gmail.com"; }; }; services.traefik = { enable = true; staticConfigOptions = { log = { level = "INFO"; filePath = "/var/log/traefik.log"; noColor = false; maxSize = 100; compress = true; }; api = { dashboard = true; insecure = true; }; providers = { docker = { exposedByDefault = false; network = "proxy"; }; }; certificatesResolvers = { letsencrypt = { acme = { email = "johannesreckers2006@gmail.com"; storage = "/var/lib/traefik/acme.json"; dnsChallenge = { provider = "cloudflare"; resolvers = ["" ""]; }; }; }; }; entryPoints.web = { address = ":80"; http.redirections.entryPoint = { to = "websecure"; scheme = "https"; permanent = true; }; }; entryPoints.websecure = { address = ":443"; http.tls = { certResolver = "letsencrypt"; domains = [ { main = "voidtales.dev"; sans = ["*.voidtales.dev"]; } { main = "voxtek.enterprises"; sans = ["*.voxtek.enterprises"]; } { main = "thevoid.cafe"; sans = ["*.thevoid.cafe"]; } { main = "reckers.dev"; sans = ["*.reckers.dev"]; } { main = "rhysbot.co.uk"; sans = ["*.rhysbot.co.uk"]; } ]; }; }; }; }; # Todo: continue with "traefik" configuration and test it on a running system # Todo: setup sops-nix for secret management }; }